- Replace appcompat dependencies with AndroidX #94
- Use NonNull in gesture listener interfaces to improve consumption with the Kotlin programming language #95
- Fixed a bug where quick-scale was registered during a move gesture that followed a double-tap #88
- Introduce a custom scale gesture detector implementation. The library doesn't rely on the compat gesture detector anymore. This is a breaking changing because the underlying scale gesture detector reference has been removed. #73
- Calculate focal point for every motion event, not only MOVE. Fixes an issue where detectors that do not rely on movement would return cached, historic focal points. #77
- Adjust scale gesture's required pointer count based on type. Fixes an issue where quick-scale was not properly interrupted. #74
- Guard against move events coming from different view trees. Might prevent rare crashes that are out of control of the gestures library. #71
- Expose scale span getters. #75
- Query display metrics only in touch down #67
- Try getting real device display metrics for sloppy gesture calculations #61
- Remove obsolete string values #62
- Removed Timber dependency #54
- Prepare the project to be consumed as a submodule #55
- Update tooling and CI image #56
- Remove deprecated javadoc source declaration #58
- Exclude maven plugin and checkstyle from the child build.gradle #57
- Initial release!