There might be some scenarios where you need to convert your {product-title} cluster from a connected cluster to a disconnected cluster.
A disconnected cluster, also known as a restricted cluster, does not have an active connection to the internet. As such, you must mirror the contents of your registries and installation media. You can create this mirror registry on a host that can access both the internet and your closed network, or copy images to a device that you can move across network boundaries.
This topic describes the general process for converting an existing, connected cluster into a disconnected cluster.
client is installed. -
A running cluster.
An installed mirror registry, which is a container image registry that supports Docker v2-2 in the location that will host the {product-title} cluster, such as one of the following registries:
If you have an subscription to Red Hat Quay, see the documentation on deploying Red Hat Quay for proof-of-concept purposes or by using the Quay Operator.
The mirror repository must be configured to share images. For example, a Red Hat Quay repository requires Organizations in order to share images.
Access to the internet to obtain the necessary container images.
modules/connected-to-disconnected-prepare-mirror.adoc modules/connected-to-disconnected-mirror-images.adoc
For more information about mirroring Operator catalogs, see Mirroring an Operator catalog.
For more information about the
oc adm catalog mirror
command, see the OpenShift CLI administrator command reference.
modules/connected-to-disconnected-config-registry.adoc modules/connected-to-disconnected-verify.adoc modules/connected-to-disconnected-disconnect.adoc
The Insights Operator is degraded when the cluster loses its Internet connection. You can avoid this problem by temporarily disabling the Insights Operator until you can restore it. |