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Run All Benchmarks

Before running the following benchmarks, please read and apply the instructions outlined in the How To Install section for providing the necessary requirements.

To run all benchmarks, just select your middleware implementation and go ahead with bash script. This command initially will run the script you chose. In this example, it's used the default config scripts which the necessary middleware configuration is applied. This property serves the functionality for the users to apply some custom configurations freely.

# go to workspace this repository is built
cd ws
source /opt/ros/rolling/
source install/
# go to moveit_middleware_benchmark package's directory
cd src/moveit_middleware_benchmark
# conduct all benchmarks
sh src/moveit_middleware_benchmark/scripts/ -i ./src/moveit_middleware_benchmark/middleware_configurations/rmw_cyclonedds/ -d /benchmark_results

Let's explain all operations at

selection of initial script

-i ./src/moveit_middleware_benchmark/middleware_configurations/rmw_cyclonedds/

This argument is for selecting the initial scripts to be run. These initial scripts are used for configuring middleware-specific settings for improved performance. For example, you can use the initial script to configure TCP settings for rmw_zenoh like below.

echo "The configurations for rmw_zenoh_cpp is started!"
export RMW_IMPLEMENTATION=rmw_zenoh_cpp
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.tcp_rmem=4096 4096 4096"
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.tcp_wmem=4096 4096 4096"
sudo sysctl -w "net.ipv4.tcp_mem=4096 4096 4096"
echo "The configurations for rmw_zenoh_cpp is finished!"

directory selection to save benchmark results

-d /benchmark_results

This argument indicates where the benchmark results are saved. For scenario_perception_benchmark and scenario_basic_service_client, the results of these scenarios are written in the shape of the below directory tree. It should be added that script uses json format to save the benchmark results.

├── scenario_basic_service_client
│   ├── rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.json
│   ├── rmw_fastrtps_cpp.json
│   └── rmw_zenoh_cpp.json
└── scenario_perception_pipeline
    ├── rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.json
    ├── rmw_fastrtps_cpp.json
    └── rmw_zenoh_cpp.json

Plot Visualization of Benchmark Results

After running, you can also visualize the box plots of benchmark results. Suppose that you have some benchmark results stored in below directory and the directory named benchmark_results is located in ws directory which this repository is built.

├── scenario_basic_service_client
│   ├── rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.json
│   ├── rmw_fastrtps_cpp.json
│   └── rmw_zenoh_cpp.json
└── scenario_perception_pipeline
    ├── rmw_cyclonedds_cpp.json
    ├── rmw_fastrtps_cpp.json
    └── rmw_zenoh_cpp.json

Just give the directory of benchmark results as argument and then visualize the benchmark results in plot.

cd ws
python3 src/moveit_middleware_benchmark/scripts/ benchmark_results



This benchmark measures the elapsed time by which the determined path is sent for the robot to follow. This benchmark calculates elapsed time, success_number and failure_number. elapsed_time is used for measuring how much time the pipeline takes. success_number is used for presenting successfully plannings and failure_number is used for presenting failed plannings.

Firstly, node and move_group_interfacein SetUp are created before each benchmark. poses inside nav_msgs/msg/Path is sent one by one to plan trajectory for robot. If planning is failed, only failure_rate is increased. If planning is successful, the trajectory_plan which move_group_server plan is sent via move_group_interface to start the execution of this planned trajectory. Then success_number is increased.

For instance, the selected test_case includes 20 goal poses. These 20 goals is sent one by one to move_group_server. If the 5 goal poses out of 20 goal poses are failed, success_number equals 15 and failure_number equals 5. success_number and failure_number is important to observe the middlewares' behaviours.

This benchmark measures the total elapsed time based on the time interval between sending the request by the client to the server and getting the response of server. This benchmark utilizes the ros2/demos packages' example server.

In this benchmark scenario, the benchmarker node only has client interface. The necessary server for this client is run in the launch file of this benchmark scenario. Client sends a request to server and waits for the response from server. Client sends second request to server once the client receives response of first request from client. This actions are repeated sending_request_number times. You can configure this sending_request_number parameter in this scenario's launch file.