Releases: mojaloop/postman
Added missing env var
v11.0.1-2 adding oauth headers to remaining calls (#196)
Updated environment variables according to the new sim naming convention
v11.0.1-1 Env vars updates
Bugfix in testscripts- blocktransfer
Added a fix regarding the payerfsp position correspond to a specific currency.
Release to fix Quotes API Tests bug that is happening in 10.6.0 release
v10.6.0-1 Updates to fix Quotes API errors
Supported Helm Releases
Change log for this release
- Added mojasim scenario tests for reserve notification (#191)
- Added ordered helper scripts to run newman CLI tests
- Added test scenario for reserve notification on FSPIOP v1.1 specification changes
- Fixes for Mojaloop v11.0.0 Helm Release:
- Fixed FSPIOP Header issues for contentType and acceptHeader on Bulk Transfer tests
- Corrected “Check Transfer status on Payerfsp - ErrorInformation” test - This is for the "payee_invalid_timestamp" under the "transfer_negative_scenarios" -
- Corrected p2p_on_us_transfers to map valid IlpPacket and condition -
- Fixed issue with
tests in legacy golden path collection by updating the Content-Type and Accept headers to version=1.1 of the Mojaloop specification
v11.0.0 Release
Supported Helm Releases
Change log for this release
- This release corresponds to helm v11.0.0 release and should be used in conjunction with it.
- Refactoring: Minor changes to documentation and moving unused collections to an 'archive' folder to keep the high level folder cleaner. (PR #184)
- Updated authorizations headers (PR #183)
- Bugfix update for mojaloop/project/issues/1709 and mojaloop/project/issues/1710 (PRs #179, #181, #182 )
- Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection_new.json is removed. (PR #178) instead, Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection.json
can be used in place of it. - On Legacy Simulator collection [ML_OSS_Golden_Path_LegacySim], two changes were made for Helm v11.0.0:
- Updating timeout tests to reflect same assertions as the MojaSim GP tests (changing to error code 3303 assertion and the error description to include 'transfer expired')
- Removed a test that was expecting a 400 on a PUT /transactionRequests call that was missing 'accept' header; Accept header is not needed for PUT calls as specified in the API Spec, so this needs to be removed.
v10.6.2 - Release, before consolidating multiple GPs
Valid transactionRequests callback in SDK responding with error response mojaloop/project#1647
Partially Updated Golden Path new collection to use new environment variables (3 folders to be done)
Files changed: Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection_new.json
#1708: Add test for Payee responding with future timestamp in transfer fulfillment
Files changed: Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection_new.json -
This tag is specifically created to combine the two GPs that are existing as of this release. From Next release, we will be having only Golden_Path_Mojaloop.
Golden_Parh_Mojaloop_new collection will be removed.
v10.6.0 - Tests Release
1. Fix/bug fixes 10.4.1 #165
- Files effected: Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection.json
- Fixed Missing Accept headers and window test
- Fixed Accept headers in GP requests
- Replaced payee_abort tests with payee_abort_v1.1 tests from new GP version
2. Update FSP onboarding scripts for noresponsepayeefsp
- Files effected: Update FSP onboarding scripts for noresponsepayefsp
3. ported bug fix folder from legacy collection to mojasim collection.
- Files effected: Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection_new.json
- ported bug fixes folder with following bugfix test to mojasim collection.
- 998 - Quoting service not using most recent endpoint
- 1009 - ML Adapter and ALS service health should include broker status
- 981 - 500 http code instead of 400
- 990 - quotes bug fix
- 1016 - quotes bug fix
- 1331 - 405 status code - unsupported method
- 1378 - extension list missing
- 849 - missing ID for transfers and quotes
- 949 - check 4 decimals for quotes
- 742 - check error codes
- 956 - settlements error
- 883 - FSPIOP header check
- 1032 - Transfer timeout callback issue
4. Added a script for comparing two environment files #162
- Files effected: scripts/postman-environments-compare.js,
5. Add tests for transfer fulfill reserved #161
- Files effected: Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman_collection_new.json
v10.4.1 Release
The changes are listed as below:
Updated GET /parties setTimeout #145
Files changed:
Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman collection.json -
SET_TIMEOUT_QUOTES and SET_TIMEOUT_TRANSFERS vars added in env file and in test scripts, Fixed the decimal issue to Fixed(4) #144
Files changed:
Golden_Path_Mojaloop.postman collection.json -
Updated to Cater for Bulk Quotes # 142
Files changed:
Bulk API Transfers.postman_collection.json
ML_OSS_Setup_LegacySim -
Add on-boarding and test scripts for bulk transfers #141
Files changed:
Bulk API Transfers.postman_collection.json
MojaloopSims_Onboarding.postman_collection.json -
Updated fspiop-uri test as per #1443 #140
File changed: