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250 lines (177 loc) · 10.3 KB

File metadata and controls

250 lines (177 loc) · 10.3 KB

TOOLS-3411 Detection Script


TOOLS-3411 is an issue where mongodump can randomly change the order of collection option keys. View pipelines and schema validators are the only collection options sensitive to field ordering. Depending on the specific contents of the view or validator options, these alterations could change the result set returned by a view or change which documents are accepted by a validator. Not all view pipelines or schema validations are affected by key reordering. Please see TOOLS-3411 for more information on this issue.

We cannot detect if a reordering occurred in a backup taken with mongodump, we can only detect if a view pipeline or schema validator could be susceptible to reordering.

This repository contains a script that will output a list of views or collections that could potentially be affected by TOOLS-3411. There is a script to check collections on live clusters and a script to check collection definitions in local dumps.

If you find that a view pipeline or schema validator could be susceptible to the issue, you will need to audit it to check whether it is correct. More information on how to audit and fix susceptible view pipelines or schema validators is available in TOOLS-3411.


The following dependencies are required to run the scripts in this repository:

Quick Start

This tool can be run against active MongoDB clusters or against local dumps. After ensuring you have the proper prerequisites installed, follow these instructions to get started.

Running Against an Active Cluster


Navigate to the file here in your browser and right click and "Save As..."

Alternatively, you can run the following command to download the file with curl:

curl -f -O ""


Run the downloaded file against your cluster via the following command, changing your MongoDB connection string as necessary:

mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017" -f detect_for_active_cluster.js

The script will run listDatabases and db.getCollectionInfos() to find all views and all collections with validators. This should have minimal performance impact on live clusters. Users with the readAnyDatabase role will have sufficient permissions to run the script. If you need to create a custom user or role, check the documentation on managing users and roles.

The script will then output view pipelines and validators which it couldn't confirm are safe, if any. These view pipelines and validators could be susceptible to the issue, so you will need to audit them to check whether they are correct.

Running Against a Local Dump


Navigate to the file here in your browser and right click and "Save As..."

Alternatively, you can run the following command to download the file with curl:

curl -f -O ""


You can run the downloaded file with node. Set your dump type (either directory or archive) using the DUMP_TYPE environment variable. Set the path to your dump directory or archive using the DUMP_PATH environment variable.

The tool can also run with dumps created with mongodump's --gzip option. For directory dumps, each metadata file inside the directory must have a file name that end in .metadata.json.gz if the data is gzipped. For archive dumps, the archive file name must end in .gz if the data is gzipped.

The script will read collection options from the dump provided. The script will then output view pipelines and validators which it couldn't confirm are safe, if any. These view pipelines and validators could be susceptible to the issue, so you will need to audit them to check whether they are correct.


Running with a directory:

DUMP_TYPE=directory DUMP_PATH=dump node detect_for_local_dump.mjs

Running with an archive created by mongodump --archive:

DUMP_TYPE=archive DUMP_PATH=archive.out node detect_for_local_dump.mjs


Running with a directory:

set "DUMP_TYPE=directory" && set "DUMP_PATH=dump" && node detect_for_local_dump.mjs

Running with an archive created by mongodump --archive:

set "DUMP_TYPE=archive" && set "DUMP_PATH=archive.out" && node detect_for_local_dump.mjs


If your cluster or dump does not contain any view pipelines or validators which could be susceptible to TOOLS-3411, then you will see output similar to this:

----- Summary -----
Your cluster or dump is not affected by TOOLS-3411. The 31 collections inspected 
contained no view pipelines or validators that are sensitive to field ordering.

If your cluster or dump does contain view pipelines or validators which could be susceptible to TOOLS-3411, then you will see output similar to this:

----- Views to audit -----
    "$group": {
      "_id": "$x",
      "z": {
        "$topN": {
          "n": 5,
          "sortBy": {
            "x": 1,
            "y": 1
          "output": "$x"
    "$sort": {
      "x": 1
    "$unionWith": {
      "coll": "coll2",
      "pipeline": [
          "$sort": {
            "x": 1,
            "y": 1
----- Validators to audit -----
  "x": {
    "x": 1,
    "y": 1,
----- Summary -----
Your cluster or dump may be affected by TOOLS-3411. 3 collections (2 views and 1 validator) 
of the 31 collections inspected could not be automatically analyzed for field order sensitivity. 
Collections that may be affected are listed above. Please manually audit these collections in 
accordance with the guidelines here:

The tool first lists view pipelines that should be audited. It will show the view name and the pipeline definition. The tool then lists collections with schema validation that should be audited. It will show the collection name and the validator.

If you just want a list of namespaces which should be audited without outputting the view pipelines or schema validators, set the environment variable VERBOSITY=collectionNameOnly when running the command.


This tool accepts options in the form of environment variables. They can be provided to either mongosh or node by prefixing the commands like this:


VAR1=foo VAR2=bar mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017" -f detect_for_active_cluster.js


VAR1=foo VAR2=bar node detect_for_local_dump.mjs


set "VAR1=foo" && set "VAR2=bar" && mongosh "mongodb://localhost:27017" -f detect_for_active_cluster.js


set "VAR1=foo" && set "VAR2=bar" && node detect_for_local_dump.mjs

The following list of options can be provided to both mongosh for active clusters and node for local dumps:

Environment Variable Possible Values Description
VERBOSITY full, collectionNameOnly Whether to output full JSON descriptions and a summary of potential issues, or only the names of collections with potential issues (default: full). To fully suppress all output with collectionNameOnly for active clusters, run mongosh with the --quiet option.

The following list of options can only be provided to node for local dumps:

Environment Variable Possible Values Description
DUMP_TYPE directory, archive Whether the dump data is a directory dump or an archive dump (default: directory).
DUMP_PATH <path to dump> The file path to the desired directory or archive.


Clone the repo with the following command:

git clone

Building the scripts in this repository is only necessary if there have been changes made to the source files. The built scripts can already be found in the dist/ directory.

If you have just cloned the tools-3411-script repository for the first time and would like to build the scripts, you must first install all node.js dependencies by running:

cd tools-3411-script
npm install

To build the detect_for_active_cluster.js script that runs against active MongoDB clusters, run:

npm run build-active-cluster

To build the detect_for_local_dump.mjs script that runs against local dumps, run:

npm run build-local-dump


Report any bugs, improvements, or new feature requests at


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