- Install tabcmd
- Run tabcmd
- Development commands
- Contributing
- To add a new command
- Why Python?
- Project Structure
These instructions are only necessary if you want to download the code and run it directly. If you are interested in tabcmd but not the code, see here. ####To work with tabcmd, you need to have Python 3.7+ installed.
To work on the tabcmd code, use these scripts. On Windows, (note that running mypy and black is required for code being submitted to the repo)
- build
pip install build python -m build
- run tests
- run tests against a live server
python -m tabcmd login {your server info here} pytest -q tests\e2e\online_tests.py -r pfE
- autoformat your code with black (https://pypi.org/project/black/)
black .
- check types
mypy tabcmd tests
- do test coverage calculation (https://coverage.readthedocs.io/en/6.3.2)
- To trigger publishing to pypi tag a commit on main with 'pypi'. Versioning is done with
- setuptools_scm so it will be a x.y.dev0 pre-release version unless you first tag the
- commit with a new version tag. e.g
git tag -d pypi && git push --delete origin pypi git tag v2.0.4 && git tag pypi && git push --tags
- packaging to an exe is done with pyinstaller. You can only build an executable for
- the platform you build on.
- On github this job is triggered by creating a release (or manually)
doit version <-- produce a current version and metadata file to package pyinstaller tabcmd-windows.spec .... # see package.yml for OS-specific arguments
Packaging produces dist/tabcmd.exe (or equivalent).
- Run the package
dist/tabcmd/tabcmd.exe --help
- Cross-platform
- Build on our existing Python Tableau Server Client
Code contributions and improvements by the community are welcomed!
See the LICENSE file for current open-source licensing and use information.
Before we can accept pull requests from contributors, we require a signed Contributor License Agreement (CLA).
The core design principles for this app are
- it must provide the functionality of the instance of tabcmd, with drop-in replacement CLI options
- it should be able to call tsc for all server actions
- architecture is as simple as possible
- tabcmd.py exists only as a module entry point that calls TabCmdController.
- the 'parsers' module contains only argument and option definitions, no logic.
- the 'commands' module contains the logic required to translate the tabcmd CLI interface into calls to tsc. This is completely dissociated from the parsers, and could theoretically be called from a completely different interface.
- The 'execution' module is the core logic. TabcmdController gets an argparse parser, then attaches all the defined parsers to it and associates one command with each parser.
- choose the single word that will be used as your command. Let's call this one
- add parsers/dream_parser.py, and use methods from parent_parser to define the arguments
- add commands/dreams/dream_command.py. It must have a method run_command.py(args) and the args object must contain all information needed from the user.
- in map_of_parsers.py, add an entry for your new parser, like "dreams": DreamParser.dream_parser
- in map_of_commands.py, add an entry for your new command, like "dream": ("dream", DreamCommand, "Think about picnics"),"
- add tests!