In this stage of the setup, you will work on deploying the required components to a kubernetes cluster
You will need the following tools on the workstation
- Venafi CLI venctl
- Kind
Go runtime, docker and Kubectl are already installed on Codespace
Install venctl
. It will be used to depoloy the components to your cluster and also onbnoard the cluster to Venafi Control Plane for Discovery
sudo curl -sSfL | bash
# check venctl installed
venctl version
Install Kind. It will be used to run local kubernetes clusters. For more learning experience and outside of this workshop, try to achieve the same using other flavours of Kubernetes. The simplest is to run a kubernetes cluster on a cloud provider of choice.
go install[email protected]
# check if kind is installed as expected
kind --version
Use Kind to create a kubernetes cluster
kind create cluster --config venafi-install/kind-with-ingress.yaml --name tech-training
# check if cluster
kind get clusters
kubectl cluster-info
is a useful terminal based kubernetes viewer. You can install it as following, run it in a seperate terminal window
# install k9s
go install
# run k8s without the header to save space
k9s --headless
For Path (A) Discovery only Go back to Onboard a Kubernetes Cluster for Discovery
Remember the service account you created in the previous stage. This is when you use it to create a pull secret resource in kubernetes in venafi
kubectl create namespace venafi
kubectl apply --namespace=venafi -f - <<EOF
apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
name: venafi-image-pull-secret
.dockerconfigjson: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
In this step, you will use venctl
to generate a manifest that will be used to deploy the components of interest to the kubernetes
Components needed to issue certificates are to be deployed. There are more components for more usecases that are out of scope for this workshop
Use venctl
to generate the manifest required to deploy
venctl components kubernetes manifest generate \
--namespace venafi \
--approver-policy-enterprise \
--trust-manager \
--venafi-connection \
--venafi-enhanced-issuer \
--image-pull-secret-names venafi-image-pull-secret > venafi-install/venafi-manifests.yaml
open the venafi-install/venafi-manifests.yaml
and orient yourself with its content
There are multiple approaches that our customers could use to deploy these components. In this occassion we will use venctl
capability to deploy the components using the sync
command. It assumes the right kubernetes context is set for your kubectl
venctl components kubernetes manifest tool sync --file venafi-install/venafi-manifests.yaml
venafi-connection venafi venafi-charts/venafi-connection v0.1.0 2s
cert-manager venafi venafi-charts/cert-manager v1.14.5 1m51s
cert-manager-csi-driver venafi venafi-charts/cert-manager-csi-driver v0.8.1 3s
venafi-enhanced-issuer venafi venafi-charts/venafi-enhanced-issuer v0.14.0 23s
approver-policy-enterprise venafi venafi-charts/approver-policy-enterprise v0.17.0 23s
trust-manager venafi venafi-charts/trust-manager v0.10.0 17