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Daily guide : day 2 🐣

Welcome into the day 2 of the Motoko Bootcamp !
Today we will cover the following topics : Binary, Nat 8, Char and Text.

Prerequisites ✅

  • Before taking on this lesson I strongly recommend watching this introduction to Computer Science from Harvard :

    You should start the video from the beggining and watch until 35:40 (I recommend watching the whole video if you can but the most important topics related to this lesson are covered in the first part of the video).

  • Make sure have dfx installed on your machine.

    dfx --version
  • Start a new project called day_2 and turn on your local replica.

    dfx new day_2
    cd day_2
    dfx start

Decimal 🔢

Decimal is a base-10 number system, which uses ten digits (0 to 9), this is the primarly systems used by humans (probably because we have 10 fingers to count).

In the decimal system, once you've reached the last digit (which is 9), you add a new digits and restart counting from 0 at the right-most digit.

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... wait I don't have any digits anymore ? 😧

10 11 12 .... 99 wait I don't have any digits anymore ?  😧

Each digit represents a power of 10.

1234 = 1 x 1000 + 2 x 100 + 3 x 10 + 4 x 1 = 1 x 10 3 + 2 x 10 2 + 3 x 10 1+ 4 x 10 0.

Binary 🟢 🔴

Binary is a base-2 number system, it only uses two digits (0 and 1).
This is the system used at the heart of all computers : every number, every character, every image, every video is encoded as binary for a computer.

💡 Using two digits is not a random choice.
Computers are built using transistors which are tiny little door that can be closed or open to let electricity flow. ⚡️

  • 0 means the gate is closed and there is no electricity flowing 🔴
  • 1 means the gate is open and there is electricity flowing 🟢

This is how you count in binary.
Notice that everytime you run of digits (when you reach 1 actually), you increase by 1 on the left and restart counting from 0 at the right most digit.

💡 The method to count is the same as in the decimal system it's just that instead of havings 10 digits we only use 2 digits

Decimal Binary
0 0000
1 0001
2 0010
3 0011
4 0100
5 0101
6 0110
7 0111
8 1000
9 1001
10 1010
11 1011
12 1100
13 1101
14 1110
15 1111

This time each digit represents a power of 2.

1110 = 1 x 23 + 1 x 22 + 1 x 21 + 1 x 20 = 1 x 8 + 1 x 4 + 1 x 2 + 0 x 1 = 8 + 4 + 2 = 14

(You can check the table : 1110 is indeed the binary representation of 14) !

Nat 8

In Motoko, there is a type called Nat 8 . This type is different from the type Nat that we've used on Day 1.

💡 8-bits is also called a byte. This is a term that is often used make sure to remember it.

Nat 8 uses only 8-bits to represent numbers.
This means you can use this type to represent any number with a binary representation between 00000000 and 11111111.

🤔 What is the number represented by 11111111 ? 11111111 = 1 x 2 7 + 1 x 2 6 + 1 x 2 5 + 1 x 2 4 + 1 x 2 3 + 1 x 2 2 + 1 x 2 1 + + 1 x 2 0 = 1 x 128 + 1 x 64 + 1 x 32 + 1 x 16 + 1 x 8 + 1 x 4 + 1 x 2 + 1 x 1 = 255 .

The maximum number we can represent with the type Nat8 is 255.

Copy and paste the following actor declation and try deploying the actor.

actor {

  let a : Nat8 = 256;


You will get this error. Again this is because there is no way to represent the number 256 with only 8 bits !

type error [M0048], literal out of range for type Nat8

You can always convert a Nat 8 to a Nat using the following code.

import Nat8 "mo:base/Nat8";

actor {

    public func nat8_to_nat(n : Nat8) : async Nat {


In Motoko there are also the types : Nat 16, Nat 32 and Nat 64.
Those are similar types to Nat 8 expect they use respectively 16-bits, 32-bits and 64-bits, so they can represent way larger numbers.

🤔 What is the maximum number represented by Nat32 ?

The maximum number we can represent with the type Nat32 is 4,294,967,295.

The Nat type is unbounded, there is no upper limit to the maximum value it can represents.
You might be wondering why do we use Nat 8/16/32/64 if we can always use Nat instead ?

This is for memory and efficiency reasons, the less bits we take to represent a number the more memory we save, and memory is expensive !

If you know with assurance that your number will stay in a certain range (maybe because it's a constant) you can use the corresponding type to save memory. However if you have any doubt (because the value might change during your program execution) use a Nat and you will be safe.

Challenge 🎮

Take a break and try completing challenge 1 to 3.

Unicode & ASCII 📚

Now that you've understood that we can represent any number using binary, you might be wondering : what about letters and characters ? 🤔

We can decide to associate any character with a number and then encode the number as we've seen in the previous paragraph.
Let's say we decide to encode A with the number 65. This is how it would be converted to binary.

A --> 65 --> 01000001.

We could use this method for all characters, we just need to associate each character that we use with a different number.

Luckily we don't need to create our standard because we already have something called ASCII (American Standard Code For Information Interchange) : this is the first standard that was used to encode characters. Here's a table which associate characters with their representation.

Capital letters (A,B,C ... Z) are represented by decimals numbers starting from 65 to 90.
Small letters (a,b,c ... z) are represented by decimals from 97 to 122.

💡 Notice that numbers from 0 to 9 are also represented from 48 to 59. This simply means the textual version of those numbers are represented using another number.

ASCII is an american standard that uses only 7-bits : it can encode only 128 characters.
This is fine for most English character, numbers and punctuations but this is pretty limited.

We have since moved to Unicode which is, to put it short, an improved version of ASCII, that also takes into account characters from other languages, emojis... but even using Unicode (which is what is used in Motoko), ASCII table are still valid (this is because Unicode is compatible with ASCII).

Char & Text 💬

A value of type Text is composed of multiples Char.

let a : Text = "Hello";
let b : Char = 'c';

Char values are delimited using ' ' whereas we use " " for Text. You can loop through all characters of a Text value using .chars() as in the following expression :

let a : Text = "Motoko bootcamp";
for(char in a.chars()){
	//Do something

You can also access the size (number of characters) of a Text value using .size()

actor {
	// Return the number of characters in the text
	public func number_characters(t : Text) : async Nat {

You can also concatenate multiples values of type Text together using the concatenation operator : #.

let a : Text = "Hello";
let b : Text = "World";
let c : Text = a # " " # b; // "Hello World"

Finaly let's take a brief look at what Unicode looks in practice. Copy and paste this actor declaration and deploy it on your local replica.

import Char "mo:base/Char";
actor {
    //	Return the character corresponding to the unicode value n.
    public func unicode_to_character(n : Nat32) : async Text {
    	let char : Char = Char.fromNat32(n);

🤔 What should the command : dfx canister call day_2 unicode_to_character '(63)' return ?

Looking at the ASCII table : the decimal number 63 corresponds to the encoding of the character ? . This is what the command will return (try it!)


Take a break and try completing challenge 4 to 6.

Candid & WebAssembly 🧑‍🔬

If you take a close look at the previous actor declaration you might be wondering why we needed to convert the char value to a Text type on the last line, if the goal was only to get a character from an unicode value why not directly return it ?

Let's try it out. Copy and paste the following actor declaration and deploy it on your local replica.

import Char "mo:base/Char";
actor {
    //	Return the character corresponding to the unicode value n.
    public func unicode_to_character(n : Nat32) : async Char {
    	let char : Char = Char.fromNat32(n);

This code is totally valid... but you might be surprised at what the following command will return

dfx canister call day_2 unicode_to_character '(63)'
(63 : nat32)

Why are we getting a value of type Nat 32 when we the return type of the function is Char ?

To answer this question : we need to take a step back and explain severals things before.

  • Contrary to what you might believe : the language that is powering canisters on the Internet Computer is not Motoko. You've been lied to.
    Motoko is used to compile (translate) your code into another language called Web Assembly (WASM) which is what is ultimately deployed on the IC.

  • Web Assembly is a low level language. We have said earlier that the machine only understand binary but we do not write code in binary, we use different languages of programmation (Motoko, Rust, Javascript, C, Java ...) those languages are high level, this means their are closer to a human language than machine instructions.

  • A canister is similar to a container that contains the code and memory for your program : all canisters whether they were written in Motoko, in Rust or in another language are ultimately Web Assembly module.

  • We need a way to being able to communicate between canister and applications written in differents languages. Let's imagine you are writting your code in Motoko and you want to be able to send a message to a canister written in Rust, how do you know how to communicate with this canister ?
    This is exactly like trying to speak Spanish to someone that is expecting to listen to Chinese 🇪🇸 🇨🇳.

  • On the Internet Computer we have a common language 🌍 : it's called Candid. This is an interface description language (IDL) : it's primary purpose is to describe the interface of a canister so everyone knows what to expect from this canister. Here's what it looks like for a simple counter.

As you can see, it describes the function you can access (the public function in Motoko) and the type of parameters and return values.

  • When you are using dfx to talk to a canister you are specifying values in a Candid format, the answer is also in Candid format.
dfx canister call day_2 unicode_to_character '(63)' <- Candid

Although Candid types and Motoko types are quite close, they are not the same.
In Candid there is no Char type, this type only exists within the Motoko code. For Candid a Char is abstracted as a nat32.

actor {
	public func test() : async Char {

This is why the previous actor declaration, once deployed will return the following.

dfx canister call day_2 test '()'
(49 : nat32)

The '1' Char in Motoko is equivalent to the 49 nat 32 of Candid (due to the Unicode representation of 1).

Challenge 🎮

Take a break and try completing challenge 7 to 10.