Name | Type | Description | Notes |
data_access_frequency | str | Data Access Frequency explains the number of times that this consent can be used.<br> Otherwise called as consent frequency type. | [optional] |
otsp_adr_name | str | Name of the Accredited Data Recipient/Organization | [optional] |
preferences | list[Preferences] | Preferences describes options about the additional usage of data or purge data | |
otsp_adr | str | Unique/Accredition Id of the ADR | [optional] |
client_adr | str | Client Name of the ADR | |
renewal | Renewal | [optional] | |
client_trusted_advisor | list[ClientTrustedAdvisor] | describes information of client trusted advisor | |
provider_consent_id | str | Provider consent id | [optional] |
revoke_date | str | Consent revoke date. | |
title | str | Title for the consent form. | |
application_display_name | str | Application display name. | |
title_body | str | Description for the title. | |
consent_id | int | Consent Id generated through POST Consent. | |
third_party_adr | list[ThirdPartyADR] | ThirdPartyADR describes details of additional parties which are accredited data recipients under organization | [optional] |
provider_id | int | Provider Id for which the consent needs to be generated. | |
consent_status | str | Status of the consent. | |
scope | list[Scope] | Scope describes about the consent permissions and their purpose. | |
user_data_treatment | UserDataTreatment | [optional] | |
start_date | str | Consent start date. | |
expiration_date | str | Consent expiry date. |