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155 lines (110 loc) · 7.63 KB

File metadata and controls

155 lines (110 loc) · 7.63 KB

BAD Data

A Study on Domain Generalization for Failure Detection through Human Reactions in HRI

Maria Teresa Parreira, Sukruth Gowdru Lingaraju, Adolfo Ramirez-Aristizabal, Manaswi Saha, Michael Kuniavsky, Wendy Ju

You can read the paper here

And cite is as:


        title={A Study on Domain Generalization for Failure Detection through Human Reactions in HRI}, 
        author={Maria Teresa Parreira and Sukruth Gowdru Lingaraju and Adolfo Ramirez-Aristizabal and Manaswi Saha and Michael Kuniavsky and Wendy Ju},


  1. Online
  2. Lab

These datasets might be made available upon request to the researchers. Please contact Teresa ([email protected])

Color Channels:
1. BGR
2. RGB

Frame Rates for both channels:
1. 5 FPS
2. 15 FPS
3. 30 FPS

The file structure is as follows:

├── code
│   ├──preprocess
│   │	├──
│   │	├──
│   │	└──
│   └── model_training
│       └── resnet50
│           ├── mixed_participants
│           └── non_mixed_participants
│               └──
├── data
│   └── study_data
│       ├── final_online_study_data
│       │   └── baddata_frames
│       │       └── BGR
│       │           ├── final_BGR_30fps
│       │           └──
│       ├── final_lab_study_data
│       │   └── baddata_frames
│       │       └── BGR
│       │           ├── final_BGR_30fps
│       │           └──
│       └── online_custom_dataset
│           └── data_prefix_30_fps
│               ├── frames
│               │   ├── 0
│               │   └── 1
│               └── meta
│                   └── metadata.txt
├── requirements.txt

Functionalities of the files are as follows:

  1. requirements.txt: library dependencies required for training the model with the use of dataLoaders to read the frames from memory. Here, the model training is based off of PyTorch.


Contains participant data for the Online and Lab studies. Each study has participant frames in BGR and RGB Color channels of varying frame_rates as mentioned above in their respective directories.

On each folder -- final_{lab,online}_study_data -- there would be zip files containing the dataset.

  • The .zip files are extracted using the or scripts.

Each of these .zip files contains participant directories (final shortlisted participants to be considered in the study):

  • Here, the files that are present are as follows:
1. label_data.npy : frame's class label to the participant's response
2. participant_data.npy : participant ID value for the corresponding frame
3. pixel_data.npy : participant's response frame (pixel values)
4. video_name_data.npy :participant's response mapping to the corresponding stimulus video viewed

Dataset needs to be partitioned into the respective classes to which the frames belong to. Here, it would be 0 for neutral reaction and 1 for failure. They are stored under data/study_data/{studyName}_custom_dataset/. There exists a metadata file - information on frames and their class, participant, stimulusVideo that they belong to and the directory they are stored under.


  1. reads the {study_name}participant response videos - at a defined frame_rate and assigns class labels into:
control: 0
failure: 1

based on the timestamp of the failure occurrence and stores them into a .npy file.

  1. performs the same action as the - except that it considers participant frames only from the moment of failure and discards all the frames before the failure occurrence.

  2. is used to check and display if the extracted participant frames into .npy files are accurate or not.

  3. model_training/resnet50/ this is the model fine-tuning script based off on the ResNet50 model architecture of ImageNet.

  4. model_training/resnet50/training_versions/: consists of scripts that can be used to train the model on Lab or Online study using 5, 15, and 30 FPS datasets.

Steps to run on cluster without DataLoaders:

  1. When training on the cluster - upload the relevant .zip dataset files from both the studies as per the directory specification shown above and unzip the files (These datasets are present on the Box).
  2. On the GYM, due to System and GPU memory limits, considering more than 1 participant in each fold results in memory leaks and causes the model to crash.
    As a result, the train, validation, and test split size in each fold of both the studies are set =1.
  3. Increasing the batch_size above 32 also results in memory leaks.
  4. On the cluster, change the above parameters as required. If more GPUs are available (for faster training) - specify the GPU devices to be considered within the train_model() within the model_training/resnet50/ script.


  1. Executing the or is only required if the study frame files dataset is not available and only the study participant video dataset is present.
  2. Since we are performing domain generalization - both the datasets can be swapped for training and testing. As a result, study_a_participants refer to the study we are using for training and validation, and study_b_participants refer to the study data we are using for testing as required.
  • This can be interchanged for training the model on either studies - by passing in the relevant study_data_directory in the main() method for training_participant_data_path and testing_participant_data_path parameters for the train_model() method.
  • Based on this, you would need to define the relevants splits for the studies.

Steps to run:

  1. Create a virtual environment - the requirements file is at requirements.txt.
  2. Make sure the files under code/model_training/resnet50/ are present as shown in the tree above.
  3. Run the for the required study - lab and/or online - and change the data_frame_rate parameter value in the main() function to create dataset of varying frame rates.
  • This requires the participant frames for reading and creating the class hierarchy. Make sure the frames are under /data/study_data/final_{studyName}_study_data/baddata_frames/{color_channel}/ as shown above in the tree.
  1. Run the code/model_training/resnet50//training_versions/resnet50_{studyName}_{frame_rate} file to train the model for the required study with its corresponding dataset.


  1. During fine-tuning, the dataset is split into train/validation/test sets as per 70/20/10 ratio.
  2. Make sure to remove the break statments within the train_model() function as required.
  3. Make sure to change the batch_sizes as required - based on max batch_size the system is capable of processing the data.