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RandomEtc edited this page Aug 30, 2011 · 24 revisions

Modest Maps JS API

We're doing our best to follow Semantic Versioning for version number guidelines. These docs are written against v0.13.2 and should be valid for all v0.x.y versions.

Modest Maps is as much a vocabulary for tiled maps as it is a code library. See ModestMapsNess for a more concise overview.

Please also play with the examples for hints on intended usage.

The heart of the matter: Map

A Map requires a DOM element, provider and optional dimensions and event handlers. The simplest way to create one is in the window onload handler with a TemplatedMapProvider and the id of a div with width and height set.

// name of a div element:
var parent = 'map';

// defaults to Google-style Mercator projection, so works
// out of the box with OpenStreetMap and friends:
var template = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png';
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template);

// without a size, it will expand to fit the parent:
var map = new com.modestmaps.Map(parent, provider);

Alternatively you can specify a fixed size:

// name of a div element:
var parent = 'map';

// defaults to Google-style Mercator projection, so works
// out of the box with OpenStreetMap and friends:
var template = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png';
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template);

var dimensions = new com.modestmaps.Point(600,400);

var map = new com.modestmaps.Map(parent, provider, dimensions);

And you can also specify a provider with a more complex method of generating URLs:

// name of a div element:
var parent = 'map';

// defaults to Google-style Mercator projection, so works
// out of the box with OpenStreetMap and friends:
var provider = new com.modestmaps.MapProvider(function(c) {
    var img = [ c.zoom, c.column, c.row ].join('/') + '.png';
    return '' + img;

var dimensions = new com.modestmaps.Point(600,400);

var map = new com.modestmaps.Map(parent, provider, dimensions);

Setting/getting visible area (extent) or center and zoom

To set the Location of the center of the map use setCenter(location). To set the zoom level use setZoom(number). Or use setCenterZoom(location,number) to set both the center and the zoom level at the same time:

map.setCenter(new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155));
map.setCenterZoom(new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155), 11);

To set the map to a location and zoom level that will show a given bounding box (extent) or a set of points, use setExtent(locations) and pass it an array of 2 or more Locations:

var locations = [
    new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155),
    new com.modestmaps.Location(37.8043722, -122.2708026),
    new com.modestmaps.Location(37.8715926, -122.272747)

You can query the map position using getCenter(), getZoom() and getExtent():

var locations = map.getExtent(); // returns an array of Locations
var loc = map.getCenter() // returns a single Location
var zoomLevel = map.getZoom();

Note that calling map.setCenter(map.getCenter()) should do nothing, but calling map.setExtent(map.getExtent()) could result in a zoom out to ensure that setExtent performs correctly.


To set the map size (e.g. in a window.onresize handler) use setSize and pass it a point or two numbers:

// the following are equivalent:
map.setSize(new com.modestmaps.Point(600,400));

Note that the map will automatically resize if you didn't supply initial dimensions in the constructor and your CSS specifies relative sizes such as percentages or ems.

Events / Callbacks

Map can report on several events using a simple callback system. To be notified of map changes subscribe to some or all of the following events: panned, zoomed, extentset, centered, resized, drawn. Each callback will receive the current map as its first argument.

To make overlays that follow the map, or update parts of the page when the map changes, the simplest callback to register is 'drawn':

map.addCallback('drawn', function(m) {
    // respond to new center:
    document.getElementById('info').innerHTML = m.getCenter().toString();

Map also exposes a removeCallback method for keeping things tidy, and uses dispatchCallback internally to notify listeners of changes.

We're considering changing to an extremely simple callback model with only one event (perhaps only the 'drawn' event). We'd welcome your feedback on this.


Map provides several different ways to change the current center and zoom level, apart from setCenterZoom and setExtent.

Some of them are useful when wiring up map controls such as zoomIn and zoomOut, that go in and out by whole zoom levels, and panLeft, panRight, panDown and panUp that move in 100px increments.

When responding to mouse-wheel or gesture zooming events you'll probably want to use zoomByAbout:

// San Francisco
var sfLocation = new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155);

// San Francisco on screen:
var sfPoint = map.locationPoint(sfLocation);

// zoom in by one step, keeping SF in the same place on screen:
map.zoomByAbout(1, sfPoint);

When responding to mouse events, or scripting animation, you'll probably want to use the relative functions zoomBy and panBy:

// zoom in by one step:

// scroll by 50,50:

Converting Point/Location/Coordinate

To convert from geographic Locations to on screen Points, use map.pointLocation and map.locationPoint:

// San Francisco
var l1 = new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155);

// San Francisco on screen:
var p1 = map.locationPoint(l1);

// some pixels in the map:
var p2 = new com.modestmaps.Point(100, 100);

// the geographic location of p2:
var l2 = map.pointLocation(p2);

There are also equivalent internal functions for converting to/from coordinates: coordinatePoint(coord) and pointCoordinate(point).

Internal Map functions

At time of writing, Map also exposes several functions which are only for internal use. We're working on moving the javascript patterns we use for these objects so that these internal APIs don't leak into your work. For the record, we don't expect you to use any of the following methods (unless you're doing work on the Modest Maps internals yourself, of course): getStats, enforceLimits, draw, getTileComplete, requestRedraw, getRedraw, createOrGetLayer, checkCache, getCenterDistanceCompare.

Providers, Projections and Transformations

Tile Providers

If you're supplying your own image tiles for your map, you'll need to know how to create a tile provider. Usually these are supplied to the Map constructor. If you want to switch tile providers in response to a button press, you can call map.setProvider with a new provider instead.

The basic MapProvider class expects a callback function that can turn a Coordinate into a URL string:

var provider = new com.modestmaps.MapProvider(function(c) {
    var img = [ c.zoom, c.column, c.row ].join('/') + '.png';
    return '' + img;

Alternatively, you can use the TemplatedMapProvider which uses attractive mustache syntax to generate tile URLs from a string template:

var template = '{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png';
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template);

The TemplatedMapProvider can optionally generate URLs that use random subdomains, e.g.

var template = 'http://{S}{Z}/{X}/{Y}.png';
var subdomains = [ '', 'a.', 'b.', 'c.' ];
var provider = new com.modestmaps.TemplatedMapProvider(template, subdomains);

Providers also implement a few properties and functions that alter how Modest Maps loads tiles (or does not load tiles) such as outerLimits and sourceCoordinate, and the functions used by map to convert to and from Locations and Coordinates: locationCoordinate(location) and coordinateLocation(coord).


Projections are used internally by Modest Maps providers to convert from Locations to Coordinates.

Internally, the rawProject and rawUnproject functions are the pure mathematics of the operation (we use Wolfram Mathworld and Wikipedia to find interesting projections). These are the only ones that need overriding by subclasses. The project and unproject functions use these, and in turn are used by locationCoordinate and coordinateLocation which are then used by providers. You'll probably just want to use the versions offered by Map.

Modest Maps offers two projections out of the box: LinearProjection and MercatorProjection. The built-in providers all assume Mercator is what you want, but this is easily overridden.


Transformations are used internally by Modest Maps projections to convert from one projection space to another, and apply any needed translations, rotations and scales to get everything lined up.

e.g. to transform from a Mercator projected Location in radians to a map Coordinate at zoom level 26, you could use the following Transformation:

var t = new com.modestmaps.Transformation(1.068070779e7, 0, 3.355443185e7,
                                          0, -1.068070890e7, 3.355443057e7);

These magic numbers can be derived from three control points using some simple linear algebra. Modest Maps provides helpers for these. For example, to derive a similar Transformation to the above, but for a Coordinate at zoom level 0, use:

var pi = Math.PI;
var t = com.modestmaps.deriveTransformation(-pi, pi, 0, 0, pi, pi, 1, 0, -pi, -pi, 0, 1);

The Transformation class then offers transform and untransform methods that operate on Points.

Core Classes: Point, Location, Coordinate


Point is a simple data object with x and y properties. It's most often used to represent pixel positions on screen or within the map.

// p.x is 10, p.y is 20:
var p = new com.modestmaps.Point(10, 20);

Point also provides some utility functions like its Flash counterpart, for calculating distances and interpolating along a line.

var p1 = new com.modestmaps.Point(10, 20);
var p2 = new com.modestmaps.Point(20, 20);

// d is 10
var d = com.modestmaps.Point.distance(p1,p2);

// p3 is half way between p1 and p2: (15,20)
var amount = 0.5;
var p3 = com.modestmaps.Point.interpolate(p1,p2,amount);


Location is similar to Point, but for geographic coordinates. It has lat and lon properties (and expects them in that order, unlike Point which works the other way around). It represents locations on the surface of the earth in degrees latitude and longitude. You can use a site like to find the latitude and longitude of places by name.

// San Francisco
var loc = new com.modestmaps.Location(37.7749295, -122.4194155);

Location also provides distance and interpolate helpers like Point.


Coordinate is used internally to represent tiles. It has row, column and zoom properties.

// 1st row, 1st column, 2nd zoom level:
var coord = new com.modestmaps.Coordinate(1, 1, 2);

It also has several methods that help you navigate from one coordinate to another: up, right, down, left, zoomTo and zoomBy. All return a new Coordinate. Additionally, copy can be used to clone a Coordinate and container can be used to obtain a Coordinate with floored row, column and zoom for generating tile URLs.

Interaction, Mouse Handling/Events

Modest Maps assumes you want an interactive map for use in a desktop web browser and automatically creates a com.modestmaps.MouseHandler for dealing with mouse drag, double click and wheel events.

If you create a map with an empty array in the fourth parameter it is then up to you to write the interaction code and use functions like map.panBy and map.zoomBy to move the map in response to events:

// fourth argument is null, map will be static (no mouse actions):
var map = new com.modestmaps.Map(parent, provider, dimensions, null);

Event handlers are currently properties of the map (hence they are passed into the constructor) but this will probably change with future versions since they can exist quite happily away from the Map internals.

Utility Functions


Used internally for inheritance, com.modestmaps.extend is sometimes useful for implementing new projections and map providers. For example, to implement

var LinearProjection = function(zoom, transformation) {
    // this is a bit like 'super', zoom, transformation);

LinearProjection.prototype = {
    rawProject: function(point) {
        return new com.modestmaps.Point(point.x, point.y);
    rawUnproject: function(point) {
        return new com.modestmaps.Point(point.x, point.y);

com.modestmaps.extend(LinearProjection, com.modestmaps.Projection);

We'd like to remove the need for OOP constructs entirely from the public APIs. Comments welcome!

DOM Events, CSS

These are likely to change or be replaced with an existing toolkit but are currently available for helping manage cross browser DOM event handling and CSS style querying. For the record, they are cancelEvent, addEvent, removeEvent and getStyle. The default MouseHandler is the only user of cancel/add/removeEvent.

To respond to events in the map such as panning, zooming, see addCallback.

Callbacks and Queues

The CallbackManager and RequestManager classes are used internally and should not considered stable APIs.


The official Modest Maps namespace is com.modestmaps, which is used in these examples for correctness. If you want to reduce the amount of typing you can reassign it to a variable, e.g. var MM = com.modestmaps; or assign all its properties to the global object:

for (var prop in com.modestmaps) {
  this[prop] = com.modestmaps[prop];
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