loading dotfile under the root folder .gitconfig
→sh make_symlink.sh
other dotfiles
→ please set manually -
add cowsay's image, and fortune's japanese text(for Mac)
→sh fortune_cowsay.sh
curl -sL --proto-redir -all,https https://raw.githubusercontent.com/zplug/installer/master/installer.zsh | zsh
curl -sS https://starship.rs/install.sh | sh
cd .brewfile && brew bundle
in terminal
please read 'https://github.com/Shougo/dein-installer.vim' and install dein
Make .vimrc's symlink to replace dein's default .vimrc
then open vim, and execute call dein#install()
pip install -r pip/requirements.txt
confirm list packages that are not dependencies of installed packages
pip list --not-required