There are two options how you can prepare that environment:
- By importing distributed by Oracle Virtual Box image. Contact your local oracle representative or [email protected]
- By creation your own nevironment
You need to install the following software:
Software | Expected path | Remarks |
JDK7 | /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_XX/ | We used JDK7u79 so the path in the VBox was /usr/java/jdk1.7.0_79/ |
JDK8 | /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_XX/ | We used JDK8u60 so the path in the VBox was /usr/java/jdk1.8.0_60/ |
Maven | /u01/wins/wls1221/oracle_common/modules/org.apache.maven_3.2.5 | Can be other location. Make sure it is added to PATH. |
Local clone of remote repository | /u01/content/cloud-native-devops-workshop | |
Weblogic Server 10.3.6 | /u01/wins/wls1036/ | We used WLS |
WebLogic Server 12.2.1 | /u01/wins/wls1221/ | We used WLS |
Domain To Partition Conversion Tool | /u01/dpct | |
Oracle DataBase 12c | /u01/app/oracle/product/12.1.0/dbhome_1/ | The PDB name: PDBORCL |
To operate all scripts agains your own Oracle Public Cloud environment you need to set up file in the /u01/content/weblogic-innovation-seminars/cloud.demos folder. We have prepared two samples and that you could customize and copy to file.
The table below describes the meaning of viariables stored in that file
TBD - table with veriables
If your OPC account is just fresh created account - no storage, no DBCS instance, no JCS instance - then modify in the only three variables:
- opc.identity.domain
- opc.username
- opc.password
and execute the following scripts:
$ [oracle@localhost Desktop]$ cd /u01/content/cloud-native-devops-workshop/cloud.utils
$ [oracle@localhost cloud.utils]$ mvn install -Dgoal=generate-ssh-keypair
$ [oracle@localhost cloud.utils]$ mvn install -Dgoal=jcs-create-auto
It would create for you all needed instances on JCS and DBCS