Project written in VHDL to create an electronic safe with password functionality and PMOD interfacing.
- Basys 3 FPGA
- Digilent PMOD KYPD 16-button keypad
- Servo motor (MicroServo 9g SG90)
- Passive buzzer
- Green LED
- Servo: POWER -> VCC on JB, GND -> GND on JB, SIGNAL -> JB4
- Buzzer: GND -> GND on JC, POSITIVE -> JC4
- The safe will boot up in 'SET' mode.
- The four leftmost switches on the FPGA are used to select a digit to input through the keypad.
- To set a password, press the left button on the FPGA and the green LED should turn on indicating the password was set. (safe must be in 'UNLOCKED' mode and switches must be down)
- To lock the safe, press the right button on the FPGA. The servo will move to the 'closed' position and the seven-segment display will reset to "0000".
- To unlock the safe, type in the correct password and press the top button on the FPGA.
- SmartSafeMain: Main file, handles component port mapping and global states
- Decoder: For decoding input from keypad and selecting digits
- SevenSeg: Contains decoder for displaying proper numbers and letters on seven-segment and refreshes display in order to show different digits on each display
- ServoClock: Divides main clock to be used for servo PWM generation
- ServoPWM: Takes divided clock from ServoClock and uses it to generate a PWM signal for servo position
- BuzzerClock: Divides main clock to generate square wave for buzzer to make audible sound
- state_package: Contains global states to be used across files