Each section in this document contains all valid HTTP verbs that can be called. Section headers are the route.
Sends an account validation email to a (new) user.
Params (must be raw JSON in request.Body):
"email": "email_of_user_to_validate",
"link": "full_url_with_validation_key_to_validate_user"
Returns: "Message sent: mailer_success_response_msg
" OR descriptive_error_msg
This is an unauthenticated endpoint.
Sends an email to an address. Request params form the email.
Params (must be raw JSON in request.Body):
"email": "to_email_address",
"subject": "your_subject",
"html": "html_formatted_email_body"
"text": "plaintext_email_body_as_fallback"
Returns: "Message sent: mailer_success_response_msg
" OR descriptive_error_msg
This is an unauthenticated endpoint.