diff --git a/dist/scripts/api-console.js b/dist/scripts/api-console.js
index 99d46b59d..391a0e831 100644
--- a/dist/scripts/api-console.js
+++ b/dist/scripts/api-console.js
@@ -5543,15 +5543,18 @@ RAML.Inspector = (function() {
if (info) {
Object.keys(info).map(function (key) {
if (typeof field === 'undefined' || field === key) {
- if (typeof info[key][0]['enum'] === 'undefined') {
- if (info[key][0].type === 'date' && typeof info[key][0].example === 'object') {
- info[key][0].example = info[key][0].example.toUTCString();
+ var parameter = info[key][0];
+ if (typeof parameter['enum'] === 'undefined') {
+ if (parameter.type === 'date' && typeof parameter.example === 'object') {
+ parameter.example = parameter.example.toUTCString();
- if (info[key][0].example) {
- that.values[key][0] = info[key][0].example;
- } else if (info[key][0].examples && info[key][0].examples[0] && info[key][0].examples[0].value) {
- that.values[key][0] = info[key][0].examples[0].value;
+ if (parameter.example) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.example;
+ } else if (parameter.type === 'boolean' && parameter.hasOwnProperty('example')) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.example;
+ } else if (parameter.examples && parameter.examples[0] && parameter.examples[0].value) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.examples[0].value;
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/Invoice.xml b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/Invoice.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..7219387c0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/Invoice.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
+ 103001-00
+ 103001
+ 29079.6
+ 1
+ 92005
+ 2/15 NT 60
+ 092005
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xml b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..ce6ac2799
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+ CNCR032017061216470302@1085
+ TE
+ CNCR032017061216470302|1085
+ False
+ -4.60
+ 37110102
+ 2017-06-12T05:00:00.000Z
+ T & E Out of Pocket Expense
+ 2017-06-12T05:00:00.000Z
+ 4.60
+ 84310100
+ 04987
+ 2017-06-12T05:00:00.000Z
+ T & E Out of Pocket Expense
+ 2017-06-12T05:00:00.000Z
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SupplierInvoice.xml b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SupplierInvoice.xml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6425939ef
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Examples/SupplierInvoice.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ 7315
+ 2016-01-13T06:00:00.000Z
+ 2015Property Tax
+ 3896.46
+ 5730
+ 5730
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/FinancialAPI.raml b/src/assets/examples/Financial/FinancialAPI.raml
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..6c9d7d40d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/FinancialAPI.raml
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#%RAML 1.0
+baseUri: https://mocksvc.mulesoft.com/mocks/36ccaefb-1ce6-41f1-9567-17ebc4c78ec2
+title: Financial API
+version: 1.0
+ displayName: AP Invoice processing
+ post:
+ description: Post AP Invoice to Infor CSF
+ body:
+ application/xml:
+ schema: !include Schemas/SupplierInvoice.xsd
+ responses:
+ 201:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR012017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "192f0dc0-8d00-11e7-9598-0800200c9a66",
+ "Status" : "Success",
+ "Reason" : "Your AR Invoice has been sent to Infor -- Not Really"
+ }
+ 400:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR052017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "",
+ "Status" : "Failed",
+ "Reason" : "error message here"
+ }
+ displayName: AR Invoice processing
+ post:
+ description: Post AR Invoice to Infor CSF
+ body:
+ application/xml:
+ schema: !include Schemas/Invoice.xsd
+ responses:
+ 201:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR012017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "192f0dc0-8d00-11e7-9598-0800200c9a66",
+ "Status" : "Success",
+ "Reason" : "Your Receivables invoice has been sent to Infor -- Not Really"
+ }
+ 400:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR052017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "",
+ "Status" : "Failed",
+ "Reason" : "error message here"
+ }
+ displayName: GL Journal Entry processing
+ post:
+ description: Post GL Journal Entries to Infor CSF
+ body:
+ application/xml:
+ schema: !include Schemas/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xsd
+ example: !include Examples/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xml
+ responses:
+ 201:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR052017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "192f0dc0-8d00-11e7-9598-0800200c9a66",
+ "Status" : "Success",
+ "Reason" : "Your Journal Entry has been sent to Infor -- Not Really"
+ }
+ 400:
+ body:
+ application/json:
+ example: |
+ {
+ "RunGroup" : "CNCR052017092514502320202|3036",
+ "TransactionReference" : "",
+ "Status" : "Failed",
+ "Reason" : "error message here"
+ }
+ displayName: Is Available Check
+ get:
+ description: Checks to see if FinAPI is available or not
+ responses:
+ 200:
+ body:
+ text/plain:
+ example: "true"
+ 503:
+ body:
+ text/plain:
+ example: "false"
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/Invoice.xsd b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/Invoice.xsd
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..72b344b3c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/Invoice.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,15536 @@
+Information that applies to the entire invoice document. The Header supports summary amounts for line items, charges, taxes and allowances.
+It also supports itemizing Header level charges, taxes and allowances for use in credit or debit invoices. In this case Line items are not needed.
+The summary amounts in the Header include the Line level amounts and Header level amounts.
+In general an Invoice Line can be aligned with Order Lines. The ItemQuantity and Price are used to compute the Total. The Total is a sum of the Total and any Charges, Taxes or Allowances.
+Document type from the code list: Receivable Styles
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document. The link to the self-billed invoicing (SBI) that is defined by the customer.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+All dates and times will be provided in GMT.
+A reference tot he person that took the action that caused this BOD to be published.
+The date and time when this document was created.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
+Is an amount not including taxes or charges. In the case of orders, this is typically the Unit Price times the Orde Quantity.
+Total amount of the invoice before applying sub-unit rounding (also called as Swedish rounding in some countries). This would be used only when SubunitRoundingAmount is specified. In these countries, an additional rounding on the total amount is done, where low denomination coins in a currency are withdrawn or otherwise made unavailable, but the currency""s subdivisions remain the same. Since it may not be possible to make exact change for a purchase, rounding the total bill to the lowest available denomination of coinage is required if a customer is paying in cash. If payment is being tendered using credit card, debit card, cheque etc no rounding is necessary. Note: this would be contain the total amount (Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes) when subunit rounding is required.
+The amount that would be added to PreSubunitRoundedTotal to get the TotalAmount. If the SubunitRoundingAmount is with a negative sign, then it would be subtracted from PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount to get the TotalAmount. TotalAmount = PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount + SubunitRoundingAmount
+Example - 1209,38 SEK is the PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount. In this case, the SubunitRoundingAmount is specified as -0.38; The total amount would then be 1209 SEK.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the base currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the report currency.
+To specify all the paid amounts for the order(s) related to this invoice. In some countries, it could be the case that the payments are not booked in A/R
+ but have to be mentioned on the e-invoice.
+Minimum amount to be paid to avoid late fee, surcharges etc.
+Minimum amount to be paid in base currency
+Minimum amount to be paid in report currency
+Contains the set of information about a Supplier Party necessary to execute and administer orders or requests.
+Is the organization that is the end customer of the goods or services being provided in the associated transaction.
+Identifies the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to.
+##Not supported. Use RemitToParty instead of this. Party that owns the account to which cash is to be deposited.
+##Not supported. Use PayFromParty instead of this element. Party that owes an amount of money to the CreditorParty/FinalParty.
+Indicates creditor reference for remittances. This could either be the Structured Creditor Reference in accordance with ISO 11649 or other proprietary references.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+References the PurchaseOrder noun.
+Points to information associcated with the Contract.
+To refer to a ProjectContract
+Indicates the billing time period - all the lines for the invoice fall between these start date and end dates
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+Is the payment method code for the associate entity.
+Code used to represent the type of payment channel used
+ - internet banking, manual payment etc
+Specifies the tax point date; the date on which a taxable person should account for tax.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+Represents the different Charges that may be applied to the associated document.
+Identifies the discount or allowance that the Customer is to receive off of the TotalAmount owed as a result of the associated document or sub-portion of a document.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Current status of theinvoice
+To specify the results of validation routine performed on the business object
+in any status. Note that a validation error does not automatically mean that the object could revert back to previous status; in some cases it could
+ further move ahead in its life cycle.
+Indicates if a charge has been made against the invoice.
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+### Not Supported, ### Deprecated in 2.4 : Is Base Currency amount
+Self billing indicator
+Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line.
+Identifies the party that the bill or invoice is to be sent. In most cases this is the same as the CustomerParty however there are many cases where the CustomerParty and the BillToParty will be different.
+Identifies the party that created and sent the bill or invoice
+Identifies the party that the payment for the goods or services will come.
+Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
+Tax representatives are responsible for correct management of VAT on behalf of companies in accordance with local regulations. This is not an internal party whose ID details would be maintained in applications.
+This is the Subtotal plus Order Level adjustments. This does not include Tax
+The sum of the pretax amounts from the lines before any order adjustments or taxes are added.
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+The identifies the kind of this transaction. This needs to be specified in the export declaration, in the ATLAS AES message in case of EDI or in the Single Administrative Document -Einheitspapier- of the EU, box 24. It is also called nature of transaction. This is validated against a standard code list which will be shipped with the major codes. This can be extended by further codes when supporting further countries and customs authorities.
+Name value pair to contain information provided by and returned to a trading partner.
+Points to the Sales Person""s information that is associated with this component.
+Internal person to be contacted in case of questions on this invoice
+To specify all the correction details for the invoice
+Used where source systems have unique sequential numbering per document type such as sales invoice or purchases.
+This is the invoice number
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable. . Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for langauge codes other than 'en-us' when this field is used.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values ''Internal'' and ''External''.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, ''NoteType,'' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+This is required for langauge codes other than 'en-us' when this field is used.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+The name of the noun being referenced
+This can reference any other noun that is relevant to this transaction such as SalesOrder, ProductionOrder, or Transfer
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable. . Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Allows the data to be embedded directly into the BOD instance.
+Uniform Resource Identifier. Identifies files and locations on the web. This can also be used for email address under contact.
+Indicates the name of the File being referenced.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type of the file type of the attachment.
+Specifies how big the file is.
+Is the title of the person. For example Dr..
+When this attribute is true the attachment is stored in the EmbeddedSata element. When it is false an external reference is used.
+The format of the binary content
+The mime type of the binary object.
+Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
+The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text
+The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
+The filename of the binary object.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Prepayment amount in invoice currency
+Prepayment date time
+Any text reference for the payment
+To specify any other documents as reference for the payment (ex, payable tracker, Invoice)
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+The type attribute is required on all DocumentReference elements and must be a valid noun name. The valid noun names are in the "Noun Name" code list for validation.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the sales contact and sales department/organization that is responsible for the sale that the instance is associated.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to shipping the contents communicated by the document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is responsible for customer service.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the supplier ID as maintained by the customer, use @schemeName as 'customer'
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" then this value is the ID of the customer.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Vanity city name like La Jolla for San Diego
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The sequence number of an address.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The numeric ranking of this element in a collection of like elements where 1 is the preferred option.
+Indicates that this element is the prefered element in a collection of like elements.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Code identifying the usage of the contact point e.g. business, private, etc.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Uniform Resource Identifier. Identifies files and locations on the web. This can also be used for email address under contact.
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Channel Code
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Communication Use Codes
+Holds the lines that make up the address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Qualifies the further division of the City, example a city may have many districts or Boroughs.
+Identifies the town or the city
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+The sequence number of this address line.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Contact.
+Identifies the means of communicating with this contact. Each instance can represent an address, email address, web site or phone number.
+Identifies the type of contact, such as requester, the buyer, customer service, etc
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Code identifying the usage of the contact point e.g. business, private, etc.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Email address
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Sales Contact.
+Methods of establishing communication with the Sales Contact.
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Code identifying the usage of the contact point e.g. business, private, etc.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Email address
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Shipping Contact.
+Mehods of establishing communication with the Shipping Contact.
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the CS Contact.
+Methods of establishsing communication with the CS Contact.
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+The customer party's account id.
+Identifies the contact information for the requesting person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to receive the contents communicated by the document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Directions for the given location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+This is required for langauge codes other than 'en-us' when this field is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Format Code indicates the format of the address. Examples are US Military, US Formatted Address, European Formatted Address etc. There is no intent to decode the address formats - these are informational only. No list of valid values exists or is proposed here.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Vanity city name like La Jolla for San Diego
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Address Format Codes
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Contact.
+Identifies the means of communicating with this contact. Each instance can represent an address, email address, web site or phone number.
+Identifies the type of contact, such as requester, the buyer, customer service, etc
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Default for phone is phone. Default for URI is email. Other values are fax, and home for phone; and home for email.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Email address
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Default for phone is phone. Default for URI is email. Other values are fax, and home for phone; and home for email.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Email address
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+The name given to a division of a business specializing in a particular product or service. In this case, it is where the Contact works in.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+This is required for langauge codes other than 'en-us' when this field is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Code identifying the usage of the contact point e.g. business, private, fax, etc.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Email address
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Specifies bank branch and account details of the party
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Classification of the location in one or more of the groups defined below
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+A collection of codes with a sequence added to the codes for ordering.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type of Classification of the Location.
+The code value for the dimension identified in the code list.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This is the name of one of Dimensions that are maintained by the Code Fortress. These can be user defined or provided by Infor. Known dimensions that will be available on all systems and should be mapped to by implementing systems include:
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. GenericStatus
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Contact.
+Identifies the means of communicating with this contact. Each instance can represent an address, email address, web site or phone number.
+Identifies the type of contact, such as requester, the buyer, customer service, etc
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+The clearinghouse member ID
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the financial institution.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Basic Bank Account Number
+International Bank Account Number
+Holds the account ids associted with this Financial Party instance.
+Specifies the currency code of the object in which it is associated.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+used to identify the account as savings, checking or other type of financial account.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. GenericStatus
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Basic Bank Account Number
+International Bank Account Number
+Specifies the currency code of the object in which it is associated.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+used to identify the account as savings, checking or other type of financial account.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+Invoice Reason Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Identifies the Release Number in the case of Blanket POs
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Requisition ID
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable. . Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+The timestamp marking the ending of a time period during which a related entity.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A code used to uniquely a payment term.
+Identifies the Term conditions for due date. Due date could be specified directly or with a payment date basis code and a duration or with prox terms.
+Identifies the Discount the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the discount from the payment.
+Identifies the Peanlty what happen when the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the penalty to add to the payment.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering when PaymentTerm@type=''Installment''. Other types of Payment Term do not require any sequence.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+## Not supported. An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+## Not supported. Date and time this document becomes effective
+The date and time that the associated object is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+## Not supported. Indicates a percentage of discount that is available based on the specified term.
+The percentage of the amount identified by the basis code that is applicable to this term.
+## Not supported. The penalty rate (percentage) charged based on the specified term.
+The amount due based on the terms code expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The daywithin the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+### Not supported. The type that is associated with this grouping of terms.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable. . Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Basis
+The day of the month that is the cut-off for the prox period. For example, assuming that all invoices generated before the 10th of the month are due on the 20th, the ProxCutOff would be 10.
+The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The day within the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The date that the payment must be made before in order to qualify for the discount.
+The date and time that the order is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+Identifies percentage of the discount from the payment.
+The amount of discount allowed expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Basis
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The date and time that the order is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+The penalty rate (percentage) charged for late payment.
+The penalty amount in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Methods
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Defines the tax authority to which taxes must be paid. The determining location is the location to which the asset was delivered.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the base currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the report currency.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the transaction unit of measure.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the base unit of measure.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Uniquely identifies the exemption along with the agency that defines the excemption.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note - to mention any specific tax texts.
+This is used to represent the tax amount for this jurisdiction in the currency of the taxing authority.
+Same as Tax/BaseAmount; either this element or Tax/BaseAmount could be used.
+The amount of tax payable on this transaction for this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+To indicate whether the corresponding tax is withheld
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Identifies the sequence of how the taxes must be applied.
+Indicates that tax
+ code of the tax being represented by the given instance of tax. Possible values
+ are: Sales Tax, Use Tax, VAT
+To further classify type; for example for VAT, the following categories
+ could be applicable - Higher Rate, Lower Rate, Zero rate etc
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Tax Jurisdiction Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Is the multiplier appied to the base amount or the base quantity in order to calculate the amount.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Exemption Code
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+The amount of this transaction that is exempt from tax by this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values ''Internal'' and ''External''.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, ''NoteType,'' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+The quantity upon which the charge is calculated. This is only used when the charge is based upon a quantity.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This is used to represent the tax amount in the currency of the taxing authority in addition to the transactional tax amount which may be in a different currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The basis amount for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+The amount of the adjustment for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+A code used to identify the purpose of an adjustment. Could include codes for non-itemized and pre-tax.
+A code used group charges or allowances together to simplify posting for those systems that cannot or do not support a full range of adjustments.
+Identifies how the object being referenced is to be calculated.
+This is the unit of measure code that is assigned to this package. This must be unique within the item/supplier.
+Specifies the currency rate of the object in which it is associated.
+Used by pricing to indicate that the calculation is based on the gross weight rather than the net weight.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Identifies the type
+ of charge that the given instance of Charge/Allowance.
+sequence in which charge occurred.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The source Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+The target Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+Is the multiplier to convert the source units to the target units. (e.g.) The conversion of one currency to another currency monitary amount in the from currency is multiplied by the CalculationRateNumeric to calcultate the monitary amount in the to currency. Another example maybe the conversion between units of measure.
+Identifies the date in which the conversion factor was set by the Issueing agency.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Defines the tax authority to which taxes must be paid. The determining location is the location to which the asset was delivered.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the base currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the report currency.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the transaction unit of measure.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the base unit of measure.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Uniquely identifies the exemption along with the agency that defines the excemption.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+This is used to represent the tax amount for this jurisdiction in the currency of the taxing authority.
+Same as Tax/BaseAmount; either this element or Tax/BaseAmount could be used.
+The amount of tax payable on this transaction for this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the sequence of how the taxes must be applied.
+Indicates that tax
+ code of the tax being represented by the given instance of tax. Possible values
+ are: Sales Tax, Use Tax, VAT
+To further classify type; for example for VAT, the following categories
+ could be applicable - Higher Rate, Lower Rate, Zero rate etc
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Adjustment Types
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Adjustment Groups
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Calculation Methods
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Rate Types
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The amount upon which the allowance is calculated. This is only used when the allowance is a percentage of the amount.
+The quantity upon which the allowance is calculated. This is only used when the allowance is based on a quantity.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This is used to represent the tax amount in the currency of the taxing authority in addition to the transactional tax amount which may be in a different currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The source Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+The target Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+Is the multiplier to convert the source units to the target units. (e.g.) The conversion of one currency to another currency monitary amount in the from currency is multiplied by the CalculationRateNumeric to calcultate the monitary amount in the to currency. Another example maybe the conversion between units of measure.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+Indicates the status of validation
+Indicates any messages resulting from the validation
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Indicates the type of
+ the object in which assoicated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Message Types
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The source Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+The target Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the target currency for currencies with small denominations.
+Is the multiplier appied to the base amount or the base quantity in order to calculate the amount.
+Identifies the date in which the conversion factor was set by the Issueing agency.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+Used to
+ distiguish the rate, based on the nature of the business process of the
+ transaction. (e.g. Daily, End of Period, Corporate.)
+is Base Currency Amount of the type specified
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+System, or not used
+The ID of the System, Owner, Customer, Manufacturer or Supplier that uses this ID to reference this item, in the case where the ID is from another system, this is the LogicalID of that system.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Contact.
+Identifies the means of communicating with this contact. Each instance can represent an address, email address, web site or phone number.
+Identifies the type of contact, such as requester, the buyer, customer service, etc
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" or ""Supplier"" then this value is the ID of the customer or supplier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Specifies bank branch and bank account details for the party
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+true when this location is a valid pick-up location for the web storefront.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the ID as maintained by the customer, use @schemeName as "Customer"
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" or ""Supplier"" then this value is the ID of the customer or supplier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.Only external IDs are applicable for a TaxRepresentative
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+A collection of codes with a sequence added to the codes for ordering.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type associated with this group of classifications.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Identifies the
+ financial ledger to be used when updating balances
+OED: A rate, number or proportion in each hundred.
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Is the GLAccount for the associated document and component.
+Reference to a ProjectMaster noun
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Is the primary account classification within a chart of accounts. For example reveune, Fixed Asset, Land, Buildings, etc.
+The name associated with this account.
+This element will likely not be used by existing ERP systems.
+Reference to ID of ChartOfAccounts for this account (useful to get social objects and graphs for GL Accounts)
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The name of the AccountingChart
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The ID that is associated with an acitivity for the Project.
+cost pegged Project Element
+Identifies the Type of project that is being referenced.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Element that contains name value pairs. It also includes a data type, unit of measure code, and currencyID
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the Role of the SalesPerson.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Sales Person Roles
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Original invoice document ID details
+Natural period in which the tax effects of the invoice to be corrected were produced; and therefore in which taxes were paid, and which is now adjusted.
+Code to identify the method applied to correct an invoice. For example Spain has “01�? – “Full items�? for all items to be corrected in the original invoice are reflected. “02�? – “Corrected items only�? for only items already corrected are noted. This will be a standard code list
+To specify the reason code for correction
+To specify additional reason texts
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity.
+The timestamp marking the ending of a time period during which a related entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Invoice Line number
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
+Identifies the Item associated with the Line or Detail of a transaction. The item provides the details of the generic Item component information.
+Indicates the date and time an item was shipped. It is used to specify the last shipment date for the particular sequenced part.
+##Not supported. Please use CountryAndPercent element. Represents the identifier of the country of origin of an item, service or shipment
+Country of Origin information including a country code and a percentage.It is a collection with percentages and source and assembly. Many industries use standard country codes for Country of Origin. When there is a need to use custom codes (for example with Automotive), use element 'ComplexCountryOfOriginCode'. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico.
+A code defined for a specific industry that indicates the countries of origin and percents in a single code. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico. If standard country of origin codes are used, use the element 'CountryAndPercent'
+Specifies the model year; an attribute to the ordered part / individual requirement defined by the customer.
+ Could be used to determine the quantities that need to be delivered to the customer based on the model year.
+This is required if the line exists. If this is set to 0 on an existing line then this has the effect of deleting the line.
+The auxiliary quantity related to the primary quantity on this transaction.e.g. where an item has an auxiliary quantity defined as a weight in KG, this would be the weight in KGs
+Unit price of the item for the number of items in the unitCode specified in the PerQuantity elements. In most cases the unitCode of the PerQuantity is the same as the unitCode of the Quantity element above. Note that the UnitPrice is always excluding the tax amount.
+References the PurchaseOrder noun.
+To refer to a ProjectContract
+To specify references to external documents; the ones that are nstored in our system
+ except for IDs. Some examples where this is used are for CustomerOrder and PO Line
+ Number for automotive in schedule.
+RAN; unique authorization number for every requirement
+Is an amount not including taxes or charges. In the case of orders, this is typically the Unit Price times the OrderQuantity.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the base currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the report currency.
+Indicates that the line is an open item and is not to be included in the document total. (true or false)
+Specifies the tax point date; the date on which a taxable person should account for tax.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+Represents the different Charges that may be applied to the associated document.
+Identifies the discount or allowance that the Customer is to receive off of the TotalAmount owed as a result of the associated document or sub-portion of a document.
+Contains the relevant
+ information about the salesperson and the associated commission information.
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+To specify the results of validation routine performed on the business object
+in any status. Note that a validation error does not automatically mean that the object could revert back to previous status; in some cases it could
+ further move ahead in its life cycle.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Date Deleviry has been requested.
+Contains the set of information about a Supplier Party necessary to execute and administer orders or requests.
+Is the organization that is the end customer of the goods or services being provided in the associated transaction.
+References the SalesOrder noun.
+Cost of goods sold
+A Cost that is used for alternate Margin calculations. Example for this use case may be SalesMargin or StandardMargin. Other AlternateCost uses may be a Cost used for later reporting or comparison purposes. AlternateCost@type for such uses may include Actual, FIFO, Customer, and others. Other use cases: A Basis Cost which might have been used for Commission or Rebate calculations. AlternateCost@type for such cases could be CommissionBasis or SupplierRebateBasis
+Actual rebate applicable for the order line - supplier rebate or customer rebate
+### Not Supported, ### Deprecated in 2.4 : Is Base Currency amount
+Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line.
+Identifies the party that the bill or invoice is to be sent. In most cases this is the same as the CustomerParty however there are many cases where the CustomerParty and the BillToParty will be different.
+Identifies the party that the payment for the goods or services will come.
+Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
+Identifies the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to.
+Identifies the pricing amounts that can be associated with the item.
+Used to indicate if price has been overriden.
+Identifies if the corresponding order line is a rush order
+Name value pair to contain information provided by and returned to a trading partner.
+The values would be Item, Non-Item, Freight, Finance Charge
+The values would be I for Item, N for Non-Item, C for Charge, T for Tax.
+The identifies the kind of this transaction. This needs to be specified in the export declaration, in the ATLAS AES message in case of EDI or in the Single Administrative Document -Einheitspapier- of the EU, box 24. It is also called nature of transaction. This is validated against a standard code list which will be shipped with the major codes. This can be extended by further codes when supporting further countries and customs authorities.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Specifies whether the line is a corrected line or not on a correction invoice
+Specifies the linked reversal line for the current corrected invoice line.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+### Not supported : The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Identifies the Activity
+ that is associated to the Project in which the distribution is to be assigned.. An
+ ActivityId cannot occur with out a ProjectId.
+The name of the noun being referenced
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+Is the primary item Identifier associated with the given item within the scope of the given integration as provided by the Party or entity that has created this document instance.
+UPC ID - This is the UPC-A general purpose code. It has 1 digit for a system number, 5 digits for the manufacturer number, 5 digits for the product number, and one check sum digit.
+Electronic Product CodeLike the Universal Product Code (UPC) or bar code, the Electronic Product Code(EPC) is the fundamental identifier for a physical object in a EPC Network. The EPC identifies the manufacturer, product, version and serial number, and uses an extra set of digits to identify unique items. The EPC Tag Data Standards Specification Version 1.1 defines the encoding of the Electronic Product Code onto the RFID chip, as well as how it is encoded for use in the information systems layer of the EPC Network (for example the RFID Information Server).
+GTIN describes a family of GS1 (EAN.UCC) global data structures that employ 14 digits and can be encoded into various types of data carriers. Currently, GTIN is used exclusively within bar codes, but it could also be used in other data carriers such as radio frequency identification (RFID). The GTIN is only a term and does not impact any existing standards, nor does it place any additional requirements on scanning hardware. For North American companies, the UPC is an existing form of the GTIN.
+Identifies if the Item is a Service.
+Describes the associated item.
+A freeform note
+description by which each customer or supplier knows this item
+This identifies the classification of an entity. An entity may be classified into mulitple groups for different reasons. Examples of Classification include Commodity Codes, Freight Classifications, Product Line classifications and so on. Suggested Values are COMMODITY, FREIGHT, PRODUCTLINE.
+Identifies the specification of an entity.
+radio frequency identifier (RFID)
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+Is the Lot and Serial numbers for the items contained in the associated component by identifing the number of items and the uniques serial number of those items that belong to a given Lot.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise and the value of the ID must, when combined with the accounting entity when present, uniquely identify this item throughout the enterprise.
+Valid values for the Item are Customer, Supplier, Manufacturer, SKU, and Duplicate.
+ID of the agency defining the RFID when they are defined by a customer or a supplier.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+GTIN is one of the multiple GS1 ID keys used for items.
+When no schemeName is specified, the receiving application must try to identify the type of GTIN from the ID itself (like how it used to be when only a single GTIN could be specified in earlier versions).
+There could be multiple GTINs available in some cases; if there is a need to publish all these, then this attribute must be used. Valid values are GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, GTIN-14.
+Identifies the type of party: Customer, Supplier, or Manufacturer.
+ID of Party
+Accounting entity of Party
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+A collection of codes with a sequence added to the codes for ordering.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The identifier for a specification. This does not point to another noun and does not use the accounting entity, location or lid attributes.
+Represents the Properties or Features of the associated entity
+A code used to indicate if this specification is used to define a minimum, maximum, or target value.
+An indicator used to identify Specifications that are likely not of interest to an ERP system.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Workflow Properties
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Dimension
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision. This can be used in place of the EndDateTime, but not in conjunction with it.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is used to describe the quantity of an item.
+The quantity of the item in the Base UOM.
+Identifies the Lot that a given Item Instance belongs to.
+Indicates whether an item is active, inactive, or in other various states. Examples of values for this field include: Active, Inactive, Hold, Deleted, Obsolete
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Identifies the method used for selecting the lot for an item. Standard values are ‘Any’, ‘Same’, or ‘Specific’
+Quantity of items required to fill the lot.
+Date when the item was manufactured
+Date when the item will expire. When this is not mentioned, it implies that there is no expiry date.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Holds ID information associated with the Item's Lots.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+The auxiliary quantity related to the primary quantity on this transaction.e.g. where an item has an auxiliary quantity defined as a weight in KG, this would be the weight in KGs
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+radio frequency identifier (RFID)
+A freeform note
+Indicates whether an item is active, inactive, or in other various states. Examples of values for this field include: Active, Inactive, Hold, Deleted, Obsolete
+##Not supported. Please use CountryAndPercent element. Represents the identifier of the country of origin of an item, service or shipment
+Country of Origin information including a country code and a percentage.It is a collection with percentages and source and assembly. Many industries use standard country codes for Country of Origin. When there is a need to use custom codes (for example with Automotive), use element 'ComplexCountryOfOriginCode'. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico.
+A code defined for a specific industry that indicates the countries of origin and percents in a single code. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico. If standard country of origin codes are used, use the element 'CountryAndPercent'
+Characteristics that are tracked through out the warehouse and reported at the item instance level
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Indicates the type of
+inventory characteristic specified (eg. pack date time, size etc.)
+Used when the type depicts a characteristic of string data type
+Used when the characteristic is a date time value
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Disposition Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+The percentage of the item that comes from the specific country
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required to define every quantity. Use only ISO Units of Measure.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Indicates the PerQuantity side of this Amount. Typically, this value is 1 with a uom of each, meaning that, e.g., a UnitPrice with the Amount 1.29 would be the price per each or simply $1.29 each. For pricing wire, the UnitPrice Amount might be $7.00 with a PerQuantity of 100 and a uom of LinearFeet, meaning the unit price would be $7 per 100 linear feet.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+Required when an amount is given
+Required when an quantity is given
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Unit Price Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+Refers to types of external documents. Some examples are Customer Order, Purchase Order, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Defines the tax authority to which taxes must be paid. The determining location is the location to which the asset was delivered.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the base currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the report currency.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the transaction unit of measure.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the base unit of measure.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Uniquely identifies the exemption along with the agency that defines the excemption.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+This is used to represent the tax amount for this jurisdiction in the currency of the taxing authority.
+Same as Tax/BaseAmount; either this element or Tax/BaseAmount could be used.
+The amount of tax payable on this transaction for this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Identifies the sequence of how the taxes must be applied.
+Indicates that tax
+ code of the tax being represented by the given instance of tax. Possible values
+ are: Sales Tax, Use Tax, VAT
+To further classify type; for example for VAT, the following categories
+ could be applicable - Higher Rate, Lower Rate, Zero rate etc
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Is the base quantity from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This is used to represent the tax amount in the currency of the taxing authority in addition to the transactional tax amount which may be in a different currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The basis amount for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+The amount of the adjustment for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+A code used to identify the purpose of an adjustment. Could include codes for non-itemized and pre-tax.
+A code used group charges or allowances together to simplify posting for those systems that cannot or do not support a full range of adjustments.
+Identifies how the object being referenced is to be calculated.
+This is the unit of measure code that is assigned to this package. This must be unique within the item/supplier.
+Specifies the currency rate of the object in which it is associated.
+Used by pricing to indicate that the calculation is based on the gross weight rather than the net weight.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Identifies the type
+ of charge that the given instance of Charge/Allowance.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Is the base quantity from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This is used to represent the tax amount in the currency of the taxing authority in addition to the transactional tax amount which may be in a different currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The basis amount for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+The amount of the adjustment for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+A code used to identify the purpose of an adjustment. Could include codes for non-itemized and pre-tax.
+A code used group charges or allowances together to simplify posting for those systems that cannot or do not support a full range of adjustments.
+Identifies how the object being referenced is to be calculated.
+This is the unit of measure code that is assigned to this package. This must be unique within the item/supplier.
+Specifies the currency rate of the object in which it is associated.
+Used by pricing to indicate that the calculation is based on the gross weight rather than the net weight.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Holds the IDs associated with the Sale Organization.
+Contains basic information associated with SalesPerson such as ID and Name.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+Is the total Amount of the Order.
+Is the quantity of a material or product ordered by the customer.
+OED: A rate, number or proportion in each hundred.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Methods of establishing communication with the Sales Person.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Identifies the sales contact and sales department/organization that is responsible for the sale that the instance is associated.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to shipping the contents communicated by the document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is responsible for customer service.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the ID as maintained by the customer use @schemeName as "Customer"
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" then this value is the ID of the customer
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Sales Contact.
+Methods of establishing communication with the Sales Contact.
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Shipping Contact.
+Mehods of establishing communication with the Shipping Contact.
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the CS Contact.
+Methods of establishsing communication with the CS Contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+The customer party's account id.
+Identifies the contact information for the requesting person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to receive the contents communicated by the document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+The name given to a division of a business specializing in a particular product or service. In this case, it is where the Contact works in.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Sales Order Reference ID
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Identifies the Release Number in the case of Blanket POs
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+The original amount in the orginal currency being converted based on the CurrencyExchageRate to the new currency.
+Specify how the total costs are spread (for example across various cost component codes)
+The source Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+The target Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the target currency for currencies with small denominations.
+This is the multiplier to convert the source units to the target units.
+Indentifies the date in which the conversion factor was set by the Issueing agency.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Extensible code list - some examples could be CommissionBasis, SalesRebateBasis etc
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Type of rebate - Customer (for rebates given to customer) or Supplier (for rebates to be received from suppliers)
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the ID as maintained by a customer, use @schemeName as "Customer"
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" then this value is the ID of the customer
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Specifies bank branch and account details of the party
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration. For details on ID use, see Party section : http://wiki.infor.com:8080/confluence/display/Message/Common Message Elements.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Classification of the location in one or more of the groups defined below
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Points to information that can be associated with the Pricing Amounts.
+This is the starting point base price
+This is the starting point base price exended for the quantity
+Unit Base Price plus all line level price adjustments in the sales order currency and in the Quantity UOM.
+This is the pretax price exended for the quantity
+includes non-itemized and itemized adjustments per 1 of the uom expressed in the base currency.
+The unit price including all adjustments (itemized and not itemized) and tax.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Workflow Properties
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Dimension
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values ''Internal'' and ''External''.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, ''NoteType,'' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision. This can be used in place of the EndDateTime, but not in conjunction with it.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xsd b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xsd
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..834809f34
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SourceSystemJournalEntry.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,3655 @@
+Holds Header information associcated with the JournalEntry noun.
+Holds Line information associcated with the JournalEntry noun.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+The ID associated with this Chart of Accounts (the name in tenant default mandatory locale). Not needed on incoming journals from source systems. FC adds because it needs it anyway. Published on journals going to BIS to save an extra join - BIS can quer
+The Name associated with this Chart of Accounts. Not needed on incoming journals from source systems. FC adds because it needs it anyway. Published on journals going to BIS to save an extra join - BIS can query it directly.
+The Financial Period that this journal was expected to be posted to. Initially set from the original journal in the source system. If the journal lines from source system journal contain mixed periods this is empty. If a period is supplied here it will be used for all lines, regardless of any entries on the lines.
+If no period is supplied either here or on the lines, periods will be derived from the accounting date at header level (but set in MultiBook/AccountingDate/PeriodID - this field is never updated by FC.) If that is not supplied, the journal is put on hold and the header can be edited (that can update this field).
+Every journal which leaves FC is for a single period - this is one of the main tasks FC does for MBL - create journals with single period and single date. In that case, when a journal is split, this field is backfilled by FC to hold the period as supplied on the lines by the source system.
+We assume this to be correct when it is supplied, and will . MBL works off the Financial MultiBook/Accountin Date/PeriodId version.
+Source system's accounting date. Retained and passed on, but MBL works off the MultiBook/AccountingDate/PostDateTime, which occasionally is not the same as this one.
+Journals can arrive using multiple dates (when this field is blank) but are always passed on with a single date. FC also makes sure dates and periods are aligned.
+We expect this date to be correct when it is supplied, but reserve the right to change it if it falls outside the accounting period above, when it will be amended by inserting a MultiBook/Accounting Date/PostDateTime which is either the first or the last day of the Accounting period.
+If it is supplied, then this date (or the adjusted version) will be applied to all journal lines by FC, regardless of what they contain. If it is not supplied, FC will work from line dates and split the journal if necessary by date or adjusted date. If split by source system date FC then backfills this once journals are split, from the line date as supplied by source system.
+The Financial Year that this journal was expected to be posted to. From the original journal in the source system. If the journal lines from source system journal contain mixed periods/dates this is empty
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+0 or nonexistent when this is a standard period. Only used for adjustment periods.
+Rarely supplied by source system, though some will map year-end periods to adjustment periods, eg 13 to 12.1.
+Can exist on CDx or JE journals. MBL will use the MultiBook/AccountingDate/AdjustmentSequence field.
+This is used to indicate a short year when the financial year is adjusted.
+Unlikely to be supplied by most source systems, though may be created by mapping. Just passed on if it is. MBL will use the MultiBook/AccountingDate/AdjustmentSequence field.
+Journal Type ID of the accounting Journal that is being referenced. Mandatory. If missing or invalid, entire journal will be rejected - the most critical error.
+Name of the Journal Type. Not needed on incoming journals, added when MBL publishes to BIS to save joins. FC will remove if supplied by source system.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Valid currency. If it is present in header then the header value will be used and this value overwritten by FC. If no value in header, this is a mixed currency journal.
+If Book amount is copied (see above) then this is same code as Book currency.
+Rate from Originating to Book currency. Calculated by FC (first book) and MBL (other books). Based on 1:1 units. Rounded to default rounding on Rate Type used for source -> book conversion. No lookup of Currency fortress rates.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+Specifies the unit base of the target currency for currencies with small denominations.
+True means it is a division signed rate, and false is a multiply signed rate. It is preferred to use multiply signed rates so set to False where possible.
+The reference tot he rate type for a specific currency exchange rate.
+Only supplied if the Amount is supplied, except on Reval and difference postings, when a currency code may be supplied with a zero amount.
+Reference to a Person Noun
+The date and time that this journal was approved for posting to the ledger. If fields supplied by source system, passed through. If none supplied and we have approvals in FC, then added in FC
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Not currently used
+The date and time that the Journal Entry document was generated. The time this BOD is generated.
+Either a date or a period must be supplied either at header level or on each line.
+This is the link that ties back to a sub ledger transaction entry ID. It is the identifier of an original/ source transaction or document. The type indicates the type of document i.e. PurchaseOrder, Invoice, Receipt, Credit Memo, Voucher etc. For example, it could be the receipt or the summarized inventory activity. This is the singular field that refers to an audit record. Together with the Sender information, this is part of the referencing system, which will enable drill back audit trail functionality.
+The (originating) amount is the real-world currency in which the transaction actually occurred, eg invoice currency or cheque currency or payroll currency. In the case of a mixed currency journal this element is not used, and no currency code is supplied
+For transactions entered directly into the GL this currency is simply chosen and entered by the accountant. Source system - totals can be processed by processing all the lines first before sending out the BOD.
+Normally positive. If negative is a negative debit, and debit lines must sum to a negative debit.
+This is the total amount - It is the total of all Debits, but it excludes values posted to Statistical Accounts.
+This is the total amount - It is the total of all Debits
+The book amount is the amount in the single, standard currency of the book. In the primary book it is supplied by the source ledger system, which normally calculates it from the originating amount (except for LN which triangulates). In other books it is calculated from the source amount which is one of the originating currency, or the book or source currency of the preceding book in the Conversion Chain.
+This is the Book currency total debits. We will support zero value journals so it can be zero. It can be zero in two cases:
+1. All of journal is posted to Statistical accounts so there are no Book Amounts or
+2. A transaction has been voided LatAm style, so has zero value but still needs to appear in books.
+It is NOT mandatory.
+Normally positive. If negative is a negative debit, and debit lines must sum to a negative debit.
+This is the total amount - It is the total of all Debits.
+The source amount is the amount from which the book currency is calculated. In a journal published by MBL, it is a copy of another value. We replicate it so that BIS can easily produce reports showing how the book amount was derived, without having to reconstruct the Conversion Chain logic.
+This is the total Source amount - total of the Debits.
+Normally journals from source systems will have nothing in the source amount field. However, given the way that LN calculates its book amount, the source amount may be populated by what LN calls the “reference” currency value. This is truly the amount from which the book amount is calculated, so fits the definition of a source amount.
+FC copies Originating Amount into Source Amount, for both source system journals (unless it is already populated) and for JE and JC entries. If there is a single currency, then the total is inserted here: if mixed currency, then this is left blank.
+Normally positive.
+When MBL publishes journals, iif the source currency is the Originating currency and the journal is a mixed currency journal this element is not used. Otherwise it is populated by MBL.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+Used to hold a description for the journal. Eg invoice, Payroll, Cash Payment - the BOD type. Most source ledger systems not being fed by BODs, so not able to provide this. FC will provide in future when it starts to transform other BODs into journals.
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified
+Any other document (BOD) references that are passed through from the Source System
+This is likely to come into use once Fin Controller receives documents directly, not via a Source Ledger system. These references allow tracking the history of the transaction through the entire business cycle. But as long as the previous step is always provided, we could drill from BOD to BOD, so only one is really needed, which is held in SourceDocumentReference above: these others are optional.
+Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document throught the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The USERAREA is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
+The journal ID from the source system (TBD)
+The journal number from the source ledger system. This is passed through as data. It may be numeric or may eg have a prefix. We assume it will be unique within a ledger (ie an Accounting Entity) But we wi
+For future use, hard coded to "Actual" on all MBL and Financial Controller Journals.
+Future options may include Budget, Forecast etc
+A "Standard", "Correction" or "Reversal" Journal. A Reversal Journal is the exact reverse of an existing posted journal. A Correction replaces the original posted journal or journal lines on a journal. Reversal and correction for FC use only. All source
+Journal Type
+Identifies the Accounting Book which is the first book of entry for this Journal. The value is normally null on a source system journal, but must be present if this is a Correction or Reversal journal
+If null then the Primary Book is assumed. If the So
+Posting status of Journal
+A flag to identify if this journal was produced from a source ledger system, JE, CDx, other system similar to a ledger, other system not a ledger.
+Source system sets this, unless JE when FC sets it. It helps to decide what validation is applied to journ
+Some countries have multiple references for the same invoice. China has an internal invoice number and an external invoice number for the same physical invoice. These are human-readable references. Supplied by source system and passed on. One day may b
+This may be a sequential number, or a set of sequential numbers with different prefixes. Used (eg in Italy, Argentina) where source systems have unique sequential numbering per document type such as sales invoice or purchases. Supplied by source system
+This contains a reference to the person who entered the journal.
+This contains a reference to the person who last made a modification to the journal.
+This contains a reference to the person who posted the journal.
+This contains a reference to the person who approved the journal.
+These are used for any warnings which are needed for the report e.g. currency rate not found
+Identifies the date used to go and look up currency exchange rates which are date based.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Journal Warning
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+A nominated Code List, as defined in Ledger Setup. One of the 30 user dimensions.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Journal Warning
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Enum list in Public MDM. Only needs one value for now.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Rate Type
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Not used in this instance. Only one instance of Description should be used in this noun.
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The code from the Code, ie the human readable code
+The name of the code list, in the system language, no locale.
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+Yes means this is another element somewhere on the Journal header or line which is replicated here in order to serve up all nouns and codes (including enums) as the same type of data in the same list.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The amount of discount allowed expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+The ID of a source document (BOD) that fed the transaction that generated this journal.
+BOD number - highly unlikely to be supplied by source ledgers. FC will provide in future when it starts to transform other BODs into journals. Likely to be supplied
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The ID of the LedgerSetup. This is the same as the Accounting Entity Code
+ID of Rate Type. Which is name in tenant default mandatory locale.
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The ID of the source document (BOD) from the source system that fed the transaction that generated this journal.
+BOD number - highly unlikely to be supplied by source ledgers. FC will provide in future when it starts to transform other BODs into journals
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The ID of the source document (BOD) from the source system that generated this journal.
+FC copies the details of this BOD into these fields. MBL then copies this information. This allows access back to the journal in the source system (TBD)
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Eg invoice, Payroll, Cash Payment - the BOD type. Most source ledger systems not being fed by BODs, so not able to provide this. FC will provide in future when it starts to transform other BODs into journals.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+The name of the noun that carries the information being referenced. Valid values are carried in the DocumentType Code list.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision. This can be used in place of the EndDateTime, but not in conjunction with it.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+Reference to a Person Noun
+The date and time that this journal was entered. Entered means prepared - posting is handled separately below. Eg a temp may enter and an accountant then post This date=time would then relate to a Draft version. If posted immediately could be same as p
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Valid currency, e.g. GBP. Must be same as currency defined for book, otherwise this is an error. Must be same in header and on all lines.
+This is book currency of primary book for source ledger, or first posting book for JE/JC, it is book currency of bo
+Only supplied if the Amount is supplied, except on Reval and difference postings, when a currency code may be supplied with a zero amount.
+Must be valid for the Chart of Accounts for this book. It cannot be set to Deleted. In either case, the journal is held if any one line shows the error. MBL maps these for all but the initial book.
+We will post to Closed accounts with a warning messag
+Name of the Natural Account. Only used by MBL when publishing to BIS. Not needed on source system or FC published journals.
+Published on outgoing BOD for use in BIS. FC also needs to know this for validation, so it looks it up, stores it and passes it on to MBL.
+All available locales.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Accounting Entity ID, as defined (for now) in Code List.
+Depends on BOD being identified - may or not have a Location
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Not used - Journal Type is defined at Tenant level. Leave blank.
+Not used - Journal Type is defined at Tenant level. Leave blank.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+Not used - Ledgers are not divided into Locations
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The ID of the user who last modified the contents of the journal on the system
+The ID of the person who posted the Journal wherever it was first-posted - could be in Source Ledger System or could be in FC
+The ID of the user who approved the journal . If fields supplied by source system, passed through. If none supplied and we have approvals in FC, then added in FC
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this source document
+Accounting Entity ID, as defined (for now) in Code List.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this source document when applicable.
+The System issuing the journal will provide a unique ID. This can consist of the journal number, and if necessary the book and year the journal is intended for.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+Holds basic information associated with Journal Entry.
+Originating or transactional amount, which is the real world currency of the transaction.
+If none is entered/supplied then the book amount is copied in JE or FC.
+The originating value is held in MBL as part of the core transaction data, alongside r
+The book amount or base currency amount.
+Normally positive when the DebitCredit Flag is "Debit" and negative when the DebitCreditFlag is "Credit". If opposite sign, then all values on line must be opposite sign or the line is in error.
+Can be zero - eithe
+Normally blank for source ledger journals (but see comments re LN on header fields). FC will copy Originating Amount to Source Amount, so that first book has same pattern of values as other books. FC copies Originating Amount into Source Amount, for bo
+Source to Book rate. This is the main rate that we store. Normally supplied by source ledger. If not supplied, derived mathematically from values.
+In JE, FC generates for initial book, where normally Source=Originating. In JE it will look to user l
+Calculated rate for reporting only
+This element will used to store SunSystems 'Value 3' which is used as the reporting currency.
+This element will used to store SunSystems 'Value 4' which is used as either a secondary reporting currency, or secondary base currency.
+Natural Account for this Journal line
+These include both the user-defined Dimensions, defined on the Chart of Accounts Dimension Sequence, and the System Dimensions, eg Journal Type and Accounting Book. For User Dimensions, only the Dimensions/Codes defined for the Chart of Accounts of this
+Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.This is done by defining the additional information in XML Schema and referencing the new schema in the xml instance document throught the use of namespaces. Once this is done the additional information defined there can be carried in the BOD XML instance document.The Open Applications Group will make best efforts to quickly consider all proposed submissions.The USERAREA is always the last element in all components, except where the component has been extended inline.
+Usually the source ledger's journal line number. If it originated in JE, then the JE line number. Can be blank when JC or MBL adds a line to a journal from a source ledger.
+DEBIT or CREDIT. If debit we expect positive amounts in all fields (book, source, originating or functional, source, amount, as well as all memo values which are present). If credit we expect negative values. Signs can be reversed, but all v
+Date and period information for this line, coming from the source system. FC standardises, splits journals, so FC and MBL only produce journals with single period and single date, which are held on the header. These fields are for audit purposes only, a
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+For example the invoice number or journal number in the source system this line was created for. But this must be a BOD, so will not be supplied by source ledger s
+The line type relates to the type of journal line and uses one of the following values form the ‘Line Types’ enumerated code list in PMDM: RealisedGainsLosses, RevaluedGainsLosses, TranslationDifference, RoundingDifference, Standard (default value). Note that source systems using a SyncSourceSystemJournalEntry always send the value ‘Standard’. AGL creates lines containing the remaining values in addition to ‘standard’.
+Requirement for those systems that require day books. Supplied by source system and passed on by FC and MBL.
+Normally this is an integer but it may have a prefix.
+Any other document (BOD) references that are passed through from the Source System
+This is likely to come into use once Fin Controller receives documents directly, not via a Source Ledger system. These references allow tracking the history of the trans
+Some countries have multiple references for the same invoice. China has an internal invoice number and an external invoice number for the same physical invoice. Human readable references
+This may be a sequential number, or a set of sequential numbers with different prefixes. Used (eg in Italy, Argentina) where source systems have unique sequential numbering per document type such as sales invoice or purchases. Supplied by source system
+The narrative that describes the reason for the entry. Monolingual. Optional
+A numeric amount associated with the code referenced. Will either be provided by a source system so copied onto outgoing journals, or it can be assigned at journal entry time.
+If supplied, both a code and a value must be supplied, otherwise an error wil
+These are used for any warnings which are needed for the report e.g. currency rate not found
+Identifies the date used to go and look up currency exchange rates which are date based.
+This this a segmented account with the Nominal Account and then a delimited list of the dimension values. As an example, SX.e uses division, department, account, sub-account.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute. This will come from the accounting entity code list.
+The ID of the location that is associated with this ID when applicable. . Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+"Final" (we may support "Provisional" later)
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Enum list in Public MDM
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The ID from the BookInstance section of the LedgerSetup. Identifies the Book Instance. Name of the book in the tenant default mandatory locale.
+LedgerType. Enum list in Public MDM
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Enum Code List in Public MDM
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Allows an amount to be associated to a dimension code
+Valid code within nominated code list, eg "KG" or "TONNE" in a Code List of Weight. In some cases only one code will exist in the Code List where only one unit is used.
+Reference to a Person Noun
+The date and time that this journal was last modified?
+All languages
+All available languages
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Dimension
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, 'NoteType,' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values 'Internal' and 'External'.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Basis
+Identifies the Terms i.e. the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the payment.
+Identifies the Discount the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the discount from the payment.
+Identifies the Peanlty what happen when the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the penalty to add to the payment.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified
+Identifies the Terms i.e. the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of thepayment.
+Identifies the Discount the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the discount from the payment.
+Identifies the Peanlty what happen when the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the penalty to add to the payment.
+This indicates the dates at which payments are made by one party to another.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The penalty amount in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+The name of the user who last modified the journal
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+The name of the person who posted the Journal wherever it was first-posted - could be in Source Ledger System or could be in FC
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+The name of the user who approved the journal. If fields supplied by source system, passed through. If none supplied and we have approvals in FC, then added in FC
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+The name of the user who entered the journal. Entered means prepared - posting is handled separately below. Eg a temp may enter and an accountant then post. Or may be the same person.
+Reference to a Person Noun
+The date and time that this journal was first posted. This may be a source system, or for non-primary books journals may be FC
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Workflow Properties
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Journal Warning Parameters
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+The Financial Period that this journal was expected to be posted to. From the original journal in the source system.
+For JE this is blank.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+The Accounting Date that this journal was expected to be posted to. From the original journal in the source system.
+For JE this is blank.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+The Financial Year that this journal was expected to be posted to. From the original journal in the source system.
+For JE this is blank.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+0 or nonexistent when this is a standard period. Only used for adjustment periods.
+For JE this is blank.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+This is used to indicate a short year when the financial year is adjusted.
+For JE this is blank.
+Valid currency, e.g. GBP. Must be same as in header if it is present in header. We will not accept mixed currency source amounts coming in from Source Ledger. We will accept in JE or by import when first book of entry is a secondary book.
+FC will copy
+Only supplied if the Amount is supplied, except on Reval and difference postings, when a currency code may be supplied with a zero amount.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+Date and time when the document was published
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+This is the data as supplied by the source system. FC and MBL just record and pass it on.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+BOD Publication Date/Time
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A free form note. The lang attribute identifies the language that the note is in. The author identifies the author of the note. The enrtyDate indicates the date the note was entered or last modified
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The name of the noun that carries the information being referenced. Valid values are carried in the DocumentType Code list.
+Eg invoice, Payroll, Cash Payment - the BOD type. Some source ledger systems are not being fed by BODs, so they may not be able to provide this. FC will provide in future when it starts to transform other BODs into journals. Points to an Enum Code List.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Code List 'Source System Journal Code' Enum including Source Ledger, Correction, Imported from Ledger, Imported from Other, Entered (at least). Codes TBC mid-August.
+This is required for language codes other than 'en-us' when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Rate as calculated or as it is defined in Currency Maintenance and looked up. Is the rate to convert from Source to Book currency when each are expressed in the units shown below. Is the value which is not a power of 10 in the currency rate definition.
+1, 10's 100's, 1000's etc. Unit as defined in Currency fortress for rates. Must be a power of ten. If value in Currency fortress is not a power of 10, then set this to 1. One of source and target is always 1, both may be.
+When calculated from values
+1, 10's 100's, 1000's etc. Unit as defined in Currency fortress for rates. Must be a power of ten. If value in Currency fortress is not a power of 10, then set this to 1. One of source and target is always 1, both may be.
+When calculated from values w
+True means it is a division signed rate, and false is a multiply signed rate. It is preferred to use multiply signed rates so set to False where possible
+Usually the same Rate Type applies to all lines in a journal. But occasionally can use different ones, normally only when a breakout code is in use. Rate type may not include rates for all codes, and system may default to Standard Rate. Exceptionally, e
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+date and time this document becomes effective
+The date and time that the associated object is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Indicates a percentage of discount that is available based on the specified term.
+The penalty rate (percentage) charged based on the specified term.
+The amount due based on the terms code expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The daywithin the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The type that is associated with this grouping of terms.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+Represents the Properties or Features of the associated entity
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+Represents the Properties or Features of the associated entity
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SupplierInvoice.xsd b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SupplierInvoice.xsd
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..a6693cfa5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/assets/examples/Financial/Schemas/SupplierInvoice.xsd
@@ -0,0 +1,12474 @@
+Information that applies to the entire invoice document. The Header supports summary amounts for line items, charges, taxes and allowances. It also supports itemizing Header level charges, taxes and allowances for use in credit or debit invoices. In this case Line items are not needed. The summary amounts in the Header include the Line level amounts and Header level amounts.
+In general an Invoice Line can be aligned with Order Lines. The ItemQuantity and Price are used to compute the Total. The Total is a sum of the Total and any Charges, Taxes or Allowances.
+Document type from the code list: Payable Styles
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the alternate document id for the associated document.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+The datetime on which the object was last modified.
+A reference tot he person that took the action that caused this BOD to be published.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
+Is an amount not including taxes or charges. In the case of orders, this is typically the Unit Price times the Order Quantity. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Total amount of the invoice before applying sub-unit rounding (also called as Swedish rounding in some countries). This would be used only when SubunitRoundingAmount is specified. In these countries, an additional rounding on the total amount is done, where low denomination coins in a currency are withdrawn or otherwise made unavailable, but the currency""s subdivisions remain the same. Since it may not be possible to make exact change for a purchase, rounding the total bill to the lowest available denomination of coinage is required if a customer is paying in cash. If payment is being tendered using credit card, debit card, cheque etc no rounding is necessary. Note: this would be contain the total amount (Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes) when subunit rounding is required.
+The amount that would be added to PreSubunitRoundedTotal to get the TotalAmount. If the SubunitRoundingAmount is with a negative sign, then it would be subtracted from PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount to get the TotalAmount. TotalAmount = PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount + SubunitRoundingAmount
+Example - 1209,38 SEK is the PreSubunitRoundedTotalAmount. In this case, the SubunitRoundingAmount is specified as -0.38; The total amount would then be 1209 SEK.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the base currency.
+To specify all the paid amounts for the order(s) related to this invoice. In some countries, it could be the case that the payments are not booked in A/R
+ but have to be mentioned on the e-invoice.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the report currency.
+Minimum amount to be paid to avoid late fee, surcharges etc.
+Minimum amount to be paid in base currency
+Minimum amount to be paid in report currency
+Contains the set of information about a Supplier Party necessary to execute and administer orders or requests.
+Is the organization that is the end customer of the goods or services being provided in the associated transaction.
+Identifies the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to.
+##Not Supported. Use RemitToParty instead of this element. Party that owns the account to which cash is to be deposited.
+## Not supported. Use PayFromParty instead of this element. Party that owes an amount of money to the CreditorParty/FinalParty.
+Indicates creditor reference for remittances. This could either be the Structured Creditor Reference in accordance with ISO 11649 or other proprietary references.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+References the PurchaseOrder noun.
+Is a reference to a contract
+Indicates the billing time period - all the lines for the invoice fall between these start date and end dates
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+Is the payment method code for the associate entity.
+Code used to represent the type of payment channel used
+ - internet banking, manual payment etc
+Specifies the tax point date; the date on which a taxable person should account for tax.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+Represents the different Charges that may be applied to the associated document.
+Identifies the discount or allowance that the Customer is to receive off of the TotalAmount owed as a result of the associated document or sub-portion of a document.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+Indicates if a charge has been made against the invoice.
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+### Not Supported, ### Deprecated in 2.4 : Base Currency Amount
+To indicate a self-billed invoice
+Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line.
+Identifies the party that the bill or invoice is to be sent. In most cases this is the same as the CustomerParty however there are many cases where the CustomerParty and the BillToParty will be different.
+Identifies the party that created and sent the bill or invoice
+Identifies the party that the payment for the goods or services will come.
+Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
+Tax representatives are responsible for correct management of VAT on behalf of companies in accordance with local regulations. This is not an internal party whose ID details would be maintained in applications.
+This is the Subtotal plus Order Level adjustments. This does not include Tax
+ The sum of the pretax amounts from the lines before any order
+ adjustments or taxes are added.
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+To specify all the correction details for the invoice
+Used where source systems have unique sequential numbering per document type such as sales invoice or purchases.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values ''Internal'' and ''External''.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, ''NoteType,'' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The ID for this object formatted as closely as possible to the way the customer would expect to see the ID. This element is used for display only and has no other purpose.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+A Facility identifies a location within an entity. The facility may have sub-locators identified using a sequenced identification notation e.g. Warehouse A100 Sub-Location 11, Row R10 would be represented as an array of three Facility elements with values as A100, 11, R10, name attribute as Warehouse, Sub-Location and Row and sequence attribute as 1,2 and 3 respectively.
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+The type attribute is required on all DocumentReference elements and must be a valid noun name. The valid noun names are in the "Noun Name" code list for validation.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+A container that holds a list of IDs without RevisionID.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Allows the data to be embedded directly into the BOD instance.
+Uniform Resource Identifier. Identifies files and locations on the web. This can also be used for email address under contact.
+Indicates the name of the File being referenced.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type of the file type of the attachment.
+Specifies how big the file is.
+Is the title of the person. For example Dr..
+When this attribute is true the attachment is stored in the EmbeddedSata element. When it is false an external reference is used.
+The format of the binary content
+The mime type of the binary object.
+Specifies the decoding algorithm of the binary object.
+The character set of the binary object if the mime type is text
+The Uniform Resource Identifier that identifies where the binary object is located.
+The filename of the binary object.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Prepayment amount in invoice currency
+Prepayment date time
+Any text reference for the payment
+To specify any other documents as reference for the payment (ex, payable tracker, Invoice)
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the sales contact and sales department/organization that is responsible for the sale that the instance is associated.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to shipping the contents communicated by the document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is responsible for customer service.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Vanity city name like La Jolla for San Diego
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The sequence number of an address.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The numeric ranking of this element in a collection of like elements where 1 is the preferred option.
+Indicates that this element is the prefered element in a collection of like elements.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the channel in which the associated entity comes. phone, email, address, skype, ICQ, ...
+Code identifying the usage of the contact point e.g. business, private, etc.
+The country dialing code for a communication number. Only a few applications support this value so it may be stored as a prefix on the DialNumber. This is the approach taken by ICB.
+The area dialing code for a communication number. Area code is specific to the North American dialing pattern. The area code may be included in the dialing number or carried separately. If carried separately in an environment that supports a country code, the country access code must be carried in the CountryDialing element and not stored as a prefix on the DialNumber.
+The commication number, not including country dialing or area dialing codes.
+The extension of the assoicated communication number.
+The text that permits access to the electronic network of the associated communication number such as telephone network, for example 9, *70.
+A physical address usually including street name, number, city, country and postal code. Can be represented using a more complex format when necessary.
+Uniform Resource Identifier. Identifies files and locations on the web. This can also be used for email address under contact.
+Indicates that the associated entity preferrs HTML format.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Identifies the preferred communication method to use.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Channel Code
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Communication Use Codes
+Holds the lines that make up the address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Qualifies the further division of the City, example a city may have many districts or Boroughs.
+Identifies the town or the city
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+The sequence number of this address line.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Contact.
+Identifies the means of communicating with this contact. Each instance can represent an address, email address, web site or phone number.
+Identifies the type of contact, such as requester, the buyer, customer service, etc
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Sales Contact.
+Methods of establishing communication with the Sales Contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the Shipping Contact.
+Mehods of establishing communication with the Shipping Contact.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Name of the CS Contact.
+Methods of establishsing communication with the CS Contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+The customer party's account id.
+Identifies the contact information for the requesting person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to receive the contents communicated by the document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the ID as maintained by the Supplier, set @schemeName as "Supplier"
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Supplier"" then this value is the ID of the supplier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Directions for the given location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Format Code indicates the format of the address. Examples are US Military, US Formatted Address, European Formatted Address etc. There is no intent to decode the address formats - these are informational only. No list of valid values exists or is proposed here.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+Vanity city name like La Jolla for San Diego
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Address Format Codes
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+The name given to a division of a business specializing in a particular product or service. In this case, it is where the Contact works in.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Specifies bank branch and account details of the party
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Classification of the location in one or more of the groups defined below
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+Holds preference information for the instance of the object being referenced.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+A collection of codes with a sequence added to the codes for ordering.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type of Classification of the Location.
+The code value for the dimension identified in the code list.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This is the name of one of Dimensions that are maintained by the Code Fortress. These can be user defined or provided by Infor. Known dimensions that will be available on all systems and should be mapped to by implementing systems include:
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. GenericStatus
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+The clearinghouse member ID
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the financial institution.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Basic Bank Account Number
+International Bank Account Number
+Holds the account ids associted with this Financial Party instance.
+Specifies the currency code of the object in which it is associated.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+used to identify the account as savings, checking or other type of financial account.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. GenericStatus
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The sequence number that identifies the number of times that this BOD, for this object, has been published. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Basic Bank Account Number
+International Bank Account Number
+Specifies the currency code of the object in which it is associated.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+used to identify the account as savings, checking or other type of financial account.
+Indicates the current state of the associated object.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Holds information associated with branch locations.
+Provides bank account details.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Identifies the Release Number in the case of Blanket POs
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+Is the ScheduleLineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Is the SublineNumber of a particular item of interest for the given DocumentReference. The Line Number is of the primary DocumentId of the sender indicated by the DocumentId under DocumentIds.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+A code used to uniquely a payment term.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering when PaymentTerm@type=''Installment''. Other types of Payment Term do not require any sequence.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+The timestamp marking the ending of a time period during which a related entity.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A code used to uniquely a payment term.
+Identifies the Term conditions for due date. Due date could be specified directly or with a payment date basis code and a duration or with prox terms.
+Identifies the Discount the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the discount from the payment.
+Identifies the Peanlty what happen when the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the penalty to add to the payment.
+This indicates the dates at which payments are made by one party to another.
+Identifies the types associated with the PaymentTerm.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering when PaymentTerm@type=''Installment''. Other types of Payment Term do not require any sequence.
+## Not supported. An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+## Not supported. Date and time this document becomes effective
+The date and time that the associated object is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+## Not supported. Indicates a percentage of discount that is available based on the specified term.
+The percentage of the amount identified by the basis code that is applicable to this term.
+## Not supported. The penalty rate (percentage) charged based on the specified term.
+The amount due based on the terms code expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The daywithin the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+### Not supported. The type that is associated with this grouping of terms.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+### Not supported. The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+### Not supported. The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Basis
+The day of the month that is the cut-off for the prox period. For example, assuming that all invoices generated before the 10th of the month are due on the 20th, the ProxCutOff would be 10.
+The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The day within the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+date and time this document becomes effective
+The date and time that the order is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+Identifies percentage of the discount from the payment.
+The amount of discount allowed expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Basis
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The date and time that the order is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+The penalty rate (percentage) charged for late payment.
+The penalty amount in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the Terms i.e. the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the payment.
+Identifies the Discount the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the discount from the payment.
+Identifies the Peanlty what happen when the time and number of payments and the amount or percentage of the penalty to add to the payment.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+## Not supported. An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+## Not supported. Date and time this document becomes effective
+The date and time that the associated object is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+## Not supported. Indicates a percentage of discount that is available based on the specified term.
+The percentage of the amount identified by the basis code that is applicable to this term.
+## Not supported. The penalty rate (percentage) charged based on the specified term.
+Used to indicate the payment schedule amount. Either the amount or percent could be used to define the schedule amount. The amount due based on the terms code expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The number of months beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The day within the ProxMonth beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+## Not supported. For new integrations or updates, this element should not be used. The element with the same name under Proximo should be used. The daywithin the ProxWeek beyond the Billing Date in which payment is due.
+### Not supported. The type that is associated with this grouping of terms.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The date and time that the order is to be completed.
+The date and time when the payment terms go into effect. Used in conjunction with NumberOfDays
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Preferred method of defining Prox Terms. This element repeats allowing multiple Prox periods to be defined.
+Code defining the amount from the document to use as the basis amount. (For example, total or extended)
+Indicates a percentage of discount that is available against a price
+The amount of discount allowed expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Payment Methods
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Defines the tax authority to which taxes must be paid. The determining location is the location to which the asset was delivered.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the base currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the report currency.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the transaction unit of measure.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the base unit of measure.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Uniquely identifies the exemption along with the agency that defines the excemption.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+This is used to represent the tax amount for this jurisdiction in the currency of the taxing authority.
+Same as Tax/BaseAmount; either this element or Tax/BaseAmount could be used.
+The amount of tax payable on this transaction for this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Identifies the sequence of how the taxes must be applied.
+Indicates that tax
+ code of the tax being represented by the given instance of tax. Possible values
+ are: Sales Tax, Use Tax, VAT
+To further classify type; for example for VAT, the following categories
+ could be applicable - Higher Rate, Lower Rate, Zero rate etc
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Tax Jurisdiction Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Is the multiplier appied to the base amount or the base quantity in order to calculate the amount.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Exemption Code
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+The amount of this transaction that is exempt from tax by this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+The quantity upon which the charge is calculated. This is only used when the charge is based upon a quantity.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+An explicit period of time for the bucket.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The basis amount for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+The amount of the adjustment for each quantity of 1 of the unit of measure.
+A code used to identify the purpose of an adjustment. Could include codes for non-itemized and pre-tax.
+A code used group charges or allowances together to simplify posting for those systems that cannot or do not support a full range of adjustments.
+Identifies how the object being referenced is to be calculated.
+This is the unit of measure code that is assigned to this package. This must be unique within the item/supplier.
+Specifies the currency rate of the object in which it is associated.
+Used by pricing to indicate that the calculation is based on the gross weight rather than the net weight.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Identifies the type
+ of charge that the given instance of Charge/Allowance.
+sequence in which charge occurred.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Reasons for Charge
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity.
+The timestamp marking the ending 1of a time period during which a related entity.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Defines the tax authority to which taxes must be paid. The determining location is the location to which the asset was delivered.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the base currency.
+The taxable amount for this tax jurisdiction expressed in the report currency.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the transaction unit of measure.
+The quantity used for calculating the tax in the base unit of measure.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Uniquely identifies the exemption along with the agency that defines the excemption.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+This is used to represent the tax amount for this jurisdiction in the currency of the taxing authority.
+Same as Tax/BaseAmount; either this element or Tax/BaseAmount could be used.
+The amount of tax payable on this transaction for this jurisdiction expressed in the transaction currency.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the sequence of how the taxes must be applied.
+Indicates that tax
+ code of the tax being represented by the given instance of tax. Possible values
+ are: Sales Tax, Use Tax, VAT
+To further classify type; for example for VAT, the following categories
+ could be applicable - Higher Rate, Lower Rate, Zero rate etc
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Adjustment Types
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Adjustment Groups
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Calculation Methods
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Rate Types
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The amount upon which the allowance is calculated. This is only used when the allowance is a percentage of the amount.
+The quantity upon which the allowance is calculated. This is only used when the allowance is based on a quantity.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Allowance Reason
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Code used to define the status of this document. See the code list associated to this code for the list of valid codes and their meanings.
+date and time this document becomes effective
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Indicator that determines if the BOD has been archived. The default value is false so there is no need to explicitly set this to false.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The source Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the source currency for currencies with small denominations.
+The target Currency Code for the monetary amount to be converted.
+Specifies the unit base of the target currency for currencies with small denominations.
+Is the multiplier appied to the base amount or the base quantity in order to calculate the amount.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Currencies
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+Amount for a specific type in the base or book currency. The type is identified by the type code and can include Total, Extended and other amount types.
+ExtendedAmount, TotalAmount
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+To specify the ID as maintained by the supplier, set @schemeName as "Supplier"
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Supplier"" then this value is the ID of the supplier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+System, or not used
+The ID of the System, Owner, Customer, Manufacturer or Supplier that uses this ID to reference this item, in the case where the ID is from another system, this is the LogicalID of that system.
+The ID of the accounting entity that is associated with this ID. Used with the global ID - no schemeNameAttribute.
+The logical ID of the system that is this SOR for this noun instance.. Used with the global ID- no schemeNameAttribute.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The name of the person to whom this document would be intended.
+There are multiple methods of expressing an address line in OAGIS. The primary method supported by Infor will be a sequences collection of adderss lines. A more detailed address can be implemented and documented when the need arises. Only that actuall address lines should be included in these lines as the city, country sub-dicision, country and postal code are separate elements that should always be included in an address.
+The Number of the building or house on the street that identifies the location. For example, Building 300 on Standards Parkway.
+The building or house name on the street that identifies the location.
+The street name of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The unit of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The floor of the building or house that identifies the location.
+The post office box that is used for the location.
+The city must be provided for an address.
+Qualifies the further division of the Country. These may be Districts, Regions, States, Provinces etc. A possible list of values is as specified in ISO 3166-2.
+Postal Code of the Address.
+The value may be ''text'' or ''discrete''. Text indicates that the Address elements are used and discrete indicates that the ''Street'' and ''Number'' elements are used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Code that identifies the prefered language of the contact.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Used for invoices with PEPPOL standard. This represents a party's electronic address.
+ It might be the case that some countries use existing identifiers like VATID as EndPointID
+ too.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Specifies bank branch and bank account details for the party
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+true when this location is a valid pick-up location for the web storefront.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+The identification of the identification scheme
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The name of the entity that created the ID. This is only used when the ID is defined externally and there is no ID for that agency - like for government agencies.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+A collection of codes with a sequence added to the codes for ordering.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Identifies the type associated with this group of classifications.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+Identifies the
+ financial ledger to be used when updating balances
+OED: A rate, number or proportion in each hundred.
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Is the GLAccount for the associated document and component.
+Reference to a ProjectMaster noun
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+Allows the user of OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is not captured in OAGIS.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Is the primary account classification within a chart of accounts. For example reveune, Fixed Asset, Land, Buildings, etc.
+The name associated with this account.
+This element will likely not be used by existing ERP systems.
+Reference to ID of ChartOfAccounts for this account (useful to get social objects and graphs for GL Accounts)
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The name of the AccountingChart
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The number of times this object has been published with these attributes for the accounting entity and location.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The ID that is associated with an acitivity for the Project.
+cost pegged Project Element
+Identifies the Type of project that is being referenced.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Natural period in which the tax effects of the invoice to be corrected were produced; and therefore in which taxes were paid, and which is now adjusted.
+Code to identify the method applied to correct an invoice. For example Spain has “01�? – “Full items�? for all items to be corrected in the original invoice are reflected. “02�? – “Corrected items only�? for only items already corrected are noted. This will be a standard code list
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+To specify additional reason texts
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity.
+The timestamp marking the ending of a time period during which a related entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+A generic reference that uses the ""type"" attribute which contains the noun name of the referenced object.
+The Attachment represents binary data files that may be included within a BOD. These files replace the paper specifications and drawings attached to a BOD definition to clearly communicate design requirements. This Data Type is optional. Attachment usage is further defined by its position.
+Identifies the Item associated with the Line or Detail of a transaction. The item provides the details of the generic Item component information.
+Indicates the date and time an item was shipped. It is used to specify the last shipment date for the particular sequenced part.
+Country of Origin information including a country code and a percentage.It is a collection with percentages and source and assembly. Many industries use standard country codes for Country of Origin. When there is a need to use custom codes (for example with Automotive), use element 'ComplexCountryOfOriginCode'. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico.
+A code defined for a specific industry that indicates the countries of origin and percents in a single code. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico. If standard country of origin codes are used, use the element 'CountryAndPercent'
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+The auxiliary quantity related to the primary quantity on this transaction.e.g. where an item has an auxiliary quantity defined as a weight in KG, this would be the weight in KGs
+Unit price of the item for the number of items in the unitCode specified in the PerQuantity elements. In most cases the unitCode of the PerQuantity is the same as the unitCode of the Quantity element above. Note that the UnitPrice is always excluding the tax amount.
+References the PurchaseOrder noun.
+Is an amount not including taxes or charges. In the case of orders, this is typically the Unit Price times the Order Quantity. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the transaction currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the base currency.
+Indicates the total amount of the object associated. This includes the Price and the total of all the charges, allowances and taxes. This is represented in the report currency.
+Indicates that the line is an open item and is not to be included in the document total.
+Specifies the tax point date; the date on which a taxable person should account for tax.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+Represents the different Charges that may be applied to the associated document.
+Identifies the discount or allowance that the Customer is to receive off of the TotalAmount owed as a result of the associated document or sub-portion of a document.
+Allows the user of
+ OAGIS to extend the specification in order to provide additional information that is
+ not captured in OAGIS.
+Is the requested delivery date and time of the line item.
+Contains the set of information about a Supplier Party necessary to execute and administer orders or requests.
+Is the organization that is the end customer of the goods or services being provided in the associated transaction.
+References the SalesOrder noun.
+Identifies the unit cost multiplied by the number of those items that were purchased.
+## Not Supported, ## Deprecated in 2.4 : Base Currency Amount
+Identifies the ShipToParty for the document or the line.
+Identifies the party that the bill or invoice is to be sent. In most cases this is the same as the CustomerParty however there are many cases where the CustomerParty and the BillToParty will be different.
+Identifies the party that the payment for the goods or services will come.
+Identifies the party that the goods or services are being shipped or sent from.
+Identifies the party or location that the payment is to be remitted to or sent to.
+The values would be Item, Non-Item, Freight, Finance Charge
+The values would be I for Item, N for Non-Item, C for Charge, T for Tax.
+Specifies whether the line is a corrected line or not on a correction invoice
+Specifies the linked reversal line for the current corrected invoice line.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+Is the primary item Identifier associated with the given item within the scope of the given integration as provided by the Party or entity that has created this document instance.
+UPC ID - This is the UPC-A general purpose code. It has 1 digit for a system number, 5 digits for the manufacturer number, 5 digits for the product number, and one check sum digit.
+Electronic Product CodeLike the Universal Product Code (UPC) or bar code, the Electronic Product Code(EPC) is the fundamental identifier for a physical object in a EPC Network. The EPC identifies the manufacturer, product, version and serial number, and uses an extra set of digits to identify unique items. The EPC Tag Data Standards Specification Version 1.1 defines the encoding of the Electronic Product Code onto the RFID chip, as well as how it is encoded for use in the information systems layer of the EPC Network (for example the RFID Information Server).
+GTIN describes a family of GS1 (EAN.UCC) global data structures that employ 14 digits and can be encoded into various types of data carriers. Currently, GTIN is used exclusively within bar codes, but it could also be used in other data carriers such as radio frequency identification (RFID). The GTIN is only a term and does not impact any existing standards, nor does it place any additional requirements on scanning hardware. For North American companies, the UPC is an existing form of the GTIN.
+Identifies if the Item is a Service.
+Describes the associated item.
+A freeform note
+description by which each customer or supplier knows this item
+This identifies the classification of an entity. An entity may be classified into mulitple groups for different reasons. Examples of Classification include Commodity Codes, Freight Classifications, Product Line classifications and so on. Suggested Values are COMMODITY, FREIGHT, PRODUCTLINE.
+Identifies the specification of an entity.
+radio frequency identifier (RFID)
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+Is the Lot and Serial numbers for the items contained in the associated component by identifing the number of items and the uniques serial number of those items that belong to a given Lot.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Identifies the engineering change revision that this entity addresses.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise and the value of the ID must, when combined with the accounting entity when present, uniquely identify this item throughout the enterprise.
+Valid values for the Item are Customer, Supplier, Manufacturer, SKU, and Duplicate.
+The ID of the entity that created the ID. When the schemeName is ""Customer"" or ""Supplier"" then this value is the ID of the customer or supplier.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+GTIN is one of the multiple GS1 ID keys used for items.
+When no schemeName is specified, the receiving application must try to identify the type of GTIN from the ID itself (like how it used to be when only a single GTIN could be specified in earlier versions).
+There could be multiple GTINs available in some cases; if there is a need to publish all these, then this attribute must be used. Valid values are GTIN-8, GTIN-12, GTIN-13, GTIN-14.
+Identifies the type of party: Customer, Supplier, or Manufacturer.
+ID of Party
+Accounting entity of Party
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The identifier for a specification. This does not point to another noun and does not use the accounting entity, location or lid attributes.
+Represents the Properties or Features of the associated entity
+A code used to indicate if this specification is used to define a minimum, maximum, or target value.
+An indicator used to identify Specifications that are likely not of interest to an ERP system.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Workflow Properties
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Dimension
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision. This can be used in place of the EndDateTime, but not in conjunction with it.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+Is used to describe the quantity of an item.
+The quantity of the item in the Base UOM.
+Identifies the Lot that a given Item Instance belongs to.
+Indicates whether an item is active, inactive, or in other various states. Examples of values for this field include: Active, Inactive, Hold, Deleted, Obsolete
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Identifies the method used for selecting the lot for an item. Standard values are ‘Any’, ‘Same’, or ‘Specific’
+Quantity of items required to fill the lot.
+Date when the item was manufactured
+Date when the item will expire. When this is not mentioned, it implies that there is no expiry date.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Holds ID information associated with the Item's Lots.
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+Identifies the quantity of the associated service or item that is addresses by the component in which the quantity is associated.
+The auxiliary quantity related to the primary quantity on this transaction.e.g. where an item has an auxiliary quantity defined as a weight in KG, this would be the weight in KGs
+Unique serial number assigned to the given item instance by the manufacturer.
+radio frequency identifier (RFID)
+A freeform note
+Indicates whether an item is active, inactive, or in other various states. Examples of values for this field include: Active, Inactive, Hold, Deleted, Obsolete
+##Not supported. Please use CountryAndPercent element. Represents the identifier of the country of origin of an item, service or shipment
+Country of Origin information including a country code and a percentage.It is a collection with percentages and source and assembly. Many industries use standard country codes for Country of Origin. When there is a need to use custom codes (for example with Automotive), use element 'ComplexCountryOfOriginCode'. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico.
+A code defined for a specific industry that indicates the countries of origin and percents in a single code. For example country of origin UC7M indicates at least 70% U.S. and Canadian content but assembled in Mexico. If standard country of origin codes are used, use the element 'CountryAndPercent'
+Characteristics that are tracked through out the warehouse and reported at the item instance level
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Countries
+Indicates the type of
+inventory characteristic specified (eg. pack date time, size etc.)
+Used when the type depicts a characteristic of string data type
+Used when the characteristic is a date time value
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Disposition Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+Country in which the Address exists. The list of values is specified in ISO 3166-2.
+The percentage of the item that comes from the specific country
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+The location that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. This attribute must not be included on the ID of objects that are maintained at the tenant or accounting entity level.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Indicates the PerQuantity side of this Amount. Typically, this value is 1 with a uom of each, meaning that, e.g., a UnitPrice with the Amount 1.29 would be the price per each or simply $1.29 each. For pricing wire, the UnitPrice Amount might be $7.00 with a PerQuantity of 100 and a uom of LinearFeet, meaning the unit price would be $7 per 100 linear feet.
+Element for the communication of all codes.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+This attribute contains the Code List ListID for the code that it is associated with. Unit Price Codes
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+Identifies how monetary amounts are distributed across an organization.
+The position of the Distribution within a Business Object Document provides the context and additional meaning.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Is the base amount from which the charge/allowance is derived.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Allows the sender to indicate how the Charge/Allowance was calculated.
+Identifies the reason for an activity
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Indicates the tax for the object associated.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the sales contact and sales department/organization that is responsible for the sale that the instance is associated.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to shipping the contents communicated by the document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is responsible for customer service.
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+The customer party's account id.
+Identifies the contact information for the requesting person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that is to receive the contents communicated by the document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for Standard Carrier Alpha Code .
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Commercial and Government Entity (CAGE) code is a five-character ID number used extensively within the Department of Defense to identify specific companies.
+DoDAAC (Dept. of Defense Activity Address Code) is a unique six-position, alphanumeric string that uniquely identifies departments, locations, units, and so on within the military. This identifier serves the same purpose as a company
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Is the primary document id for the document associated.
+The date that document was created within the system of record.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Identifies the Release Number in the case of Blanket POs
+Is the identifier of the given Line Component within the document
+The LID of the system where the object can be maintained. This can be used by BIS to help automate the drill back process.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Identifies the exchange rate between two currencies
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Specify how the total costs are spread (for example across various cost component codes)
+A container for a collection of codes that should be associated with the containing object that can be used to group or refine the definition of the object.
+The monetary value of the object in which the amount is associated
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at accounting entity level.
+Monetary amount used for consolidation at tenant level.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Contacts are the point of communication with the given party. In the case of an organization it may be the requestioner, the buyer, customer service, etc.
+Identifies the contact information of the person, organization, department, or group that planned for the timing of the exchange of goods/services that this document is associated at the document or line level.
+Identifies the contact information for the buying person, organization, department, or group on the associated document or line.
+An identifier for an object. The ID has a number of possible attributes to further define how it should be used..
+Tax Identification Number of the party - Identifier for a business or individual provided by the government. This maybe a FIIN, Social Security Number, or Drivers License Number to name a few.
+Identifier for business provided by Dun and Bradstreet.
+The Bank Identifier Code is a unique address which, in telecommunication messages, identifies precisely the financial institutions involved in financial transactions.
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+Contains the set of possible identifiers for an associated Party.
+Identifies the Name of the object in which associated.
+Maintains the locations or sites (offices, warehouses, plants) within the enterprise.
+Identifies the means of sending messages, orders, etc., including telephone, email, etc..
+Specifies bank branch and bank account details for the party
+Identifier of the given location within the scope of the integration
+Identifies the Name of the Location
+Address for the given location
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+Used to reference a location that is defined for the purposes of tracking transactions against a logistical company.
+true when this location is a valid pick-up location for the web storefront.
+Used to indicate if a location is not a physical internal warehouse, but rather one used for tracking direct shipments.
+Status to determine if a location is Pending, Active, Unavailable or Inactive. Pending is not available yet. Active is available. Unavailable is temporarily unavailable. Inactive is no longer available.
+From the LocationType code list, an extensible list that includes Warehouse, Manufacturing, Purchasing, Sales, Financial, Others.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity.
+Is the tag and information of the new information to be passed.
+Free form text that describes the object and repeats as needed to provide support for multilingual descriptions
+A freeform note
+Indicates the time period in which the associated component is effective.
+The sequence attribute is used for the ordering of elements within a document. It is not intended to be used as an identifier.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Workflow Properties
+This is the identifier for this Property within this document.
+Identifies the data type of the value of this property.
+The unit-of-measure (UOM) code associated with a quantity. This is based upon the ISO standard.
+The code for the currency associated with an amount.
+This attribute contains the Code List ID for the codes that are associated with corresponding entity. Dimension
+The accounting entity that is associated with the maintenance of this instance of the noun. For objects that are maintained at the tenant level this attribute must not be included in the document.
+When no schemeName exists this is the default ID for the enterprise at the level where this object is maintained. The value of the ID must uniquely identify this object throughout the enterprise within the scope of the level where it is maintained (tenant, accounting entity or location). The specific values for this attribute are determined by the individual noun.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+An optional identifier, that when used can uniquely identify each instance of a note within a BOD. It is only unique within the context of the document.
+Indicates if the note should be published externally or if it is for internal use only. It may have the values ''Internal'' and ''External''.
+Person who created the note
+Entry date and time in GMT.
+Status of a note.
+Identifies where the note is used and is associated to an Infor defined code list, ''NoteType,'' that indicates the processes that might use the note.
+This is required for language codes other than ""en-us"" when the element that includes this attribute is used.
+The timestamp marking the beginning of a time period during which a related entity or status is effective or applicable.
+Indicates the duration of time as represented by ISO 8601. Where the value space is a six dimensional space where the coordinates designate the Gregorian year, month, day, hour, minute, and second. The number of seconds can include decimal digits to arbitary pecision. This can be used in place of the EndDateTime, but not in conjunction with it.
+Is the ending timestamp of the event. This can be used in place of the Duration, but not with it.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/common/try_it/named_parameters.js b/src/common/try_it/named_parameters.js
index 6547483df..b46de465b 100644
--- a/src/common/try_it/named_parameters.js
+++ b/src/common/try_it/named_parameters.js
@@ -69,15 +69,18 @@
if (info) {
Object.keys(info).map(function (key) {
if (typeof field === 'undefined' || field === key) {
- if (typeof info[key][0]['enum'] === 'undefined') {
- if (info[key][0].type === 'date' && typeof info[key][0].example === 'object') {
- info[key][0].example = info[key][0].example.toUTCString();
+ var parameter = info[key][0];
+ if (typeof parameter['enum'] === 'undefined') {
+ if (parameter.type === 'date' && typeof parameter.example === 'object') {
+ parameter.example = parameter.example.toUTCString();
- if (info[key][0].example) {
- that.values[key][0] = info[key][0].example;
- } else if (info[key][0].examples && info[key][0].examples[0] && info[key][0].examples[0].value) {
- that.values[key][0] = info[key][0].examples[0].value;
+ if (parameter.example) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.example;
+ } else if (parameter.type === 'boolean' && parameter.hasOwnProperty('example')) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.example;
+ } else if (parameter.examples && parameter.examples[0] && parameter.examples[0].value) {
+ that.values[key][0] = parameter.examples[0].value;