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Docker image with Rust programming language and Cargo package manager.


Rust changes a lot, many devs want to develop using the Rust nightly builds. It's customary to download precompiled binaries directly from Rust's site, but it's a bit cleaner to install such directly downloaded binaries into a somewhat isolated environment, like a docker container.

It's also easy to temporarily revert to a previous Rust nightly in case a new Rust nightly breaks your dependencies way too much, just name your containers by date when you create them, and then keep them around for a while.


docker pull dockingbay/fedora-rust:nightly

The intended use case is to base your own per-project images on the fedora-rust image nightly build. An example Dockerfile:

FROM dockingbay/fedora-rust:nightly

# create a user
RUN useradd project -u 1000 -d /home/project -G wheel; passwd --stdin project <<< 'weakpw'

# install dependencies needed for building your project
RUN dnf -y install freetype-devel portaudio-devel SDL2-devel tmux zlib-devel; dnf clean all

# don't forget LD_LIBRARY_PATH for rustc
RUN echo -e '\nexport LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/lib' >> /home/project/.bashrc

# a nicer command prompt
RUN echo "export PS1='[\u@\h \W]\$ '" >> /home/project/.bashrc

VOLUME ["/home/project/my_project_directory"]
USER project
ENV HOME /home/project
CMD ["/usr/bin/tmux"]

Build your customized project image:

docker build -t myname/my_project_image .

Create a container, you'll get a shell where you can run rustc and cargo:

docker run --name my_project_2015_01_05 -i -t -v /home/myname/projects/my_project:/home/project/my_project_directory

Re-use a previously created container in case the newest nightly makes you feel dizzy:

docker start -a -i my_project_2015_01_02