From d3dc53e36cca085106c592e04d7dddb7db638fa0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Mon, 15 Apr 2024 18:01:36 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 01/10] bump mathlib --- ..._Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean | 18 +------- FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean | 5 ++- ...Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean | 6 +-- ...Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean | 42 +++++++------------ .../Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean | 4 +- lake-manifest.json | 16 +++---- lean-toolchain | 2 +- 7 files changed, 32 insertions(+), 61 deletions(-) diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean b/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean index 0d0f449..df6dfb7 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean @@ -15,23 +15,9 @@ limitations under the License. Authors: Moritz Firsching -/ -import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Basic -import Mathlib.Algebra.BigOperators.Order -import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Pow.Real -import Mathlib.Analysis.Asymptotics.Asymptotics -import Mathlib.Tactic -import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Prime -import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Pow -import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Basic -import Mathlib.Data.Nat.Parity -import Mathlib.FieldTheory.Finite.Basic -import Mathlib.GroupTheory.OrderOfElement -import Mathlib.GroupTheory.Coset import Mathlib.NumberTheory.LucasLehmer import Mathlib.NumberTheory.PrimeCounting -import Mathlib.Order.Filter.AtTopBot -import Mathlib.Topology.Instances.ENNReal -import Mathlib.Topology.Basic +import Mathlib.Analysis.SpecialFunctions.Pow.Real open Finset Nat open BigOperators @@ -146,8 +132,6 @@ lemma ZMod.two_ne_one (q : ℕ) [Fact (1 < q)] : (2 : ZMod q) ≠ 1 := by intro h1 have h : (2 - 1 : ZMod q) = 0 := by exact Iff.mpr sub_eq_zero h1 norm_num at h - have := ZMod.one_ne_zero q - exact this h theorem infinity_of_primes₃: diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean b/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean index 60988a7..1dca995 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean @@ -125,7 +125,7 @@ theorem centralBinom_factorization_small (n : ℕ) (n_large : 2 < n) apply Finset.prod_subset · exact Finset.range_subset.2 (add_le_add_right (Nat.div_le_self _ _) _) intro x hx h2x - rw [Finset.mem_range, lt_succ_iff] at hx h2x + rw [Finset.mem_range, Nat.lt_succ_iff] at hx h2x rw [not_le, div_lt_iff_lt_mul' three_pos, mul_comm x] at h2x replace no_prime := no_prime x rw [← and_assoc, not_and', not_and_or, not_lt] at no_prime @@ -150,7 +150,8 @@ theorem centralBinom_le_of_no_bertrand_prime (n : ℕ) (n_big : 2 < n) let f x := x ^ n.centralBinom.factorization x have : ∏ x : ℕ in S, f x = ∏ x : ℕ in Finset.range (2 * n / 3 + 1), f x := by refine' Finset.prod_filter_of_ne fun p _ h => _ - contrapose! h; dsimp only + contrapose! h + dsimp [f] rw [factorization_eq_zero_of_non_prime n.centralBinom h, _root_.pow_zero] rw [centralBinom_factorization_small n n_big no_prime, ← this, ← Finset.prod_filter_mul_prod_filter_not S (· ≤ Nat.sqrt (2 * n))] diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean b/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean index 2ddf7d2..4952ada 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean @@ -15,12 +15,8 @@ limitations under the License. Authors: Moritz Firsching, Nikolas Kuhn -/ -import Mathlib.Tactic +import Mathlib.Algebra.Polynomial.Basic import Mathlib.Data.ZMod.Basic -import Mathlib.Data.Finset.Card -import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.Basic -import Mathlib.Order.LocallyFinite - open ZMod Finset open Polynomial (X) diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean b/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean index 7b67e3b..5234661 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean @@ -15,20 +15,10 @@ limitations under the License. Authors: Moritz Firsching, Nick Kuhn -/ -import Mathlib.Tactic -import Mathlib.Data.Set.Basic -import Mathlib.Data.Fintype.Card -import Mathlib.RingTheory.IntegralDomain -import Mathlib.RingTheory.Subring.Basic -import Mathlib.RingTheory.RootsOfUnity.Complex -import Mathlib.RingTheory.Polynomial.Cyclotomic.Basic -import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.RingDivision -import Mathlib.Algebra.Group.Conj -import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.FiniteDimensional -import Mathlib.LinearAlgebra.Basis -import Mathlib.Data.Polynomial.Basic -import Mathlib.Data.Complex.Basic -import Mathlib.GroupTheory.ClassEquation +import Mathlib.RingTheory.Henselian +import Mathlib.RingTheory.HopfAlgebra +import Mathlib.RingTheory.LittleWedderburn +import Mathlib.Algebra.Lie.OfAssociative open Finset Subring Polynomial Complex BigOperators Nat /-! @@ -112,8 +102,9 @@ theorem h_lamb_gt_q_sub_one (q n : ℕ) (lamb : ℂ): have g := (Real.sqrt_lt_sqrt_iff this).mpr (h_ineq) have : Real.sqrt (((q:ℝ) - 1) ^ 2) = ((q : ℝ) - 1) := by sorry rw [this] at g - simp only [norm_eq_abs, map_nonneg, Real.sqrt_sq] at g - exact g + rw [norm_eq_abs, Real.sqrt_sq] at g + · exact g + · aesop lemma div_of_qpoly_div (k n q : ℕ) (hq : 1 < q) (hk : 0 < k) (hn : 0 < n) (H : q ^ k - 1 ∣ q ^ n - 1) : k ∣ n := by @@ -131,14 +122,14 @@ lemma div_of_qpoly_div (k n q : ℕ) (hq : 1 < q) (hk : 0 < k) (hn : 0 < n) calc _ < q := hq _ = q^1 := (Nat.pow_one q).symm - _ ≤ q ^ m := (pow_le_pow_iff hq).mpr hm + _ ≤ q ^ m := (pow_le_pow_iff_right hq).mpr hm exact Nat.sub_pos_of_lt this have : q ^ k - 1 ≤ q ^ m - 1 := Nat.le_of_dvd this H have : q ^ k ≤ q ^ m := by zify at this simp at this simpa [Nat.sub_add_cancel <| one_le_pow m q hq'] using this - exact (pow_le_pow_iff hq).mp this + exact (pow_le_pow_iff_right hq).mp this have : q ^ m - 1 = q^(m - k)*(q ^ k - 1) + (q^(m - k) - 1) := by zify @@ -310,10 +301,8 @@ theorem wedderburn (h: Fintype R): IsField R := by intro hs apply(Int.dvd_div_of_mul_dvd _) have h_one_neq: 1 ≠ n_k A := by - dsimp only sorry have h_k_n_lt_n: n_k A < n := by - dsimp only sorry have h_noneval := phi_div_2 n (n_k A) h_one_neq (h_n_k_A_dvd A) h_k_n_lt_n have := @eval_dvd ℤ _ _ _ q h_noneval @@ -330,14 +319,15 @@ theorem wedderburn (h: Fintype R): IsField R := by rw [cast_add] at this rw [← this] simp [hq_pow_pos n] - simp [hq] at h1' + --rw [hq] at h1' + norm_num at h1' simp [h1'] at h₁_dvd - rw [← hq] at h₁_dvd - exact (Int.dvd_add_left h₂_dvd).mp h₁_dvd + refine (Int.dvd_add_left h₂_dvd).mp ?_ + convert h₁_dvd by_contra - have g : map (Int.castRingHom ℂ) (phi n) = ∏ lamb in (primitiveRoots n ℂ), (X - C lamb) := by + have g : (Int.castRingHom ℂ) (phi n) = ∏ lamb in (primitiveRoots n ℂ), (X - C lamb) := by dsimp only [phi] simp only [map_cyclotomic] have := isPrimitiveRoot_exp n h_n @@ -378,10 +368,10 @@ theorem wedderburn (h: Fintype R): IsField R := by refine' not_le_of_gt h_gt _ have : (q - 1 : ℕ) = (q : ℤ) - 1 := by - exact Int.coe_pred_of_pos this + exact Int.natCast_pred_of_pos this rw [← this] at h_norm have : Int.natAbs (eval (↑q) (cyclotomic n ℤ)) = |eval (↑q) (phi n)| := by - simp only [Int.coe_natAbs] + simp only [Int.natCast_natAbs] rfl rw [← this] at h_norm exact_mod_cast h_norm diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean b/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean index d7fdf10..f3a7191 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean @@ -85,7 +85,7 @@ theorem friendship_theorem [Nonempty V] refine' Fintype.one_lt_card_iff.mpr _ use v use x - rw [eq₁] at this + rw [(show Fintype.card V = n by rfl), eq₁] at this tauto -- In case k = 2, we have G = K₃ · norm_num at eq₁ @@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ theorem friendship_theorem [Nonempty V] exact fun h => ⟨(G.ne_of_adj h).symm, Finset.mem_univ _⟩ convert_to 2 ≤ _ · convert_to _ = Fintype.card V - 1 - · rw [eq₁] + · rw [(show Fintype.card V = n by rfl), eq₁] · exact Finset.card_erase_of_mem (Finset.mem_univ _) · rw [hregular] rw [this] diff --git a/lake-manifest.json b/lake-manifest.json index 7d9df30..3f7f1ed 100644 --- a/lake-manifest.json +++ b/lake-manifest.json @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ [{"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "0d0ac1c43e1ec1965e0806af9e7a32999ea31096", + "rev": "32983874c1b897d78f20d620fe92fc8fd3f06c3a", "name": "std", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "1c88406514a636d241903e2e288d21dc6d861e01", + "rev": "64365c656d5e1bffa127d2a1795f471529ee0178", "name": "Qq", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "master", @@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "24a4e8fea81999723bfc38bebf7adc86c2f26c6c", + "rev": "5fefb40a7c9038a7150e7edd92e43b1b94c49e79", "name": "aesop", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "master", @@ -31,16 +31,16 @@ {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "8dd18350791c85c0fc9adbd6254c94a81d260d35", + "rev": "fb65c476595a453a9b8ffc4a1cea2db3a89b9cd8", "name": "proofwidgets", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", - "inputRev": "v0.0.25", + "inputRev": "v0.0.30", "inherited": true, "configFile": "lakefile.lean"}, {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "a751d21d4b68c999accb6fc5d960538af26ad5ec", + "rev": "be8fa79a28b8b6897dce0713ef50e89c4a0f6ef5", "name": "Cli", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "7d051a52c49ac25ee5a04c7a2a70148cc95ddab3", + "rev": "61a79185b6582573d23bf7e17f2137cd49e7e662", "name": "importGraph", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": "main", @@ -58,7 +58,7 @@ {"url": "", "type": "git", "subDir": null, - "rev": "66439f5ad62664e7dda3c6b6a5fedbfee4112950", + "rev": "9125a0936fd86f4bb74bebe27f0b1cd0c5a2b7cf", "name": "mathlib", "manifestFile": "lake-manifest.json", "inputRev": null, diff --git a/lean-toolchain b/lean-toolchain index 3f21e50..9ad3040 100644 --- a/lean-toolchain +++ b/lean-toolchain @@ -1 +1 @@ -leanprover/lean4:v4.5.0-rc1 +leanprover/lean4:v4.7.0 From c769b0341ad0279a4e61097805e85d317f2586e7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Stephan Date: Thu, 18 Apr 2024 19:03:13 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 02/10] add lemma for proof 4 (#50) --- .../Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean | 12 ++++++++++++ 1 file changed, 12 insertions(+) diff --git a/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean b/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean index df6dfb7..a7ddfc7 100644 --- a/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean +++ b/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean @@ -213,6 +213,18 @@ theorem infinity_of_primes₄ : Tendsto π atTop atTop := by -- (2) This implies that it is not bounded sorry +-- This might be useful for the proof. Rename as you like. +lemma H_P4_1 {k p: ℝ} (hk: k > 0) (hp: p ≥ k + 1): p / (p - 1) ≤ (k + 1) / k := by + have h_k_nonzero: k ≠ 0 := ne_iff_lt_or_gt.mpr (Or.inr hk) + have h_p_pred_pos: p - 1 > 0 := by linarith + have h_p_pred_nonzero: p - 1 ≠ 0 := ne_iff_lt_or_gt.mpr (Or.inr h_p_pred_pos) + have h₁: p / (p - 1) = 1 + 1 / (p - 1) := by + rw [one_add_div h_p_pred_nonzero, sub_add_cancel] + rw [← one_add_div h_k_nonzero, h₁, add_le_add_iff_left, + one_div_le_one_div h_p_pred_pos hk, @le_sub_iff_add_le] + exact hp + + /-! ### Fifth proof From 47ff7fdf836a9c1f82aaeb29a17058484b6a5054 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Ralf Stephan Date: Fri, 19 Apr 2024 10:23:01 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 03/10] fix typo (#48) --- | 2 +- 1 file changed, 1 insertion(+), 1 deletion(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 240997c..a5ea071 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -39,7 +39,7 @@ Status of the chapters: 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](./src/chapters/04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](./src/chapters/05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](./src/chapters/06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_ballon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](./src/chapters/07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](./src/chapters/07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](./src/chapters/08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) 9. :x: [Four times ](./src/chapters/09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ From 863bdae99ef1c77c36c6556fd801604736384eef Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:08:26 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 04/10] fix links --- | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index a5ea071..8aafbc8 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,56 +33,56 @@ Status of the chapters: - :tada: chapter is completely formalized (possibly excluding the Appendix) ### Number Theory - 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](./src/chapters/01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) - 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](./src/chapters/02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) - 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](./src/chapters/03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) - 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](./src/chapters/04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) - 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](./src/chapters/05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) - 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](./src/chapters/06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](./src/chapters/07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) - 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](./src/chapters/08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) - 9. :x: [Four times ](./src/chapters/09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ + 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](./FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) + 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](./FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) + 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](./FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) + 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](./FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) + 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](./FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) + 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](./FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](./FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) + 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](./FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) + 9. :x: [Four times ](./FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ ### Geometry - 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](./src/chapters/10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) - 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](./src/chapters/11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) - 12. :x: [The slope problem](./src/chapters/12_The_slope_problem.lean) - 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](./src/chapters/13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) - 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](./src/chapters/14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) - 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](./src/chapters/15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) - 16. :x: [Touching simplices](./src/chapters/16_Touching_simplices.lean) - 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](./src/chapters/17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) - 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](./src/chapters/18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) + 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](./FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) + 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](./FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) + 12. :x: [The slope problem](./FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) + 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](./FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) + 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](./FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) + 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](./FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) + 16. :x: [Touching simplices](./FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) + 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](./FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) + 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](./FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) ### Analysis - 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](./src/chapters/19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) - 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](./src/chapters/20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) - 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](./src/chapters/21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) - 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](./src/chapters/22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) - 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](./src/chapters/23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) - 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](./src/chapters/24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) - 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](./src/chapters/25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) - 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](./src/chapters/26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) - 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](./src/chapters/27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) + 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](./FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) + 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](./FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) + 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](./FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) + 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](./FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) + 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](./FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) + 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](./FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) + 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](./FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) + 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](./FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) + 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](./FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) ### Combinatorics - 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](./src/chapters/28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) - 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](./src/chapters/29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) - 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](./src/chapters/30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) - 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](./src/chapters/31_Shuffling_cards.lean) - 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](./src/chapters/32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) - 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](./src/chapters/33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) - 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](./src/chapters/34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) - 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](./src/chapters/35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) - 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](./src/chapters/36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) + 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](./FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) + 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](./FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) + 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](./FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) + 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](./FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) + 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](./FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) + 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](./FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) + 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](./FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) + 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](./FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) + 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](./FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) ### Graph Theory - 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](./src/chapters/37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) - 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](./src/chapters/38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) - 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](./src/chapters/39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) - 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](./src/chapters/40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) - 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](./src/chapters/41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) - 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](./src/chapters/42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) - 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](./src/chapters/43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) - 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](./src/chapters/44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) - 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](./src/chapters/45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) + 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](./FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) + 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](./FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) + 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](./FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) + 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](./FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) + 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](./FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) + 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](./FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) + 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](./FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) + 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](./FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) + 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](./FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) ## Contributing From 571d36fe22a31d2aee6b59986d4991e86d396306 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:11:15 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 05/10] fix links --- | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 8aafbc8..df66023 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,56 +33,56 @@ Status of the chapters: - :tada: chapter is completely formalized (possibly excluding the Appendix) ### Number Theory - 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](./FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) - 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](./FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) - 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](./FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) - 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](./FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) - 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](./FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) - 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](./FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](./FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) - 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](./FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) - 9. :x: [Four times ](./FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ + 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) + 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) + 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) + 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) + 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) + 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) + 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) + 9. :x: [Four times ](FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ ### Geometry - 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](./FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) - 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](./FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) - 12. :x: [The slope problem](./FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) - 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](./FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) - 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](./FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) - 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](./FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) - 16. :x: [Touching simplices](./FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) - 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](./FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) - 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](./FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) + 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) + 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) + 12. :x: [The slope problem](FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) + 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) + 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) + 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) + 16. :x: [Touching simplices](FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) + 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) + 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) ### Analysis - 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](./FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) - 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](./FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) - 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](./FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) - 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](./FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) - 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](./FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) - 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](./FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) - 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](./FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) - 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](./FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) - 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](./FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) + 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) + 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) + 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) + 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) + 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) + 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) + 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) + 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) + 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) ### Combinatorics - 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](./FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) - 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](./FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) - 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](./FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) - 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](./FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) - 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](./FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) - 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](./FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) - 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](./FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) - 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](./FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) - 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](./FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) + 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) + 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) + 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) + 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) + 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) + 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) + 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) + 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) + 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) ### Graph Theory - 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](./FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) - 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](./FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) - 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](./FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) - 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](./FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) - 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](./FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) - 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](./FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) - 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](./FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) - 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](./FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) - 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](./FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) + 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) + 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) + 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) + 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) + 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) + 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) + 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) + 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) + 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) ## Contributing From e54e58541fc395483d06e5755f739c21171023b9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:15:21 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 06/10] fix links --- | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index df66023..77dde2c 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,56 +33,56 @@ Status of the chapters: - :tada: chapter is completely formalized (possibly excluding the Appendix) ### Number Theory - 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) - 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) - 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) - 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) - 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) - 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) - 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) - 9. :x: [Four times ](FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ + 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) + 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) + 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](/FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) + 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](/FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) + 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) + 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](/FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) + 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](/FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) + 9. :x: [Four times ](/FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ ### Geometry - 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) - 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) - 12. :x: [The slope problem](FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) - 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) - 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) - 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) - 16. :x: [Touching simplices](FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) - 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) - 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) + 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](/FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) + 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](/FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) + 12. :x: [The slope problem](/FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) + 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](/FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) + 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](/FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) + 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](/FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) + 16. :x: [Touching simplices](/FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) + 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](/FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) + 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](/FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) ### Analysis - 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) - 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) - 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) - 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) - 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) - 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) - 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) - 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) - 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) + 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](/FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) + 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](/FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) + 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](/FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) + 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](/FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) + 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](/FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) + 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](/FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) + 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](/FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) + 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](/FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) + 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](/FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) ### Combinatorics - 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) - 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) - 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) - 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) - 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) - 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) - 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) - 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) - 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) + 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](/FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) + 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](/FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) + 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](/FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) + 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](/FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) + 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](/FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) + 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](/FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) + 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](/FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) + 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](/FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) + 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](/FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) ### Graph Theory - 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) - 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) - 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) - 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) - 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) - 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) - 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) - 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) - 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) + 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](/FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) + 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](/FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) + 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](/FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) + 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](/FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) + 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](/FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) + 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](/FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) + 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](/FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) + 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) + 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](/FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) ## Contributing From 38a797a3c937eb011da5b87aa6c118e892ccafb0 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:18:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 07/10] fix links --- | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 77dde2c..90676df 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,56 +33,56 @@ Status of the chapters: - :tada: chapter is completely formalized (possibly excluding the Appendix) ### Number Theory - 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) - 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) - 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](/FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) - 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](/FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) - 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) - 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](/FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) - 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](/FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) - 9. :x: [Four times ](/FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ + 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) + 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) + 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) + 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) + 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) + 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) + 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) + 9. :x: [Four times ](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ ### Geometry - 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](/FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) - 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](/FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) - 12. :x: [The slope problem](/FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) - 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](/FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) - 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](/FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) - 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](/FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) - 16. :x: [Touching simplices](/FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) - 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](/FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) - 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](/FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) + 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) + 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) + 12. :x: [The slope problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) + 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) + 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) + 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) + 16. :x: [Touching simplices](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) + 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) + 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) ### Analysis - 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](/FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) - 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](/FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) - 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](/FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) - 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](/FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) - 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](/FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) - 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](/FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) - 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](/FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) - 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](/FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) - 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](/FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) + 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) + 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) + 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) + 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) + 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) + 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) + 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) + 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) + 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) ### Combinatorics - 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](/FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) - 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](/FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) - 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](/FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) - 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](/FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) - 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](/FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) - 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](/FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) - 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](/FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) - 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](/FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) - 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](/FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) + 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) + 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) + 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) + 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) + 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) + 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) + 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) + 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) + 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) ### Graph Theory - 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](/FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) - 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](/FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) - 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](/FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) - 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](/FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) - 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](/FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) - 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](/FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) - 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](/FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) - 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) - 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](/FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) + 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) + 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) + 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) + 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) + 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) + 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) + 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) + 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) + 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) ## Contributing From 940abed95c9f4ffc9bc7a8f4a0c1f95f2c2f44f9 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 13:31:19 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 08/10] make links absolute --- | 90 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------------- 1 file changed, 45 insertions(+), 45 deletions(-) diff --git a/ b/ index 90676df..2ffc63e 100644 --- a/ +++ b/ @@ -33,56 +33,56 @@ Status of the chapters: - :tada: chapter is completely formalized (possibly excluding the Appendix) ### Number Theory - 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch01_Six_proofs_of_the_infinity_of_primes.lean) - 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch02_Bertrand's_postulate.lean) - 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch03_Binomial_coefficients_are_(almost)_never_powers.lean) - 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch04_Representing_numbers_as_sums_of_two_squares.lean) - 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch05_The_law_of_quadratic_reciprocity.lean) - 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch06_Every_finite_division_ring_is_a_field.lean) - 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch07_The_spectral_theorem_and_Hadamard's_determinant_problem.lean) - 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch08_Some_irrational_numbers.lean) - 9. :x: [Four times ](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch09_Four_times_pi²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ + 1. :speech_balloon: [Six proofs of the infinity of primes]( + 2. :speech_balloon: [Bertrand's postulate]('s_postulate.lean) + 3. :speech_balloon: [Binomial coefficients are (almost) never powers]( + 4. :x: [Representing numbers as sums of two squares]( + 5. :thought_balloon: [The law of quadratic reciprocity]( + 6. :thought_balloon: [Every finite division ring is a field]( + 7. :thought_balloon: [The spectral theorem and Hadamard's determinant problem]('s_determinant_problem.lean) + 8. :thought_balloon: [Some irrational numbers]( + 9. :x: [Four times ](²_over_6.lean)$\pi^2/6$ ### Geometry - 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch10_Hilbert's_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) - 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch11_Lines_in_the_plane_and_decompositions_of_graphs.lean) - 12. :x: [The slope problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch12_The_slope_problem.lean) - 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch13_Three_applications_of_Euler's_formula.lean) - 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch14_Cauchy's_rigidity_theorem.lean) - 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch15_The_Borromean_rings_don't_exist.lean) - 16. :x: [Touching simplices](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch16_Touching_simplices.lean) - 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch17_Every_large_point_set_has_an_obtuse_angle.lean) - 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch18_Borsuk's_conjecture.lean) + 10. :x: [Hilbert's third problem: decomposing polyhedra]('s_third_problem_decomposing_polyhedra.lean) + 11. :x: [Lines in the plane and decompositions of graphs]( + 12. :x: [The slope problem]( + 13. :x: [Three applications of Euler's formula]('s_formula.lean) + 14. :x: [Cauchy's rigidity theorem]('s_rigidity_theorem.lean) + 15. :x: [The Borromean rings don't exist]('t_exist.lean) + 16. :x: [Touching simplices]( + 17. :x: [Every large point set has an obtuse angle]( + 18. :x: [Borsuk's conjecture]('s_conjecture.lean) ### Analysis - 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch19_Sets,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) - 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch20_In_praise_of_inequalities.lean) - 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch21_The_fundamental_theorem_of_algebra.lean) - 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch22_One_square_and_an_odd_number_of_triangles.lean) - 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch23_A_theorem_of_Pólya_on_polynomials.lean) - 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch24_Van_der_Waerden's_permanent_conjecture.lean) - 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch25_On_a_lemma_of_Littlewook_and_Offord.lean) - 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch26_Cotangent_and_the_Herglotz_trick.lean) - 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch27_Buffon's_needle_problem.lean) + 19. :x: [Sets, functions, and the continuum hypothesis](,_functions,_and_the_continuum_hypothesis.lean) + 20. :thought_balloon: [In praise of inequalities]( + 21. :thought_balloon: [The fundamental theorem of algebra]( + 22. :x: [One square and an odd number of triangles]( + 23. :x: [A theorem of Pólya on polynomials](ólya_on_polynomials.lean) + 24. :x: [Van der Waerden's permanent conjecture]('s_permanent_conjecture.lean) + 25. :x: [On a lemma of Littlewook and Offord]( + 26. :x: [Cotangent and the Herglotz trick]( + 27. :x: [Buffon's needle problem]('s_needle_problem.lean) ### Combinatorics - 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch28_Pigeon-hole_and_double_counting.lean) - 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch29_Tiling_rectangles.lean) - 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch30_Three_famous_theorems_on_finite_sets.lean) - 31. :x: [Shuffling cards](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch31_Shuffling_cards.lean) - 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch32_Lattice_paths_and_determinants.lean) - 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch33_Cayley's_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) - 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch34_Identities_versus_bijections.lean) - 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch35_The_finite_Kakeya_problem.lean) - 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch36_Completing_Latin_squares.lean) + 28. :x: [Pigeon-hole and double counting]( + 29. :x: [Tiling rectangles]( + 30. :x: [Three famous theorems on finite sets]( + 31. :x: [Shuffling cards]( + 32. :thought_balloon: [Lattice paths and determinants]( + 33. :x: [Cayley's formula for the number of trees]('s_formula_for_the_number_of_trees.lean) + 34. :x: [Identities versus bijections]( + 35. :x: [The finite Kakeya problem]( + 36. :x: [Completing Latin squares]( ### Graph Theory - 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch37_Permanents_and_the_power_of_entropy.lean) - 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch38_The_Dinitz_problem.lean) - 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch39_Five-coloring_plane_graphs.lean) - 40. :x: [How to guard a museum](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch40_How_to_guard_a_museum.lean) - 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch41_Turán's_graph_theorem.lean) - 42. :x: [Communicating without errors](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch42_Communicating_without_errors.lean) - 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch43_The_chromatic_number_of_Kneser_graphs.lean) - 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch44_Of_friends_and_politicians.lean) - 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy](formal_book/blob/main/FormalBook/Ch45_Probability_makes_counting_(sometimes)_easy.lean) + 37. :x: [Permanents and the power of entropy]( + 38. :x: [The Dinitz problem]( + 39. :x: [Five-coloring plane graphs]( + 40. :x: [How to guard a museum]( + 41. :x: [Turán's graph theorem](án's_graph_theorem.lean) + 42. :x: [Communicating without errors]( + 43. :x: [The chromatic number of Kneser graphs]( + 44. :speech_balloon: [Of friends and politicians]( + 45. :thought_balloon: [Probability makes counting (sometimes) easy]( ## Contributing From 28bc37048ea8d8b868af85efc4cc3beb1f666379 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Moritz Firsching Date: Sun, 21 Apr 2024 14:19:17 +0200 Subject: [PATCH 09/10] Setup blueprint (#51) --- .github/workflows/blueprint.yml | 92 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ blueprint/src/content.tex | 7 +++ blueprint/src/extra_styles.css | 25 +++++++++ blueprint/src/latexmkrc | 5 ++ blueprint/src/macros/common.tex | 3 ++ blueprint/src/macros/print.tex | 26 ++++++++++ blueprint/src/macros/web.tex | 5 ++ blueprint/src/plastex.cfg | 17 ++++++ blueprint/src/print.tex | 33 ++++++++++++ blueprint/src/web.tex | 27 ++++++++++ lake-manifest.json | 9 ++++ lakefile.lean | 6 +++ 12 files changed, 255 insertions(+) create mode 100644 .github/workflows/blueprint.yml create mode 100644 blueprint/src/content.tex create mode 100644 blueprint/src/extra_styles.css create mode 100644 blueprint/src/latexmkrc create mode 100644 blueprint/src/macros/common.tex create mode 100644 blueprint/src/macros/print.tex create mode 100644 blueprint/src/macros/web.tex create mode 100644 blueprint/src/plastex.cfg create mode 100644 blueprint/src/print.tex create mode 100644 blueprint/src/web.tex diff --git a/.github/workflows/blueprint.yml b/.github/workflows/blueprint.yml new file mode 100644 index 0000000..a0e41dc --- /dev/null +++ b/.github/workflows/blueprint.yml @@ -0,0 +1,92 @@ +on: + push: + branches: + - 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