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+ {% for member in site.data.admin %}
+ {% assign loopindex = forloop.index0 | modulo: 3 %}
+ {% if loopindex == 0 %}
+ {% if forloop.first == false %}
{% for member in site.data.members %}
{% assign loopindex = forloop.index0 | modulo: 4 %}
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+ {% include head.html %}
+ {% include header_lessons.html %}
{{ page.title }}
+ {{ content }}
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+ {% include js.html %}
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-title: Make Your First Event
-text: In order to make your first event, follow the instructions here.
-location: Your Location
-link: https://github.com/mozillascience/studyGroup#how-to-set-up-your-own-mozilla-study-group-website
-date: 1977-01-01
-startTime: '20:00'
-endTime: '21:00'
diff --git a/_posts/2018-07-12-admin.markdown b/_posts/2018-07-12-admin.markdown
new file mode 100644
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+title: Informal discussion
+text: Discuss on possible subjects to plan future events
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/1
+date: 2018-07-12
+startTime: '9:00'
+endTime: '11:00'
+Meeting to draft a plan for UiO@Carpentry Study Group.
diff --git a/_posts/2018-08-31-admin.markdown b/_posts/2018-08-31-admin.markdown
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+title: Planning of events for fall 2018
+text: Discuss on possible subjects to plan future events
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/3
+date: 2018-08-31
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '15:00'
+Meeting to plan events and activities for fall 2018.
+- **When**: Friday 31 August, 14-15h:
+- **Where**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _Everybody willing to be involved in the organization of the UiO@Carpentry StudyGroup is welcome._
diff --git a/_posts/2018-09-07-workalong.markdown b/_posts/2018-09-07-workalong.markdown
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+title: Work along session on National data archives
+text: how and where to preserve your data on long-term archive
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/4
+date: 2018-09-07
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Michael Heeremans
+More and more researchers need to make available their data before being able to publish an article in a scientific journal. During this work-along StudyGroup@ session you will get an overview of the possibilities you have to archive (long-term preservation) your data. This short demo will help you to understand how you can use the available tools.
+**Registration is not necessary but we ask you to come on time.**
+- **When**: 7th September 2018, 14-16h
+- **Where**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about National archives_
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+title: Book Club on Teaching Tech together
+text: We start reading the first 5 chapters of "Teaching Tech together (Greg Wilson)
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/5
+date: 2018-09-14
+startTime: ''
+endTime: ''
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+We do not meet this week but we encourage you start reading and commenting Greg Wilson's book "Teaching Tech together".
+We are using [https://web.hypothes.is/](https://web.hypothes.is/), an online tool to annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere.
+Start reading "Teaching Tech together" using hypothes.is at [https://hypothes.is/groups/mReaNk2e/studygroup-uio](https://hypothes.is/groups/mReaNk2e/studygroup-uio).
+**online material to learn how to use hypothes.is**:
+- https://web.hypothes.is/quick-start-guide-for-students/
diff --git a/_posts/2018-09-18-hive.markdown b/_posts/2018-09-18-hive.markdown
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+title: Arduino Workshop
+text: Learn about the UiO Hive initiative and how you can contribute
+location: Åpen Sone at IFI (room Ada 3407, Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalléen 23b)
+link: https://github.com/UiOHive/Hive/issues/1
+register: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScT9qn-J43uDKjzckw4-Q9Jj5nlpeRwSo5rhriHa-EuSO9ttA/viewform?embedded=true
+date: 2018-09-18
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+At the kick-off event, we'll get to know each other, exchange our interests into either using some new technology like IoT, micro-electornics, or looking for interesting application and challenging settings for these technology. The goal is to come together and establish few key projects on which we can learn and collaborate across our own disciplines.
+- When: Tuesday 18 September, 14-18h:
+ - 14-16h flash presentations (8 min)
+ - 16-18h hands-on workshop to learn about microcontroller and sensors
+ - past 18h Pizza and socializing
+- Where: Åpen Sone at IFI ([room Ada 3407, Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalléen 23b](https://www.uio.no/om/finn-fram/omrader/gaustad/ga06/))
+- Who: students, PhDs, postdocs, researchers, technicians
+Register [here](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLScT9qn-J43uDKjzckw4-Q9Jj5nlpeRwSo5rhriHa-EuSO9ttA/viewform?embedded=true) to join us for the workshop!
diff --git a/_posts/2018-09-19-useR.markdown b/_posts/2018-09-19-useR.markdown
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+title: use R! group Functions, loops and list-columns - taking control of lists with purrr
+location: Microsoft Norge
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/17
+date: 2018-09-19
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin
+Are you still writing `for` loops? What are some of the advantages of functional programming in R? What makes a good function? How to take control of nested lists and turn chaos into order? Come and explore a fun world of {purrr} and discover hidden gems in this awesome tidyverse package. Filled with practical examples from author's recently published packages, this talk may help you discover some of the new (and old) functions you may not have used before and encourage you on your journey to becoming a better R programmer.
+_Bring your laptop if you want to try it out!_
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 19th September 2018
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Microsoft Norge, Lysaker Torg 45 · Lysaker
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/254422876/
diff --git a/_posts/2018-09-21-demo.markdown b/_posts/2018-09-21-demo.markdown
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+title: Demo session on NetworkX python package
+text: Learn about NetworkX python package.
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/6
+date: 2018-09-21
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+NetworkX is a Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks.
+During this Coding lightning demo session:
+- Learn about networkX python package
+- Get concrete examples on how to use it
+- Discuss your use cases
+For preparation you can read Complex Network Analysis in Python and the networkX documentation (https://networkx.github.io/)
+- **When**: 21st September 2018, 14-16h
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about networkX python package_
diff --git a/_posts/2018-10-12-coworking.markdown b/_posts/2018-10-12-coworking.markdown
new file mode 100644
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+title: Co-working session on "The Programming Historian"
+text: Learn how programming can be taught to Humanities Researchers and what tools they are using
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/7
+date: 2018-10-12
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+Annika will pick a lesson from [The programming Historian](https://programminghistorian.org/) and give us a little intro on how programming is taught to humanities researchers.
+The Programming Historian publishes novice-friendly, peer-reviewed tutorials that help humanists learn a wide range of digital tools, techniques, and workflows to facilitate research and teaching.
+- **When**: 12th October 2018, 14-16h
+- **Where**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about "Programming for Humanities Researchers"._
diff --git a/_posts/2018-10-19-workalong.markdown b/_posts/2018-10-19-workalong.markdown
new file mode 100644
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+++ b/_posts/2018-10-19-workalong.markdown
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+title: Work along session on deep learning
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/8
+date: 2018-10-19
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Ana Costa
+In this session you will learn what is meant by deep-learning. Examples will be given in python and R.
+_Bring your laptop if you want to try it out!_
+- **When**: 19th October 2018, 14h-16h
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about deep learning_
diff --git a/_posts/2018-10-26-coworking.markdown b/_posts/2018-10-26-coworking.markdown
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+title: Co-working session on "Internet of Things (IoT) with Arduino"
+text: Learn about Internet of Things (IoT) with an arduino
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/9
+date: 2018-10-26
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+Come and meet us for two hours to learn about Internet of Things and work
+with an Arduino (demos).
+Annika will bring a couple of Arduino Unos, breadboards, jumper cables, LEDs, resistors, buttons and a selection of sensors (light, distance, temperature, CO2 sensors). We have a take on physical programming with Arduino and micro electronics. It will be fun!
+- **When**: 26th October 2018, 14-16h
+- **Where**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about "Internet of Things and Arduino"._
diff --git a/_posts/2018-11-02-demo.markdown b/_posts/2018-11-02-demo.markdown
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+title: Demo session on openscience framework
+text: Learn about openscience and share/discuss your openscience framework with us
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/10
+date: 2018-11-02
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Michael Heeremans
+Openscience: come and show your openscience framework.
+Short coding ligthning demo on openscience. If you wish to show your openscience framework, please contact the organizer (comment this issue).
+- **When**: 2nd November 2018, 14-16h
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _anyone interested in openscience_
diff --git a/_posts/2018-11-07-useR.markdown b/_posts/2018-11-07-useR.markdown
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+title: Oslo useR! Group, Making tidyverse-friendly packages
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/255931499/
+date: 2018-11-07
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Raoul Wolf
+Raoul will share his experience from simplifying a workflow by writing an R package; under the restriction of minimal dependencies, while maintaining full compatibility for tidyverse. In his own words: «I was working on a new project and I noticed I was sourcing dozens of functions from multiple scripts. I thought to myself: “I might as well do what everyone is doing and write a package!» Come and join us in learning how to identify the need for a package, strategically plan the process of writing the package, and to keep track on applicability and usability.
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 07th November 2018
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/255931499/
diff --git a/_posts/2018-11-09-workalong.markdown b/_posts/2018-11-09-workalong.markdown
new file mode 100644
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+title: Work along session on "Automated testing"
+text: Learn about pytest and how to use this python package for testing your codes
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/11
+date: 2018-11-09
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Gladys Nalvarte
+- **When**: 9th November 2018, 14-16h
+- **Where**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about "pytest"._
diff --git a/_posts/2018-11-20-statistrikketreff.markdown b/_posts/2018-11-20-statistrikketreff.markdown
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+title: Statistrikketreff for vaksine (event in Norwegian)
+location: Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus
+link: https://www.ub.uio.no/kurs-arrangement/arrangementer/ureal/2018/181120Statistrikketreff.html
+date: 2018-11-20
+startTime: '16:15'
+endTime: '17:00'
+**Session leader**: Kathrine Frey Frøslie
+(event in Norwegian)
+For to år siden satte statistiker Kathrine Frey Frøslie fart på strikkepinnene og ga seg i kast med den opplagte oppgaven det er å formidle kunnskap om forskning og statistikk gjennom strikkeprosjekter.
+Smittespredning og vaksinedekning har vært tema for flere elegante ullkreasjoner og gjesteblogginnlegg av førstelektor Tone Fredsvik Gregers ved UiO. På statistrikketreffet får du høre mer om dette, se plagg som viser kritisk vaksinedekning for ulike sykdommer og lære hvordan du kan strikke en lekker vaksinedekningsklut som du kan gi til din yndlingsvaksinemotstander.
+Velkommen du som strikker, du som synes vaksiner er tøft, og ikke minst velkommen til deg som verken strikker eller vaksinerer deg!
+Enkel servering.
+Arrangementet sendes live
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 20th November 2018
+- **Time**: 16:15-17:00
+- **Location**: Realfagsbiblioteket, Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.statistrikk.no/2018/11/14/statistrikketreff-pa-realfagsbiblioteket-pa-tirsdag/
diff --git a/_posts/2018-11-30-workalong.markdown b/_posts/2018-11-30-workalong.markdown
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+title: Work along session on Data Management Plan
+text: Review of the existing tools to create Data Management Plans
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/13
+date: 2018-11-30
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Michael Heeremans
+Everything you need to know to start writing your own Data Management Plan.
+You will learn what tools you can use to help you writing your DMP (Data Management Plan) and what is important to address to manage your data efficiently.
+- **When**: 30th November 2018, 14-16h
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
+- **Who**: _everybody interested in learning about "Data Management Plans"_
diff --git a/_posts/2018-12-03-RLadies.markdown b/_posts/2018-12-03-RLadies.markdown
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+title: RLadies Oslo, Topic modelling - what is it, and how does VG use it?
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256272641/?isFirstPublish=true
+date: 2018-12-03
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '19:00'
+**Session leader**: Athanasia Monika Mowinckel
+The next RLadies-Oslo next meetup is set for December 3rd, with the amazing @ZazzValette presenting "Topic modelling - what is it, and how does VG use it?”
+Topic models (TM) are powerful tools to programmatically uncover textual structure in what otherwise appear to be just plain unstructured text. The applications of TM are many, like content analysis, article search, and personalisation of content. Isabelle Valette will take us through what topic models are, the way the algorithm works, and how VG has been using it inside and outside the newsroom.
+Who is Isabelle?
+French data nerd, nature lover and week-end hiker, Isabelle works as a data scientist at the media house VG, one of Norway's largest newspaper. Educated as an economist and transformed into an RLady, a computer scientist and data journalist, Isa loves #rstats. She is passionate about empowering women to become awesome coders.
+There will be some Christmas themed refreshments and spirit!
+Come join us!
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 03rd December 2018
+- **Time**: 17:00-19:00
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256272641/?isFirstPublish=true
diff --git a/_posts/2018-12-10-useR.markdown b/_posts/2018-12-10-useR.markdown
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+title: use R! group How analysing football data made me fall in love with football again
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/255853637/
+date: 2018-12-10
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Toju Idowu and Dmytro Perepolkin
+In this talk, I will show you how I’ve used `R` to delve deep into how football works. I’ll work through a simple GLM using some of the new tidymodels packages.
+About the speaker:
+Toju is an actuary originally from the UK, living in Oslo. He has been using `R` for about four years ever since he accidentally discovered it while searching for how to do linear regression in Excel. Now he use `R` for almost everything data related both at work and at home on side projects.
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 10th December 2018
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/255853637/
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+title: Social coding and open software
+text: Learn about the different software development best practices for researchers
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/15
+date: 2018-12-14
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+During this session, we will present you:
+- Why software matters in research
+- Why open software
+- How to do open software
+- How to grow a community around your code
+**When**: 14th December 2018, 14-16h
+**Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, room 209
diff --git a/_posts/2019-01-10-useR.markdown b/_posts/2019-01-10-useR.markdown
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+title: Oslo useR! Group, Prepare to be surprised! Visualizing public data from npd.no
+location: Microsoft Norge, Lysaker Torg 45, Lysaker
+link: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/256437202/
+date: 2019-01-10
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '20:00'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin and Kristijan Bakaric
+“Visualization can surprise, but it doesn’t scale. Modeling scales well, but it can’t fundamentally surprise.” – Hadley Wickham.
+One of the most important phases in the Data Analysis process is data visualization. It is an inherently human activity which relies on our ability to comprehend visual information and make sense of patterns. However, there’s only so much we can spend in visualizing the data, and regardless how many hours we may decide to put into it, it is never going to be enough. Therefore, it is important to be able to build simple custom-purposed visualizations that facilitate sense-making and can trigger new ideas for modelling.
+This project has started as a small-scale proof of concept for using {htmlwidgets} in R markdown. But then, inspired by awesome talk by Matt Dray (@mattdray) at #EARL2018, it took new direction incorporating new interactive features and data filtering. In this talk Kristijan will walk you through the process of thinking through, composing and deploying interactive Rmarkdown reports without help of Shiny server, using DT, leaflet, mapview, plotly, crosstalk and flexdashboard.
+About the speaker:
+Kristijan, originally from Croatia, has a master’s degree in Geology of Mineral Resources and Geophysical Exploration. He has been working as an exploration geologist in the field of oil and gas exploration for almost five years. Majority of the time he spent on the other end of the data analysis tunnel – in the realm of specialized commercial front-ends. There he visualized, analyzed and interpreted the data, within the given software boundaries and with a different hat; completely unaware of what was happening with the data in the background.
+In 2017 he started working in a hybrid data analyst role, and approximately six months ago, mainly in his free time, he started with a new hobby - learning about a toolbox called R and its wealth of packages. After so many years working “indirectly” with the data, R started to empower him to understand the data analysis process. He likes to summarize his R journey so far as mindset changing and simply fun. Main sources he is using for learning R are friendly colleagues (Dmytro), google, https://www.datacamp.com/ and books from https://bookdown.org/).
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 10th January 2019
+- **Time**: 17:30-20:00
+- **Location**: Microsoft Norge, Lysaker Torg 45, Lysaker
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/256437202/
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+title: Book Club on Teaching Tech together
+text: Discuss the first 5 chapters of "Teaching Tech together (Greg Wilson)
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/14
+date: 2019-01-18
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+You read at least 5 chapters of "Teaching Tech together" (Greg Wilson) and would like to discuss and share your thoughts about teaching techniques.
+We are using [https://web.hypothes.is/](https://web.hypothes.is/), an online tool to annotate the web, with anyone, anywhere.
+The StudyGroup@UiO share comments at [https://hypothes.is/groups/mReaNk2e/studygroup-uio.](https://hypothes.is/groups/mReaNk2e/studygroup-uio)
+**online material to learn how to use hypothes.is**:
+- https://web.hypothes.is/quick-start-guide-for-students/
+**When**: 18th January 2019, 14-16h
+**Location**: Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, room 123
diff --git a/_posts/2019-02-01-software-surgery.markdown b/_posts/2019-02-01-software-surgery.markdown
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+title: Software surgery session on Python
+text: Come with your specific Python problem and we will discuss it together and try to find a good solution
+location: Science Library
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/32
+date: 2019-02-01
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+This is a drop-in session for asking specific problems on Python programming.
+Come with your specific problem:
+- you are stuck with your program and do not understand why it does not work
+- you are unsure about which python package to use for solving a specific problem
+- you have tried to use a Python package but it does not work as you expected.
+or come and help:
+- you are willing to share your knowledge of Python and help other to better use it
+**It is not a tutorial and does not aim to provide general Python programming training.**
+_This is a knowledge sharing session and if you come with a problem you understand that we do our best to help but there is no guarantee on the outcome of the session._
+**When**: 1st February 2019, 14-16h
+**Location**: None
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+title: RLadies Oslo, Building shiny dashboards - with Aurora and Lene
+location: room "Shell", Ole-Johan Dahls hus
+link: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256431595/
+date: 2019-02-04
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '19:00'
+**Session leader**: Lene Norderhaug D., Aurora V., Athanasia Monika Mowinckel, Isabelle V.
+In this workshop, Aurora and Lene will take us through the steps of building a shiny dashboard. We will incrementally build the dashboard, with explanations throughout to help you understand how the components act together.
+At the end of the workshop, you should enough basic understanding of shiny to be able to start building your own shiny dashboard.
+About the Shiny R-ladies:
+Aurora is a diverse data scientist in NextBridge Anlytics. She works with innovative and demanding analytical tasks, and has also worked with system developement. Her background is from physics and she has a PhD in the field of quantum mechanics and condensed matter physics. She has long experience from teaching in academia and began using R some years ago due to a demand for a shiny dashboard.
+Lene is a physicist turned data scientist. After analysing data for LHC injections at CERN she joined Nextbridge Analytics in 2016. She enjoys working on a wide range of projects using data and algorithms. After being introduced to R for the second time and tidyverse for the first time she really got into R and after learning about R-ladies she was a part of starting up R-ladies Oslo.
+How to find us:
+Seminar room "Shell", Ground floor. Take the T-bane or trikk to Forskningsparken.
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 04th February 2019
+- **Time**: 17:00-19:00
+- **Location**: Seminar room Shell (ground floor), Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Gaustadalléen 23B · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256431595/
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+title: Oslo useR! Group, Mild introduction to Rcpp
+text: what you need to know about C++ as R user
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/256805098/
+date: 2019-02-06
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin and Øystein Sørensen
+Sometimes R code just isn’t fast enough. You’ve used profiling to figure out where your bottlenecks are, and you’ve done everything you can in R, but your code still isn’t fast enough. In this talk you will learn how you can improve performance by rewriting key functions in C++. Rcpp provides a clean, approachable API that lets you write high-performance code with as little friction as possible.
+About the speaker:
+Øystein holds a master's degree in Environmental Physics and Renewable Energy and a PhD in Biostatistics. In addition to his PhD work, Øystein has worked for two years as a data scientist in Storebrand's marketing team and for two year as a data scientist in NextBridge Analytics. Today he is Associate Professor at the University of Oslo.
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 6th February 2019
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/256805098/
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+# Workalong Git without Bash
+**Session leader:** Annika Rockenberger
+A short work along trying out alternatives to git bash, especially for Windows users.
+Bring your laptop. We want to look at editors like Atom, oXygen XML editor, Sublime and others which have git plugins. The goal is to come up with a handy guide on how to make use of git (on Windows) without having to install and run Git Bash, especially if the user doesn't have admin rights. We can publish the guide and give it out to our workshop participants at UiO-Carpentry workshops.
+We meet in the Foyer of the National Library at Solli plass.
+**When:** 6th February 2019
+**Time:** 14:00-16:00
+**Location:** National Library of Norway, Henrik Ibsens gate 110, 0254 Oslo, Room "Slottsbibliotek"
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+title: Do I need my own website as a researcher?
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus, Room 108, University of Oslo
+date: 2019-03-01
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+During this session, we will look at a couple of examples of personal websites of researchers and other academics. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of hosting your own website, of having a website at your research institution or university or using commercial platforms like LinkedIn, ResearchGate, Academia.edu etc. We will also look at alternatives, e.g. creating a professional profile website hosted on GitHub.
+The event is open for anyone! Please bring a laptop or other smart device.
+- **Level**: beginners
+- **When**: 1st March 2019
+- **Time**: 14:00-16:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus, Room 108, Blindern Campus · Oslo
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+title: use R! group - Workshop- Introduction to Automatic and Scalable Machine Learning with H2O in R
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/40
+date: 2019-03-05
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '19:00'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin
+Choosing best model for your machine learning problem may be daunting task. H2O AutoML simplifies the process of setting up the complex machine learning modeling pipelines to just a few lines of code. You will learn how to make your own stacked ensemble in the first 30 min of the workshop. For those who want to stick around for the rest of the evening, we will go a bit deeper into specification of individual models (GLM, GBM, Neural Networks, etc) and understanding of model performance.
+After attending this workshop, learners will be able to set up their own machine learning pipeline in R from simple data preparation to specification of the classification or regression model, training, evaluation of the model using validation set, and prediction on the test data. Users will be also introduced to the concepts of ensembles and stacking and will be able to specify and run automatic machine learning models, analyze and pick best models and use them for predicting the outcomes.
+This workshop is repeating the session held at recent UiO Research Bazaar.
+About the speaker:
+Dmytro is a passionate data educator and data analyst at Equinor. He comes from econometrics and decision analysis background and has particular passion for spreading data literacy and probabilistic thinking in the society. Dmytro co-organizes Oslo UseR! Group and is frequently seen at Caprentry@UiO events at University of Oslo.
+- **When**: 05th March 2019
+- **Time**: 17:00-19:00
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56, Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/258988065/
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+title: RLadies Oslo, Bayesian methods for rank and preference data with Valeria Vitelli
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256566088/
+date: 2019-03-18
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '19:00'
+**Session leader**: Valeria Vitelli, Lene Norderhaug D., Aurora V., Athanasia Monika Mowinckel, Isabelle V.
+Bayesian methods for rank and preference data - from recommendation systems to cancer genomics
+Ranking items is crucial for collecting information about preferences in many areas, from marketing to politics. The interest often lies both in producing estimates of the consensus ranking of the items, which is shared among users, and in learning individualized preferences of the users, useful for providing personalized recommendations. In the latter task it is particularly relevant to have posterior distributions of individual rankings, since these can provide an evaluation of the uncertainty associated to the estimates, and thus they can avoid unnecessarily spamming the users.
+I will present a statistical model which works well in these situations, and which is able of flexibly handling quite different kind of data. The Bayesian paradigm allows a fully probabilistic analysis, and it easily handles missing data and cluster estimation via augmentation procedures.
+Interestingly, this Bayesian framework has also proved to be useful for genomic data integration, since typically heterogeneous microarray data are available from different sources, and their combination allows both to gain statistical power and to strengthen the biological insight.
+Valeria Vitelli holds a PhD in statistics from Politecnico di Milano, Italy. She was a postdoc at Ecole Centrale Paris for a year, within a research group funded by Eléctricité de France working on big data problems in the energy sector. She then moved to the University of Oslo, where after a 5 years postdoc period funded from the Norwegian Cancer Society she became associate professor in September 2018. Her experience spans over several areas of mathematics and statistics, including functional data analysis with applications in physiology, machine learning (describing people mobility in dense urbanized areas from mobile phone data), and finally statistical genomics of cancer.
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 18th March 2019
+- **Time**: 17:00-19:00
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/rladies-oslo/events/256566088/
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+title: use R! group, Building websites in R, step-by-step introduction to blogdown
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/41
+date: 2019-04-02
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin and Andrea Chi Zhang
+A personal website or blog is a great place to record, share and communicate your thoughts and learning process, however the whole procedure might seem complex to those without relevant experience. An R package developed by Yihui Xie, blogdown, makes it easy to build a website using R Markdown and Hugo. Andrea will talk about what is blogdown and why you should use it, and walk you through the basic steps to publish (for free!) your website using Netlify and rbind.io.
+About the speaker:
+Andrea (Chi Zhang) is doing her PhD at Department of Biostatistics, University of Oslo, working on Electronic Health Record data. She is interested in time series data related to health, and is eager to learn new tricks in R and share what she has learnt in her newly built website using blogdown. Outside work she is an active supporter of non profit organisations.
+- **Level**: intermediate
+- **When**: 02nd April 2019
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Teknologihuset, Pilestredet 56 · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/258995744/
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+title: use R! group, Investing with R
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/43
+date: 2019-05-08
+startTime: '17:30'
+endTime: '19:30'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro Perepolkin and Lars Nygaard
+Most investors still invest through expensive traditional active funds although studies clearly show that cheap index funds do better over time and, modern Nobel-prize winning research shows there are fully automated strategies, or so-called factor-based strategies, that do even better.
+R is today one of the best languages to do prototyping for quantitative investment analysis. Lars will give an introduction on implementing a simple quantitative investing strategy using packages such as quantmod, xts. He will talk about where to get your data, how to import it, and how to generate a report with investment advice.
+Lars has a background in physics and started coding in R about two years ago. He has also been working on a startup company Norquant (www.norquant.no).
+- **Level**: intermediate
+- **When**: 08th May 2019
+- **Time**: 17:30-19:30
+- **Location**: Microsoft Norge, Lysaker Torg 45, Lysaker
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/260172902/
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+title: Work along session on image processing in R
+location: Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, room 123
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/44
+date: 2019-05-24
+startTime: '14:00'
+endTime: '16:00'
+**Session leader**: Ana Costa
+In this session you will learn image processing in R.
+_Bring your laptop if you want to try it out!_
+- **When**: 24th May 2019, 14h-16h
+- **Location**: Vilhelm Bjerknes' hus, room 123
+- **Who**: _everybody willing to learn about image processing_
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+title: CodeRefinery, CodeRefinery workshop in Oslo
+location: Auditorium Smalltalk, Ole-Johan Dahls hus, Oslo
+link: https://coderefinery.org/workshops/2019-06-03-oslo/
+date: 2019-06-03
+startTime: '09:00'
+endTime: '17:00'
+**Session leader**: Radovan Bast, Anne Fouilloux and Sabry Razick.
+### Course goals
+The aim of this course is to demonstrate to and familiarize the workshop participants with best practices and tools in modern research software development. The main focus is on professional tools for efficiently developing and maintaining research software. Since most research code is developed in a collaborative setting, we will discuss tools and workflows which facilitate this process. Most of the content is also relevant to a single developer.
+### Who the course is for
+If you are writing code that is used in research, then this course is for you. If you develop research code and you know all the tools already, join us as a helper! It's fun, and you always learn something new about a subject by teaching it.
+- **Level**: intermediate
+- **When**: 03rd - 05th June 2019
+- **Time**: 09:00-17:00
+- **Location**: Auditorium Smalltalk, Ole-Johan Dahls hus · Oslo
+- **More information and registration**: [https://coderefinery.org/workshops/2019-06-03-oslo/](https://coderefinery.org/workshops/2019-06-03-oslo/)
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+title: Oslo useR! Group, Workshop Straightforward introduction to mixed models
+location: IFI Building, University of Oslo
+link: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/260303778/
+date: 2019-06-05
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+**Session leader**: Dmytro P. and Athanasia Monika M.
+In this workshop we will be exploring how to use linear mixed models when we have data that repeats over time. These kinds of models are often used in longitudinal studies or with time series data. They are powerful as the used maximum likelihood approximations rather than least squares, meaning they can better handle missing data, and competing models can be compared directly. By the end of the workshop you should have a basic grasp of the linear mixed model, how to specify one, how to compare models and how to plot results.
+This workshop expects participants to have intermediate proficiency in R and is not fully suitable for beginners. The instructor may not have time to thoroughly explain code that is not directly related to mixed models, so if you have little or no experience with R, I think it will be tough to follow as a workshop.
+About the speaker
+The workshop is held by Athanasia Monika Mowinckel, or Mo for short, who is a staff scientist at the Center for Lifespan changes in brain and cognition (LCBC: www.oslobrains.no). She has a PhD in psychology, and loves plotting. And cats. She is a co-founder and current head of the R-Ladies Oslo chapter.
+This workshop is brought to you by Centre for Educational Measurement at University of Oslo (https://www.uv.uio.no/cemo/) and Cardo Partners (www.cardopartners.com) in cooperation of Oslo UseR! Group and R-Ladies Oslo
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 05th June 2019
+- **Time**: 17:00-20:00
+- **Location**: IFI Building, University of Oslo, Gaustadalléen 23B, Smalltalk Auditorium, Ole Johans Dahls Hus · Oslo
+- **More information**: https://www.meetup.com/Oslo-useR-Group/events/260303778/
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+title: Carpentries, CarpentryConnect Manchester conference 2019
+location: Manchester
+link: https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme
+date: 2019-06-25
+startTime: '09:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+### Join Us At CarpentryConnect Manchester 2019!
+Did you see the recent announcement, that registration is now open for the CarpentryConnect Manchester conference? The event is an opportunity for members of The Carpentries’ global community of instructors and anyone else with an interest in helping researchers to improve their computational skills, to get together for a few days to exchange ideas and learn some new things. With an exciting programme (still under development, no spoilers!) including sessions focussing on developing new and existing curricula, increasing the sustainability of research software, methods and tools for better teaching, and more, the conference will have as much to offer those who are newcomers to The Carpentries as it does to those who have attended a workshop, helped or taught at one or two, or been involved for years.
+Still not sure what to expect? Following the success of the inaugural CarpentryCon in Dublin last summer, several of the attendees wrote about their experiences describing some of the workshops and breakouts, reflecting on their experiences, and generally celebrating the chance to bring such a diverse and dispersed community together
+The organising taskforce of CarpentryConnect Manchester, chaired by Aleks Nenadic and including several organisers of the event in 2018, has every intention of creating a sister event with a similar atmosphere of creativity, inclusivity and optimism, and a love of using sticky notes for almost everything.
+We hope that the structure of the programme ([https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme](https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme)), with bursts of lightning talks to spark conversation, long breaks to create space for deeper discussion and networking, and an emphasis on workshops, tutorials and breakout sessions, reflects the importance placed on community building and professional development that I have been so inspired by at previous events of both the Research Software Engineers and Carpentries. The conference offers a chance to learn about and discuss the latest developments and challenges in computational teaching and research software development, to access training in relevant skills, tools, and resources, and to get to know other members of this warm and welcoming community. For more detail on the programme, keep an eye out as we announcement our keynote speakers over the coming weeks.
+We’d love to see plenty of new faces at the conference, as well as bringing together as many
+Instructors, Trainers, Mentors, and Maintainers, as possible from the UK, Europe, and across the world. So, if any of the above sounds interesting to you, we’d love for you to go ahead and register. If you do so before 18 April 2019, you’ll be able to take advantage of the Early Bird discount.
+**We look forward to seeing you in Manchester in June!**
+- **Level**: beginner to intermediate
+- **When**: 25th June 2019 - 27th June 2019
+- **Time**: 9:00-19:00
+- **Location**: The Studio Manchester on 25th and 26th of June and in the Kilburn Building at the School of Computer Science (University of Manchester) on 27th June
+- **More information and registration**: [https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme](https://software.ac.uk/ccmcr19/programme)
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+title: StudyGroup Planning
+text: Help us to plan all Autumn studyGroup events
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/47
+date: 2019-08-22
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+We are having a meeting to plan all our future events for Autumn 2019.
+Come and tell us what events you would be interested to learn or to teach.
+- **Level**: all
+- **When**: 22nd August 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Preview lesson on Open Science
+text: Walk-through the lesson and give feedback
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/49
+date: 2019-08-29
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+Walk-through of the pre-prepared lesson (see [https://coderefinery.github.io/osip/](https://coderefinery.github.io/osip/)) to give feedback.
+This lesson will be taught at the [2019 Eurotech Summer School OPEN SCIENCE IN PRACTICE](http://osip2019.epfl.ch/) as a two-hour workshop.
+The plan is also to teach it at UiO next semester or during the Research Bazaar.
+Come and discuss with us how we can improve the lesson.
+Feedback is welcome!
+- **Who**: anyone interested in Open Science
+- **When**: 29th August 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Book Club
+text: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/42
+date: 2019-09-05
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing
+We are reading the article "Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing" by Greg Wilson et al.
+Come and discuss the article with us!
+We want to create a Carpentries-style, half-day workshop based on the article, to be piloted in the fall semester here at UiO.
+Please bring the text & your laptop: we will work together brainstorming how to develop a lesson based on the contents of the article,
+and start creating a repository for the workshop development using the Carpentries [lesson template](https://github.com/carpentries/styles).
+- **Level**: all
+- **When**: 5th September 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Instructor development and discussion on how to teach
+text: Engage with local instructors
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/22
+date: 2019-09-12
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Karin Lagesen
+**Topic**: Instructor development and discussion on how to teach
+- **Who**: all Carpentries@UiO instructors
+- **When**: 12nd September 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Lesson Development
+text: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/46
+date: 2019-09-19
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing
+Picking up from where we left on [5th September 2019](https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/blob/gh-pages/_posts/2019-09-05-bookclub.markdown),
+we continue developing a lesson for a half-day workshop based on the article by
+Wilson et al. "Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing" (2017).
+The article focuses not so much on computing but general digital literacy and good routines.
+Join if you are interested in lesson development, digital literacy, and how to improve our daily data and computational habits!
+It's recommended to have read the article by Wilson et al. [https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005510](https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005510).
+- **Level**: all
+- **When**: 19th September 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Voila python package
+text: From Jupyter notebooks to standalone web applications and dashboards
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/48
+date: 2019-09-26
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+Rendering of live Jupyter notebooks with interactive widgets.
+**Voila** serves live Jupyter notebook including Jupyter interactive widgets.
+Unlike the usual HTML-converted notebooks, each user connecting to the Voila tornado application gets a dedicated Jupyter kernel which can execute the callbacks to changes in Jupyter interactive widgets.
+During this two hour session, we plan to explore the **voila** package and learn how to use it. The idea is to understand if it is useful for our researchers.
+We will go through existing **voila** examples and learn to use it ourselves.
+- **When**: 26th September 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Hackathon
+text: The Carpentries Tagathon - Our Hacktoberfest Initiative
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/64
+date: 2019-10-17
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Preparing something cool for the Carpentries Tagathon in Week 44
+# Hackathon - Tagathon
+The Carpentries are inviting to a [community initative in week 44 called "Hacktoberfest"](https://carpentries.org/blog/2019/10/carpentries-tagathon/). It is about tagging the many blog posts on the three Carpentries websites: [Software Carpentry](https://software-carpentry.org/blog/), [Data Carpentry](https://datacarpentry.org/blog/), and [Library Carpentry](https://librarycarpentry.org/blog/). The aim is to make the posts more findable by assigning topics.
+Combining the skills taught in The Carpentries with the power of Digital Humanities, this StudyGroup will attempt to create a set of tags for the blog posts based on computational text analysis. How does one read 1 million blog posts? Not at all! A machine can do this much better (and faster)!
+We will use ```pandoc``` to convert the blog posts written in ```markdown``` to a format that the online topic explorer [VoyantTools](https://voyant-tools.org/) can ingest and see what it reveals about the content of the blogs. We will then take a look at the tag set that the Carpentries has prepared and compare the two. The Final product could be a semi-automatic tagger based on text analysis.
+In order to participate, you don't need to know any of the software and tools we are going to use. You should, however, bring your laptop and your curiosity and enthusiasm to experiment!
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+title: Instructor development and discussion on how to teach
+text: Engage with local instructors
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/22
+date: 2019-11-21
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Karin Lagesen
+**Topic**: Instructor development and discussion on how to teach
+- **Who**: all Carpentries@UiO instructors
+- **When**: 21st November 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
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+title: Julefest - End of the Year Party
+text: Socialize with the Carpentry@UiO Community
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/63
+date: 2019-12-12
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Julefest - End of the Year Party
+- **Who**: all Carpentries@UiO community members: instructors, helpers, learners, support staff
+- **When**: 12nd December 2019
+- **Time**: 16:00-20:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+# Julefest
+The temperatures have already dropped below 0°C and friends and colleagues have started booking their annual end-of-the-year-travels.
+Which means it is about time to prepare for a decent Julefest with the Carpentry@UiO community!
+I hereby invite you all to a low key get-together, accompanied by spiced tea, cocoa, gingerbread, and other seasonally appropriate edibles.
+## When?
+December 12, from 4pm onwards
+## Where?
+University of Oslo, Blindern Campus, Niels Henrik Abels hus, Room 209
+(= the teaching room adjacent to the Science Fiction section of the Science Library)
+## What to bring?
+Yourself! You may bring a laptop. You may also contribute to the edibles 😊
+## Do I need to sign up?
+You don’t have to, but we would appreciate knowing how many Carpenters to expect so we can buy tea etc. accordingly.
+Please send an email to annika [.] rockenberger [@] ub [.] uio [.] no.
+We are looking forward to seeing you!
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+title: Planning Meeting for the Spring Term 2020
+text: We meet and plan the StudyGroup activities for the spring term
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/66
+date: 2020-01-16
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: 2020-01-16
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+**What's happening?**
+We meet and plan the StudyGroup activities for the spring term 2020. Everyone is welcome, we are looking for suggestions from all of our members. The StudyGroup will meet every other week until the end of May.
+To make suggestions prior to the meeting, you can create an Issue and suggest a date that suits you.
+Available dates for the StudyGroup are:
+|January 16|Planning Meeting|
+|February 6||
+|February 20||
+|March 5||
+|March 19||
+|April 2||
+|April 16||
+|April 30||
+|May 14||
+|May 28||
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+title: Oslo useR! Machine Learning in R? Easier than you think
+text: A walkthrough with Keras
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Oslo-useR-Group/events/267132894/
+date: 2020-01-21
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+- Topic: Machine Learning in R? Easier than you think!
+- Speaker: Bethan Cropp (Amesto NextBridge)
+- Date: Tuesday, 21 January 2020
+- Time: 17:00
+- Place: Teknologihuset
+### What we'll do
+We welcome the new year with an exciting presentation by Bethan Cropp, who will talk about her experience with Machine Learning and R!
+Make sure not to miss it!
+### Description
+Getting started with Keras in R is not difficult, but it has a few quirks. Bethan will discuss (1) the important points she has discovered in her time exploring Keras, (2) some problems she has run into, and (3) work through simple examples of different neural networks.
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+title: Oslo useR! Geospatial data science with R
+text: A 10 km perspective
+location: Teknologihuset
+link: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Oslo-useR-Group/events/267986573/
+date: 2020-02-18
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+- Topic: Geospatial data with R
+- Speaker: Benno Dillinger works as data engineer at the Section for Environmental Data Science at the Norwegian Institute for Water Research.
+- Date: Tuesday, 18 February 2020
+- Time: 17:00
+- Place: Teknologihuset
+### What we'll do
+R has advanced capabilities for managing spatial data and it provides unparalleled opportunities for managing, visualizing and analyzing such data.
+In this meetup we will learn about R packages `{sf}` and `{stars}`, commonly used for manipulating feature and gridded data. The meetup will also include a brief introduction to the associated underlying theory, such as projections, DE-9IM, and spectral indices, as well as applied examples.
+### Packages
+- `{sf}` and `{stars}`
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+title: Preview of the Data Carpentry - Genomics curriculum
+text: Let's check out Data Carpentry - Genomics
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/53
+date: 2020-03-05
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Tina Visnovska
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: 2020-03-05
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+**What's happening?**
+Preview of the Data Carpentry: Genomics Curriculum.
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+title: Copernicus Climate Data Store for professionals and students
+text: Two webinars and one day workshop for learning to develop a climate assessment study
+location: Oslo Science Park (top floor)
+link: https://climate.copernicus.eu/c3s-user-learning-services-training-event-norway-sweden
+date: 2020-03-06
+startTime: '09:00'
+endTime: '17:00'
+The training is free but attendance to all three events is mandatory.
+- **First webinar**: 19th of February, 10:00- 11:15h (local time) - Introduction to the blended training approach
+Self-paced study and completion of assignments (10 hours)
+- **Full day face-to-face event**: 6th of March, (Oslo) – Flipped classroom (review your learning), hands-on practical activities, development of a climate change adaptation case study
+Self-paced study and further elaboration of the climate adaptation case study (8 hours)
+- **Final webinar**: 27th of March, 10:00-11:30h (local time) - Presentation of case studies, discussion, and questions and answers session
+The target audiences are
+- Sectoral end users (for example from agriculture, water and spatial planning) who will gain an understanding on how climate data is produced.
+- Consultant & researchers: who want to learn how to use climate data and identify opportunities offered by the CDS and main climate data sources and tools.
+- MSc and PhD Students in hydrology, environmental sciences, physical geography or related fields who want to acquire additional skills.
+- Climatologists & data experts: who want to acknowledge the full process of creating a climate service and want to gain skills on the CDS and its components
+ For more information and event registration, go to the [Learning Experience Platform](https://uls.climate.copernicus.eu/).
+[Registration to these events is required](https://climate.copernicus.eu/c3s-user-learning-services-training-event-norway-sweden)
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Workalong - Creating Websites with Jekyll
+text: Together, we create a website with Jekyll and find out how things work
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/70
+date: 2020-04-16
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+**Session leader**: Naoe Tatara
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: ~~2020-04-16~~
+- **Time**: ~~16:00-18:00~~
+- **Location**: ~~Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209~~
+**What's happening?**
+Due to Covid-19 spreading and closed buildings of UiO and unknown level of interest, the session is canceled. It will be held in future, either online or in person, when the situation gets better and there is enough interest.
+We meet and together create a website using Jekyll. We will learn a bit about web design and web development.
+Come with your laptop – it's best if you have Jekyll already installed and running on your machine (Mac Users: this might be an advanced process. Google is your friend here).
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+title: Zotero Add-Ons, Extensions, and Plugins
+text: Together we take a look at a couple of additions to Zotero
+location: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/69
+date: 2020-05-14
+startTime: '16:00'
+endTime: '18:00'
+### Workalong: Zotero Add-Ons, Extensions, and Plugins
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: Thursday, May 14
+- **Time**: 16:00-18:00
+- **Location**: Niels Henrik Abels hus Room 209
+**What's happening?**
+We meet and together we explore a couple of add-ons, plugins and extensions for Zotero. If you know a cool add-on, please bring it and show us how to use it!
+Come with your laptop – it's probably a good idea to have Zotero installed. Zotero works on all platforms, you can download it on the [official Zotero website](https://www.zotero.org/)
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+title: Oslo useR! Mild introduction to Structural Equation Modeling
+text: A workshop on structural equation modeling
+location: IFI Building, University of Oslo
+link: https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/Oslo-useR-Group/events/265662967/
+date: 2020-06-03
+startTime: '17:00'
+endTime: '20:00'
+- Date: Tuesday, 3rd June 2020
+- Time: 17:00
+- Place: IFI Building, University of Oslo
+### What we'll do
+When working with data, we often want to create models to predict future events, but we also want an even deeper understanding of how our data is connected or structured. In this workshop, we will explore the connectedness of data using using structural equation modeling (SEM) with {lavaan} package.
+Stay tuned for updates!
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+title: How to Open a Carpentries Workshop
+text: Engage with local instructors
+location: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+link: tba
+date: 2023-02-14
+startTime: '13:00'
+endTime: '14:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Instructor Development Session: How to Open a Carpentries Workshop?
+- **Who**: all Carpentries@UiO instructors
+- **When**: 14th February 2023
+- **Time**: 13:00-14:00
+- **Location**: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
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+title: Workalong - Etherpad. How to set it up, how to use it in workshops
+text: Together, set up and discuss how to best use Etherpad during our workshops
+location: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+link: tba
+date: 2023-02-28
+startTime: '13:00'
+endTime: '14:00'
+**Session leader**: Kyrre Traavik Låberg
+**Topic**: Workalong: Etherpad, how to set it up, how to use it in workshops
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: 2023-02-28
+- **Time**: 13:00-14:00
+- **Location**: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+**What's happening?**
+The Carpentries use Etherpads for collaborative writing during workshops. But how are those Etherpads created? How can you set up your own for a workshop you are teaching? And how can they be used in a smart and accessible way for learners and helpers?
+Join us in this hands-on session!
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+title: Motivation and Demotivation
+text: Engage with local instructors
+location: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+link: tba
+date: 2023-04-25
+startTime: '13:00'
+endTime: '14:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Instructor Development Session: Motivation and Demotivation
+- **Who**: all Carpentries@UiO instructors
+- **When**: 25th April 2023
+- **Time**: 13:00-14:00
+- **Location**: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+**What's happening?**
+We read the episode [Motivation and Demotivation](https://carpentries.github.io/instructor-training/08-motivation/index.html) from the Carpentries Instructor Training material and do a couple of the exercises.
+"Teaching and learning are not the same process. [...] An instructor can make choices that facilitate the cognitive processes necessary for learning to occur. But any technique can fall flat when learners are not motivated. Worse, demotivation is contagious! Teaching or sharing a classroom with demotivated learners is not fun or rewarding. It can be tempting, especially for teachers facing burnout after strenuous and ineffectual effort, to blame learners for spoiling the classroom experience."
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+title: Lesson Development
+text: Framing the Data from the Data Carpentry for Social Sciences Lesson
+location: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+link: tba
+date: 2023-05-23
+startTime: '13:00'
+endTime: '14:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+**Topic**: Lessen Development: Framing the Data from the Data Carpentry for Social Sciences Lesson
+- **Level**: all
+- **When**: 2023-05-23
+- **Time**: 13:00-14:00
+- **Location**: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+**What's happening?**
+We work together improving the Data Carpentry: Social Sciences and Humanities Using R workshop, with a focus on the framing of the data, i.e. how the dataset is described and introduced to both instructors and learners.
+Join if you are interested in lesson development and Data Carpentry for Social Sciences and Humanities!
+It's recommended to have familiarized oneself with the lesson content: [Data Carpentry: Social Sciences](https://datacarpentry.org/lessons/#social-science-curriculum) and taken a look into the [lesson development material from The Carpentries](https://carpentries.org/involved-lessons/).
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+title: Workalong - Discussion of Reveal.js for creating presentations using Markdown, HTML and Javascript
+text: After taking a short video course on the basics of Reveal.js, we discuss and try it out
+location: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+link: tba
+date: 2023-06-06
+startTime: '13:00'
+endTime: '14:00'
+**Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger & DigiForsk Team
+- **Level**: beginner
+- **When**: 2023-06-06
+- **Time**: 13:00-14:00
+- **Location**: Digital Scholarship Center - Oasen
+**What's happening?**
+Learn a sustainable way of creating beautiful and reusable presenations using Markdown, HTML, CSS, and Javascript!
+In preparation for this study group session, we watch a selection of videos to learn the basics of [Reveal.js](https://revealjs.com/), the HTML presentation framework to create stunning presenatons on the Web.
+In the study group, we share what we have learned, try it out on a live presentation!
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-title: Make Your First Event
-text: In order to make your first event, follow the instructions here.
-location: Your Location
-link: https://github.com/mozillascience/studyGroup#how-to-launch-a-new-event
-date: 2077-01-01
-startTime: '20:00'
-endTime: '21:00'
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+layout: page
+title: 'Book Club'
+Our Book Club meets quaterly to discuss on a book we have previously chosen. We also gather a list of books on pedagody, teaching practices, personal development. Feel free to suggest books either for personal reading or for group discussions.
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-# Código de Conduta
-Eventos do Grupo de Estudo são atividades comunitárias e tem por objetivo promover interação, aprendizado e estabelecer colaborações entre os participantes. Nós valorizamos a participação de todo e qualquer membro da comunidade científica e queremos que todos os participantes tenham uma experiência agradável e enriquecedora. Assim, esperamos que todos os participantes demonstrem respeito e cortesia uns com os outros ao longo do evento, assim como em interações virtuais com os associados do Grupo de Estudo.
-Para deixar claro, espera-se que todos os envolvidos nos eventos do Grupo de Estudos e discussões — instrutores, ajudantes, organizadores, e aprendizes — sigam o seguinte Código de Conduta. Organizadores devem fazer valer este código ao longo do evento, mas você também pode contactar-nos de maneira privada; todas as comunicações serão tratadas como confidenciais.
-### A Versão Curta
- - Espera-se que o Grupo de Estudos promova uma experiência de aprendizagem que seja livre de assédio para todos, sem importar gênero, orientação sexual, deficiência, aparência física, tamanho corporal, etnia, religião, ou escolha do editor de texto. Não toleramos nenhum tipo de assédio aos participantes.
- - Toda a comunicação deve ser apropriada para um ambiente profissional, incluindo pessoas de diferentes origens e formações. Linguagem e imagens com conteúdo ou conotação sexual são inapropriadas em qualquer evento.
- - Seja gentil com os outros. Não insulte ou rebaixe os participantes.
- - Comporte-se de maneira profissional. Lembre-se que assédio e piadas com conotação sexista, racista, ou preconceituosas são inapropriadas.
- - Os participantes que violarem essas regras serão convidados a se retirarem dos eventos de acordo com o julgamento dos organizadores do mesmo, sem ressarcimento de nenhuma taxa cobrada.
-Obrigado por tornar este evento amigável e receptivo para todos.
-### A Versão Longa
-Assédio inclui comentários verbais ofensivos relacionados a gênero, orientação sexual, deficiência, aparência física, tamanho corporal, etnia, religião, imagens sexuais em espaços públicos, intimidação deliberada, perseguição, fotografia ou filmagem embaraçosa, interrupção constante de palestras ou outros eventos, contato físico inapropriado, e atenção sexual não bem-vinda.
-Participantes aos quais forem pedidos que interrompam comportamento inapropriado devem fazê-lo imediatamente.
-Seja cuidadoso com a escolha de palavras. Lembre-se que piadas sexistas, racistas, ou outro tipo de preconceito podem ser ofensivas para pessoas à sua volta.
-Se um participante comportar-se de maneira que viole este código conduta, os organizadores podem agir de qualquer forma que acharem apropriada, incluindo alertar ou expulsar o ofensor do evento sem direito a ressarcimento de qualquer taxa que tenha sido paga.
-Espelhado em: https://www.mozillascience.org/code-of-conduct
-Licença: CC BY 4.0 (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
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+layout: page
+title: 'Initiatives we like'
+We list here other initiatives, ideas and programs that aims at improving programing skills of students, PhDs, postdocs and researchers.
+ To facilitate sharing and reusing of data among researchers Software Carpentry and Data Carpentry, workshops are offered to PhDs and researchers at UiO and OUS.
+ Teach foundational coding and data science skills to researchers worldwide.
+ Teach students and researchers how to write better code and provide research groups with software development e-infrastructure tools to collaboratively develop, review, discuss, test, and share their codes.
+ Bring together the community of people writing and contributing to research software from Nordic universities, research institutes, companies and other organizations to share knowledge, to organize meetings, and raise awareness for the scientific recognition of research software.
+ Non-profit, civil society community designed to develop our members' R skills & knowledge through social, collaborative learning & sharing.
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-**Judul:** *Judul Pelajaran*
-**Penyusun:** *Nama Anda and nama Kelompok Belajar di sini!*
-**Tingkat:** *Pemula, menengah, lanjut. Kategori-kategori tersebut sangat umum, namun dengan digabungkan dengan persyaratan di bawah, kategori ini dapat memberikan gambaran tingkat keahlian yang dibutuhkan, jadi pengguna dapat menentukan apakah pelajaran ini cocok baginya.*
-**Persyaratan:** *Keahlian dan pengetahuan yang dibutuhkan sebelum memulai -- contoh, “menguasai fungsi, perulangan, dan kondisional di R” atau “memahami dasar-dasar Python.”*
-**Kebutuhan teknis atau materi:** *sebutkan kebutuhan khusus, seperti pinrait lunak, lingkungan pengembangan tertentu, memasang _library_ tertentu, data set dan format tertentu untuk bekerja, dsb.*
-**Waktu Penyelesaian:** *lama waktu (kira-kira) yang dibutuhkan untuk menyelesaikan pelajaran ini*
-**Ringkasan/Konteks/Tujuan:** *Di bagian ini, sebutkan APA yang Anda dapat lakukan setelah menyelesaikan pelajaran ini, MENGAPA Anda membutuhkannya, dan apa saja penerapan nyata dari alat atau keahlian ini.*
-*Bagian ini perlu ditulis sehingga orang yang belum memahami materi, dapat mengerti apa isi pelajaran ini, dan apakah pelajaran ini akan berguna bagi mereka.
-Cantumkan definisi kata-kata kunci yang penting dalam ringkasan. Contoh, jangan hanya menyebutkan “pelajaran ini akan mengajarkan Anda cara menggunakan pandas,” namun lengkapi dengan “pelajaran ini akan mengajarkan Anda cara menggunakan pandas, _library_ sumber terbuka yang menyediakan alat analisa data dan struktur data untuk bahasa pemrograman Python dengan kemampuan tinggi dan mudah digunakan”*
-**Langkah-langkah Penyelesaian:** *Perinci dan susun pelajaran dalam langkah-langkah berurut nomor.*
-* Cantumkan keluaran atau hasil yang diharapkan, bila memungkinkan.
-* Masukkan contoh kode
-* Jangan hanya menyebutkan langkah-langkah saja, jelaskan juga apa yang dilakukan di langkah tersebut, dan alasannya.
-* Bila ada hal-hal yang mungkin membingungkan, tambahkan satu atau dua kalimat untuk memperjelas.
-**Daftar Istilah:** *sebutkan daftar istilah dan jargon yang baru atau asing dan jelaskan artinya.*
-**Sumber daya Tambahan** *sebutkan pranala ke sumber daya-sumber daya yang berguna (demo, contoh-contoh, tutorial-tutorial, dll.)*
-**Materi Lebih Lanjut:** *Sebutkan pranala ke pelajaran-pelajaran atau materi-materi tingkat lanjut sebagai kelanjutan dari pelajaran ini.*
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-**Título:** *Título da Lição*
-**Autor:** *Seu nome e nome do Grupo de Estudos aqui!*
-**Nível:** *Novato, intermediário, avançado. Essas categorias são bastante genéricas, mas combinadas com os pré-requisitos abaixo, elas devem dar uma noção do nível de habilidade requerida, então os usuários podem decidir se essa lição é indicada para si.*
-**Pré-requisitos:** *Quais habilidades ou conhecimentos você necessariamente precisa ter antes de começar -- por exemplo, “esteja confortável com funções, loops, e condicionais em R” ou “saber o básico de Python”.*
-**Tecnologia ou materiais necessários:** *liste quaisquer requerimentos específicos, por exemplo: algum software, um determinado ambiente de desenvolvimento, uma determinada biblioteca instalada, um conjunto de dados específico e o formato a se trabalhar etc.*
-**Tempo para Finalizar:** *quanto tempo (aproximadamente) vai levar para completar a lição.*
-**Sumário/Contexto/Objetivos:** *Nesta seção, inclua O QUE esta lição vai lhe habilitar a fazer e POR QUE você deveria querer fazer, e quais são as aplicações desta ferramenta ou habilidade.*
-*Esta seção deve ser escrita de forma que alguém que não seja familiar com o conteúdo possa entender sobre o que esta lição é e se será útil para si.
-Inclua definições de qualquer coisa importante, palavras-chave aqui no sumário. Por exemplo, não diga apenas "esta lição vai lhe ensinar a usar pandas", diga “esta lição vai lhe ensinar a usar pandas, uma biblioteca de código aberto de alta performance que provê estruturas de dados, fácil de usar e ferramentas de análise de dados para a linguagem de programação Python”.*
-**Passos para Finalizar:** *Divida e organize a lição em um número de passos determinado.*
-* Mostre as saídas esperadas ou resultados, sempre que possível.
-* Inclua exemplos de códigos
-* Não faça apenas uma lista de instruções, adicione algumas palavras sobre o que cada passo faz e por quê.
-* Se você chegar a um ponto que possa parecer confuso, adicione uma frase ou duas com o objetivo de clarificar.
-**Glossário:** *liste qualquer novidade, termos e jargões possivelmente confusos ou não familiares e os defina aqui.*
-**Recursos Adicionais** *adicione links para outros recursos que possam ser úteis (demos, exemplos, tutoriais etc).*
-**Para Exploração Adicional:** *Adicione links para lições mais avançadas ou materiais que tenham a ver com este tópico.*
diff --git a/lessons/NDA-minutes/README.md b/lessons/NDA-minutes/README.md
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+layout: page
+title: National data archives
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/4
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - beginner
+ - **Authors**: Michael Heeremans and Annika Rockenberger
+ - **Lesson Topic**: National Data Archives
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+## How and where to preserve your data on long-term archive?
+More and more researchers need to make available their data before being able to publish an article in a scientific journal. During this work-along StudyGroup@ session you will get an overview of the possibilities you have to archive (long-term preservation) your data. This short demo will help you to understand how you can use the available tools.
+## Minutes of the studyGroup@UiO work-along session
+**When**: 7th September 2018, 14:00-16:00
+5 National Infrastructures for storing and archiving data (atm) in Norway
+### NSD
+* [http://www.nsd.uib.no/nsd/english/index.html](http://www.nsd.uib.no/nsd/english/index.html)
+* Humanities, Social Sciences, Environmental Sciences
+* Research Data Archive
+* Located at UiB, Norway
+### NIRD / Nordstore
+* [https://archive.norstore.no/](https://archive.norstore.no/)
+* Research data archive
+* National Archive
+* Statistics
+* Everyone can archive their data, no peer review or quality checking
+* Generic, for entire Norway
+* Assigns a DOI automatically
+* maintained by Uninett / Sigma2 [https://www.uninett.no/sigma](https://www.uninett.no/sigma)
+### TSD
+* [https://www.uio.no/tjenester/it/forskning/sensitiv/](https://www.uio.no/tjenester/it/forskning/sensitiv/)
+* Tjenester for siker datalagring
+* Hosted by UiO
+* Secure data storage for research projects (medicine etc.; personal data), can be shared; more widespread, also beyond Norway
+### Dataverse.no
+* [https://dataverse.no/](https://dataverse.no/)
+* UiT; now also UiA and NMBU
+* Hosts institutional repositories
+* Archiving data for local researchers
+* Have developed by institutional review, domain specific
+* Must comply to FAIR principles
+* UiO researchers can store up to 1 GB data, not more; no formal agreement
+* Climate and geo data format https://www.unidata.ucar.edu/software/netcdf/
+* Metadata standard [http://schema.datacite.org/](http://schema.datacite.org/)
+* [https://uit.no/forskning/art?p_document_id=521580&dim=236443](https://uit.no/forskning/art?p_document_id=521580&dim=236443)
+### BIRD
+* [https://bird.bibsys.no/jspui/](https://bird.bibsys.no/jspui/)
+* BI Oslo
+* Research Data Repo
+* BibSys
+### General info on research data storage and access in Norway
+* [https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nasjonal-strategi-for-tilgjengeliggjoring-og-deling-av-forskningsdata/id2582412/](https://www.regjeringen.no/no/dokumenter/nasjonal-strategi-for-tilgjengeliggjoring-og-deling-av-forskningsdata/id2582412/)
+### Domain specific data archives, incl. Metadata on re-use etc.
+* [https://www.re3data.org/](https://www.re3data.org/)
+* Look for keyword “Norway” - all Norwegian repos and archives listed
+* Incl. European repos
+### Data Norge.no
+* [https://data.norge.no/](https://data.norge.no/)
+* Open for use
+### Kartverket.no
+* topographical data
+### National Library of Norway nb.no
+* data in machine readable form from Norwegian publications since 1740, incl. books, newspapers, journals; but also an increasing amount of manuscripts (medieval and modern), photographs, paintings, prints, sheet music; digital sound and music files, digital video files
+* [nb.no](https://nb.no)
+### Dataverse Project
+* [https://dataverse.org/](https://dataverse.org/)
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..da3996924
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+layout: page
+title: Demo session on NetworkX python package
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/6
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - python
+ # levels
+ - intermediate
+ - **Authors**: Annika Rockenberger and Anne Fouilloux
+ - **Lesson Topic**: NetworkX python package
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Network analysis lesson
+A newly created lesson from Annika can be found [here](https://github.com/arockenberger/network_analysis_lesson)
+# Minutes of the studyGroup@UiO demo session
+**When**: 21st September 2018, 14:00-16:00
+### Dataset used for this lesson
+We will be using example datasets from [Easy Linavis](https://ezlinavis.dracor.org/) (Easy Literary Network Analysis and Visualization).
+On this website, examples can be found in the tab "examples".
+Easy Linavis (ezlinavis) generates CSV files with network data from simple segmentations of dramatic texts.
+In the left column, you can list segments (chapters, acts, scenes, etc.) and characters appearing or speaking in a given segment.
+Segments are indicated with a hashtag and they can be hierarchical, e.g.:
+# First Act
+## First Scene
+Character 1
+Character 2
+{: .language-python}
+Easy Linavis will automatically generate a CSV file with node-node relations (source, type, target, weight) in the column in the centre. Data changes as you type:
+as soon as you change something in the first column, the mid-column changes accordingly. The "type" column in the CSV file is always "undirected" here,
+but we inserted it so you can directly work with the CSV files in Gephi. The network graph in the right column is also generated live, using a
+spring-embedded layout, just to give you a first impression of what your network data looks like. To make it easier to understand how ezlinavis works, we provide some example files which can be accessed via the corresponding drop-down menu in the right upper corner.
+ezlinavis was developed in 2017 by Carsten Milling and Frank Fischer, using the React and Sigma JS libraries. It is mainly meant for didactic purposes
+(we are mainly resorting to it in our workshops on the network analysis of literary texts), although in principle it is also suited to handle bigger network
+data. If you want to contact us, please drop a line to ffischer(at)hse.ru.
+### Other datasets and information
+- [https://textology.hypotheses.org/37](https://textology.hypotheses.org/37)
+- [https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay](https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay)
+- [Complex Network Analysis in Python](https://pragprog.com/book/dzcnapy/complex-network-analysis-in-python): based on NetworkX version 1.X
+and not the new version 2.X. Information on how to migrate from 1.X to 2.X can be found at
+ [https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/release/migration_guide_from_1.x_to_2.0.html](https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/release/migration_guide_from_1.x_to_2.0.html).
+### Other tools
+Another tool that is freely available is Gephi [https://gephi.org/](https://gephi.org/). To be fully functional, you need an up to date version of java. Gephi is a very handy tool for creating nice network plots, especially if you want to publish them. To use it,
+download a file from Easy Linavis (as a csv file) and use it in Gephi or create your own csv.
+### Codes used for the demo
+Annika has prepared several jupyter notebooks:
+- A follow-along notebook for the textbook on complex network analysis (up tp chapter 5, will be continued) [https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay/blob/master/CNA_tests.ipynb](https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay/blob/master/CNA_tests.ipynb)
+– A notebook for doing cna with material from the Innsbruck Easterplay [https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay/blob/master/InnsOS_charnet.ipynb](https://github.com/arockenberger/InnsbruckEasterplay/blob/master/InnsOS_charnet.ipynb)
+To make use of NetworkX python package, you need to import it:
+import networkx as nx
+{: .language-python}
+We use `nx` as a shortcut to avoid writing networkx everytime we call a function from NetworkX python package.
+- To define a new graph, use Graph method:
+G = nx.Graph([("A", "eggs"),])
+{: .language-python}
+It defines a new graph with two nodes "A" and "eggs" connected to each other. You need to give a list of connections (one connection is represented by two "nodes").
+To print all the nodes:
+{: .language-python}
+To print all the connections, or edges:
+{: .language-python}
+To add new nodes:
+G.add_node("spinach") # add a single node
+G.add_nodes_from(["folates", "asparagus", "liver"]) # add a list of nodes
+{: .language-python}
+To add a new connection – edge – between nodes:
+G.add_edge("spinach", "folates") # add one edge, both ends exist
+G.add_edge("spinach", "heating oil") # add one edge
+G.add_edge("liver", "Se") # add one edge, one end does not exist
+G.add_edges_from([("folates", "liver"), ("folates", "asparagus")]) # add list of edges
+{: .language-python}
+> ## **Tips**:
+> - no weight by default (need to ask NetworkX to compute them, but can be assigned as attributes manually)
+> - not directional by default; use DiGraph() and/or MultiGraph() for directional networks.
+> - when defining new connections( add_edge or add_edges_from), a new node is created
+> if it does not exist yet. SO BE CAREFUL WITH THE NAMES OF THE NODES (typos, letter cases, etc.)
+{: .callout}
+To plot a graph with networkx:
+{: .language-python}
+
+It plots nodes and associated connections.
+- To delete nodes and connections:
+G.remove_node("Hg") # removes this node
+G.remove_nodes_from(["Hg",]) # removes a missing node from a list
+G.remove_edge("spinach", "heating oil") # removes edge between these nodes
+G.remove_edges_from([("spinach", "heating oil"),]) # removes edges from a list
+G.remove_node("heating oil")
+{: .language-python}
+> ## Tips
+> You get an error if you try to remove a node that does not exist (same with a connection)
+{: .callout}
+#### Examples
+We will now work with "real" examples i.e. read a network from a csv file.
+We are using "Elizabeth Inchbald: Lover's Vows (1798)" from [Easy Linavis](https://ezlinavis.dracor.org/).
+To read a csv file, the easiest is to use pandas python package:
+import pandas as pd
+df = pd.read_csv("data/Elizabeth1798.csv")
+{: .language-python}
+ Source Type Target Weight
+0 Agatha Undirected Amelia 1
+1 Agatha Undirected Anhalt 2
+2 Agatha Undirected Baron 1
+3 Agatha Undirected Cottager 3
+4 Agatha Undirected Countryman 1
+{: .output}
+The file contains quite a large number of rows so we printed only the first rows (5 first rows) using head().
+- To create a Graph from a pandas dataframe:
+# create a graph using Source and Target for connections.
+G = nx.from_pandas_edgelist(df, 'Source', 'Target')
+{: .language-python}
+
+`from_pandas_edgelist` takes a pandas dataframe and the two column names used as "Source" and "Target".
+See documentation online for more information on [from_pandas_edgelist](https://networkx.github.io/documentation/stable/reference/generated/networkx.convert_matrix.from_pandas_edgelist.html).
+- Have a look at Lars Johnson's (National Library of Norway) jupyter notebook at [https://github.com/arockenberger/NB_API_Python](https://github.com/arockenberger/NB_API_Python) for visualization.
+### AOB
+We also discussed how to host, write and publish an academic blog on the free to use, open access blog platform Hypotheses.org [https://hypotheses.org/](https://hypotheses.org/). The blogs are indexed by major libraries and journal indexing services and you can apply for an official ISSN. Hypotheses is open for all languages, the four main languages with several thousands of academic blogs are Spanish, French, German and English.
+- You can host and publish your own blog by using, for example, Wordpress or Drupal (Content Mangement Systems, CMS). The offer a great variety in layouts and templates for a website that has not just static content. If you decide to buy hosting services, there's plenty to choose from. It doesn't have to be costly, but be aware that the cheapest option isn't necessarily the best. You must put a GDPR statement on your site if you use a CMS!
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Binary files /dev/null and b/lessons/NetworkX-minutes/fig/Elizabeth_plot.png differ
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Binary files /dev/null and b/lessons/NetworkX-minutes/fig/networkx_plot.png differ
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+layout: page
+title: Open Science Framework
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/10
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - beginner
+ - **Authors**: Michael Heeremans and Ana Costa Conrado
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Open Science Framework
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+We went through the OSF interface and came up with some points that would be important to go through when organizing an OSF workshop, e.g. at the Research Bazaar:
+- Is it possble to add different accounts for one specific Add-on e.g. different github accounts for one user?
+- Discuss the use of DOI's and Registration. When should you create a DOI? When and why should you register your project
+- Show how to generate different ways of citation, e.g. BibTex
+- How to create a preprint and connect it to your OSF project? How to find pre-prints and make comments to them? What is the advantage of preprints?
+- Discuss advantage of using OSF and/or other public collaboration platforms that can generate DOI in respect to publishing on your own web page.
diff --git a/lessons/best-practices/notes.md b/lessons/best-practices/notes.md
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+++ b/lessons/best-practices/notes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
+layout: page
+title: Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing - Lesson Development
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/42
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - beginner
+ - **Authors**: Annika Rockenberger, Tobias Busch, Eve Zeyl Fiskebeck, Tina Visnovska
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Lesson Development: Make "Good Enough Practices in Scientific Computing" (Wilsen et al. 2017) into a Carpentry-style workshop
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+ 
diff --git a/lessons/best-practices/whiteboard_notes_rdm-handson-dev.JPG b/lessons/best-practices/whiteboard_notes_rdm-handson-dev.JPG
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@@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
+layout: page
+title: work along session on deep learning
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/8
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - python
+ - r
+ # levels
+ - intermediate
+ - **Leader**: Ana Costa
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Deep learning with R and python
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Minutes of the studyGroup@UiO work along session
+**When**: 19th October 2018, 14:00-16:00
+### Setup
+#### Setup for R
+The following packages need to be install for this work along session:
+{: .language-r}
+For using `tensorflow`, you also need an additional step to initialize it:
+install_tensorflow(method = "auto") # if not installed before
+{: .language-r}
+- To test tensorflow installation
+sess = tf$Session()
+hello <- tf$constant("Hello, Tensorflow!")
+{: .language-r}
+#### Setup for python 3
+The following python packages will be used for this work along session:
+{: .language-python}
+### neuralnet with R
+See jupyter notebook with [neuralnet example](https://github.com/anacost/neuralRPy/blob/master/neuralnet_sensitivity_met_data.ipynb).
+### Tensorflow with python
+See jupyter notebook with [tensorflow in python](https://github.com/anacost/neuralRPy/blob/master/tensorflowPy.ipynb).
+### Other materials
+- [A Beginner's Guide to Neural Networks and Deep Learning](https://skymind.ai/wiki/neural-network)
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+++ b/lessons/deep-learning-minutes/neuralRPy
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+Subproject commit 73d291e96385941e0468c533f4b2b0567b0c49b0
diff --git a/lessons/folium_minutes/README.md b/lessons/folium_minutes/README.md
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index 000000000..0eda20678
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+++ b/lessons/folium_minutes/README.md
@@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
+layout: page
+title: Interactive maps with folium and ipyleaflet in python
+text: "Software surgery session on Python"
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/32
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - python
+ # levels
+ - advanced
+ - **Authors**: Anne Fouilloux
+ - **Lesson Topic**: How can we create contour plot on interactive maps?
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+## Introduction
+As part of our studyGroup session "Software surgery session on python", we had a use case for creating contour plot on interactive maps with python.
+After some discussions on which packages to use, we made an example using [folium](https://python-visualization.github.io/folium/). It could be interesting to check it out with [ipyleaflet](https://ipyleaflet.readthedocs.io/en/latest/) as part of a StudyGroup work along session.
+# Data
+Data to display corresponds to surface temperature fields generated by a model called [CAM5](http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/models/cesm1.2/cam/) that is part of [CESM](http://www.cesm.ucar.edu/), a Community Earth System Model developed in US and freely available.
+The initial dataset (from the user) was bigger and contained lots of variables. To ease this lesson, we have extracted the surface temperature (TS) and worked with 2 years of data only (24 months) while originally, the user had 10 years of simulation.
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+# Book Club: Good Enough Practice in Scientic Computing
+ - **Authors**: Annika Rockenberger
+ - **Research field**: Research Data Management, Digital Humanities
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Developing a short hands-on workshop based on Good Enough Practices
+Write up your lesson here! If you're unsure of markdown, feel free to cut and paste your notes verbatim, and we'll help you format them.
+Be sure to include any data or examples you need in this same directory.
+If you'd like to share your lesson with the wider world, consider sending a pull request or opening an issue at Mozilla Science's collection of lessons: https://github.com/mozillascience/studyGroupLessons
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+layout: page
+title: 'Lesson Material'
By Topic
+{% for lang in site.languages %}
{{ lang | capitalize }}
+ {% assign pages_list = site.pages | sort: 'title' %}
+ {% for node in pages_list %}
+ {% if node.title != null %}
+ {% if node.visible == true %}
+ {% if node.tags contains lang %}
+ - {{ node.title }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
By Level
+{% for level in site.levels %}
{{ level | capitalize }}
+ {% assign pages_list = site.pages | sort: 'title' %}
+ {% for node in pages_list %}
+ {% if node.title != null %}
+ {% if node.visible == true %}
+ {% if node.tags contains level %}
+ - {{ node.title }}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endif %}
+ {% endfor %}
+{% endfor %}
+Available Lessons from our partners
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+layout: page
+title: instructor development
+text: first installment of a monthly instructor development session
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/15
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - all
+ - **Leader**: Karin Lagesen
+ - **Participants**: Anne Fouilloux, Annika Rockenberger, Eve Zeyl Fiskebeck, Eszter Agnes Papp
+ - **Notes**: Annika Rockenberger
+ - **Lesson Topic**: instructor development
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Notes from Session 1 - Sep 12, 2019
+We are going through the [Programming in Python](http://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/index.html) lesson from the Software Carpentry core lessons to identify parts that will get the learners stuck or need extra explanation. We also discuss which parts could be skipped or omitted entirely.
+## Python - 1 episode [Analysing Patient Data](http://swcarpentry.github.io/python-novice-inflammation/01-numpy/index.html)
+- check for correct Python version with print statement - use sticky notes
+- explaining numpy can cause confusion
+- loadtxt can create issues
+ - spelling wrong
+ - learner in wrong directory
+ - installation guide information overflow
+ - alternatives to using numpy for the import?
+- explain data types --- clarify "expectations" for Python when dealing with variables
+- Indexes
+ - where are []
+ - why do we start from 0 not 1
+ - TASK for next instructor dev lesson: where to find character map on different OS (on screen keyboard)
+- Slicing
+ - could be skipped or omitted (keep up until "tripledata")
+- Numpy functions min / max / std
+ - usually create positive feedback in learners
+- Axes
+ - which axis is 0 and which is 1
+ - refer to "this is convention in Python" to not confuse learners
+- Matplotlib
+ - spelling can cause issues
+ - plot might have a different colour depending on version of Matplotlib
+ - reasoning behind the data and the plots is confusing (inflammation data)
+ - perhaps change data to something more relatable?
+ - making subplots in a row: use copy-and-paste with Etherpad to avoid lots of typing and spelling issues
+- Exercises
+ - instead of at the end of the episode, weave them in where they belong
+ - chose a couple, not all (too time consuming)
+ - perhaps make use of Mentimeter, Sokrativ, Kahoot or use screenshot on GooglePresentations and discuss in class
+ - TASK: share Sokrativ or similar within the Carpentry@UiO community to avoid double work; create exercise corpus
+ - libraries (numpy) --- call up documentation to have as reference for learners
+ - pick and chose exercises that fit the learning objectives and address typical learner misconceptions and mistakes
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+layout: page
+title: Launching a workshop
+text: Instructor Development - How to Launch a Workshop
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - all
+ - **Authors**: Annika Rockenberger
+ - **Research field**: Instructor Development
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Introduction - How to Open/Start/Launch a Workshop
+# How to Launch a Workshop
+We have been looking into workshop introductions, or how to "launch" a workshop. The materials we used are from the Carpentries Instructor Training, [Chapter 23: Launches and Landings](https://preview.carpentries.org/instructor-training/23-introductions.html).
+Here are eight aspects of an introdcution that the Carpentries highlight:
+1. Set positive first impressions
+2. Introduce yourself effectively (and have other workshop leaders do the same)
+3. Clarify learning objectives and expectations
+4. Help learners learn about each other
+5. Set the tone for the workshop
+6. Collect baseline data on learners’ knowledge and motivation
+7. Whet learners’ appetite for workshop content
+8. Inform Learners of Logistics
+Logistics for Carpentry@UiO workshops can be found in our [onboarding document](https://github.com/uio-carpentry/organisational/blob/master/workshop_operations/onboarding-checklist.md).
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+Subproject commit 0fc9c25dc9338f5b568599b257094be00418a7de
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+layout: page
+title: social coding and open software
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/15
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ - git
+ # levels
+ - intermediate
+ - **Leader**: Anne Fouilloux
+ - **Lesson Topic**: social coding and open software
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Minutes of the studyGroup@UiO session
+**When**: 14th December 2018, 14:00-16:00
+We went through the [CodeRefinery](https://coderefinery.org) lesson [Social coding and open Software](https://cicero.xyz/v3/remark/0.14.0/github.com/coderefinery/social-coding/master/talk.md/#1) and discuss on how we could use it to teach students/researchers about licensing issues and open software.
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+layout: page
+title: Work-along with Voilá Python package
+text: "From Jupyter notebooks to standalone web applications and dashboards"
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/48
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - python
+ # levels
+ - advanced
+ - **Authors**: Anne Fouilloux, Tobias Busch
+ - **Lesson Topic**: How does the Voilá package for Python work and what is it useful for?
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Introduction
+Voila is a Python module that can turn Jupyter notebooks with widgets into interactive web applications.
+Examples: [https://voila-gallery.org/services/gallery/]
+# How to use it
+```conda install -c conda-forge voila```
+```voila yournotebook.ipynb```
+To run the examples make sure all dependencies are installed. In particular ```bgplot``` (https://github.com/bloomberg/bqplot)
+# Application
+Could this be useful for researchers to share their data with others? Jupyter notebooks can be quite overwhelming. Could be useful to use during presentations.
+Could be smart to organize a workshop on Voilá, maybe during the research bazaar?
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+layout: page
+title: Do I need my own website as a researcher?
+text: "Open discussion on pros and cons"
+link: https://github.com/uio-carpentry/studyGroup/issues/6
+visible: true
+ # languages
+ - misc
+ # levels
+ - intermediate
+ - **Session leader**: Annika Rockenberger
+ - **Minute from**: Anne Fouilloux
+ - **Lesson Topic**: Why and how writing your own website?
+ - [](https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/)
+# Minutes of the studyGroup@UiO discussion session
+**When**: 1st March 2019, 14:00-16:00
+## Why?
+We discussed about the importance to be visible as a researcher and as a first exercise we searched for our full name in an anonymous browser:
+- How visible are we?
+- Do we easily find our professional profile? Or do we first find personal/private profile?
+- Does it represent yourself?
+The first hints when searching on internet should be your professional profile (nothing related to your private life!) with a clear introduction of yourself:
+- Your scientific background
+- Your research interests
+- Your publications
+- Don't let other talk about yourself!
+- If your name is very common, make sure you add information that allows anyone to recognize you (picture, CV, etc.)
+## How?
+Your personal website does not need to be fancy but it needs to be:
+- easy to update: it is important to have up to date information (current affiliation, publications, etc.)
+- easy to find: add keywords that illustrate your research interests
+- easy to deploy and maintain: don't overdo it! Your website can be as simple as one markdown file in a github repository.
+During the studyGroup, we discussed about different solutions to implement and deploy a personal website:
+- Build a website with [Wordpress](https://wordpress.com/): the best is to first choose the free plan as it offers everything you need to start and set up your website. One inconvenient is that your website name will contain `wordpress.com` (such as `firstname_lastname.wordpress.com`).
+- Build a website and host it with [academia](https://www.academia.edu/): mostly if you plan to stay in academia. One of the main goal of academia is to share publications. There were a few problems with paper ownership and academia is not as popular as before (but still a good reference).
+- Build a website with [github](https://github.com/): create a new repository called username.github.io where `username` is your github username. This will automatically create a personal website. Then you can:
+ - create a README.md file containing all the information you would like to show.
+ - take a website template to create a more complete and complex website. For instance using [academicpages](https://github.com/academicpages/academicpages.github.io) template.
+## Buy your domain name
+It is not expensive to buy a domain name for your website (for instance with `firstname.lastname.com`):
+- Check [domene shop](https://domene.shop)
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+# Meeting Minutes #
+## Attendees ##
+**Present**: Gladys Nalvarte, Ana Costa Conrado, Anne Fouilloux
+## Adoption of Agenda ##
+The agenda was adopted. We agreed on the fact that this meeting is fairly informal
+and a more formal meeting will be organized after mid-august.
+### What is UiO-Carpentry StudyGroup and what do we expect? ###
+The UiO-Carpentry StudyGroup will complement Uio@Carpentry workshops by offering:
+- Book club discussion: we will gather a list of books that could be of interest and could be discussed. Subjects range from personal development, pedagogy to technical subjects (emerging programming languages, etc.)
+- Train the Trainer: short lesson on a subject with an aim to enhance technical skills of our set of Carpentry Instructors
+- Study Group Lessons: develop (or re-use existing material available for Study Group Lessons) and teach short lesson on a technical subject that is of interest but cannot be taught as an entire workshop or for which no Carpentries lesson is available.
+### short presentations (5 mn) on possible contributions ###
+- Gladys can contribute on advanced lessons for instance on pytest. She will also participate in the book club discussions.
+- Ana can contribute on study Group lessons on machine & deep learning
+- Anne can set-up and update the StudyGroup website and help to organize the book club, etc.
+### list of actions ###
+- [x] **Anne**: update studyGroup website with:
+ * lesson tab: to gather lesson materials and link to Software and Data Carpentry lessons
+ * Add a tab to nordic-RSE initiative
+ * Add a tab to Book club
+- [ ] **Gladys & Anne**: Develop a short lesson on the advanced usage of pytest.
+- [ ] **Ana**: Develop a short introduction on machine & deep learning
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+# Notes from StudyGroup Session on Oct 17, 2019
+** Participants **
+Annika Rockenberger @arockenberger, Tobias Busch @teebusch, Evelyn Zeyl @evezeyl, Eszter Papp @eapapp, Tina Visnovska @tinavisnovska
+## Topic 1 – Carpentries Hackathon Oct 28 – Nov 1
+Check the [GitHub repository for the hackathon](https://github.com/uio-carpentry/carpentries-tagathon)
+## Topic 2 - Digital Humanities
+AR showed a couple of tools and methods for creating and working with humanities data, especially textual data.
+* For doing [Topic Modelling](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Topic_model), there is a tool called [Voyant](https://voyant-tools.org/) which allows to explore single texts or a corpus of texts in your browser. Voyant allows you to drag-and-drop a text into the interface and analyse it; you can also upload a single text or a corpus of texts. It is, however, not agnostic to formats. Html and plain text are recommended. Check out the documentation and tutorials on the [Voyant website](https://voyant-tools.org/docs/#!/guide) and [GitHub repository](https://github.com/sgsinclair/Voyant)
+* In many humanities disciplines, the data that is created is called a (scholarly) edition. This is often historically, literarily, philosophically or culturally significant texts, that have been transcribed from their original manuscripts or prints in a way that makes them more accessible by modern day researchers and students. Editions are often accompanied by commentaries, glossaries (that explain words and phraes that have changed in meaning or have disappeared from common knowledge) and other material that helps putting the old texts into context. Nowadays, these editions are made to be not just usable by humans but also by machines. IN order to allow this, they are most often coded in XML, which allows for rich markup. ESpecially one "dialect" of XML has been developed for creating editions, called TEI (Text Encoding Initiative Standard). An example of a modern - digital - edition of old texts can be found on the website of the [German Text Archive](http://www.deutschestextarchiv.de/), but there are many more for all kinds of texts, languages and past epoches.
+* Transcribing any text by hand is very time consuming (and humans make errors, too). There are a lot of tools that can help transcribing texts that are printed in modern times, but much less exist for older printed texts - let alone handwritten material. Since machine learning took off a couple of years ago, there has been significant improvement of pattern recognition algorithms (OCR, Optical Character Recognition) and tools that use those. One of the most versatile tools for this is [Transkribus](https://transkribus.eu/Transkribus/), which was especially developed to help transcribe handwritten material. After some training, handwritten material is transcribed with high accuracy by a machine and the researcher can do finishing touches instead of spending her time doing all the work manually.