This repository contains utilities that help with running and generating synthetic key value store benchmark workloads. This workload runner and generator only supports 64-bit unsigned integer keys.
This project is configured with CMake and is intended to be used as a
subproject within a CMake project. You can either (i) include this repository
as a submodule, or (ii) use CMake's FetchContent
or ExternalProject
modules to checkout this repository during configuration/compilation.
To use the key value workload runner library in your code, link to the
CMake target.
target_link_libraries(your_target ycsbr)
In your source code, you only need to include the ycsbr/ycsbr.h
#include "ycsbr/ycsbr.h"
The public library methods and classes can be found under include/ycsbr
are documented. Note that the workload runner is a header-only library.
To use the key value workload generator, link to the ycsbr-gen
CMake target.
target_link_libraries(your_target ycsbr-gen)
In your source code, you only need to include the ycsbr/gen.h
#include "ycsbr/gen.h"
The public library methods and classes can be found under include/ycsbr
are documented.
The workload generator library includes everything in the workload runner.
So if you want to use the generator, you do not also need to separately link
to the runner as well. Note that the workload generator library is not a
header-only library. It also depends on the
YCSBR interacts with the database being benchmarked through a
class. You need to define one of these classes for each
database you plan to benchmark. See ycsbr/db_example.h
for an example class.
There are two ways to run benchmark workloads against a DatabaseInterface
The single trace replay functions and the Session
To run a single trace, you can use the ReplayTrace<DatabaseInterface>()
functions. See ycsbr/benchmark.h
for more documentation. These functions
only allow you to run a single trace and have limited customizability.
For more fine-grained control over the benchmarking setup, you can use a
benchmark Session
. See ycsbr/session.h
for more documentation.
YCSBR also supports custom key-value workloads. To define a custom workload,
implement classes with the same methods as shown in
. To run the workload, you need to use
-based benchmarking (you will need to call
). Note that you do not need the workload generator
to run a custom user-defined workload.
To run a workload generated by the YCSBR workload generator, you need to
define a workload configuration file. For an example of the configuration
options available, see tests/workloads/custom.yml
To run a workload defined by one of these configuration files, you need to
first load it using gen::PhasedWorkload::LoadFrom()
. Then you can call
to actually run the workload.
Note that to use the workload generator, you need to link to ycsbr-gen
. In
your code, you should include the ycsbr/gen.h
This project contains a tool that extracts a YCSB workload and serializes it
as a file that can then be loaded by the workload runner library. To build
the tool, you need to set the YR_BUILD_EXTRACTOR
option when configuring
the project.
mkdir build && cd build
After building, you will find the ycsbextractor
executable. The extractor
tool works by processing the official YCSB benchmark driver's output when
using the basic
"database". It accepts the benchmark driver's output on
standard in and writes to a file that you specify when launching the program.
Load 1 million records
ycsb load basic -P workloads/workloada \
-p recordcount=1000000 \
| ./build/ycsbextractor ycsb-a-load-1M
Workload A, 1 million record database size, 100k operations
ycsb run basic -P workloads/workloada \
-p recordcount=1000000 \
-p operationcount=100000 \
| ./build/ycsbextractor ycsb-a-run-1M-100k
To build the YCSBR tests and microbenchmarks, you need to set the
option when configuring this project. Note that you need to
also build the extractor if you want to build the tests.
Then, after compiling, run ./tests/test_runner
inside the build directory.
You can run the microbenchmarks by running ./tests/benchmark_runner
The benchmark runner adds an overhead of ~20 nanoseconds to each request. If the benchmark runner is running a workload from the workload generator, the overhead is currently ~80 nanoseconds per request. This overhead will be part of the workload throughput measurement, but will not be part of the latency measurements.