Black code formatter should be always used.
Additionally, general code style should comply with standard style guidelines for Python programming such as PEP8. Another very reasonable (and thorough) set of coding conventions for scientific software development in Python has been published by the Data Management unit of the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) project and is available online.
In general, Python modules should be structured in the following order:
Shebang line, #! /usr/bin/env python (only for executable scripts)
Module-level comments (such as the license statement)
Module-level docstring
__all__ = [...]
statement, if present -
Imports (alphabetically ordered within each block) a. Block of imports from the standard library b. Block of imports from general third party libraries (e.g. numpy, xarray) c. Block of imports from specific submodules of the project
Private module variables, functions and classes (names start with underscore)
Public module variables, functions and classes
General coding advices:
from X import Y
import form is generally preferred overimport X
- Absolute imports (
from library import something
) SHOULD be preferred over relative imports (from .submodule import something
) - is and is not SHOULD be used when comparing to None
- The set type SHOULD be used for unordered collections
- super() MAY be used to call parent class methods
- Iterators and generators SHOULD be used to iterate over large data sets efficiently
- Block comments SHOULD reference the code following them and SHOULD be indented to the same level
Use Black: the uncoompromising Python code formatter with not more than 120 characters per source line and 79 for docstrings
Follow NumPy format for docstrings with sphinx-Napoleon. Very useful guidelines can be found in LSST docstrings conventions
Git commit hooks with pre-commit