diff --git a/src/trace_link/kineto_operator.py b/src/trace_link/kineto_operator.py
index 12c7228a..2016d410 100644
--- a/src/trace_link/kineto_operator.py
+++ b/src/trace_link/kineto_operator.py
@@ -95,12 +95,14 @@ def is_cuda_launch_op(self) -> bool:
         cuda_launch_categories = {"cuda_runtime", "cuda_driver"}
         cuda_launch_operations = {
+            "cuLaunchKernel",
+            "cuLaunchKernelEx",
-            "cudaMemcpyToSymbol",
+            "cudaMemcpyToSymbol",
         return self.category in cuda_launch_categories and self.name in cuda_launch_operations
diff --git a/tests/trace_link/test_kineto_operator.py b/tests/trace_link/test_kineto_operator.py
index 0c3f131b..cff11751 100644
--- a/tests/trace_link/test_kineto_operator.py
+++ b/tests/trace_link/test_kineto_operator.py
@@ -47,3 +47,34 @@ def test_repr_method(sample_operator_data):
     assert repr(operator) == expected_repr
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("category, name, expected", [
+    ("cuda_driver", "cuLaunchKernel", True),
+    ("cuda_driver", "cuLaunchKernelEx", True),
+    ("cuda_driver", "cudaLaunchKernel", True),
+    ("cuda_driver", "cudaLaunchKernelExC", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cuLaunchKernel", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cuLaunchKernelEx", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaLaunchKernel", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaLaunchKernelExC", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaMemcpy", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaMemcpyAsync", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaMemcpyFromSymbol", True),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "cudaMemcpyToSymbol", True),
+    ("cpu_op", "cudaLaunchKernel", False),
+    ("cuda_runtime", "someOtherOperation", False),
+    ("some_other_category", "cudaLaunchKernel", False)
+def test_is_cuda_launch_op(category, name, expected):
+    """Test the is_cuda_launch_op method with various inputs."""
+    operator_data = {
+        "cat": category,
+        "name": name,
+        "ph": "X",
+        "dur": 100,
+        "ts": 1590000000,
+        "tid": 1234,
+        "args": {"External id": "123", "Ev Idx": "456", "stream": 7, "Record function id": 12, "correlation": 99},
+    }
+    operator = KinetoOperator(operator_data)
+    assert operator.is_cuda_launch_op() == expected