It's the most wonderful time of the year!
This is my mega-repo of Advent of Code solutions here, along with an automated fetching, testing, running environment (powered by the advent-of-code-api library). So far only Haskell solutions are here, but maybe more will come later?
Reflections and detailed solutions are available on the wiki:
- 2016 Reflections
- 2018 Reflections
- 2019 Reflections
- 2020 Reflections
- 2021 Reflections
- 2022 Reflections
- 2023 Reflections
- 2024 Reflections
I have fully migrated everything here except for 2017 (my first year participating), which used a different organization system.
If you're looking at my actual github solutions (and not the ones cleaned up
for the reflections), you'll notice that I'm implementing my solutions in terms
of a :~>
record type:
data a :~> b = MkSol
{ sParse :: String -> Maybe a -- ^ parse input into an `a`
, sSolve :: a -> Maybe b -- ^ solve an `a` input to a `b` solution
, sShow :: b -> String -- ^ print out the `b` solution for submission
An a :~> b
is a solution to a challenge expecting input of type a
producing answers of type b
. It also packs in functions to parse a String
into an a
, and functions to show a b
as a String
to submit as an answer.
This helps me mentally separate out parsing, solving, and showing, allowing for some cleaner code and an easier time planning my solution.
Such a challenge can be "run" on string inputs by feeding the string into
, then sSolve
, then sShow
-- | Run a ':~>' on some input, retuning 'Maybe'
runSolution :: Challenge -> String -> Maybe String
runSolution MkSol{..} s = do
x <- sParse s
y <- sSolve x
pure (sShow y)
In the actual library, I have runSolution
return an Either
so I can debug
which stage the error happened in.
You might also notice the function dyno_
, used like dyno_ "limit" 10000
. This
is how I implement parameters in problems that vary between test data and
actual input. For example, Day 6 involved finding points that had a total
distance of less than 10000, but for the test input, we found the points that
had a total distance of less than 32. So, I have a system that lets me write
dyno_ "limit" 10000
in my code instead of hard-coding in 10000
. This
would be replaced by 32
when running with test data (which is parsed
from this file)
The AOC.Run.Interactive module has code (powered by advent-of-code-api)
for testing your solutions and submitting within GHCI, so you don't have to
re-compile. If you edit your solution programs, they are automatically updated
when you hit :r
in ghci.
ghci> execSolution_ $(fromSol 'day02a) -- get answer for challenge based on solution
ghci> testSolution_ $(fromSol 'day02a) -- run solution against test suite
ghci> viewPrompt_ $(fromSol 'day02a) -- view the prompt for a part
ghci> waitForPrompt_ $(fromSol 'day02a) -- count down to the prompt for a part
ghci> submitSolution_ $(fromSol 'day02a) -- submit a solution, and retry after cooldown automatically
These are loaded with session key stored in the configuration file (see next section).
Comes with test examples given in problems.
You can install using cabal
or nix
$ git clone
$ cd advent-of-code
$ nix build .#aoc2023
The executable aoc2023
includes a testing and benchmark suite, as well as a
way to view prompts within the command line:
$ ./results/bin/aoc2023 --help
aoc2023 - Advent of Code 2023 challenge runner
Usage: aoc2023 [-c|--config PATH] COMMAND
Run challenges from Advent of Code 2023. Available days: 1, 2, 3 (..)
Available options:
-c,--config PATH Path to configuration file (default: aoc-conf.yaml)
-h,--help Show this help text
Available commands:
run Run, test, and benchmark challenges
view View a prompt for a given challenge
submit Test and submit answers for challenges
test Alias for run --test
bench Alias for run --bench
countdown Alias for view --countdown
$ ./results/bin/aoc2023 run 3 b
>> Day 03b
>> [✓] 243
You can supply input via stdin with --stdin
$ ./results/bin/aoc2023 run 1 --stdin
>> Day 01a
[?] 1
>> Day 01b
[?] 1
Benchmarking is implemented using criterion
$ ./results/bin/aoc2023 bench 2
>> Day 02a
time 1.317 ms (1.271 ms .. 1.392 ms)
0.982 R² (0.966 R² .. 0.999 R²)
mean 1.324 ms (1.298 ms .. 1.373 ms)
std dev 115.5 μs (77.34 μs .. 189.0 μs)
variance introduced by outliers: 65% (severely inflated)
>> Day 02b
time 69.61 ms (68.29 ms .. 72.09 ms)
0.998 R² (0.996 R² .. 1.000 R²)
mean 69.08 ms (68.47 ms .. 69.99 ms)
std dev 1.327 ms (840.8 μs .. 1.835 ms)
Test suites run the example problems given in the puzzle description, and outputs are colorized in ANSI terminals.
$ ./results/bin/aoc2021 test 1
>> Day 01a
[✓] (3)
[✓] (3)
[✓] (0)
[✓] (-6)
[✓] Passed 4 out of 4 test(s)
[✓] 416
>> Day 01b
[✓] (2)
[✓] (0)
[✓] (10)
[✓] (5)
[✓] (14)
[✓] Passed 5 out of 5 test(s)
[✓] 56752
This should only work if you're running aoc2023
in the project directory.
To run on actual inputs, the executable expects inputs to be found in the
folder data/<year>/XX.txt
in the directory you are running in. That is, the input
for 2023 Day 7 will be expected at data/2023/07.txt
aoc2023 will download missing input files, but requires a session token.
This can be provided in aoc-conf.yaml
session: [[ session token goes here ]]
Session keys are also required to download "Part 2" prompts for each challenge.
You can "lock in" your current answers (telling the executable that those are
the correct answers) by passing in --lock
. This will lock in any final
puzzle solutions encountered as the verified official answers. Later, if you
edit or modify your solutions, they will be checked on the locked-in answers.
These are stored in data/<year>/ans/XXpart.txt
. That is, the target output
for 2023 Day 7 (Part 2, b
) will be expected at data/2023/ans/07b.txt
. You can
also manually edit these files.
You can view prompts: (use --countdown
to count down until a prompt is
released, and display immediately)
$ ./result/bin/aoc2023 view 3 b
>> Day 03b
--- Part Two ---
Amidst the chaos, you notice that exactly one claim doesn't overlap by
even a single square inch of fabric with any other claim. If you can
somehow draw attention to it, maybe the Elves will be able to make
Santa's suit after all!
For example, in the claims above, only claim `3` is intact after all
claims are made.
*What is the ID of the only claim that doesn't overlap?*
You can also submit answers:
$ ./result/bin/aoc2023 submit 1 a
Submissions will automatically run the test suite. If any tests fail, you will be asked to confirm submission or else abort. The submit command will output the result of your submission: The message from the AoC website, and whether or not your answer was correct (or invalid or ignored). Answers that are confirmed correct will be locked in and saved for future testing against, in case you change your solution.
All networking features are powered by advent-of-code-api.