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-# Core Components
-## Table Classes
-All table structures should be defined in the `/app/Tables` directory and should inherit the
-`MtrDesign\Krait\Tables\BaseTable` class.
-By running `php artisan krait:table MyAwesomeTable`, Krait will generate the directory and the MyAwesomeTable
-class automatically for you.
- name: 'my_first_column',
- label: 'My First Column',
- process: fn(mixed $resource) => 'This is the processed content!'
- );
- }
- function additionalData(mixed $resource): array
- {
- return [
- 'additional_prop' => 'Krait is awesome!',
- ];
- }
-## Table Columns
-All columns are internally represented by the [`TableColumnDTO`](https://github.com/mtrdesign/krait/blob/main/krait/src/DTO/TableColumnDTO.php) class. We define the columns
-inside our Table Definition Classes using the `column` method. Here is the list of all parameters that can be assigned to specific column.
- 'foo']];
- return MyAwesomeTable::from($records);
- }
-## Table Vue Components
- Krait is awesome!
- {{ record[column.name] ?? 'N/A' }}
-## Table Auto-generated Routes
-Krait automatically associates routes to all table classes located in the `App/Tables` namespace.
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+## Description
+The `krait-ui` DynamicTable component represents the table data on front-end.
+## Example
+ Krait is awesome!
+ {{ record[column.name] ?? 'N/A' }}
+## Highlights
+### Slots Usage
+The `DynamicTable` component uses slots to provide an easy way to manipulate the front-end data.
+ Krait is awesome!
+ {{ record[column.name] ?? 'N/A' }}
+- The `record` object contains the record values for all columns
+- The `column` object contains all column properties (`name`, `fixed`, `label`, etc.)
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+## Description
+All columns are internally represented by the [`TableColumnDTO`](https://github.com/mtrdesign/krait/blob/main/krait/src/DTO/TableColumnDTO.php) class. We define the columns
+inside our Table Definition Classes using the `column` method. Here is the list of all parameters that can be assigned to specific column.
+ 'foo']];
+ /**
+ * Here you might fetch/manipulate the data.
+ */
+ return MyAwesomeTable::from($records);
+ }
+## Methods
+### __invoke
+Processes the incoming front-end request.
+public invoke(): MtrDesign\Krait\Http\Resources\TableCollection
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+## Description
+All table structures should be defined in the `/app/Tables` directory and should inherit the
+`MtrDesign\Krait\Tables\BaseTable` class.
+By running `php artisan krait:table MyAwesomeTable`, Krait will generate the directory and the MyAwesomeTable
+class automatically for you.
+## Example
+ name: 'my_first_column',
+ label: 'My First Column',
+ process: fn(mixed $resource) => 'This is the processed content!'
+ );
+ $this->column(
+ name: 'some_field',
+ label: 'Resource Field',
+ );
+ }
+ function additionalData(mixed $resource): array
+ {
+ return [
+ 'additional_prop' => 'Krait is awesome!',
+ ];
+ }
+## Methods
+### name
+Returns the table name.
+public name(): string
+### initColumns
+Initializes the table columns.
+public initColumns(): void
+### shouldCache
+Flags if the columns should be cached.
+protected shouldCache(): bool
+Usable for dynamic columns serving (from a third-party services).
+### shouldRefresh
+Flags if the columns should be refreshed on every request.
+protected shouldRefresh(): bool
+Usable for dynamic columns serving (from a third-party services).
+### column
+Adds a column to the table
+protected column(
+ string $name,
+ string $label,
+ bool $hideLabel = false,
+ bool $datetime = false,
+ bool $sortable = true,
+ bool $fixed = false,
+ string|null $classes = null,
+ callable|null $process = null,
+ callable|null $sort = null
+): void
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$name` | **string** | - The columns name |
+| `$label` | **string** | - The columns label |
+| `$hideLabel` | **bool** | - Flags if the label should be visible in the header. |
+| `$datetime` | **bool** | - Flags if the column contains datetime object. |
+| `$sortable` | **bool** | - Flags if the column is sortable. |
+| `$fixed` | **bool** | - Flags if the column is resizable. |
+| `$classes` | **string|null** | - Additional classes that will be added on FE. |
+| `$process` | **callable|null** | - The column result generation callback. |
+| `$sort` | **callable|null** | - The column sorting callback. |
+### getColumns
+Returns all columns
+public getColumns(): \MtrDesign\Krait\DTO\TableColumnDTO[]
+### getColumn
+Returns specific column
+public getColumn(string $columnName): \MtrDesign\Krait\DTO\TableColumnDTO
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$columnName` | **string** | |
+- [`Exception`](../../../Exception.md)
+### getCachedColumns
+Returns the columns from the cache (if there are any)
+protected getCachedColumns(): ?array
+### getFacade
+Returns a Laravel Facade of the Table class.
+protected static getFacade(): \MtrDesign\Krait\Tables\BaseTable
+### processRecord
+Processes one record.
+public processRecord(\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|array $resource, mixed|null $placeholder = null): array|mixed
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$resource` | **\Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model|array** | - The record. |
+| `$placeholder` | **mixed|null** | - The placeholder for empty values. |
+### process
+Processes a record.
+public static process(mixed $resource, mixed|null $placeholder = null): mixed
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$resource` | **mixed** | - The target record. |
+| `$placeholder` | **mixed|null** | - The placeholder for empty values. |
+### from
+Generates an API Resource Collection for the table.
+public static from(mixed $records): \MtrDesign\Krait\Http\Resources\TableCollection
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$records` | **mixed** | - The target records. |
+### getName
+Returns the table name.
+public static getName(): string
+### additionalData
+Returns the table additional data passed to the FE.
+public additionalData(mixed $resource): array
+| Parameter | Type | Description |
+| `$resource` | **mixed** | |
+### getKeyName
+Returns the record ID key.
+public getKeyName(): string
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- Installation & Usage Guide:
- Installation: installation-guide.md
- Usage: usage.md
- - Core Components: core-components.md
+ - Core Components:
+ - Table Definition Classes: core-components/table-definition-classes.md
+ - Table Columns: core-components/table-columns.md
+ - Table Controller: core-components/table-controller.md
+ - Dynamic Table Component: core-components/dynamic-table-component.md
- Contribution: contribution.md