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Deploying Prow

This document will walk you through deploying your own Prow instance to a new Kubernetes cluster. If you encounter difficulties, please open an issue so that we can make this process easier.

Prow runs in any kubernetes cluster. Our tackle utility helps deploy it correctly, or you can perform each of the steps manually.

Both of these are focused on Kubernetes Engine but should work on any kubernetes distro with no/minimal changes.

GitHub bot account

Before using tackle or deploying prow manually, ensure you have created a GitHub account for prow to use. Prow will ignore most GitHub events generated by this account, so it is important this account be separate from any users or automation you wish to interact with prow. For example, you still need to do this even if you'd just setting up a prow instance to work against your own personal repos.

  1. Ensure the bot user has the following permissions
  • Write access to the repos you plan on handling
  • Owner access (and org membership) for the orgs you plan on handling (note it is possible to handle specific repos in an org without this)
  1. Create a personal access token for the GitHub bot account, adding the following scopes (more details here)
  • Must have the public_repo and repo:status scopes
  • Add the repo scope if you plan on handing private repos
  • Add the admin_org:hook scope if you plan on handling a github org
  1. Set this token aside for later (we'll assume you wrote it to a file on your workstation at /path/to/oauth/secret)

Tackle deployment

Prow's tackle utility walks you through deploying a new instance of prow in a couple minutes, try it out!

You need a few things:

  1. bazel build tool installed and working
  2. The prow tackle utility. It is recommended to use it by running bazel run //prow/cmd/tackle from test-infra directory, alternatively you can install it by running go get -u (in that case you would also need go installed and working).
  3. Optionally, credentials to a Kubernetes cluster (otherwise, tackle will help you create one)

To install prow run the following from the test-infra directory and follow the on-screen instructions:

# Ideally use, alternatively try:
#   go get -u && tackle
bazel run //prow/cmd/tackle

The will help you through the following steps:

  • Choosing a kubectl context (and creating a cluster / getting its credentials if necessary)
  • Deploying prow into that cluster
  • Configuring GitHub to send prow webhooks for your repos. This is where you'll provide the absolute /path/to/oauth/secret

See the Next Steps section after running this utility.

Manual deployment

If you do not want to use the tackle utility above, here are the manual set of commands tackle will run.

Prow runs in a kubernetes cluster, so first figure out which cluster you want to deploy prow into. If you already have a cluster, skip to the next step.

You can use the GCP cloud console to set up a project and create a new Kubernetes Engine cluster.

Create the cluster

I'm assuming that PROJECT and ZONE environment variables are set.

export PROJECT=your-project
export ZONE=us-west1-a

Run the following to create the cluster. This will also set up kubectl to point to the new cluster.

gcloud container --project "${PROJECT}" clusters create prow \
  --zone "${ZONE}" --machine-type n1-standard-4 --num-nodes 2

Create cluster role bindings

As of 1.8 Kubernetes uses Role-Based Access Control (“RBAC”) to drive authorization decisions, allowing cluster-admin to dynamically configure policies. To create cluster resources you need to grant a user cluster-admin role in all namespaces for the cluster.

For Prow on GCP, you can use the following command.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding \
  --clusterrole cluster-admin --user $(gcloud config get-value account)

For Prow on other platforms, the following command will likely work.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-"${USER}" \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user="${USER}"

On some platforms the USER variable may not map correctly to the user in-cluster. If you see an error of the following form, this is likely the case.

Error from server (Forbidden): error when creating
"prow/cluster/starter.yaml": "<account>" is
forbidden: attempt to grant extra privileges:
[PolicyRule{Resources:["pods/log"], APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["get"]}
PolicyRule{Resources:["prowjobs"], APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["get"]}
APIGroups:[""], Verbs:["list"]}] user=&{<CLUSTER_USER>
[system:authenticated] map[]}...

Run the previous command substituting USER with CLUSTER_USER from the error message above to solve this issue.

kubectl create clusterrolebinding cluster-admin-binding-"<CLUSTER_USER>" \
  --clusterrole=cluster-admin --user="<CLUSTER_USER>"

There are relevant docs on Kubernetes Authentication that may help if neither of the above work.

Create the GitHub secrets

You will need two secrets to talk to GitHub. The hmac-token is the token that you give to GitHub for validating webhooks. Generate it using any reasonable randomness-generator, eg openssl rand -hex 20.

# openssl rand -hex 20 > /path/to/hook/secret
kubectl create secret generic hmac-token --from-file=hmac=/path/to/hook/secret

The oauth-token is the OAuth2 token you created above for the [GitHub bot account]

kubectl create secret generic oauth-token --from-file=oauth=/path/to/oauth/secret

Add the prow components to the cluster

Run the following command to deploy a basic set of prow components.

kubectl apply -f prow/cluster/starter.yaml

After a moment, the cluster components will be running.

$ kubectl get deployments
deck         2         2         2            2           1m
hook         2         2         2            2           1m
horologium   1         1         1            1           1m
plank        1         1         1            1           1m
sinker       1         1         1            1           1m
tide         1         1         1            1           1m

Get ingress IP address

Find out your external address. It might take a couple minutes for the IP to show up.

$ kubectl get ingress ing
NAME      HOSTS     ADDRESS          PORTS     AGE
ing       *         an.ip.addr.ess   80        3m

Go to that address in a web browser and verify that the "echo-test" job has a green check-mark next to it. At this point you have a prow cluster that is ready to start receiving GitHub events!

Add the webhook to GitHub

Configure github to send your prow instance application/json webhooks for specific repos and/or whole orgs.

You can do this with the add-hook utility:

# Note /path/to/hook/secret and /path/to/oauth/secret from earlier secrets step
# Note the an.ip.addr.ess from previous ingres step

# Ideally use, alternatively try:
#   go get -u && add-hook
bazel run //experiment/add-hook -- \
  --hmac-path=/path/to/hook/secret \
  --github-token-path=/path/to/oauth/secret \
  --hook-url http://an.ip.addr.ess/hook \
  --repo my-org/my-repo \
  --repo my-whole-org \
  --confirm=false  # Remove =false to actually add hook

Now go to your org or repo and click Settings -> Webhooks.

Look for the http://an.ip.addr.ess/hook you added above. A green check mark (for a ping event, if you click edit and view the details of the event) suggests everything is working!

You can click Add webhook on the Webhooks page to add the hook manually if you do not want to use the add-hook utility.

Next Steps

You now have a working Prow cluster (Woohoo!), but it isn't doing anything interesting yet. This section will help you configure your first plugin and job, and complete any additional setup that your instance may need.

Enable some plugins by modifying plugins.yaml

Create a file called plugins.yaml and add the following to it:

  - size

Replace YOUR_ORG/YOUR_REPO: with the appropriate values. If you want, you can instead just say YOUR_ORG: and the plugin will run for every repo in the org.

Next, create an empty file called config.yaml:

touch config.yaml

Run the following to test the files, replacing the paths as necessary:

bazel run //prow/cmd/checkconfig -- --plugin-config=path/to/plugins.yaml --config-path=path/to/config.yaml

There should be no errors. You can run this as a part of your presubmit testing so that any errors are caught before you try to update.

Now run the following to update the configmap, replacing the path as necessary:

kubectl create configmap plugins \
  --from-file=plugins.yaml=path/to/plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml \
  | kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -

We added a make rule to do this for us:

    gcloud container clusters get-credentials "$(CLUSTER)" --project="$(PROJECT)" --zone="$(ZONE)"

update-plugins: get-cluster-credentials
    kubectl create configmap plugins --from-file=plugins.yaml=plugins.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap plugins -f -

Now when you open a PR, it will automatically be labelled with a size/* label. When you make a change to the plugin config and push it with make update-plugins, you do not need to redeploy any of your cluster components. They will pick up the change within a few minutes.

Set namespaces for prowjobs and test pods

Add the following to config.yaml:

prowjob_namespace: default
pod_namespace: test-pods

By doing so, we keep prowjobs in the default namespace and test pods in the test_pods namespace.

You can also choose other names. Remember to update the RBAC roles and rolebindings afterwards.

Note: If you set or update the prowjob_namespace or pod_namespace fields after deploying the prow components, you will need to redeploy them so that they pick up the change.

Configure Cloud Storage

When configuring Prow jobs to use the Pod utilities with decorate: true, job metdata, logs, and artifacts will be uploaded to a GCS bucket in order to persist results from tests and allow for the job overview page to load those results at a later point. In order to run these jobs, it is required to set up a GCS bucket for job outputs. If your Prow deployment is targeted at an open source community, it is strongly suggested to make this bucket world-readable.

In order to configure the bucket, follow the following steps:

  1. provision a new service account for interaction with the bucket
  2. create the bucket
  3. (optionally) expose the bucket contents to the world
  4. grant access to admin the bucket for the service account
  5. serialize a key for the service account
  6. upload the key to a Secret under the service-account.json key
  7. edit the plank configuration for default_decoration_config.gcs_credentials_secret to point to the Secret above

After downloading the gcloud tool and authenticating, the following script will execute the above steps for you:

gcloud iam service-accounts create prow-gcs-publisher # step 1
identifier="$(  gcloud iam service-accounts list --filter 'name:prow-gcs-publisher' --format 'value(email)' )"
gsutil mb gs://prow-artifacts/ # step 2
gsutil iam ch allUsers:objectViewer gs://prow-artifacts # step 3
gsutil iam ch "serviceAccount:${identifier}:objectAdmin" gs://prow-artifacts # step 4
gcloud iam service-accounts keys create --iam-account "${identifier}" service-account.json # step 5
kubectl -n test-pods create secret generic gcs-credentials --from-file=service-account.json # step 6

Before we can update plank's default_decoration_config we'll need to know the version we're using

$ kubectl get pod -lapp=plank -o jsonpath='{.items[0].spec.containers[0].image}' | cut -d: -f2

Then, setup plank's default_decoration_config in config.yaml:

    utility_images: # using the tag we identified above
      clonerefs: ""
      initupload: ""
      entrypoint: ""
      sidecar: ""
      bucket: prow-artifacts # the bucket we just made
      path_strategy: explicit
    gcs_credentials_secret: gcs-credentials # the secret we just made

Add more jobs by modifying config.yaml

Add the following to config.yaml:

- interval: 10m
  name: echo-test
  decorate: true
    - image: alpine
      command: ["/bin/date"]
  - name: test-postsubmit
    decorate: true
      - image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/printenv"]
  - name: test-presubmit
    decorate: true
    always_run: true
    skip_report: true
      - image: alpine
        command: ["/bin/printenv"]

Again, run the following to test the files, replacing the paths as necessary:

bazel run //prow/cmd/checkconfig -- --plugin-config=path/to/plugins.yaml --config-path=path/to/config.yaml

Now run the following to update the configmap.

kubectl create configmap config \
  --from-file=config.yaml=path/to/config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap config -f -

We use a make rule:

update-config: get-cluster-credentials
    kubectl create configmap config --from-file=config.yaml=config.yaml --dry-run -o yaml | kubectl replace configmap config -f -

Presubmits and postsubmits are triggered by the trigger plugin. Be sure to enable that plugin by adding it to the list you created in the last section.

Now when you open a PR it will automatically run the presubmit that you added to this file. You can see it on your prow dashboard. Once you are happy that it is stable, switch skip_report to false. Then, it will post a status on the PR. When you make a change to the config and push it with make update-config, you do not need to redeploy any of your cluster components. They will pick up the change within a few minutes.

When you push or merge a new change to the git repo, the postsubmit job will run.

For more information on the job environment, see

Run test pods in different clusters

You may choose to run test pods in a separate cluster entirely. This is a good practice to keep testing isolated from Prow's service components and secrets. It can also be used to furcate job execution to different clusters. Create a secret containing a {"cluster-name": {cluster-details}} map like this:

  endpoint: https://<master-ip>
  clientCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
  clientKey: <base64-encoded key>
  clusterCaCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
  endpoint: https://<master-ip>
  clientCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>
  clientKey: <base64-encoded key>
  clusterCaCertificate: <base64-encoded cert>

Use mkbuild-cluster to determine these values:

bazel run //prow/cmd/mkbuild-cluster -- \
  --project=P --zone=Z --cluster=C \
  --alias=A \
  --print-entry | tee cluster.yaml
kubectl create secret generic build-cluster --from-file=cluster.yaml

Mount this secret into the prow components that need it (at minimum: plank, sinker and deck) and set the --build-cluster flag to the location you mount it at. For instance, you will need to merge the following into the plank deployment:

  - name: plank
    - --build-cluster=/etc/foo/cluster.yaml # basename matches --from-file key
    - mountPath: /etc/foo
      name: cluster
      readOnly: true
  - name: cluster
      defaultMode: 420
      secretName: build-cluster # example above contains a cluster.yaml key

Configure jobs to use the non-default cluster with the cluster: field. The above example cluster.yaml defines two clusters: default and other to schedule jobs, which we can use as follows:

- name: cluster-unspecified
  # cluster:
  interval: 10m
  decorate: true
    - image: alpine
      command: ["/bin/date"]
- name: cluster-default
  cluster: default
  interval: 10m
  decorate: true
    - image: alpine
      command: ["/bin/date"]
- name: cluster-other
  cluster: other
  interval: 10m
  decorate: true
    - image: alpine
      command: ["/bin/date"]

This results in:

  • The cluster-unspecified and default-cluster jobs run in the default cluster.
  • The cluster-other job runs in the other cluster.

See mkbuild-cluster for more details about how to create/update cluster.yaml.

Alternatively to cluster.yaml, one can use a kubeconfig file to instruct prow components to use the build clusters: All contexts in kubeconfig are used as build clusters and the InClusterConfig as default. For example, it contains a context other which is a build cluster:

$ kubectl config get-contexts -o name

After creating a secret build-cluster-kubeconfig with the kubconfig file, we add --kubconfig flag to prow component, e.g., plank:

  - name: plank
    - --kubeconfig=/etc/foo/kubeconfig
    - mountPath: /etc/foo
      name: kubeconfig
      readOnly: true
  - name: kubeconfig
      defaultMode: 420
      secretName: build-cluster-kubeconfig

Enable merge automation using Tide

PRs satisfying a set of predefined criteria can be configured to be automatically merged by Tide.

Tide can be enabled by modifying config.yaml. See how to configure tide for more details.

Set up GitHub OAuth

GitHub Oauth is required for PR Status and for the rerun button on Prow Status. To enable these features, follow the instructions in

Configure SSL

Use cert-manager for automatic LetsEncrypt integration. If you already have a cert then follow the official docs to set up HTTPS termination. Promote your ingress IP to static IP. On GKE, run:

gcloud compute addresses create [ADDRESS_NAME] --addresses [IP_ADDRESS] --region [REGION]

Point the DNS record for your domain to point at that ingress IP. The convention for naming is, but of course that's not a requirement.

Then, install cert-manager as described in its readme. You don't need to run it in a separate namespace.

Further reading