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David Hérault edited this page Jul 29, 2016 · 47 revisions

Welcome to the Pokemon Go Map wiki

Pokemon Go Map is aiming to bring a live visualization map of nearby Pokémon, Pokéstops and gyms in a form of a web-app as well as native phone applications.

Video Setup:

Basic Installation


Installation will require Python 2.7 and Pip. If you already have these you can skip to installation. Python 3 is not supported at all.

Ubuntu or Debian

You can install the required packages on Ubuntu by running the following command:

sudo apt-get install python python-pip nodejs npm

Red Hat or CentOs or Fedora

You can install the required packages on Red Hat by running the following command:

You may also need to install the EPEL repository to install python-pip and python-devel.

yum install epel-release
yum install python python-pip nodejs npm python-devel


You can install the required packages on openSUSE by running the following command:

sudo zypper in python python-pip nodejs npm python-devel python-wsgiref


OS X comes with some outdated Python packages (these instructions were tested on OS X El Capitan).

You will need to install pip and then upgrade a few python packages.

Instructions (run everything, each on its own line):

curl >
sudo python ./
sudo -H easy_install --upgrade six
sudo -H easy_install --upgrade setuptools
sudo -H pip install -r requirements.txt

To install node and npm, download and install the installer from


Download Python 2 and install it. When installing check that the python location gets appended to the path. Then download pip (right click that link and choose "Save Link As"), and double click the file you downloaded, assuming you installed Python correctly.

Download NodeJS here and install.

ℹ️ There is a one-click setup for Windows. After you've installed Python, go into the Easy Setup folder and run setup.bat. This should install pip and the dependencies for you, and put your Google API key into the right place.

Installation Complete

Once installed, opening a terminal (cmd.exe prompt) and typing in python ./ --help should net you this output:

$ python ./ --help
usage: [-h] [-a AUTH_SERVICE] [-u USERNAME] [-p PASSWORD]
                    [-l LOCATION] [-st STEP_LIMIT] [-sd SCAN_DELAY]
                    [-td THREAD_DELAY] [-ld LOGIN_DELAY] [-dc] [-H HOST]
                    [-P PORT] [-L LOCALE] [-c] [-d] [-m] [-ns] [-os] [-fl] -k
                    GMAPS_KEY [-C] [-D DB] [-t NUM_THREADS] [-np] [-ng] [-nk]
                    [--db-type DB_TYPE] [--db-name DB_NAME]
                    [--db-user DB_USER] [--db-pass DB_PASS]
                    [--db-host DB_HOST] [-wh [WEBHOOKS [WEBHOOKS ...]]]

Args that start with '--' (eg. -a) can also be set in a config file
(/usr/src/app/pogom/../config/config.ini or ). The recognized syntax for
setting (key, value) pairs is based on the INI and YAML formats (e.g.
key=value or foo=TRUE). For full documentation of the differences from the
standards please refer to the ConfigArgParse documentation. If an arg is
specified in more than one place, then commandline values override config file
values which override defaults.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -a AUTH_SERVICE, --auth-service AUTH_SERVICE
                        Auth Service
  -u USERNAME, --username USERNAME
  -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
  -l LOCATION, --location LOCATION
                        Location, can be an address or coordinates
  -st STEP_LIMIT, --step-limit STEP_LIMIT
  -sd SCAN_DELAY, --scan-delay SCAN_DELAY
                        Time delay between requests in scan threads
  -td THREAD_DELAY, --thread-delay THREAD_DELAY
                        Time delay between each scan thread loop
  -ld LOGIN_DELAY, --login-delay LOGIN_DELAY
                        Time delay between each login attempt
  -dc, --display-in-console
                        Display Found Pokemon in Console
  -H HOST, --host HOST  Set web server listening host
  -P PORT, --port PORT  Set web server listening port
  -L LOCALE, --locale LOCALE
                        Locale for Pokemon names: default en, check locale
                        folder for more options
  -c, --china           Coordinates transformer for China
  -d, --debug           Debug Mode
  -m, --mock            Mock mode. Starts the web server but not the
                        background thread.
  -ns, --no-server      No-Server Mode. Starts the searcher but not the
  -os, --only-server    Server-Only Mode. Starts only the Webserver without
                        the searcher.
  -fl, --fixed-location
                        Hides the search bar for use in shared maps.
  -k GMAPS_KEY, --gmaps-key GMAPS_KEY
                        Google Maps Javascript API Key
  -C, --cors            Enable CORS on web server
  -D DB, --db DB        Database filename
  -t NUM_THREADS, --num-threads NUM_THREADS
                        Number of search threads
  -np, --no-pokemon     Disables Pokemon from the map (including parsing them
                        into local db)
  -ng, --no-gyms        Disables Gyms from the map (including parsing them
                        into local db)
  -nk, --no-pokestops   Disables PokeStops from the map (including parsing
                        them into local db)
  --db-type DB_TYPE     Type of database to be used (default: sqlite)
  --db-name DB_NAME     Name of the database to be used
  --db-user DB_USER     Username for the database
  --db-pass DB_PASS     Password for the database
  --db-host DB_HOST     IP or hostname for the database
  -wh [WEBHOOKS [WEBHOOKS ...]], --webhook [WEBHOOKS [WEBHOOKS ...]]
                        Define URL(s) to POST webhook information to

Credentials and Downloading

It is advised to create a separate Pokemon Club account (on their official website) to be used by the program to search for Pokemon. It's ill-advised to use the same account as that you use for the app. If the page is unavailable refresh the page every 5-10 minutes and it should allow signups eventually. It's also possible to use a Google account, in case of both services you can login without ever connecting to the actual game.

Then, download one of the following branches below:

The dev branch will have latest features from the development team, however it may be unstable at some times.

Extract this zip file to any location.

Install Dependencies

Now, open a Terminal/Command Line (Win+R and cmd on Windows) and cd to the folder you extracted the zip file to.

cd some/directory/

In Windows you can also right click within the folder and select "Open Command Window Here."

Then enter the following:

pip install -r requirements.txt
npm install

ℹ️ On openSUSE and possibly other Linux distributions you may have to run 'pip2' instead of 'pip' as 'pip' might run the incompatible Python 3 version of pip.

Google Maps API key

You will need to generate your own Google Maps API key and place it in your program directory to use this program. Here's a wiki entry on how to do this part.


To start the server, run the following command:

python -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -st 10 -k [Google Maps API key] -l "[LOCATION]"

or for Google account:

python -a google -u [USERNAME] -p [PASSWORD] -st 10 -k [Google Maps API key] -l "[LOCATION]" 

Replacing [USERNAME] and [PASSWORD] with the Pokemon Club credentials you created previously, and [LOCATION] with any location, for example Washington, D.C or latitude and longitude coordinates, such as 38.9072 77.0369.

Additionally, you can change the 10 after -st to any number. This number indicates the number of steps away from your location it should look, higher numbers being farther.

ℹ️ If there's less Pokémon showing up on the map that there actually are please append -t 1 (or --thread 1) to the command (Please edit this wiki page by removing this line once the bug is fixed)

Other Information

Project refactor

As of 2016-07-20, support for the first implementation '' was dropped.
Please use the refactored version present in the branch develop.
Periodic tagged releases will be made

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