This file is over two years old. Should check these things, but for now adding new items.
- if autosave takes a while, window will be closed when completion handler is called and that fails an assert at MacAppStatus.swift:69 started at AbstractEditorController.swift:160 (autosaveCurrentDocument)
- Search for TODO: in project
- add localization of strings using NSLocalizedString
- reevaluate all os_log calls to make sure using correct level
- examine all fataError calls to see if there is a better way to handle the problem
- are we properly escaping strings to prevent input buffer errors?
- document why swiftlint rules are disabled, see if bugs might have been fixed
- write unit tests for InputPrompter validation
- RestServerTests and EditorDocumentTests are disabled and need fixing.
- SystemExtensionsTests is incomplete
- implement FileImporterTests
- when a file is clicked in the results, it will show the newest version, not the version returned at that time. Is this a problem?
- what is UI to delete a workspace?
- when a file has changed, should user see notice that isn't the same file as when attachment icon was generated? Or should be remove icons? Or store version info and color if different?
- if dockerUrl is set but not responding, no error message is logged or notified
- eventually need to be able to reopen everything network related (DockerEventManager)
- need to remove old docker images after a pull of a new image
- need UI to reset rc2_dbdata volume
- docker event stream can timeout. need to handle this (takes hours to happen)
- if a dbserver image is updated, the dbdata volume still has the data in it. need to backup the sql and then restore it after creating a new volume. The rc2.last file created on first db run is there, which causes db container to fail.
- Validate image versions of containers. If a current container is using rc2server/appserver:0.4.1 and we've just pulled 0.4.2, the container needs to be deleted and recreated with the newer image.
- backup/preserve any locally installed R packages
- need to be able to update packages over ones in docker image, remembered if container rebuilt. docker image with path in .libPaths(), includes rc2 package
- compute engine barfs on markdown files with a space in their name
- attachment only links via id. If a generated file (pdf, html) need to match on name since id constantly changes.
- hover over image icons to see preview
- add twiddle to see output from rmd, rnw build commands (currently suppressed at compute level)
- opening sidebar on full screen adjust only the size of editor, not results.
- pending transactions need a timeout
- need to handle error with bad network
- show error if import fails
- restore sessions: what happens if there is an error opening a session? Probably hangs
- partial match searching not working properly
- chunk navigation is broken
- implement searchbar interface to use for console
- when editing non-executable files, need to disable buttons, maybe explicit save so refreshes if displayed in output
- new workspace not consistent in full screen w/ session window
- html output content search
- implement searchbar interface to use for console
- viewers should offer quick jump menu to recently viewed items
- need to adjust progress size if only pulling 1 or 2 images
- need to move framework required defaults to each framework, and have app load them allowing each succeeding framework to overwrite lower ones
- need to add help for installed packages
- is it possible for multiple save requests to be in progress at one time? prohibit or handle
- variable sidebar should support copy: for specific types
- how are dates formatted for copy? date vs datetime.
- write nstexfield that scales font size so text fits (for help page title)