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Requires python3.9

Bootstrapping Forestbot

Use poetry install to install deps. Install notes for Ubuntu Hirsuite in

you'll need to grab [], check out the stdio-generalized ./gradlew installDist, and add a symlink from signal-cli/build/install/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli to the working directory. default-jre should work for signal-cli.

you also need to register an account -- you can use or as a starting point. you can also grab one from the DB if you have access to secrets.

you can use forest/ upload --note MyBotName --number or forest/ sync --number to mess with the DB. your secrets file should be named {prod,staging,dev}_secrets.

you can use forest/ to select said file accordingly. Use ENV=prod forest.. to use prod_secrets, etc.

Running Forestbot Locally

You'll need your signal-cli symlinked to the forest-draft directory. ln -s ~/signal-cli/build/install/signal-cli/bin/signal-cli .

If you have secrets, forest/ list_accounts should show your available accounts. Then you can start it with an available number: python3.9 +5555555555

If you have credentials locally and do not wish to have the datatore updated, the core forestbot can be launched with this command.

sh -c 'BOT_NUMBER=+12406171474 $(which python3) -m forest.core'

Running in Docker Locally

docker build -t contactbot . then docker run --env-file dev_secrets contactbot should work?

Running Forestbot on

We use for hosting. You'll need flyctl: curl -L | sh. Ask for an invite to our fly organization, or add a payment method to your personal fly account. Use fly auth to login.

Create a fly app with fly launch. Use a unique-ish name. This is supposed to create a fly.toml. Don't deploy just yet, we still need to add secrets.

Before deploying for the first time, and afterwords to update secrets, run cat dev_secrets | flyctl secrets import. If you're managing multiple environments like prod and staging, make multiple secrets files with their own BOT_NUMBER, DATABASE_URL, etc. Name those files staging_secrets, prod_secrets, etc. Afterwords, if you want to run stuff locally using a different set of secrets, use e.g. ENV=prod python3.9

Finally, run fly deploy. This will build the docker image, upload it to the fly registry, and actually deploy it to fly. After the first time, deploys generally should be --strategy immediate to not risk the old instance receiving messages and advancing the ratchet after the new instance has already downloaded the state.

flyctl deploy [] [flags] --strategy string The strategy for replacing running instances. Options are canary, rolling, bluegreen, or immediate. Default is canary

fly logs will give you forestbot's output.

If things seem wrong, you can use fly suspend, the above to sync, use signal-cli locally to receive/send --endsession/trust identities/whatever, then fly resume

Options and secrets

  • ENV: if running locally, which {ENV}_secrets file to use.
  • BOT_NUMBER: the number for the bot's signal account
  • ADMIN: admin's phone number, primarily as a fallback recipient for invalid webhooks; may also be used to send error messages and metrics.
  • DATABASE_URL: URL for the Postgres database to store the signal keys in as well as other information.
  • FULL_SERVICE_URL: URL for full-service instance to use for sending and receiving payments
  • CLIENTCRT: client certificate to connect to ssl-enabled full-service.
  • ROOTCRT: certificate to validate full-service.
  • MNEMONIC: account to import for full-service. Not Secure.
  • SIGNAL: which signal client to use. can be 'signal-cli' or 'auxin-cli'. Defaults to auxin.
  • ROOT_DIR: specify the directory where the data file is stored, as well as where the signal-cli executable is. Defaults to /tmp/local-signal if DOWNLOAD, /app if running on fly, and . otherwise
  • SIGNAL_CLI_PATH: specify where the signal-cli executable is if it is not in ROOT_DIR.
  • LOGLEVEL: what log level to use for console logs (DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR). Defaults to DEBUG
  • TYPO_THRESHOLD: maximum normalized Levenshtein edit distance for typo correction. 0 is only exact matches, 1 is any match. Default: 0.3
  • SIGNAL_CLI_PATH: executable to use. useful for running graalvm tracing agent
  • TELI_KEY: token to authenticate with teli
  • URL_OVERRIDE: url teli should post sms to. needed if not running on fly

Binary flags

  • DOWNLOAD: download/upload datastore from the database instead of using what's in the current working directory.
  • AUTOSAVE: start MEMFS, making a fake filesystem in ./data and used to upload the signal-cli datastore to the database whenever it is changed. If DOWNLOAD, also create an equivalent tmpdir at /tmp/local-signal, chdir to it, and symlink signal-cli process and avatar.
  • MONITOR_WALLET: monitor transactions from full-service. Relevant only if you're giving users a payment address to send mobilecoin to instead of using signal pay. Experimental, do not use.
  • LOGFILES: create a debug.log.
  • ADMIN_METRICS: send python and roundtrip timedeltas for each command to ADMIN.
  • ENABLE_MAGIC: use string distence and expansions
  • MIGRATE: run DB migrations (needed when creating a new DB) and set teli sms webhooks
  • ORDER: allow users to buy phonenumbers with /order and /pay shibboleth
  • GROUPS: use group routes, allowing /mkgroup (aka /query), using groups to manage to/from context
  • ADMIN_METRICS: send python and roundtrip timedeltas for each command to ADMIN


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