This programming language is for anyone interested in art and context free grammars. The language expects the user to know how to program.
It is easy to generate recuring shapes. This is easy because the language has an intuitive form for recursion.
It is difficult to write out words and letters because the programmer has to figure out how each of the letters come together and then implement the shape. Recursing methods can be used to easily make lines and curves, but still requires quite a bit of fiddling to generate letters. Apparently, there is also a TITLE method for generating titles easily.
I learned how to program in this language by examining the welcome code, reading through a few examples and trying out some simple shapes on my own.
We don't yet have a great definition of the term "computational model". For now, try to come up with the clearest, most concise explanation of what happens when a ContextFree program runs. When a contextfree program runs, it generates images to the canvas as it reaches terminals. The idea behind the language is to be read like a context-free grammar. Specifically, it uses replacement rules until reaching terminals.
By making small adjustments to the program, I can make the overall image look either like a maple leaf or something very different. I chose to submit something in the middle.