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Prototype App

Past due by about 1 year 100% complete

Language from SOW:

The application will interact with and annotate large multi-dimensional image data contained in TIFF and H5 files. The prototype will target support for functionality including:

  • Data architecture to request specific image layers from an original hosted dataset and pan through layers and/or select specific layers using a Dash interface
  • S…

Language from SOW:

The application will interact with and annotate large multi-dimensional image data contained in TIFF and H5 files. The prototype will target support for functionality including:

  • Data architecture to request specific image layers from an original hosted dataset and pan through layers and/or select specific layers using a Dash interface
  • Support for image data transformations, specifically brightness and/or contrast
  • Annotation support, such as drawing on images, based on the existing Plotly toolbar annotation tools built-into Plotly charts
  • Some annotation attributes, such as size and opacity, will be managed with custom UI forms and callback logic
    Individual slices from visualized image files will be downloadable using the Plotly toolbar
  • Prototype may not support hosted saving of annotation data, where annotations can be written back to the host server or downloaded as a set of raster images from the browser.