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'Executed 0 of 0 ' : No tests detected with Typescript, Jasmine, Enzyme, Karma #480

cefn opened this issue Jul 3, 2021 · 10 comments


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cefn commented Jul 3, 2021

In #341 many reporters shared an issue they encountered.

After an apparent fix to suppress issues when calculating coverage, we have the remaining situation where karma-typescript runs, but detects 0 tests.

For many it was a dead end meaning they couldn't get karma-typescript to work at all, and could have been that way for 2 years. It's probably just a common misconfiguration but knowing the workaround, or maybe improving error messages could be key to people not getting totally stuck.


Since #341 might have quite a few different issues going on for the different posters, I have put together a minimal repro of the configuration which led me to encounter the narrow issue of Executed 0 of 0 at and I am reporting it as a new issue.

It can be reproduced by running...

npm install
npm run test

The run fails presumably because it has detected 0 tests but I don't know why it doesn't detect the App.test.tsx, although it seems to load the corresponding file.

I don't know if istanbul is connected to the no-detected-tests error, but note, the option coverageOptions: { instrumentation: false }, was added to karmaTypescriptConfig to avoid the fatal error 03 07 2021 17:01:22.970:ERROR [karma-server]: UncaughtException: TypeError: Cannot read property 'startsWith' of undefined at Coverage.hasNoOutput (/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/istanbul/coverage.js:56:38)


Theory so far is that some kind of js file output is expected but none actually takes place, meaning App.test.js doesn't exist. However, I don't know what the correct mechanism is meant to be for karma-typescript to hand over the transpiled files, and it claims to 'serve cached'.

03 07 2021 16:59:44.765:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.766:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.js


cefn@penguin:~/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure$ npm run test

> [email protected] test /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure
> karma start --verbose --log-level=DEBUG --single-run

03 07 2021 16:59:39.793:DEBUG [config]: Loading config /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/karma.conf.js
03 07 2021 16:59:39.797:DEBUG [config]: autoWatch set to false, because of singleRun
03 07 2021 16:59:39.799:DEBUG [karma-server]: Final config Config {
  frameworks: [ 'jasmine', 'karma-typescript' ],
  protocol: 'http:',
  port: 9876,
  listenAddress: '',
  hostname: 'localhost',
  httpsServerConfig: {},
  basePath: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure',
  files: [
    Pattern {
      pattern: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/**/*.test.tsx',
      served: true,
      included: true,
      watched: true,
      nocache: false,
      weight: [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
      type: undefined,
      isBinary: undefined
    Pattern {
      pattern: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/**/*.test.ts',
      served: true,
      included: true,
      watched: true,
      nocache: false,
      weight: [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
      type: undefined,
      isBinary: undefined
  browserConsoleLogOptions: { level: 'debug', format: '%b %T: %m', terminal: true },
  customContextFile: null,
  customDebugFile: null,
  customClientContextFile: null,
  exclude: [ '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/karma.conf.js' ],
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  colors: true,
  autoWatch: false,
  autoWatchBatchDelay: 250,
  restartOnFileChange: false,
  usePolling: true,
  reporters: [ 'progress' ],
  singleRun: true,
  browsers: [ 'Chrome' ],
  captureTimeout: 60000,
  pingTimeout: 5000,
  proxies: {},
  proxyValidateSSL: true,
  preprocessors: [Object: null prototype] {
    '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/**/*.ts': [ 'karma-typescript' ],
    '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/**/*.tsx': [ 'karma-typescript' ]
  preprocessor_priority: {},
  urlRoot: '/',
  upstreamProxy: undefined,
  reportSlowerThan: 0,
  loggers: [
      type: 'console',
      layout: { type: 'pattern', pattern: '%[%d{DATE}:%p [%c]: %]%m' }
  transports: [ 'polling', 'websocket' ],
  forceJSONP: false,
  plugins: [
      'framework:jasmine': [
        [Function: initJasmine] { '$inject': [ 'config.files' ] }
      'reporter:karma-jasmine': [
        [Function: InjectKarmaJasmineReporter] {
          '$inject': [ 'config.singleRun' ]
      'framework:karma-typescript': [ 'factory', [Function] { '$inject': [ 'config', 'logger' ] } ],
      'preprocessor:karma-typescript': [ 'factory', [Function] { '$inject': [ 'logger' ] } ],
      'reporter:karma-typescript': [
        [Function] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseReporterDecorator', 'logger', 'config' ]
      'launcher:Chrome': [
        [Function: ChromeBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromeHeadless': [
        [Function: ChromeHeadlessBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromeCanary': [
        [Function: ChromeCanaryBrowser] {
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      'launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless': [
        [Function: ChromeCanaryHeadlessBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:Chromium': [
        [Function: ChromiumBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromiumHeadless': [ 'type', [Function: ChromiumHeadlessBrowser] ],
      'launcher:Dartium': [
        [Function: DartiumBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      test: {
        isJSFlags: [Function: isJSFlags],
        sanitizeJSFlags: [Function: sanitizeJSFlags],
        headlessGetOptions: [Function: headlessGetOptions],
        canaryGetOptions: [Function: canaryGetOptions]
  client: {
    args: [],
    useIframe: true,
    runInParent: false,
    captureConsole: true,
    clearContext: true
  defaultClient: {
    args: [],
    useIframe: true,
    runInParent: false,
    captureConsole: true,
    clearContext: true
  browserDisconnectTimeout: 2000,
  browserDisconnectTolerance: 0,
  browserNoActivityTimeout: 30000,
  processKillTimeout: 2000,
  concurrency: Infinity,
  failOnEmptyTestSuite: true,
  retryLimit: 2,
  detached: false,
  crossOriginAttribute: true,
  browserSocketTimeout: 20000,
  cmd: 'start',
  verbose: true,
  configFile: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/karma.conf.js',
  karmaTypescriptConfig: {
    tsconfig: './tsconfig.json',
    coverageOptions: { instrumentation: false }
03 07 2021 16:59:39.800:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining framework:jasmine, reporter:karma-jasmine.
03 07 2021 16:59:39.800:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining framework:karma-typescript, preprocessor:karma-typescript, reporter:karma-typescript.
03 07 2021 16:59:39.800:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining launcher:Chrome, launcher:ChromeHeadless, launcher:ChromeCanary, launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless, launcher:Chromium, launcher:ChromiumHeadless, launcher:Dartium, test.
03 07 2021 16:59:39.804:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Initializing
03 07 2021 16:59:39.807:DEBUG [compiler.karma-typescript]: Setting up deferred project compilation
03 07 2021 16:59:39.808:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Configuring coverage preprocessor
03 07 2021 16:59:39.819:DEBUG [resolver.karma-typescript]: {
  assert: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/assert/build/assert.js',
  buffer: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/buffer/index.js',
  child_process: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  cluster: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
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  constants: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/constants-browserify/constants.json',
  crypto: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/crypto-browserify/index.js',
  dgram: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  dns: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
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  http: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/stream-http/index.js',
  https: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/https-browserify/index.js',
  module: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
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  os: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/os-browserify/browser.js',
  path: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/path-browserify/index.js',
  punycode: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js',
  querystring: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/querystring-es3/index.js',
  readline: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  repl: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  stream: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/stream-browserify/index.js',
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  _stream_passthrough: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_passthrough.js',
  _stream_readable: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js',
  _stream_transform: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js',
  _stream_writable: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js',
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  timers: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js',
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  vm: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/vm-browserify/index.js',
  zlib: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/browserify-zlib/lib/index.js',
  _process: '/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/process/browser.js'
03 07 2021 16:59:39.820:DEBUG [resolver.karma-typescript]: No bower detected, skipping
03 07 2021 16:59:39.821:DEBUG [framework.karma-typescript]: Configuration:
   "loggers": {
      "bundler": {
         "category": "bundler.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "compiler": {
         "category": "compiler.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "dependencyWalker": {
         "category": "dependency-walker.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "project": {
         "category": "project.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "resolver": {
         "category": "resolver.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "sourceMap": {
         "category": "source-map.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "sourceReader": {
         "category": "source-reader.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "threshold": {
         "category": "threshold.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "transformer": {
         "category": "transformer.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "validator": {
         "category": "validator.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
   "callbacks": [
      "function () {\n            _this.log.debug(\"Setting up deferred project compilation\");\n            _t...",
      "function () {\n            _this.log.debug(\"Configuring coverage preprocessor\");\n  "
   "karma": {
      "LOG_DISABLE": "OFF",
      "LOG_ERROR": "ERROR",
      "LOG_WARN": "WARN",
      "LOG_INFO": "INFO",
      "LOG_DEBUG": "DEBUG",
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      "preprocessors": {
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         "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/**/*.tsx": [
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      "urlRoot": "/",
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            "framework:jasmine": [
               "function (files) {\n  var jasminePath = path.dirname(require.resolve('jasmine-core'))\n  files.unshift..."
            "reporter:karma-jasmine": [
               "function InjectKarmaJasmineReporter (singleRun) {\n  return {\n    onSpecComplete (browser, karmaResul..."
            "framework:karma-typescript": [
               "function (karmaConfig, logger) {\n            _this.log = logger.create(\"framework.karma-typescript\")..."
            "preprocessor:karma-typescript": [
               "function (logger) {\n            _this.log = logger.create(\"preprocessor.karma-typescript\");\n        ..."
            "reporter:karma-typescript": [
               "function (baseReporterDecorator, logger) {\n            var _this = this;\n            baseReporterDec..."
            "launcher:Chrome": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  baseBrowserDecorator(this)\n\n  var flags = args.flags || []..."
            "launcher:ChromeHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOptions ..."
            "launcher:ChromeCanary": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOptions ..."
            "launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeCanaryBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOp..."
            "launcher:Chromium": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  baseBrowserDecorator(this)\n\n  var flags = args.flags || []..."
            "launcher:ChromiumHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromiumBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOption..."
            "launcher:Dartium": [
               "function () {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var checkedFlag = '--checked'\n  var dartFlag..."
            "test": {
               "isJSFlags": "function isJSFlags (flag) {\n  return flag.indexOf('--js-flags=') === 0\n}...",
               "sanitizeJSFlags": "function sanitizeJSFlags (flag) {\n  var test = /--js-flags=(['\"])/.exec(flag)\n  if (!test) {\n    ret...",
               "headlessGetOptions": "function headlessGetOptions (url, args, parent) {\n  var mergedArgs =, url, args).co...",
               "canaryGetOptions": "function canaryGetOptions (url, args, parent) {\n  // disable crankshaft optimizations, as it causes ..."
      "client": {
         "args": [],
         "useIframe": true,
         "runInParent": false,
         "captureConsole": true,
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      "defaultClient": {
         "args": [],
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      "browserDisconnectTimeout": 2000,
      "browserDisconnectTolerance": 0,
      "browserNoActivityTimeout": 30000,
      "processKillTimeout": 2000,
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      "retryLimit": 2,
      "detached": false,
      "crossOriginAttribute": true,
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      "cmd": "start",
      "verbose": true,
      "configFile": "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/karma.conf.js",
      "karmaTypescriptConfig": {
         "tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json",
         "coverageOptions": {
            "instrumentation": false
   "karmaTypescriptConfig": {
      "tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json",
      "coverageOptions": {
         "instrumentation": false
   "logAppenders": {
      "console0": {
         "type": "console",
         "layout": {
            "type": "pattern",
            "pattern": "%[%d{DATE}:%p [%c]: %]%m"
   "bundlerOptions": {
      "acornOptions": {
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      "addNodeGlobals": true,
      "constants": {},
      "entrypoints": {},
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      "ignore": [],
      "noParse": [],
      "resolve": {
         "alias": {},
         "directories": [
         "extensions": [
      "sourceMap": false,
      "transforms": [],
      "validateSyntax": true
   "hasCoverageThreshold": false,
   "coverageOptions": {
      "exclude": {},
      "instrumentation": false,
      "instrumenterOptions": {},
      "threshold": {
         "file": {
            "branches": 0,
            "excludes": [],
            "functions": 0,
            "lines": 0,
            "overrides": {},
            "statements": 0
         "global": {
            "branches": 0,
            "excludes": [],
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   "compilerDelay": 250,
   "defaultTsconfig": {
      "compilerOptions": {
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         "jsx": "react",
         "module": "commonjs",
         "sourceMap": true,
         "target": "ES5"
      "exclude": [
   "tsconfig": "./tsconfig.json",
   "stopOnFailure": true,
   "transformPath": "function (filepath) {\n            return filepath.replace(/\\.(ts|tsx)$/, \".js\");\n        }...",
   "reports": {
      "html": "coverage"
   "asserted": true
03 07 2021 16:59:39.824:DEBUG [web-server]: Instantiating middleware
03 07 2021 16:59:39.890:WARN [filelist]: Pattern "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/**/*.test.ts" does not match any file.
03 07 2021 16:59:39.903:DEBUG [preprocessor.karma-typescript]: Processing "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.tsx". 251
03 07 2021 16:59:40.157:INFO [compiler.karma-typescript]: Compiling project using Typescript 4.3.5
03 07 2021 16:59:40.166:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: File system changed, resolving tsconfig
03 07 2021 16:59:40.167:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Using /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/tsconfig.json
03 07 2021 16:59:40.197:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Resolved configFileJson:
   "config": {
      "compilerOptions": {
         "target": "es2015",
         "lib": [
         "module": "commonjs",
         "jsx": "preserve",
         "noEmit": false,
         "moduleResolution": "node",
         "resolveJsonModule": true,
         "isolatedModules": true,
         "allowJs": true,
         "skipLibCheck": true,
         "strict": true,
         "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
         "esModuleInterop": true
      "include": [
      "exclude": [
03 07 2021 16:59:40.238:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Resolved tsconfig:
   "options": {
      "target": 2,
      "lib": [
      "module": 1,
      "jsx": 1,
      "noEmit": false,
      "moduleResolution": 2,
      "resolveJsonModule": true,
      "isolatedModules": true,
      "allowJs": true,
      "skipLibCheck": true,
      "strict": true,
      "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
      "esModuleInterop": true,
      "configFilePath": "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/tsconfig.json",
      "suppressOutputPathCheck": true
   "fileNames": [
   "typeAcquisition": {
      "enable": false,
      "include": [],
      "exclude": []
   "raw": {
      "compilerOptions": {
         "target": "es2015",
         "lib": [
         "module": "commonjs",
         "jsx": "preserve",
         "noEmit": false,
         "moduleResolution": "node",
         "resolveJsonModule": true,
         "isolatedModules": true,
         "allowJs": true,
         "skipLibCheck": true,
         "strict": true,
         "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
         "esModuleInterop": true
      "include": [
      "exclude": [
      "compileOnSave": false
   "errors": [],
   "wildcardDirectories": {
      "/home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure": 1
   "compileOnSave": false
03 07 2021 16:59:42.224:INFO [compiler.karma-typescript]: Compiled 3 files in 1981 ms.
03 07 2021 16:59:42.729:DEBUG [bundler.karma-typescript]: Project has 2 import/require statements, code will be bundled
03 07 2021 16:59:42.924:INFO [bundler.karma-typescript]: Bundled imports for 1 file(s) in 198 ms.
03 07 2021 16:59:42.924:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Excluding file /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.tsx from instrumentation
03 07 2021 16:59:42.925:DEBUG [bundler.karma-typescript]: Karma callbacks for 1 file(s) in 199 ms.
03 07 2021 16:59:42.927:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v6.3.4 server started at http://localhost:9876/
03 07 2021 16:59:42.928:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers Chrome with concurrency unlimited
03 07 2021 16:59:42.932:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chrome
03 07 2021 16:59:42.932:DEBUG [launcher]: null -> BEING_CAPTURED
03 07 2021 16:59:42.933:DEBUG [temp-dir]: Creating temp dir at /tmp/karma-42265986
03 07 2021 16:59:42.933:DEBUG [launcher]: google-chrome --user-data-dir=/tmp/karma-42265986 --enable-automation --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-default-apps --disable-popup-blocking --disable-translate --disable-background-timer-throttling --disable-renderer-backgrounding --disable-device-discovery-notifications http://localhost:9876/?id=42265986
03 07 2021 16:59:44.162:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma/static/client.html
03 07 2021 16:59:44.260:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma/static/karma.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.444:DEBUG [karma-server]: A browser has connected on socket vVKSvmKbg7vW9GZxAAAB
03 07 2021 16:59:44.466:DEBUG [web-server]: upgrade /
03 07 2021 16:59:44.551:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: undefined -> CONNECTED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.554:INFO [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: Connected on socket vVKSvmKbg7vW9GZxAAAB with id 42265986
03 07 2021 16:59:44.559:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_CAPTURED -> CAPTURED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.564:DEBUG [launcher]: Chrome (id 42265986) captured in 1.635 secs
03 07 2021 16:59:44.567:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> CONFIGURING
03 07 2021 16:59:44.588:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma/static/favicon.ico
03 07 2021 16:59:44.675:DEBUG [middleware:karma]: custom files null null null
03 07 2021 16:59:44.676:DEBUG [middleware:karma]: Serving static request /context.html
03 07 2021 16:59:44.677:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma/static/context.html
03 07 2021 16:59:44.722:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma/static/context.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.724:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /absolute/tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--17670-0oyr7HtG9u74-.js?da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
03 07 2021 16:59:44.724:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--17670-0oyr7HtG9u74-.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.734:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js?0679039358b8729f55689d58560a2b704e7f9f1e
03 07 2021 16:59:44.735:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.735:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/jasmine-core/lib/jasmine-core/jasmine.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.739:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/boot.js?760d54bbca4f739f1f8b252c1636d76201cc4e88
03 07 2021 16:59:44.739:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/boot.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.740:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/boot.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.741:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js?c22f41e6dc6770beb0be7c86dfade9637bce9290
03 07 2021 16:59:44.742:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.742:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-jasmine/lib/adapter.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.745:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--17670-0oyr7HtG9u74-.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.765:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/test/App.test.js?7bf5246e2a7901030cc3e1b8988e970ed7023e51
03 07 2021 16:59:44.765:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.766:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/test/App.test.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.766:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js?f5014f1e344ba3e2f0d92afe67b92f3001c46c90
03 07 2021 16:59:44.766:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.767:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/cefn/Desktop/karma-typescript-failure/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js
03 07 2021 16:59:44.912:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONFIGURING -> EXECUTING
Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0 secs / 0 secs)
Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0.001 secs / 0 secs)
03 07 2021 16:59:44.928:DEBUG [launcher]: CAPTURED -> BEING_KILLED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.928:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_KILLED -> BEING_FORCE_KILLED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.929:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> DISCONNECTED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.930:DEBUG [karma-server]: Run complete, exiting.
03 07 2021 16:59:44.951:DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
03 07 2021 16:59:44.951:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_FORCE_KILLED -> BEING_FORCE_KILLED
03 07 2021 16:59:44.951:DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
03 07 2021 16:59:45.181:DEBUG [launcher]: Process Chrome exited with code 0 and signal null
03 07 2021 16:59:45.181:DEBUG [temp-dir]: Cleaning temp dir /tmp/karma-42265986
03 07 2021 16:59:45.293:DEBUG [launcher]: Finished all browsers
03 07 2021 16:59:45.293:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_FORCE_KILLED -> FINISHED
03 07 2021 16:59:45.294:DEBUG [launcher]: FINISHED -> FINISHED
npm ERR! errno 1
npm ERR! [email protected] test: `karma start --verbose --log-level=DEBUG --single-run`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR! 
npm ERR! Failed at the [email protected] test script.
npm ERR! This is probably not a problem with npm. There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! A complete log of this run can be found in:
npm ERR!     /home/cefn/.npm/_logs/2021-07-03T15_59_45_348Z-debug.log
Copy link

I cloned your example and set a breakpoint with at node_modules\karma-typescript\dist\istanbul\coverage.js:35 with conditional emitOutput.outputText == undefined and it was hit with App.test.tsx. When inspecting this.config.coverageOptions.exclude I saw that this was set to /\\.(d|spec|test)\\.ts$/i. Looks like karma-typescript does not exclude *.test.tsx files from coverage instrumentation by default. But this also raises the question, why there is no output for App.test.tsx. I didn't have more time to investigate further, but hope this helped you a little already.

I don't think this needs a seperate issue, as this seems to be configuration error in the project. Nevertheless I agree that this might probably need some better handling or a more understandable message, but I would propose to leave that discussion in #341.

Copy link

cefn commented Jul 5, 2021

Just to clarify, Tim. I am not particularly concerned regarding coverage, and would accept any configuration which actually makes tests run. Crucially I currently get this output...

Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0 secs / 0 secs)
Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0.001 secs / 0 secs)

That's one reason for separating out this issue from the many configurations, errors discussed in #341 (depending on what particular workaround for the startsWith error is attempted).

Additionally having 0 tests detected is an error with a complete repro where this detail is absent in #341 making it well-scoped.

So to refocus this issue explicitly away from property 'startsWith', what variation do I have to make for Karma to see any of my tests and run them in any form, regardless of coverage?

I can close if you instruct me to, and if you feel the scope of this error really is the same as the 'startsWith' issue, but I don't think I've understood how the startsWith error and the 0 of 0 SUCCESS error are the same thing currently.

I'll change the title to reflect the intended scope.

@cefn cefn changed the title Minimal Repro of issue with Typescript, Jasmine, Enzyme, Karma 'Executed 0 of 0 ' : No tests detected with Typescript, Jasmine, Enzyme, Karma Jul 5, 2021
Copy link

With the modification of the title this seems to be scoped better. 👍

Copy link

cefn commented Jul 5, 2021

Wrapping the Typescript compilation process rather than going full webpack and full babel is my preference. Seems more elegant and don't have to dance through hoops for sourcemaps etc. I have a workaround for now following the babel route (with all the horrid extra packages, config). This means I can run Karma tests in my personal project so it's less urgent, I wanted to at least share a repro of a pretty minimal problem case config back to karma-typescript for it to be worked on. I'm puzzling what's different about how me (and others) have approached composing our project which triggers a bug, since presumably everyone else is using the utility perfectly well.

Copy link

D4nte commented Jul 14, 2021

Thank you for opening this issue, I am facing a similar problem in my repo: waku-org/js-waku#230 with no test being executed Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0 secs / 0 secs)

Full log:

/usr/bin/node /usr/lib/node_modules/npm/bin/npm-cli.js run test:karma --scripts-prepend-node-path=auto

> [email protected] test:karma
> karma start

14 07 2021 11:57:57.910:DEBUG [config]: Loading config /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/karma.conf.js
14 07 2021 11:57:57.915:DEBUG [config]: autoWatch set to false, because of singleRun
14 07 2021 11:57:57.919:DEBUG [karma-server]: Final config Config {
  frameworks: [ 'mocha', 'karma-typescript' ],
  protocol: 'http:',
  port: 9876,
  listenAddress: '',
  hostname: 'localhost',
  httpsServerConfig: {},
  basePath: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku',
  files: [
    Pattern {
      pattern: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/**/*browser.spec.ts',
      served: true,
      included: true,
      watched: true,
      nocache: false,
      weight: [ 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0 ],
      type: undefined,
      isBinary: undefined
  browserConsoleLogOptions: { level: 'debug', format: '%b %T: %m', terminal: true },
  customContextFile: null,
  customDebugFile: null,
  customClientContextFile: null,
  exclude: [ '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/karma.conf.js' ],
  logLevel: 'DEBUG',
  colors: true,
  autoWatch: false,
  autoWatchBatchDelay: 250,
  restartOnFileChange: false,
  usePolling: true,
  reporters: [ 'progress', 'karma-typescript' ],
  singleRun: true,
  browsers: [ 'Chromium' ],
  captureTimeout: 60000,
  pingTimeout: 5000,
  proxies: {},
  proxyValidateSSL: true,
  preprocessors: [Object: null prototype] {
    '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/**/*.ts': [ 'karma-typescript' ]
  preprocessor_priority: {},
  urlRoot: '/',
  upstreamProxy: undefined,
  reportSlowerThan: 0,
  loggers: [
      type: 'console',
      layout: { type: 'pattern', pattern: '%[%d{DATE}:%p [%c]: %]%m' }
  transports: [ 'polling', 'websocket' ],
  forceJSONP: false,
  plugins: [
      'framework:mocha': [
        [Function: initMocha] {
          '$inject': [ 'config.files', 'config' ]
      'framework:karma-typescript': [
        [Function (anonymous)] { '$inject': [ 'config', 'logger' ] }
      'preprocessor:karma-typescript': [ 'factory', [Function (anonymous)] { '$inject': [ 'logger' ] } ],
      'reporter:karma-typescript': [
        [Function (anonymous)] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseReporterDecorator', 'logger', 'config' ]
      'launcher:Chrome': [
        [Function: ChromeBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromeHeadless': [
        [Function: ChromeHeadlessBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromeCanary': [
        [Function: ChromeCanaryBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless': [
        [Function: ChromeCanaryHeadlessBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:Chromium': [
        [Function: ChromiumBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      'launcher:ChromiumHeadless': [ 'type', [Function: ChromiumHeadlessBrowser] ],
      'launcher:Dartium': [
        [Function: DartiumBrowser] {
          '$inject': [ 'baseBrowserDecorator', 'args' ]
      test: {
        isJSFlags: [Function: isJSFlags],
        sanitizeJSFlags: [Function: sanitizeJSFlags],
        headlessGetOptions: [Function: headlessGetOptions],
        canaryGetOptions: [Function: canaryGetOptions]
  client: {
    args: [],
    useIframe: true,
    runInParent: false,
    captureConsole: true,
    clearContext: true
  defaultClient: {
    args: [],
    useIframe: true,
    runInParent: false,
    captureConsole: true,
    clearContext: true
  browserDisconnectTimeout: 2000,
  browserDisconnectTolerance: 0,
  browserNoActivityTimeout: 30000,
  processKillTimeout: 2000,
  concurrency: Infinity,
  failOnEmptyTestSuite: true,
  retryLimit: 2,
  detached: false,
  crossOriginAttribute: true,
  browserSocketTimeout: 20000,
  cmd: 'start',
  configFile: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/karma.conf.js',
  karmaTypescriptConfig: {
    tsconfig: './',
    coverageOptions: { instrumentation: false }
14 07 2021 11:57:57.920:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining framework:mocha.
14 07 2021 11:57:57.920:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining framework:karma-typescript, preprocessor:karma-typescript, reporter:karma-typescript.
14 07 2021 11:57:57.920:DEBUG [plugin]: Loading inline plugin defining launcher:Chrome, launcher:ChromeHeadless, launcher:ChromeCanary, launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless, launcher:Chromium, launcher:ChromiumHeadless, launcher:Dartium, test.
14 07 2021 11:57:57.925:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Initializing
14 07 2021 11:57:57.931:DEBUG [compiler.karma-typescript]: Setting up deferred project compilation
14 07 2021 11:57:57.932:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Configuring coverage preprocessor
14 07 2021 11:57:57.940:DEBUG [resolver.karma-typescript]: {
  assert: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/assert/build/assert.js',
  buffer: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/node_modules/buffer/index.js',
  child_process: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  cluster: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  console: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/console-browserify/index.js',
  constants: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/constants-browserify/constants.json',
  crypto: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/crypto-browserify/index.js',
  dgram: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  dns: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  domain: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/domain-browser/source/index.js',
  events: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/events/events.js',
  fs: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  http: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/stream-http/index.js',
  https: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/https-browserify/index.js',
  module: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  net: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  os: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/os-browserify/browser.js',
  path: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/path-browserify/index.js',
  punycode: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/punycode/punycode.js',
  querystring: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/querystring-es3/index.js',
  readline: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  repl: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  stream: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/stream-browserify/index.js',
  _stream_duplex: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_duplex.js',
  _stream_passthrough: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_passthrough.js',
  _stream_readable: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_readable.js',
  _stream_transform: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_transform.js',
  _stream_writable: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/readable-stream/lib/_stream_writable.js',
  string_decoder: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/string_decoder/lib/string_decoder.js',
  sys: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/util/util.js',
  timers: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/timers-browserify/main.js',
  tls: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/bundler/resolve/empty.js',
  tty: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/tty-browserify/index.js',
  url: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/url/url.js',
  util: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/util/util.js',
  vm: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/vm-browserify/index.js',
  zlib: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/browserify-zlib/lib/index.js',
  _process: '/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/process/browser.js'
14 07 2021 11:57:57.942:DEBUG [resolver.karma-typescript]: No bower detected, skipping
14 07 2021 11:57:57.943:DEBUG [framework.karma-typescript]: Configuration:
   "loggers": {
      "bundler": {
         "category": "bundler.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "compiler": {
         "category": "compiler.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "dependencyWalker": {
         "category": "dependency-walker.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "project": {
         "category": "project.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "resolver": {
         "category": "resolver.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "sourceMap": {
         "category": "source-map.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "sourceReader": {
         "category": "source-reader.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "threshold": {
         "category": "threshold.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "transformer": {
         "category": "transformer.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
      "validator": {
         "category": "validator.karma-typescript",
         "context": {},
         "parseCallStack": "function defaultParseCallStack(data, skipIdx = 4) {\n  const stacklines = data.stack.split(\"\\n\").slic..."
   "callbacks": [
      "function () {\n            _this.log.debug(\"Setting up deferred project compilation\");\n            _t...",
      "function () {\n            _this.log.debug(\"Configuring coverage preprocessor\");\n  "
   "karma": {
      "LOG_DISABLE": "OFF",
      "LOG_ERROR": "ERROR",
      "LOG_WARN": "WARN",
      "LOG_INFO": "INFO",
      "LOG_DEBUG": "DEBUG",
      "frameworks": [
      "protocol": "http:",
      "port": 9876,
      "listenAddress": "",
      "hostname": "localhost",
      "httpsServerConfig": {},
      "basePath": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku",
      "files": [
            "included": true,
            "pattern": "/tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--1818820-VQspEMw9h1pb-.js",
            "served": true,
            "watched": true
            "pattern": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js",
            "included": true,
            "served": true,
            "watched": false
            "pattern": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js",
            "included": true,
            "served": true,
            "watched": false
            "pattern": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/**/*browser.spec.ts",
            "served": true,
            "included": true,
            "watched": true,
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            "weight": [
            "included": true,
            "pattern": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js",
            "served": true,
            "watched": false
      "browserConsoleLogOptions": {
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         "format": "%b %T: %m",
         "terminal": true
      "customContextFile": null,
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      "autoWatch": false,
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      "proxies": {},
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      "preprocessors": {
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      "preprocessor_priority": {},
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      "reportSlowerThan": 0,
      "loggers": [
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            "layout": {
               "type": "pattern",
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      "transports": [
      "forceJSONP": false,
      "plugins": [
            "framework:mocha": [
               "function (files, config) {\n  var mochaPath = path.dirname(require.resolve('mocha'))\n  files.unshift(..."
            "framework:karma-typescript": [
               "function (karmaConfig, logger) {\n            _this.log = logger.create(\"framework.karma-typescript\")..."
            "preprocessor:karma-typescript": [
               "function (logger) {\n            _this.log = logger.create(\"preprocessor.karma-typescript\");\n        ..."
            "reporter:karma-typescript": [
               "function (baseReporterDecorator, logger) {\n            var _this = this;\n            baseReporterDec..."
            "launcher:Chrome": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  baseBrowserDecorator(this)\n\n  var flags = args.flags || []..."
            "launcher:ChromeHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOptions ..."
            "launcher:ChromeCanary": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOptions ..."
            "launcher:ChromeCanaryHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromeCanaryBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOp..."
            "launcher:Chromium": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  baseBrowserDecorator(this)\n\n  var flags = args.flags || []..."
            "launcher:ChromiumHeadless": [
               "function (baseBrowserDecorator, args) {\n  ChromiumBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var parentOption..."
            "launcher:Dartium": [
               "function () {\n  ChromeBrowser.apply(this, arguments)\n\n  var checkedFlag = '--checked'\n  var dartFlag..."
            "test": {
               "isJSFlags": "function isJSFlags (flag) {\n  return flag.indexOf('--js-flags=') === 0\n}...",
               "sanitizeJSFlags": "function sanitizeJSFlags (flag) {\n  var test = /--js-flags=(['\"])/.exec(flag)\n  if (!test) {\n    ret...",
               "headlessGetOptions": "function headlessGetOptions (url, args, parent) {\n  var mergedArgs =, url, args).co...",
               "canaryGetOptions": "function canaryGetOptions (url, args, parent) {\n  // disable crankshaft optimizations, as it causes ..."
      "client": {
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         "useIframe": true,
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         "clearContext": true,
         "mocha": {}
      "defaultClient": {
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      "browserDisconnectTimeout": 2000,
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      "cmd": "start",
      "configFile": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/karma.conf.js",
      "karmaTypescriptConfig": {
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   "karmaTypescriptConfig": {
      "tsconfig": "./",
      "coverageOptions": {
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   "logAppenders": {
      "console0": {
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            "pattern": "%[%d{DATE}:%p [%c]: %]%m"
   "bundlerOptions": {
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      "addNodeGlobals": true,
      "constants": {},
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      "exclude": [],
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      "resolve": {
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      "sourceMap": false,
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   "hasCoverageThreshold": false,
   "coverageOptions": {
      "exclude": {},
      "instrumentation": false,
      "instrumenterOptions": {},
      "threshold": {
         "file": {
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            "excludes": [],
            "functions": 0,
            "lines": 0,
            "overrides": {},
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            "excludes": [],
            "functions": 0,
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   "compilerDelay": 250,
   "defaultTsconfig": {
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      "exclude": [
   "tsconfig": "./",
   "stopOnFailure": true,
   "transformPath": "function (filepath) {\n            return filepath.replace(/\\.(ts|tsx)$/, \".js\");\n        }...",
   "reports": {
      "html": "coverage"
   "asserted": true
14 07 2021 11:57:57.944:DEBUG [web-server]: Instantiating middleware
14 07 2021 11:57:57.957:DEBUG [reporter]: Trying to load reporter: karma-typescript
14 07 2021 11:57:57.958:DEBUG [reporter]: Trying to load color-version of reporter: karma-typescript (karma-typescript_color)
14 07 2021 11:57:57.958:DEBUG [reporter]: Couldn't load color-version.
14 07 2021 11:57:58.001:DEBUG [preprocessor.karma-typescript]: Processing "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/lib/waku.browser.spec.ts". 818
14 07 2021 11:57:58.254:INFO [compiler.karma-typescript]: Compiling project using Typescript 4.2.4
14 07 2021 11:57:58.261:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: File system changed, resolving tsconfig
14 07 2021 11:57:58.261:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Using /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/
14 07 2021 11:57:58.270:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Resolved configFileJson:
   "config": {
      "extends": "./tsconfig",
      "compilerOptions": {
         "noEmit": true
      "exclude": [
14 07 2021 11:57:58.289:DEBUG [project.karma-typescript]: Resolved tsconfig:
   "options": {
      "incremental": true,
      "target": 4,
      "rootDir": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src",
      "moduleResolution": 2,
      "module": 1,
      "declaration": true,
      "sourceMap": true,
      "esModuleInterop": true,
      "resolveJsonModule": true,
      "strict": true,
      "noImplicitAny": true,
      "strictNullChecks": true,
      "strictFunctionTypes": true,
      "strictPropertyInitialization": true,
      "noImplicitThis": true,
      "alwaysStrict": true,
      "noUnusedLocals": true,
      "noUnusedParameters": true,
      "noImplicitReturns": true,
      "noFallthroughCasesInSwitch": true,
      "forceConsistentCasingInFileNames": true,
      "traceResolution": false,
      "listEmittedFiles": false,
      "listFiles": false,
      "pretty": true,
      "skipLibCheck": true,
      "lib": [
      "types": [
      "typeRoots": [
      "noEmit": true,
      "configFilePath": "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/",
      "suppressOutputPathCheck": true
   "fileNames": [
   "typeAcquisition": {
      "enable": false,
      "include": [],
      "exclude": []
   "raw": {
      "extends": "./tsconfig",
      "compilerOptions": {
         "noEmit": true
      "exclude": [
      "compileOnSave": false,
      "include": [
   "errors": [],
   "wildcardDirectories": {
      "/home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src": 1
   "compileOnSave": false
14 07 2021 11:58:04.062:INFO [compiler.karma-typescript]: Compiled 38 files in 5772 ms.
14 07 2021 11:58:04.570:DEBUG [bundler.karma-typescript]: Project has 3 import/require statements, code will be bundled
14 07 2021 11:58:05.058:INFO [bundler.karma-typescript]: Bundled imports for 1 file(s) in 494 ms.
14 07 2021 11:58:05.072:DEBUG [coverage.karma-typescript]: Excluding file /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/lib/waku.browser.spec.ts from instrumentation
14 07 2021 11:58:05.085:DEBUG [bundler.karma-typescript]: Karma callbacks for 1 file(s) in 521 ms.
14 07 2021 11:58:05.098:INFO [karma-server]: Karma v6.3.4 server started at http://localhost:9876/
14 07 2021 11:58:05.099:INFO [launcher]: Launching browsers Chromium with concurrency unlimited
14 07 2021 11:58:05.119:INFO [launcher]: Starting browser Chromium
14 07 2021 11:58:05.120:DEBUG [launcher]: null -> BEING_CAPTURED
14 07 2021 11:58:05.121:DEBUG [temp-dir]: Creating temp dir at /tmp/karma-12166445
14 07 2021 11:58:05.122:DEBUG [launcher]: chromium --user-data-dir=/tmp/karma-12166445 --no-default-browser-check --no-first-run --disable-default-apps --disable-popup-blocking --disable-translate --disable-background-timer-throttling http://localhost:9876/?id=12166445
14 07 2021 11:58:05.893:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma/static/client.html
14 07 2021 11:58:05.922:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma/static/karma.js
14 07 2021 11:58:05.975:DEBUG [karma-server]: A browser has connected on socket jTbzVUD8UYJRMEyeAAAB
14 07 2021 11:58:05.977:DEBUG [web-server]: upgrade /
14 07 2021 11:58:05.998:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: undefined -> CONNECTED
14 07 2021 11:58:05.998:INFO [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: Connected on socket jTbzVUD8UYJRMEyeAAAB with id 12166445
14 07 2021 11:58:05.999:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_CAPTURED -> CAPTURED
14 07 2021 11:58:05.999:DEBUG [launcher]: Chromium (id 12166445) captured in 0.9 secs
14 07 2021 11:58:06.000:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> CONFIGURING
14 07 2021 11:58:06.003:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma/static/favicon.ico
14 07 2021 11:58:06.011:DEBUG [middleware:karma]: custom files null null null
14 07 2021 11:58:06.012:DEBUG [middleware:karma]: Serving static request /context.html
14 07 2021 11:58:06.013:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma/static/context.html
14 07 2021 11:58:06.052:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /absolute/tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--1818820-VQspEMw9h1pb-.js?da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709
14 07 2021 11:58:06.052:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--1818820-VQspEMw9h1pb-.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.054:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js?0ee141af383d01d8134ef30c5313e9ce8c00a3f2
14 07 2021 11:58:06.055:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.055:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/mocha/mocha.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.060:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js?a0f4bbc139407501892ac58d70c2791e7adec343
14 07 2021 11:58:06.060:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.060:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-mocha/lib/adapter.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.061:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/src/lib/waku.browser.spec.js?860cb6ad18e275755b5d20bf240bf758d1cbc837
14 07 2021 11:58:06.061:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/lib/waku.browser.spec.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.061:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/src/lib/waku.browser.spec.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.062:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma/static/context.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.065:DEBUG [web-server]: serving: /tmp/karma-typescript-bundle--1818820-VQspEMw9h1pb-.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.068:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Requesting /base/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js?f5014f1e344ba3e2f0d92afe67b92f3001c46c90
14 07 2021 11:58:06.069:DEBUG [middleware:source-files]: Fetching /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.069:DEBUG [web-server]: serving (cached): /home/froyer/src/status-im/js-waku/node_modules/karma-typescript/dist/client/commonjs.js
14 07 2021 11:58:06.236:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONFIGURING -> EXECUTING
Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0 secs / 0 secs)
Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64): Executed 0 of 0 SUCCESS (0.003 secs / 0 secs)
14 07 2021 11:58:06.241:DEBUG [launcher]: CAPTURED -> BEING_KILLED
14 07 2021 11:58:06.242:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_KILLED -> BEING_FORCE_KILLED
14 07 2021 11:58:06.242:DEBUG [Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)]: CONNECTED -> DISCONNECTED
14 07 2021 11:58:06.246:DEBUG [karma-server]: Run complete, exiting.
14 07 2021 11:58:06.246:DEBUG [launcher]: Disconnecting all browsers
14 07 2021 11:58:06.247:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_FORCE_KILLED -> BEING_FORCE_KILLED
14 07 2021 11:58:06.247:DEBUG [proxy]: Destroying proxy agents
14 07 2021 11:58:06.248:DEBUG [reporter.karma-typescript]: Writing coverage to coverage/Chrome 91.0.4472.114 (Linux x86_64)/html
14 07 2021 11:58:06.275:DEBUG [launcher]: Process Chromium exited with code 0 and signal null
14 07 2021 11:58:06.276:DEBUG [temp-dir]: Cleaning temp dir /tmp/karma-12166445
14 07 2021 11:58:06.331:DEBUG [launcher]: Finished all browsers
14 07 2021 11:58:06.331:DEBUG [launcher]: BEING_FORCE_KILLED -> FINISHED
14 07 2021 11:58:06.332:DEBUG [launcher]: FINISHED -> FINISHED

Copy link

cefn commented Jul 14, 2021

@D4nte so I gather in your case from #341 (comment) it was resolved by ensuring .js files are emitted.

I don't know why this doesn't work in my case. Although I have noEmit:false I still get 0 of 0 tests.

It was a shame but I ended up having to completely transform how I built my whole project to be able to use Karma - no longer relying directly on Typescript tooling and having to go via babel=>webpack route. I put together a reference repository with working tests but the different build system at

I would much rather use karma-typescript!

Copy link

When inspecting this.config.coverageOptions.exclude I saw that this was set to /\.(d|spec|test)\.ts$/i. Looks like karma-typescript does not exclude *.test.tsx files from coverage instrumentation by default. But this also raises the question, why there is no output for App.test.tsx.

@cefn did you have a chance to take a further look into this? My experience with Karma is that sometimes build errors don't crash the run but cause trouble later in the browser. I could imagine that karma-typescript does not compile tsx files by default and the 0 of 0 in the browser is caused by the test-file failing to load the compilation result.

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cefn commented Jul 14, 2021

I did what I could to nudge karma-typescript into doing the right thing with...

However, I think it might take a karma-typescript expert to know what directives it respects, and if there's another one it needs, since this is all 'declarative' so I can't even really step through the procedure to see where it goes wrong.

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D4nte commented Jul 15, 2021

@D4nte so I gather in your case from #341 (comment) it was resolved by ensuring .js files are emitted.

Yes but not only. Please check my PR waku-org/js-waku#230, it took me an afternoon to better understand karma and karma-typescript config options so I can fine tune to perfect. See below:

process.env.CHROME_BIN = require('puppeteer').executablePath(); // Puppeteer installs Chrome for in GitHub Action CI

module.exports = function (config) {
    frameworks: ['mocha', 'karma-typescript'], // Using mocha and karma-typescript
    files: [
      'src/lib/**/*.ts', // This contains my library files that can all be ran in the browser
      'src/proto/**/*.ts', // Note I have some NodeJS files to help with some test setup, they are NOT in these folders
    preprocessors: {
      '**/*.ts': ['karma-typescript'],
    plugins: [
    reporters: ['progress', 'karma-typescript'],
    browsers: ['ChromeHeadless'],
    singleRun: true,
    karmaTypescriptConfig: {
      bundlerOptions: {
        entrypoints: /src\/tests\/browser\/.*\.spec\.ts$/, // This is maybe what is missing, I explicitly state what are the test files
      tsconfig: './tsconfig.karma.json', // See below
      coverageOptions: {
        instrumentation: false,

and tsconfig.karma.json

  "extends": "./tsconfig",
  "compilerOptions": {
    "noEmit": false // this should not be necessary but it ensures JS files are emitted
  "include": [ // I override this value to ONLY include files that can run in the browser, excluding NodeJS test utils (that uses fs, etc)
  "exclude": ["node_modules/**"] // my `tsconfig.json` files excludes test files to ensure they are not include in the NPM package so I override it to allow the test files to be compiled and ran in the browser.

Copy link

D4nte commented Jul 15, 2021

Here is an alternative to avoid the separate tsconfig file, note how I need to use mode: 'replace' to make it work: d12430e (#231)

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3 participants