updated scripts for 'all' radios here:
Taranis X9 GPS last positions Telemetry Screen
Telemetry Widget script for Taranis x9 v0.1
Copyright (C) by mosch
License GPLv2: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html
stores GPS coordinates every second into /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/GPSpositions.txt and displays the last 4 GPS positions and GPS sattelite count on the telemetry screen. In case that telemetry is not available anymore (crash, power loss etc.) the screen won't be updated but still shows the last 4 postions. If 50 postions are stored, the log will be reset and starts at 0.
- copy the pre-compiled file "GPS.luac" to /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/
- Rename GPS.luac to GPSc.lua
- create a new empty text file /SCRIPTS/TELEMETRY/GPSpositions.txt
- Add a new telemetry screen and select GPSc.lua
If the number of satellites won't be updated and everything else works, edit the line in the script "GPS.lua".
gpssatId = getTelemetryId("Tmp2")
gpssatId = getTelemetryId("Sats")
Remove the previous copied GPSc.lua(c) files and copy just the GPS.lua to the radio.