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Building instructions




Building on Windows with Visual Studio

  • Start a MSVC compilation shell for the target platform (32 or 64-bit).

  • Add CMake, Perl and Nasm binary directories to PATH.

  • Create a build directory and cd to it.

  • Execute the commands:

    cmake <source directory> ^
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<target directory> ^
        -DDECRYPTOR=<choice of decryptor> ^
        -DLICENSE_MANAGER=<choice of license manager> ^
        -DOBFUSCATOR=<choice of obfuscator module> ^
        -DTOOL_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory> ^
        -DLVE_KEYS_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory> ^
        -DTOOLS_PUBLIC_KEYS_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory> ^
        -G"NMake Makefiles"
    cmake --build . --config Release --target install


    • LICENSE_MANAGER, DECRYPTOR, and OBFUSCATOR must be set, default implementations are:
      • OBFUSCATOR: src/obfuscators/dummy
      • DECRYPTOR: src/decryptors/default
      • LICENSE_MANAGER: src/license_managers/testingdummy
    • Create a new openssl_keys directory by opening "Git Bash" and executing the commands:
      mkdir openssl_keys
      cd openssl_keys
      openssl genrsa -out "private_key_tool.pem" 4096
      dos2unix "private_key_tool.pem"
      openssl genrsa -out "private_key_lve.pem" 4096
      dos2unix "private_key_lve.pem"
      openssl rsa -pubout -in "private_key_tool.pem" -out "public_key_tool.pem"
      dos2unix "public_key_tool.pem"
      echo public_key_tool.pem > public_key_tools.txt 
    • The openssl_keys directory then contains:
  • To run the unit tests, execute the command:

    ctest -C Release

Building on Linux

Building on Linux with Docker

  • Execute the command:
    docker run --rm -u $(id -u):$(id -g) -v $(pwd):$(pwd) -w $(pwd) -it python /bin/bash -c '
        set -euo pipefail
        pip install --target cmake cmake
        export PYTHONPATH=$(pwd)/cmake${PYTHONPATH:+:${PYTHONPATH:-}}
        export PATH=$(pwd)/cmake/bin:${PATH}
        git clone SEMLA
        cd SEMLA
        mkdir build
        cd build
        # generate keys for testing
        mkdir openssl_keys
        cd openssl_keys
        openssl genrsa -out "private_key_tool.pem" 4096
        openssl genrsa -out "private_key_lve.pem" 4096
        openssl rsa -pubout -in "private_key_tool.pem" -out "public_key_tool.pem"
        echo public_key_tool.pem > public_key_tools.txt 
        cd ..
        # build
        SEMLA_DIR=$(realpath ..)
        cmake "${SEMLA_DIR}/src" \
            -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX="${SEMLA_DIR}/build" \
            -DDECRYPTOR="${SEMLA_DIR}/src/decryptors/default" \
            -DLICENSE_MANAGER="${SEMLA_DIR}/src/license_managers/testingdummy" \
            -DOBFUSCATOR="${SEMLA_DIR}/src/obfuscators/dummy" \
            -DTOOL_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY="${SEMLA_DIR}/build/openssl_keys" \
            -DLVE_KEYS_DIRECTORY="${SEMLA_DIR}/build/openssl_keys" \
        cmake --build .
        cmake --build . --target install
        # test
        ctest -C Release

Building on Linux with Docker and VSCode Devcontainer

  • Clone the repo
  • Open the repo in VSCode
  • Choose Reopen in devcontainer
  • Run the VSCode task generate keys for testing
    • (Type <F1> to run VSCode commands, and then type run task to get to the menu where you can select tasks)
  • Open the CMake Tools view on the left.
  • Under Configure, click on [No Kit Selected] and select the one GCC kit that is proposed.
    • (This also configures the project. Another way to configure the project is to use the VSCode command CMake: Configure)
  • Run the VSCode command CMake: Build
  • Run the VSCode command Test: Run all tests

Building on Linux without Docker

  • Create a build directory and cd to it.

  • Execute the commands:

    cmake <source directory> \
        -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=<target directory> \
        -DDECRYPTOR=<choice of decryptor> \
        -DLICENSE_MANAGER=<choice of license manager> \
        -DOBFUSCATOR=<choice of obfuscator module> \
        -DTOOL_PRIVATE_KEY_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory> \
        -DLVE_KEYS_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory> \
        -DTOOLS_PUBLIC_KEYS_DIRECTORY=<openssl_keys directory>
    cmake --build .
    cmake --build . --target install


    • LICENSE_MANAGER, DECRYPTOR, and OBFUSCATOR must be set, default implementations are:
      • OBFUSCATOR: src/obfuscators/dummy
      • DECRYPTOR: src/decryptors/default
      • LICENSE_MANAGER: src/license_managers/testingdummy
    • Create a new openssl_keys directory by executing the commands:
      mkdir openssl_keys
      cd openssl_keys
      openssl genrsa -out "private_key_tool.pem" 4096
      dos2unix "private_key_tool.pem"
      openssl genrsa -out "private_key_lve.pem" 4096
      dos2unix "private_key_lve.pem"
      openssl rsa -pubout -in "private_key_tool.pem" -out "public_key_tool.pem"
      dos2unix "public_key_tool.pem"
      echo public_key_tool.pem > public_key_tools.txt 
    • The openssl_keys directory then contains:
  • To run the unit tests, execute the command:

    ctest -C Release


When running the tool library test executable test_tool (test_tool.c):

  • If you want to fetch an encrypted file, that file must be encrypted with the latest encrypt_file executable that uses the same random key as LVE to encrypt/decrypt files.
  • If you get an error saying "Error: SSL: Failed to create client CTX structure." when you run test_tool this means that the size of the tool's private key (in its c-file) is different from the extern statement in source file (mlle_licensing.c).