The Discrete Mode Choice extension defines two model types: trip-based and tour-based. They can be configured as follows:
<module name="DiscreteModeChoice">
<!-- Main model type: Trip, Tour -->
<param name="modelType" value="Tour" />
In order for the models to work properly, make sure to define the following components in the configuration:
- A ModeAvailability, which defines which modes are available to an agent
- An Estimator, which assigns a utility to all possible alternatives for a trip or a tour
- A Selector, which defines the process by which certain utility-based alternatives are chosen
Optionally, Constraints can be defined that make sure that the generated choice alternatives are realistic and the TourFinder decided where to start and end tours if a tour-based model is selected.
For a brief overview how the trip- and the tour-based model work, please have a look at the section "A little bit of theory" in the - Getting Start guide.