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209 lines (192 loc) · 9.33 KB

File metadata and controls

209 lines (192 loc) · 9.33 KB

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A small DSL that generates SQL query to eagerly load entities, with any level of nesting, from DB. NOTE: Currently supports only JSONB-based setup (PostgreSQL).


Write resource, pass it to magnito.core/resource->sql and get SQL string/vector back.



(def resource
  {:resourceType "Account"
   {:profile {:resourceType "Profile"}
    {:resourceType "Post"
     :by [:author :id]
     :collection true
     :reverse true
      {:resourceType "Commentary"
       :by [:post :id]
       :collection true
       :reverse true
        {:resourceType "Account"}}}}}}})

Output as string

WITH _account AS
  SELECT t1.resource AS account FROM Account t1
_account_profile AS
  SELECT t2.resource AS profile
  FROM _account t1
    LEFT JOIN Profile t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.account,'profile','id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.resource,'id')
_account_posts AS
  SELECT t2.resource AS posts
  FROM _account t1
    LEFT JOIN Post t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.account,'id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.resource,'author','id')
_account_posts_commentaries AS
  SELECT t2.resource AS commentaries
  FROM _account_posts t1
    LEFT JOIN Commentary t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.posts,'id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.resource,'post','id')
_account_posts_commentaries_author AS
  SELECT t2.resource AS author
  FROM _account_posts_commentaries t1
    LEFT JOIN Account t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.commentaries,'author','id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.resource,'id')
SELECT JSONB_AGG(t1.account) AS result
               WHEN t2.posts IS NULL THEN t1.account
               ELSE JSONB_SET(t1.account,'{posts}',t2.posts)
             END AS account
                     WHEN t2.profile IS NULL THEN t1.account
                     ELSE JSONB_SET(t1.account,'{profile}',t2.profile)
                   END AS account
            FROM _account t1
              LEFT JOIN _account_profile t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.account,'profile','id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.profile,'id')) t1
        LEFT JOIN (SELECT JSONB_AGG(t1.posts) AS posts
                   FROM (SELECT DISTINCT t1.posts AS posts,
                         FROM (SELECT CASE
                                        WHEN t2.commentaries IS NULL THEN t1.posts
                                        ELSE JSONB_SET(t1.posts,'{commentaries}',t2.commentaries)
                                      END AS posts
                               FROM _account_posts t1
                                 LEFT JOIN (SELECT JSONB_AGG(t1.commentaries) AS commentaries
                                            FROM (SELECT DISTINCT t1.commentaries AS commentaries,
                                                  FROM (SELECT CASE
                                                                 WHEN IS NULL THEN t1.commentaries
                                                                 ELSE JSONB_SET(t1.commentaries,'{author}',
                                                               END AS commentaries
                                                        FROM _account_posts_commentaries t1
                                                          LEFT JOIN _account_posts_commentaries_author t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.commentaries,'author','id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (,'id')) t1
                                                  ORDER BY jsonb_extract_path_text(t1.commentaries,'id')) t1
                                            GROUP BY jsonb_extract_path_text(t1.commentaries,'post','id')
                                            HAVING jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.commentaries,'post','id') IS NOT NULL) t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.posts,'id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.commentaries,'0','post','id')) t1
                         ORDER BY jsonb_extract_path_text(t1.posts,'id')) t1
                   GROUP BY jsonb_extract_path_text(t1.posts,'author','id')
                   HAVING jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.posts,'author','id') IS NOT NULL) t2 ON jsonb_extract_path_text (t1.account,'id') = jsonb_extract_path_text (t2.posts,'0','author','id')) t1


In shell (must support export, see .env file in project root for details)

source .env
docker-compose up -d
lein repl

then in REPL

(require '[magnito.demo :as demo])



Returns SQL query, that can be a string or a vector depending on passed in options.

(resource->sql resource)
(resource->sql resource options)


  • resource - required, map. Resource map, see resource for details.
  • options - optional, map:
    • :separate? - boolean, no default. When evaluates to logical true then executing generated SQL query would return a seq of maps where each map would have only single key-value pair - key is a keyword obtained by stringifying and lower casing value of :resourceType of resource root, and value is a map - one row of result of executing generated SQL query. Otherwise generated SQL query would be wrapped so executing it a seq of single map would be returned and that map would have single key-value pair in turn, where key would be :result and value is a seq of maps where each map is a value of JSONB field. For example:
    (def sample-resource
      {:resourceType "Account"})
    (jdbc/query db-spec
                (resource->sql sample-resource))
    ;; => ({:result ({:id "account-1"} {:id "account-2"})})
    (jdbc/query db-spec
                (resource->sql sample-resource {:separate? true}))
    ;; => ({:account {:id "account-1"}} {:account {:id "account-2"}})
    • :str? - boolean, no default. When evaluates to logical true then SQL query would be returned as string, otherwise vector of query with placeholders and parameters would be returned.

Resource description

Resource is a map that must/may have following key-value pairs (in no particular order):

  • :resourceType - required, string. Specifies name of DB table that holds entities of interest.
  • :references - optional, map. Each key of map is a keyword that specifies attribute under which referenced entity would be attached to parent and value is a resource map.
  • :collection - optional, boolean, default to false. When evaluates to logical true then specified resource is a collection. Collection resources may not have :reverse key-value pair set to logical false. Ignored for root resource.
  • :reverse - optional, boolean, default to false. When evaluates to logical true then resource points to parent resource itself, otherwise parent resource have reference to referenced resource. Ignored for root resource. For example, for resource
{:resourceType "Accout"
  {:resourceType "Profile" :reverse false}}}

JSON for Account must have corresponding attribute

{"profile": {"id": "profile-1"}}

otherwise JSON for Profile must have corresponding attribute

{"account": {"id": "account-1"}}
  • :id - optional, keyword, :id by default. Allows to specify id attribute used in JSON.
  • :by - optional, seq of keywords. Ignored for root resource. When not set would be a 2-elements vector of keywordized parent resource's type and id when :reverse evaluates to logical true or 2-elements vector of referenced resource's key and id when :reverse evaluates to logical false. For example
{:resourceType "Accout"
  {:resourceType "Profile"
   :reverse false   ; Means that Account JSON have {"profile": {"id": "profile-1"}} to point to Profile JSON.
   ;; by [:info :id]   ; Means that Account JSON have {"info": {"id": "profile-1"}} to point to Profile JSON.

{:resourceType "Accout"
  {:resourceType "Profile"
   :reverse true   ; Means that Profile JSON have {"account": {"id": "account-1"}} to point to Account JSON.
   ;; by [:user :id]   ; Means that Profile JSON have {"user": {"id": "account-1"}} to point to Account JSON.


In shell (must support export, see .env file in project root for details)

source .env
docker-compose up -d
lein repl


In shell (must support export, see .env file in project root for details)

source .env
docker-compose up -d
lein test


Original idea of DSL by niquola.


  • Document code.
  • Simplify and clean code.
  • Allow to use WHERE in root resource.
  • Allow to specify subset of entity attributes that must be in result - currently JSONB field content returned as-is.
  • Allow to use LIMIT in resources.
  • Allow to specify name of JSONB field - currently resource is used everywhere.
  • Check whether idea can be expanded to 'traditional' (non JSONB-based) entities or not.


Copyright © 2018 mt0erfztxt

Distributed under the Eclipse Public License either version 1.0 or (at your option) any later version.