Take the “95cl_0” contours with >=300 points. See SterileAnalysis/dump_contour_npoints.py.
- How does randomizeDm2ee work?
- [ ] Need to generate separate (asimov) toy for each point in s22t14/dm2_14 space?
- [ ] Add true_pars tree (necessary?)
Our rewrite of fit_shape_3d does not; we just load the nominal PredictedIBD to be safe (and wrong in the 4nu case)
- iterm < 0 => Map core -> histogram containing fraction of (oscillated, 1/R^2) flux from the core (for each energy bin)
- iterm >= 0 => Map core -> histogram containing 1/R^2, partially oscillated flux (without energy-independent factor?) (NON-FRACTIONAL)
- idet_near < 0 => Map core to histgoram with osc prob to a far AD from the core (for each energy bin)
- idet_near >= 0 => Map core to histogram with extrapolation factors (i.e. far/near including osc, 1/R^2) (per bin)
- This comment is inaccurate:
// fac_extrap = Sum_enubin (M' * fac_far/fac_near) // = Sum_enubin (M * fac_far/fac_near_null)
There’s a nested inner Sum_enubin (to calculate the norm). See the actual code.
- Add dm2ee covariance matrix (LoadCovMatrix)
- Add SetSin22t13Step
- Calling convention of FixCovMatrix? (PeriodFlag)
- Likewise for CalculateChi2Cov? Probably not; SetStage is used instead.
- Add sin22t13-only CalculateChi2Cov?
- [ ] Generate data_file for randomizeDm2ee. XXX Do we want dm2ee or sigsys_w_dm2ee?
- In Predictor::MakePrediction, why do we use mapflux_noosc * oscprob? Why is this not equivalent to mapflux? Normalization? Note that OscProbTable seems to essentially “use mapflux”.
- How does Beda’s Predictor do the MakeSum without the PredictedIBD?
- Add to compile.sh (in sterile branch)
- Keep sterile branch minimal, regularly rebased onto master