*This readme is... under construction... *Tested on linux and macOS only
Annotate 23andmedata with ensembl-vep, present resulting data in a queryable browser UI
- Install kdb+; download here, instructions here
$ git clone https://github.com/mkeenan-kdb/snpDive.git ~/snpDive
$ cd snpDive/tools
$ git clone https://github.com/Ensembl/ensembl-vep.git
$ git clone https://github.com/arrogantrobot/23andme2vcf.git
$ cd ensembl-vep
- follow instructions to install vep
- After ensembl-vep is installed, edit
so that thePROJ_ROOT
variable points to the location of snpDive e.g.
- Do the same in ~/snpDive/tools/DataDive/datadive.q
/project root dir
/database root directory
The snppl.q
script is what hooks into vep. If you wanted to run vep on your 23andme data, you would start kdb+q;
$QHOME/m32/q ~/snpDive/snppl.q
After the snppl.q
script is loaded, we can run the pipline like;
The above command runs each of the items left to right. In this case;
converts the raw 23andme text file to a vcf file using this (stored in snpDive/tools/23andme2vcf)vep
takes the newly created vcf file and runs ensembl-vep on itvep2kdb
takes the annotated vcf file and coverts it into a kdb+ tablesavevep
takes the newly created kdb+ table (calledvepdata
) and stores it to a kdb+ database
After running the pipeline, you can exit the snppl.q session and start a fresh one with datadive.q loaded
start snppl.q from command line : $ q snppl.q
inside q, run your pipeline : q)runpl[`txt2vcf`vep`vep2kdb`savevep]
after completion, exit q : q)\\
now db can be accessed by datadive: $ cd tools/DataDive
start datadive.q : $ q datadive.q
In your browser go to http://localhost:50664/index.html to view your data
- clone this repo
- install kdb (free download here)
- inside your local repo cd to tools/DataDive/q and open the datadive.q file; edit the params;
; save the changes - use kdb+ to run the datadive.q script - this will load the demodb, you can access the UI with http://localhost:50664/index.html in your browser
IllyseMacBook:projects Arielle$ echo $QHOME;alias q
alias q='rlwrap /Users/Arielle/q/m32/q'
IllyseMacBook:projects Arielle$ cd snpdive/
IllyseMacBook:snpdive Arielle$ q snppl.q
KDB+ 3.6 2018.05.17 Copyright (C) 1993-2018 Kx Systems
m32/ 4()core 8192MB Arielle illysemacbook.local NONEXPIRE
Welcome to kdb+ 32bit edition
For support please see http://groups.google.com/d/forum/personal-kdbplus
Tutorials can be found at http://code.kx.com/wiki/Tutorials
To exit, type \\
To remove this startup msg, edit q.q
/get required params
/choose k func to apply based on param count
kfn:(.;@)2>count params;
q)key PARAMS
txt2vcf| ("perl 23andme2vcf.pl /Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/data/genome/demo23andmegenome.txt /Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/data/output/demo23andmegenome.vcf 5";"/Use..
vep | ("./vep --sift b --polyphen b --protein --uniprot --nearest symbol --numbers --domains --gene_phenotype --af --af_1kg --max_af --pubmed --variant_class --biotype --regu..
vep2kdb| ,"/Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/data/output/demo23andmegenome.vep.vcf"
vcf2kdb| ,"/Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/data/output/demo23andmegenome.vcf"
savevep| ("/Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/demodb";`vepdata)
savevcf| ("/Users/username/q/projects/snpdive/demodb";`vcfdata)
IllyseMacBook:snpdive Arielle$ cd tools/DataDive/
IllyseMacBook:DataDive Arielle$ cd q
IllyseMacBook:q Arielle$ q datadive.q
KDB+ 3.6 2018.05.17 Copyright (C) 1993-2018 Kx Systems
m32/ 4()core 8192MB Arielle illysemacbook.local NONEXPIRE
Welcome to kdb+ 32bit edition
For support please see http://groups.google.com/d/forum/personal-kdbplus
Tutorials can be found at http://code.kx.com/wiki/Tutorials
To exit, type \\
To remove this startup msg, edit q.q
[email protected] - 12:37:21.202 - Database loaded and port opened successfully
[email protected] - 12:37:21.202 - Initialisation complete. Access: http://illysemacbook.local:50664/index.html
rsid gene chr chrpos zyg conseq alleF maxAlleF siftPred siftScore phenPred phenSc..
rs273259 IFI44L chr1 79093818 HET missense_variant 0.4449 0.7554 tolerated 0.35 benign 0.003 ..
rs1048201 NUDT6 chr4 123814308 HET missense_variant 0.2288 0.4707 deleterious 0 probably_damaging 0.999 ..
rs12952242 AC000003.2 chr17 10049293 HOM missense_variant 0.0968 0.5 possibly_damaging 0.856 ..
rs11722476 SMARCAD1 chr4 95170839 HET missense_variant 0.4615 0.7087 tolerated 0.49 benign 0 ..
rs1133657 KIAA1430 chr4 186111639 HET missense_variant 0.4305 0.5823 deleterious_low_confidence 0.02 benign 0.023 ..
rs150003957 NOX5 chr15 69325606 HET missense_variant 0.0168 0.0286 deleterious 0.01 possibly_damaging 0.472 ..
rs2617170 KLRC4 chr12 10560957 HET missense_variant 0.5567 0.6805 deleterious 0.05 benign 0.062 ..
rs1510765 PARD3B chr2 205912403 HOM missense_variant 0.5447 0.6925 tolerated 1 benign 0 ..
rs12963653 TAF4B chr18 23872235 HET missense_variant 0.1216 0.3291 tolerated 0.21 benign 0 ..
rs2229207 IFNAR2 chr21 34614250 HET missense_variant 0.1186 0.1747 tolerated 0.44 benign 0 ..
rs62641705 UGT2A3 chr4 69811110 HET missense_variant 0.007 0.03749 deleterious 0 probably_damaging 0.977 ..
rs2071307 ELN chr7 73470714 HOM missense_variant 0.2204 0.4604 deleterious_low_confidence 0.02 benign 0.001 ..
rs628031 SLC22A1 chr6 160560845 HET missense_variant 0.7986 tolerated 1 benign 0 ..
rs1541185 RNF186 chr1 20141528 HET missense_variant 0.2885 0.4618 tolerated 0.18 benign 0.024 ..
rs61750816 PTPN13 chr4 87724970 HET missense_variant 0.0102 0.0368 tolerated 0.46 benign 0.005 ..
IllyseMacBook:q Arielle$