- Background on "The Nature of Code"
- "Research" presentations
- 3 exercises
- 1 project
- "Models for Thinking, Perception, Action" -- Patrick Winston, MIT, Artificial Intelligence, MIT Open CourseWare
- "many things can be AI, including simple programming. AI is the automation of thought" @fchollet
- Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach
- "A field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed." Arthur Samuel, 1957 "Samuel Checkers": the world's first self-learning program.
- Data --> Meaning
- Types of Machine Learning
- Rule-based Systems
- Supervised Learning
- Classification, Regression
- Unsupervised Learning
- Clustering
- Reinforcement Learning
- Generative output
- Machine learning with "deep" neural networks.
- Deep meaning "many layers" deep.
- DeepMind and Q-Learning
- AINOW led by Kate Crawford and Meredith Whittaker
- "What happened to "making the world a better place"?" @hardmaru
- Automated Inference on Criminality using Face Images
- Facebook Restores Iconic Vietnam War Photo It Censored for Nudity
- Machine Learning for Artists by Gene Kogan and collaborators
- Machine Learning for Musicians and Artists by Rebecca Fiebrink
- Not yet released book by @AndrewGlassner
- Grokking Algorithms
- More and more and more references
- I will mostly be using Processing and p5.js.
- You can use anything and everything you like for this course.
- We will likely branch out into python when using some machine learning frameworks (like tensorflow).
Statistics and machine learning glossary from the repo wiki.
Wikipedia links:
- Sample
- Feature
- Label
- Prediction
- Cost / loss
- Training
- Training set, test set, validation set
- Model
- Learning rate (step size) aka Gradient Descent
- Big-O notation
- Binary Search Tree
- Coding Train video on binary trees
- FreeCodeCamp video
- CS50 video
- Wikipedia article
- Breadth-First Search
- Wikipedia article
- Coding Train BFS tutorial: Part 1, Part 2
- Depth-First Search
- Wikipedia article
- Coding Train DFS Maze Generation: Part1, Part2, Part3, Part4
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- A star
- Coding Train videos: Part1 Part2 Part3
- Computerphile video
- Traveling Salesperson Problem
- What is "Prototype"? Coding Train tutorial
- What is an "associative array"? Coding Train tutorial
- Animating algorithm progress vs. "all at once"