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These examples demonstrate the main features of Slint and how to use them in different language environments.

Thumbnail Description Demo
Printer UI Printer Demo image A fictional user interface for the touch screen of a printer.
Wasm Demo
Widget Gallery Gallery demo image A simple application showing the different widgets.
Wasm Demo
Energy MeterEnergy meter demo image A fictional user interface of a device that monitors energy consumption in a building.
Wasm Demo
Todo appTodo demo image A simple todo application.

A simple todo application based on the Model View Controller pattern.
Wasm Demo

Wasm MVC Demo
CarouselCarousel demo image A custom carousel widget that can be controlled by touch, mouse and keyboard.
Wasm Demo
Slide PuzzleSlide Puzzle demo image Puzzle game based on a Flutter example.
Wasm Demo
Memory GameMemory demo image A basic memory game used as an example the tutorial.
Wasm Demo
IOT Dashboardiot dashboard demo image AA clone of one demo from the QSkinny framework.
Also shows how to dynamically load widgets from C++.
Image FilterImage filter demo image A Rust-only example that shows how to use the Rust image crate to do image manipulationsand feed the result into Slint.
Wasm Demo
PlotterPlotter demo image A Rust-only example that shows how to use the Rust plotters crate to do plot a graph and integrate the result into Slint.
Wasm Demo
Using BashBash demo image Some examples of how to use the slint-viewer to add a GUI to shell scripts.
OpenGL UnderlayOpenGL Underlay demo image A Rust and C++ example that shows how render Slint on top of graphical effect rendered using custom OpenGL code.
Wasm Demo
OpenGLOpenGL Texture demo image A Rust and C++ example that shows how render a scene with custom OpenGL code into a texture and render that texture within a Slint scene.
FFmpeg ffmpeg demo image A Rust example that shows how render video frames with FFmpeg within a Slint scene.
MapsMaps demo image A rust example that load image tiles asynchronously from OpenStreetMap server and allow panning and zooming.
Virtual KeyboardVirtual Keyboard demo image A Rust and C++ example that shows how to implement a custom virtual keyboard in Slint.
7GUIs7 GUI's demo image Our implementations of the "7GUIs" Tasks.
WeatherWeather demo image A simple, cross-platform (Desktop, Android, Wasm) weather application using real weather data from the OpenWeather API.
Wasm Demo

External examples

Thumbnail Description
Cargo UICargo UI image A rust application that makes use of threads in the background.

Loading the example with the viewer

Simply load the .slint file with the viewer application

cargo run --release --bin slint-viewer -- examples/printerdemo/ui/printerdemo.slint

Running the Rust Examples

You can run the examples either by going into the rust sub-folder and use cargo run, for example:

cd examples/printerdemo/rust
cargo run --release

or you can run them from anywhere in the Cargo workspace by name:

cargo run --release --bin printerdemo

Wasm builds

In order to make the wasm build of the example, you first need to edit the Cargo.toml files to uncomment the line starting with #wasm# (or use the sed line bellow) You can then use wasm-pack (which you may need to obtain with cargo install wasm-pack). This will generate the wasm in the ./pkg directory, which the index.html file will open. Since wasm files cannot be served from file:// URL, you need to open a wab server to serve the content

cd examples/printerdemo/rust
sed -i "s/^#wasm# //" Cargo.toml
wasm-pack build --release --target web
python3 -m http.server

Running the C++ Examples

  • When compiling Slint from sources: If you follow the C++ build instructions, this will build the C++ examples as well by default
  • From installed binary packages: Simply run cmake in one of the example directory containing a CMakeLists.txt
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -GNinja -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH="<path to installed>" ..
cmake --build .

Running the Node Examples

You can run the examples by going into the node sub-folder and use npm, for example:

pushd api/node
npm install
npm run compile
cd examples/printerdemo/node
npm install
npm start