WIP: This demo is being currently updated to Dapr v1.0.0.rc-1
Order cancellation demo, loosely based on Shopify API order cancellation use-case to showcase multiple Dapr service integrations in a single solution:
- Dapr API endpoint published with JWT token auth in Daprized Ngnx ingress
- Dapr Workflows to orchestrate cancellation process using Logic Apps runtime
- Dapr Functions extensions to create and persist audit state into Mongo DB
- Dapr Eventing using Redis Queue for order message queue
- Daprized Web App as order processing dashboard
- Dapr Binding to send confirmation emails using SendGrid
- Dapr Distributed Tracing to capture and forward traces to Zipkin
Dapr integration demo consists of:
- Starting the order processing dashboard
- Submitting cancellation request
- Viewing processed request in the dashboard
- Querying the state store for cancellation data
- Showing order cancellation confirmation email
- Review of the distributed traces for entire process
Note, instructions on how to setup a Kubernetes cluster for this demo are located here
Note, these instructions assume
domain setup in the cluster setup step. You will need to substitute this for your own domain.
Navigate to https://order.demo.dapr.team to start the order processing dashboard. There won't be any data yet, so this is just to open the WebSocket connection.
Submit the order cancellation.json file using curl
API_TOKEN=$(kubectl get secret dapr-api-token -n nginx -o jsonpath="{.data.token}" | base64 --decode)
curl -i \
-d @demo/data/cancellation.json \
-H "Content-type: application/json" \
-H "dapr-api-token: ${API_TOKEN}" \
View the dashboard again at https://order.demo.dapr.team to see the orders
Check configured email box for cancellation confirmation after the processed completed
Make sure to check junk mail!
Forward local ports:
kubectl port-forward svc/kibana-kibana 5601 -n dapr-monitoring &
kubectl port-forward svc/grafana 8888:80 -n dapr-monitoring &
kubectl port-forward svc/zipkin 9411 -n dapr-monitoring &
Navigate to Zipkin: http://localhost:9411
Navigate to Kibana: http://localhost:5601
Navigate to Grafana: http://localhost:8888
For script through this demo see setup.