The project implements a simple chat system includin
- user registry service (HTTP REST API)
- client app supporting HTTP, UDP or WEBSOCKET
Powered by Ktor
The service supports the following interface:
User registration
POST /v1/users { "user" : "<name>", "address" : { "protocol" : "<HTTP | WEBSOCKET | UDP>", "host": "<host or ip>", "port": "<port>" } }
If sucessful return
200 OK
{ "status" : "ok" }
If the user already exists -
409 Conflict
Username must not be empty and should consist of [a-zA-Z0-9-_.]. Invalid username returns -400 Bad Request
User update
PUT /v1/users/{user} { "protocol" : "<HTTP | WEBSOCKET | UDP>", "host": "<host or ip>", "port": "<port>" }
On success return
200 OK
{ "status" : "ok" }
If the user does not exist - create a new one
Username must not be empty and should consist of [a-zA-Z0-9-_.]. Invalid username returns -
400 Bad Request
Retreiving the user list
GET /v1/users/
On success returns
200 OK
. Example:{ "ws1" : { "protocol" : "WEBSOCKET", "host" : "", "port" : 8083 }, "udp2" : { "protocol" : "UDP", "host" : "", "port" : 3002 }, "http1" : { "protocol" : "HTTP", "host" : "", "port" : 8080 } }
Deleting a user
DELETE /v1/users/{user}
On success return
200 OK
{ "status" : "ok" }
By default the user data is stored in-memory, this can be changed to store data in an SQL database by changing config file (example in
./gradlew :registry:test
to run server tests
./gradlew :client:test
to run client app tests
Note: every 3 minutes /v1/health is queried. Clients not responding 3 times in a row are automatically deleted
CLI chat with the following commands
- Update the available user list quering the registry:user <user>
- Choose a user for sending messages<text>
- Send a message to the selected user Error, if user isn't found:exit
- Exit, deleting the client from the register