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Moodle Plugin CI

Moodle block which displays all teachers of a course with contact quicklinks, as well as a quicklink to the participants list


This plugin requires Moodle 4.4+

Motivation for this plugin

The block_people plugin displays a list of the course's teachers grouped by roles. The block shows the teacher's avatar, a quicklink to his/her profile and a quicklink to send him/her a message with the moodle message system. Furthermore, there is a quicklink to the participants list of the course.


Install the plugin like any other plugin to folder /blocks/people

See for details on installing Moodle plugins

Usage & Settings

After installing the plugin, it can be directly used by users and can be added to course overview pages.

To configure the plugin and its behaviour, please visit: Site administration -> Plugins -> Blocks -> People.

There, you find three sections:

1. Roles

Show these roles

This setting allows you to control which users appear in this block. Users need to have at least one of these roles in a course to be shown in the block.

Show multiple roles

This setting allows you to control if users who have more than one of the roles configured above are listed once or multiple times in this block. If this setting is disabled, users will be only listed with the first role they have according to the global role sort order. If this setting is enabled, users will be listed within each of their roles.

2. Participants page

Show link to the participants page

By enabling this setting, a link to the participants page of the course will be shown within the block.

Please note: Even if this setting is enabled, this block only shows the link to the participants list if the user has the capability moodle/course:viewparticipants. If the user does not hold this capability, a hint "Viewing the participants list is prohibited in this course" will be shown in the block. See for details on this capability.

3. Hiding the block

Hiding the block

By enabling this setting, the block can be hidden by users.

Important notice: Disabling this setting will entirely remove the showing / hiding the block menu item. This means, that users cannot hide this block anymore, but on the other hand, blocks that are already hidden cannot be shown anymore, too. If you want to enable this feature, consider using the following function to reset the visibility for all "block_people" instances.

Reset visibility

By enabling this checkbox, the visibility of all existing "block_people" instances will be set to visible (again).

Please note: After saving this option, the database operations for resetting the visibility will be triggered and this checkbox will be unticked again. The next enabling and saving of this feature will trigger the database operations for resetting the visibility again.

Fixed Behaviours

1. Links

block_people only allows to view the teacher's profile if the user has the capability moodle/user:viewdetails See for details on this capability

block_people only shows a quicklink to the message system if the user has the capability moodle/site:sendmessage and if the Moodle message system is turned on ($CFG->messaging) See for details on this capability and for details on the messaging system

2. Roles sort order

block_people shows teacher role groups in the order defined in /admin/roles/manage.php. Please visit this settings page if you want to modify the sort order


This plugin also introduces these additional capabilities:


This capability controls who is allowed to add a new people block to the Dashboard


This capability controls who is allowed to add a new people block to all other pages

Scheduled Tasks

This plugin does not add any additional scheduled tasks.

Block placement

block_people is used ideally as sticky block and appears on all of your course pages at the same position

See for details about sticky blocks

Theme support

This plugin is developed and tested on Moodle Core's Boost theme. It should also work with Boost child themes, including Moodle Core's Classic theme. However, we can't support any other theme than Boost.

Plugin repositories

This plugin is published and regularly updated in the Moodle plugins repository:

The latest development version can be found on Github:

Bug and problem reports / Support requests

This plugin is carefully developed and thoroughly tested, but bugs and problems can always appear.

Please report bugs and problems on Github:

We will do our best to solve your problems, but please note that due to limited resources we can't always provide per-case support.

Feature proposals

Due to limited resources, the functionality of this plugin is primarily implemented for our own local needs and published as-is to the community. We are aware that members of the community will have other needs and would love to see them solved by this plugin.

Please issue feature proposals on Github:

Please create pull requests on Github:

We are always interested to read about your feature proposals or even get a pull request from you, but please accept that we can handle your issues only as feature proposals and not as feature requests.

Moodle release support

Due to limited resources, this plugin is only maintained for the most recent major release of Moodle as well as the most recent LTS release of Moodle. Bugfixes are backported to the LTS release. However, new features and improvements are not necessarily backported to the LTS release.

Apart from these maintained releases, previous versions of this plugin which work in legacy major releases of Moodle are still available as-is without any further updates in the Moodle Plugins repository.

There may be several weeks after a new major release of Moodle has been published until we can do a compatibility check and fix problems if necessary. If you encounter problems with a new major release of Moodle - or can confirm that this plugin still works with a new major release - please let us know on Github.

If you are running a legacy version of Moodle, but want or need to run the latest version of this plugin, you can get the latest version of the plugin, remove the line starting with $plugin->requires from version.php and use this latest plugin version then on your legacy Moodle. However, please note that you will run this setup completely at your own risk. We can't support this approach in any way and there is an undeniable risk for erratic behavior.

Translating this plugin

This Moodle plugin is shipped with an english language pack only. All translations into other languages must be managed through AMOS ( by what they will become part of Moodle's official language pack.

As the plugin creator, we manage the translation into german for our own local needs on AMOS. Please contribute your translation into all other languages in AMOS where they will be reviewed by the official language pack maintainers for Moodle.

Right-to-left support

This plugin has not been tested with Moodle's support for right-to-left (RTL) languages. If you want to use this plugin with a RTL language and it doesn't work as-is, you are free to send us a pull request on Github with modifications.


The plugin is maintained by
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V.


The copyright of this plugin is held by
Moodle an Hochschulen e.V.

Individual copyrights of individual developers are tracked in PHPDoc comments and Git commits.

Initial copyright

This plugin was initially built, maintained and published by
Ulm University
Communication and Information Centre (kiz)
Alexander Bias

It was contributed to the Moodle an Hochschulen e.V. plugin catalogue in 2022.