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379 lines (279 loc) · 18.3 KB

File metadata and controls

379 lines (279 loc) · 18.3 KB

Contributing to HoloHub

Table of Contents


Welcome to HoloHub! Please read our README document for an overview of the project.

HoloHub is a collection of applications and reusable operators available to the NVIDIA Holoscan developer community. Polished contributions from community members like you help us augment the Holoscan open source ecosystem with new features and demonstrations.

Please read this guide if you are interested in contributing open source code to HoloHub.

Types of Contributions

Before getting started, assess how your idea or project may best benefit the Holoscan community.

If your idea is:

  • specific to a narrow practical application or use case: Consider submitting to HoloHub as an application.
  • widely applicable across a domain of interests: Consider submitting to HoloHub as an operator and an accompanying application.
  • neither a new operator nor an application: Consider submitting a tutorial to HoloHub.

If your code is:

  • feature-complete and tested: Submit a pull request to contribute your work to HoloHub.
  • a work in progress: We recommend to fork HoloHub and track your local development there, then submit to HoloHub when ready. Alternatively, open pull request and indicate that it is a "work-in-progress" with the prefix "WIP".
  • a patch for an existing application or operator: Submit a pull request and request a review from the original author of the contribution you are patching.

We recommend referring to contributing guidelines for testing and styling goals throughout your development process.

Developer Workflow


Review HoloHub prerequisites before getting started.

We recommend that new developers review GitHub's starting documentation before making their first contribution.


  1. Developers must first fork the upstream HoloHub repository.

  2. Git clone the forked repository and push changes to the personal fork.

git clone HoloHub
# Checkout the targeted branch and commit changes
# Push the commits to a branch on the fork (remote).
git push -u origin <local-branch>:<remote-branch>
  1. Once the code changes are staged on the fork and ready for review, please submit a Pull Request (PR) to merge the changes from a branch of the fork into a selected branch of upstream.
  • Exercise caution when selecting the source and target branches for the PR.
  • Creation of a PR creation kicks off the code review process.
  1. HoloHub maintainers will review the PR and accept the proposal if changes meet HoloHub standards.

Thanks in advance for your patience as we review your contributions. We do appreciate them!

Preparing your submission

We request that members follow the guidelines in this document to make sure new submissions can be easily used by others.

A typical submission consists of:

  • Application, operator, and/or tutorial code making use of the Holoscan SDK;
  • A metadata.json file;
  • A README file describing the application, operator, and/or tutorial;
  • A LICENSE file (optional).

For a submission to be accepted into HoloHub it must meet at least these criteria:

  • Clearly demonstrates added value to the Holoscan community;
  • Receives approval from at least one HoloHub maintainer;
  • Code linting tests pass;
  • Any new code tests pass.

We do not require that community members conduct formal Software Quality Assurance (SQA) to submit to HoloHub.

Metadata description

Every application and operator should have an associated metadata.json file which describes the features and dependencies.

metadata.json schemas differ slightly for applications, GXF extensions, operators, and tutorials, but generally follow the convention below:

// Main json definition for application or operator
"application|operator": {
	    // Explicit name of the contribution
		"name": "explicit name of the application/operator",
		// Author(s) of the contribution
		"authors": [
				"name": "firstname lastname",
				"affiliation": "affiliation"
		// Supported language
		// If multiple languages are supported, create a directory per language and a json file accordingly
		"language": "C++|Python|GXF",
		// Version of the contribution
		"version": "Version of the contribution in the form: major.minor.patch",
		// Change log
		"changelog": {
			"X.X": "Short description of the changes"
		// Holoscan SDK
		"holoscan_sdk": {
			// Minimum supported holoscan version
			"minimum_required_version": "0.6.0",
			// All versions of Holoscan SDK tested for this operator/application
			"tested_versions": [
		// Supported platforms
		"platforms": ["amd64", "arm64"],
		// Free-form tags for referencing the contribution
		"tags": ["Endoscopy", "Video Encoding"],
		// Ranking of the contribution. See below for ranking meaning
		"ranking": 4,
		// Dependencies for the current contribution
		"dependencies": {
			"operators": [{
				"name": "mydependency",
				"version": "x.x.x"
		// Command to run/test the contribution. This is valid for applications.
		// This command is used by the main run script to test the application/
		// Use the <holohub_data_dir> for referencing the data directory
		// "workdir" specifies the working directory and can be holohub_app_bin, holohub_app_source or holohub_bin
		"run": {
			"command": "./myapplication --data <holohub_data_dir>/mydata",
			"workdir": "holohub_app_bin|holohub_app_source|holohub_bin"

Ranking Levels for metadata.json

Please provide a self-assessment of your HoloHub contribution in your metadata.json file(s) according to the levels below:

Level 0 - In par with Main SDK modules

  • Widespread community dependence
  • Above 90% code coverage
  • Nightly dashboards and testing monitored rigorously
  • All requirements below

Level 1 - Very high-quality code

  • Meets all Holoscan SDK code style standards
  • No external requirements beyond those needed by Holoscan SDK proper
  • Builds and passes tests on all supported platforms within 1 month of each core tagged release
  • Active developer community dedicated to maintaining code-base
  • 75% code coverage demonstrated for testing suite
  • Continuous integration testing performed
  • All requirements below

Level 2 - Quality code

  • Compiles on niche community platforms
  • May depend on specific external tools or specific external libraries
  • Tests passing on all supported platforms
  • All requirements below

Level 3 - Features under development

  • Code build on specific platforms/configuration
  • Some tests are passing on supported platforms

Level 4 - Code of unknown quality

  • Code builds on specific platforms/configuration
  • Minimal set of test exists

Level 5 - Deprecated

  • Deprecated code, known to be of limited utility, perhaps has known bugs


Adding a file with clarification on the intent and usage of the application or operator helps developers and users get started quickly with your contribution.

We recommend writing README files in the Markdown format (.md).

Please use the terms defined in the glossary to refer to specific location of files for HoloHub.

Adding an Operator or GXF Extension

Add each operator or extension in its own directory under the operators or gxf_extensions directory. The subdirectory should contain:

  • A metadata.json file which describes its specifications and requirements in accordance with the operator metadata.json schema.
  • A README file summarizing the operator's purpose;
  • A LICENSE file governing use (optional).

Additionally, each operator must have at least one associated application to demonstrate the capabilities of the operator.

Edit CMakeLists.txt to add the new operator as part of the build system using the add_holohub_operator CMake function. If the operator wraps a GXF extension then the optional DEPENDS EXTENSIONS should be added to tell the build system to build the dependent extension(s).

add_holohub_operator(my_operator DEPENDS EXTENSIONS my_extension)

Note that extensions do not have a DEPENDS option.

Refer to the HoloHub operator template folder for stub metadata.json and README files to copy and update for your new operator.

Adding an Application

Add each application in its own subdirectory under the applications directory. The subdirectory should contain:

  • A metadata.json file which describes its specifications and requirements in accordance with the application metadata.json schema.
  • A README file summarizing the application's purpose and architecture;
  • A LICENSE file governing use (optional).

Edit CMakeLists.txt to add the new application as part of the build system using the add_holohub_application CMake function. If the application relies on one or more operators then the optional DEPENDS OPERATORS should be added so that the build system knows to build the dependent operator(s).

add_holohub_application(my_application DEPENDS
                        OPERATORS my_operator1

Refer to the HoloHub application template folder for stub metadata.json and README files to copy and update for your new application.

Adding a Tutorial

Add each tutorial in its own subdirectory under the tutorials directory. The subdirectory should contain:

  • A README file summarizing the application's purpose and architecture;
  • A metadata.json file which describes its specifications and requirements in accordance with the tutorial metadata.json schema (optional);
  • A LICENSE file governing use (optional).

There are no project-wide build requirements for tutorials.

License Guidelines

  • Make sure that you can contribute your work to open source. Verify that no license and/or patent conflict is introduced by your code. NVIDIA is not responsible for conflicts resulting from community contributions.

  • We encourage community submissions under the Apache 2.0 permissive open source license, which is the default for HoloHub. However, if you prefer you may use another license in the submission subdirectory at the time of submission.

  • We require that members sign their contributions to certify their work.

Coding Guidelines

  • All source code contributions must strictly adhere to the Holoscan SDK coding style.

  • Every application and operator should be named with an english descriptive name of the functionality provided. Please avoid using acronyms, brand, or team names.

Signing Your Contribution

  • We require that all contributors "sign-off" on their commits. This certifies that the contribution is your original work, or you have rights to submit it under the same license, or a compatible license.

  • Any contribution which contains commits that are not Signed-Off will not be accepted.

  • To sign off on a commit you simply use the --signoff (or -s) option when committing your changes:

    $ git commit -s -m "Add cool feature."

    This will append the following to your commit message:

    Signed-off-by: Your Name <[email protected]>
  • Full text of the DCO:

      Developer Certificate of Origin
      Version 1.1
      Copyright (C) 2004, 2006 The Linux Foundation and its contributors.
      1 Letterman Drive
      Suite D4700
      San Francisco, CA, 94129
      Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
      Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1
      By making a contribution to this project, I certify that:
      (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or
      (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or
      (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it.
      (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or the open source license(s) involved.


The code submitted to HoloHub needs to pass linting checks to demonstrate compliance with minimum style guidelines.

HoloHub runs linting checks in CI/CD pipelines when new changes are proposed. You will see a linting check result when you create a new pull request. You can also install and run linting tools to aid in local development.

Running lint

To install the necessary linting tools, run:

./run install_lint_deps

The following command can then be used to run various linting tools on the repository. You may optionally pass a path argument to limit the linting to a specific subdirectory.

./run lint [path]

Fixing lint issues

# To fix python ruff issues which can be automatically fixed, run:
ruff --fix --ignore E712 [path]
# To fix python isort issues, run:
isort [path]
# To fix python black code formatting issues, run:
black [path]
# To fix C++ lint issues, run:
clang-format --style=file --sort-includes=0 --lines=20:10000 -i <filename>
# To fix codespell issues, run:
codespell -w -i 3 [path]


Writing tests

Ideally applications should have a testing section in their CMakeLists.txt allowing to run the application for functional testing. HoloHub uses CTest to drive the automated testing.

Running tests

To run the suite of HoloHub tests, run CMake from the top of the HoloHub directory and compile the binary tree. Once the compilation succeeds you can run all the tests using the following command from the top of the binary tree:

cd <holoscan_binary_directory>
# To run all the tests
# To run a specific test
ctest -R MyTest
# To run with verbose mode
ctest -V
# To run with extra verbose mode
ctest -VV


We recommend exploring the following tools below for debugging your application:

  • The Holoscan SDK User Guide Debugging section discusses several common debugging scenarios. Review the user guide for help on investigating application crashes and segfaults, application profiling, inspecting code coverage, and tracing with gdb for C++ applications or pdb for Python applications.
  • The Holoscan SDK User Guide Logging section describes how to set up for runtime logging from Holoscan SDK applications. Logging is a non-disruptive way to understand application runtime behavior.
  • Holoscan SDK provides a VSCode Dev Container for development, described in the Debugging section.
  • The HoloHub dev_container script provides several options that can be useful for debugging:
    • The --as_root option launches an application container as the root user, giving you expanded permissions to install and run debugging programs like gdb.
    • The --local_sdk_root option mounts a local SDK installation into your application container. You can build a local Holoscan SDK installation in Debug mode and then mount it into your container to inspect more complete debug information with gdb.

Note that there is no single debugging workflow nor VSCode Dev Container in HoloHub due to the variety of methods and libraries used across HoloHub applications. If you feel that tools or workflows are missing, please open an issue on GitHub to let us know.


Low latency is a key feature of many HoloHub applications. We recommend exploring the following tools to analyze and report application performance:

We encourage contributors to provide performance insights in application README discussions for community knowledge.

Reporting issues

Please open a HoloHub Issue Request to request an enhancement, bug fix, or other change in HoloHub.