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227 lines (187 loc) · 6.85 KB

File metadata and controls

227 lines (187 loc) · 6.85 KB

Quick Start


use nuget:

dotnet add package GUML --version 0.0.2


  • Calling the GUML initialization function
  • Add Controller Assembly

If the Controller is scattered in multiple Assemblies, all need to be added.

For example, if multiple Mods define new Controllers, you need to add the Assembly corresponding to each Mod.

  • Add Controller Namespace
  • Implement resource loader
Guml.ResourceLoader += resPath => {
    // ResourceLoader Implement

GUML does not provide a resource loader by default. This is to facilitate collaboration with the game's own runtime resource loading cache. You can implement your own loader and design the relevant resource caching algorithm according to your needs.

  • Load .guml file

The first parameter of the Guml.LoadGuml method is the root node of the GUI. The second parameter is the address of the guml file.


using Godot;
using GUML;

public partial class Main : Node
	public Node Root;

	private GuiController _controller;
    public override void _Ready()
		Guml.ResourceLoader += resPath =>
			var type = Path.GetExtension(resPath);
			switch (type)
				case "png":
					return ImageTexture.CreateFromImage(Image.LoadFromFile(resPath));
				case "ogg":
					return AudioStreamOggVorbis.LoadFromFile(resPath);
				case "ttf":
				case "woff":
				case "woff2":
				case "pfb":
				case "pfm":
				case "otf":
					var font = new FontFile();
					return font;
					throw new Exception($"Error resource type('{type}').");
        _controller = Guml.LoadGuml(Root,"gui/main.guml");
   	public override void _Process(double delta)


	public override void _ExitTree()

XxxController class and xxx.guml file

Every guml file has a corresponding Controller class. GUML will automatically create its corresponding controller class instance and bind the two when loading the guml file.

Of course, you need to add the controller corresponding to Assembly and namespace to the Guml.Assemblies and Guml.ControllerNamespaces lists. This will allow you to find the correct controller type when creating it.

Controller object

Controller object all inherit from GuiController and have the INotifyPropertyChanged interface.

Controller lifecycle overview:

Method When Description
Created After object initialization and binding width guml is completed Automatic call
Update Executed every frame, same as Node._Process Manual call
Dispose* When the Controller is destroyed Manual call

Dispose will automatically remove the bound GUI node from the Godot node tree

NameNode and GumlRootNode

In guml, you can reference the required components at any time by using component aliases. These alias components can be accessed through NameNode in the controller.

import Syntax

The guml file supports importing another defined guml file through the import keyword.

If you use import, you need to define a property with the same name and type as the controller corresponding to the imported guml file in the controller class corresponding to the current file, so that the controller corresponding to the imported guml file can be bound to the current controller when it is imported.



import "setting"

Panel {
    @hello_label: Label {
        text: "hello"


class MainController : RguiController 
    public SettingController SettingController;
    public override void Created()
        GD.Print(NameNode["hello_label"].); //print hello

The root node of guml will be assigned to the GumlRootNode property of Controller after binding.

Data binding

GUML supports one-way binding from data to UI components.In guml files, data binding is done using the := syntax. Of course, it not only supports property binding, but also supports expression binding, so that when the properties in the expression change, the properties of the UI component will also change accordingly.

It should be noted that all properties involved in the binding expression need to write setters so that OnPropertyChanged is called when the value changes.

The datasource specified by the each syntax must be a collection type that implements the INotifyListChanged interface. GUML provides the NotifyList<T> type, which is similar to List<T>, but implements the INotifyListChanged interface to trigger the ListChanged event when collection elements are added or deleted.



Panel {
    Label {
        position: vec2(10, 10),
        size: vec2(200, 30),
        text:= "hello " + $controller.SayHello
    each $controller.Names { |index, name|
        Control {
            size: vec2(220, 100),
            custom_minimum_size: vec2(220, 100),
            Label {
                position: vec2(10, 10),
                size: vec2(200, 30),
                text: name


public class MainController : GuiController
    public NotifyList<string> Names {
        get => _names;
            _names = value;
    public string SayHello {
        get => _sayHello;
            _sayHello = value;

    private string _sayHello = "world!";
    public NotifyList<string> _names = ["bob", "james"];

When we update MainController.SeyHello, the text on the Label will also change.

guml file

Regarding guml files, a more detailed description can be found in the guml syntax section.

Theme overrides

In the godot editor, you can use ThemeOverrides to set theme overrides for UI components. But there is no direct interface in the code. GUML provides a fake ThemeOverrides property. Its value is an object object. You can use the same properties to set the UI component's theme overrides as in the editor.

The ThemeOverrides static property of the Guml class provides all optional theme override entries for a component and specifies their data types.

The DefaultTheme static property of Guml can set the default theme for all UI components.