The goal of this project is to operate a cardano testnet under constant congestion. To achieve this, an additional spammer component has been added. This component continuously generates transactions to simulate periods of congestion commonly observed on the mainnet.
The Genesis SPO node with a spammer, which simulates network congestion, is running on the server
on the following ports:
– Faucet1442
– Kupo1337
– Ogmios5000
– Shared testnet configuration files for running a custom node
You can submit custom transactions without running a local node. This process is demonstrated in the js-example
. It demonstrates the following:
- Withdrawing funds from the Faucet.
- Submitting a tx through Ogmios.
- Checking when the tx appears on chain with Kupo.
To run the JS example, you will first need to have nodejs
and docker
You will also need cardano-node
and cardano-cli
alias cardano-node="docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace /bin/cardano-node"
alias cardano-cli="docker run --rm -it -v $(pwd):/workspace /bin/cardano-cli"
Use the following commands to run the example:
cd examples/js-example
npm install
node .
You can also run your own Genesis SPO node with Ogmios, Kupo, Faucet, Share Config, and Prometheus Metrics, and simulate congestion using Spammer. It is worth mentioning that you can regulate congestion using the MEMPOOL_PAUSE_LIMIT (max 1_000_000 bytes). This means, the Spammer will run until the mempool reaches the target value.
It is possible that the cardano-node on your machine outpaces the Spammer, and you want to simulate higher congestion. In this case, you can reduce the block size, increase the slotLength, or both.
git clone
cd congested-testnet
FAUCET_ON=true \
docker-compose --profile genesis_spo up -d
If you only need to run a relay node connected to the Genesis SPO, use the following command:
SPO_ADDRESS= docker-compose --profile relay_node up -d
All configs are available on
. So you can run your own node
To obtain tADA, you can submit a public key through an HTTP query. This will provide you with 1000 ADA.
# we can generate key pairs with cardano-cli
cardano-cli address key-gen \
--verification-key-file "key.vkey" \
--signing-key-file "key.skey"
# to get tADA we need to provide public key hash
PUBKEYHASHHEX=$(cardano-cli address key-hash --payment-verification-key-file "key.vkey")
# now get ada with query
curl -X POST "" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "{\"pubKeyHashHex\": \"$PUBKEYHASHHEX\"}"
This part can be executed using nix flakes inside current repo nix run .#get-tada
To submit a transaction on the testnet, you can use ogmios and kupo. For this, you can use cardano-cli with http requests, like in cardano-cli-nodejs
example. Additionally there are offchain libraries like purescript CTL, ogmios clients and tx examples available in other languages. Whichever client you choose to use, simply use following addresses:
for Kupo
You can verify that the transaction is on the ledger with kupo.
You can run bats tests using nix run .#tests
. Additionally, you can monitor the Cardano testnet statistics with prometheus-db. You can find await_time_tx
in the Prometheus metrics which measure verify transaction time for simple transaction.
nixos-rebuild test --flake .#congested-testnet --target-host [email protected]