- Cancel a build merged in #15 from @etiennebarrie
- Tests endpoint for a build. Will return all tests ran with metadata.
- Currently experimental tests endpoint needs to be turned on in Experimental Settings
- Loosen
dependency to~> 1.6
- Deprecate
to not usehashie
- Support parameterized builds
Add method to build specific branch of project - Thanks to @hwartig
- CircleCi::Project#build_branch - Triggers build for specific branch of project
New hidden endpoints added to API - Thanks to @EiNSTeiN-
- CircleCi::Project#build - Build the latest master push for this project
- CircleCi::Project#enable - Enable a project in CircleCI
- CircleCi::Project#follow - Follow a project in CircleCI
- CircleCi::Project#unfollow - Unfollow a project in CircleCI
- CircleCi::Project#settings - Get project configuration
- Build artifacts added
- Branch builds endpoint
- Ruby 2.0.0 in Gemfile
- More documentation
- Add basic endpoints