Releases: mplushnikov/lombok-intellij-plugin
Releasebuild 0.23 for IntelliJ Idea 2017.1
releasebuild_0.23-2017.1 updated change.log
Releasebuild 0.23 for IntelliJ Idea 2016.2+
Merge branch 'backport_intellij_2017.1' into backport_intellij_2016_2 # Conflicts: # build.gradle
Releasebuild 0.23 for IntelliJ Idea 2018+
Fixed #296: val does not resolve correct type for initializer with generic diamond
Fixed #437: Wrong compile error when using AllArgsConstructor.staticName
Fixed #556: Support for IDEA-2018.3
Dropped support of deprecated lombok annotations: lombok.experimental.Value and lombok.experimental.Builder; Use lombok.Value and lombok.Builder instead
Releasebuild 0.22 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 2016, 2017 and 2018!
Performance improvements #516: Editor UI freezes when editing a particular class
Fixed #504: Added Support for Delombok of @EqualsAndHashCode and @tostring Exclude/Include annotations
Fixed #507: @value and @FieldDefaults should skip static fields
Fixed #472: Lombok should not interfer with java 10 'var'
Fixed #530: Remove explicit type argument leads to error
Fixed #531: Inspection for Lombok annotations incorrectly highlights 'var'
Better Support for @cleanup: 'AutoCloseableResource'-Inspection can handle @cleanup correctly in Intellij
Releasebuild 0.21 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 2016, 2017 and 2018!
Fixed Regression (#533): StackOverflowError with PsiFieldImpl.isDeprecated
Releasebuild 0.20 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 2016, 2017 and 2018!
- Fixed (#119): IDEA doesn't rename builder method when field is renamed
- Fixed (#144): Find usages on field should find usages of builder/wither methods
- Fixed (#186): Find usages doesn't work (for example Accessors with Setter/Getter)
- Fixed (#295): Refactor Rename misses @builder methods
- Fixed (#450): @builder doesn't mark generated builder 'setters' as @deprecated if the source field is deprecated
- Fixed (#497): Lombok plugin breaks creating Intellij IDEA postfix expressions
- Fixed (#499): @builder does not respect @accessors on fields
Releasebuild 0.19 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 15, 2016, 2017 and 2018!
Fixed #475: Added support for @FieldNameConstants
Fixed #488: Added support for @flogger annotation
Fixed #490: Added support for lombok.noArgsConstructor.extraPrivate
Fixed #473: Warning about Wither requiring AllArgsConstructor, although Builder provides one
Fixed #382: Added support for @xxx(onMethod_, onParam_, onConstructor_) for JDK8
Releasebuild 0.17 for 2018.1 version of IntelliJ
Rebuild plugin to be compatible with IntelliJ 2018.1
Releasebuild 0.16 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 15.0.6, 2016.3.7, 2017.3.4!
Fixed #210: Changing log annotation requires restart of Intellij to work
Fixed #270: Compile errors after moving an @Setter annotation by using IntelliJ move keyboard shortcut ⌥⇧↑
Fixed #365: [Feature request]IDEA .var suffix feature replacement
Fixed #379: StackOverflowException occurs sporadically when plugin enabled
Fixed #419: Stackoverflow in Intellij because of recursive delegation in @DeleGate
Fixed #426: PSI equals shouldn't perform resolve
Fixed #427: Exception thrown when using Find Usages with ideavim
Releasebuild 0.15 for IntelliJ Idea
New version of lombok-intellij-plugin for IntelliJ 15.0.6, 2016.3.7, 2017.2.3!
Fixed #134: Add suppot for toBuilder = true
Fixed #145: Overriding builder() method for @builder shows false compilation error
Fixed #162: @Data/@XConstructor bug with default constructor
Improved #260: Handling val - Inferred Type is Object
Fixed #290: Getter and FieldDefaults with parameter AccessLevel in Enum shows "cannot access"
Fixed #337: Component name collision: 'UpdateComponent'
Fixed #339: Delombok for @tostring should use simpleName for class
Fixed #342: @EqualsAndHashCode/@tostring should treat explicit "of = {}" differently
Fixed #359: Explicit type can be diamond inspection is overloaded with the same id
Fixed #367: @DaTa on parent and child should be marked as compilation error
Fixed #393: @builder with @Singular map produces duplicated variables
Fixed #399: IndexNotReadyException in FieldFindUsagesHandler
Fixed #412: @accessors(fluent = true) does not impact @wither but the plugin assumes it does