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modify LeakageWeakestPrecondition.v
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OwenConoly committed Sep 6, 2024
1 parent be1df5d commit 11db881
Showing 1 changed file with 86 additions and 56 deletions.
142 changes: 86 additions & 56 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/LeakageWeakestPrecondition.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,13 @@
Require Import coqutil.Macros.subst coqutil.Macros.unique coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.OfListWord.
Require Import Coq.ZArith.BinIntDef coqutil.Word.Interface coqutil.Word.Bitwidth.
Require Import coqutil.dlet bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics.
Require Import coqutil.dlet bedrock2.Syntax bedrock2.Semantics bedrock2.LeakageSemantics.
Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Section WeakestPrecondition.
Context {width: Z} {BW: Bitwidth width} {word: word.word width} {mem: word Byte.byte}.
Context {locals: String.string word}.
Context {ext_spec: ExtSpec}.
Implicit Types (t : trace) (m : mem) (l : locals).
Context {ext_spec: ExtSpec} {pick_sp: PickSp}.
Implicit Types (k : leakage) (t : trace) (m : mem) (l : locals).

Definition literal v (post : word -> Prop) : Prop :=
dlet! v := word.of_Z v in post v.
Expand All @@ -19,26 +20,28 @@ Section WeakestPrecondition.

Section WithMemAndLocals.
Context (m : mem) (l : locals).
Definition expr_body rec (e : Syntax.expr) (post : word -> Prop) : Prop :=
Definition expr_body rec (k : leakage) (e : Syntax.expr) (post : leakage -> word -> Prop) : Prop :=
match e with
| expr.literal v =>
literal v post
literal v (post k)
| expr.var x =>
get l x post
get l x (post k)
| expr.op op e1 e2 =>
rec e1 (fun v1 =>
rec e2 (fun v2 =>
post (interp_binop op v1 v2)))
rec k e1 (fun k' v1 =>
rec k' e2 (fun k'' v2 =>
post (leak_binop op v1 v2 k'') (interp_binop op v1 v2)))
| expr.load s e =>
rec e (fun a =>
load s m a post)
rec k e (fun k' a =>
load s m a (post (leak_word a :: k')))
| expr.inlinetable s t e =>
rec e (fun a =>
load s (map.of_list_word t) a post)
rec k e (fun k' a =>
load s (map.of_list_word t) a (post (leak_word a :: k')))
| expr.ite c e1 e2 =>
rec c (fun b => rec (if word.eqb b (word.of_Z 0) then e2 else e1) post)
rec k c (fun k' b =>
let b := word.eqb b (word.of_Z 0) in
rec (leak_bool b :: k') (if b then e2 else e1) post)
Fixpoint expr e := expr_body expr e.
Fixpoint expr k e := expr_body expr k e.
End WithMemAndLocals.

Section WithF.
Expand All @@ -54,78 +57,92 @@ Section WeakestPrecondition.
Fixpoint list_map xs := list_map_body list_map xs.
End WithF.

Section WithF'.
Context {A B T} (f: T -> A -> (T -> B -> Prop) -> Prop).
Definition list_map'_body rec (acc : T) (xs : list A) (post : T -> list B -> Prop) : Prop :=
match xs with
| nil => post acc nil
| cons x xs' =>
f acc x (fun acc' y =>
rec acc' xs' (fun acc'' ys' =>
post acc'' (cons y ys')))
Fixpoint list_map' acc xs := list_map'_body list_map' acc xs.
End WithF'.

Section WithFunctions.
Context (e: env).
Definition dexpr m l e v := expr m l e (eq v).
Definition dexprs m l es vs := list_map (expr m l) es (eq vs).
Definition dexpr m l k e v k' := expr m l k e (fun k'2 v2 => eq k' k'2 /\ eq v v2).
Definition dexprs m l k es vs k' := list_map' (expr m l) k es (fun k'2 vs2 => eq k' k'2 /\ eq vs vs2).
(* All cases except cmd.while and can be denoted by structural recursion
over the syntax.
For cmd.while and, we fall back to the operational semantics *)
Definition cmd_body (rec:_->_->_->_->_->Prop) (c : cmd) (t : trace) (m : mem) (l : locals)
(post : trace -> mem -> locals -> Prop) : Prop :=
Definition cmd_body (rec:_->_->_->_->_->_->Prop) (c : cmd) (k : leakage) (t : trace) (m : mem) (l : locals)
(post : leakage -> trace -> mem -> locals -> Prop) : Prop :=
(* give value of each pure expression when stating its subproof *)
match c with
| cmd.skip => post t m l
| cmd.skip => post k t m l
| cmd.set x ev =>
exists v, dexpr m l ev v /\
exists v k', dexpr m l k ev v k' /\
dlet! l := map.put l x v in
post t m l
post k' t m l
| cmd.unset x =>
dlet! l := map.remove l x in
post t m l
post k t m l
| sz ea ev =>
exists a, dexpr m l ea a /\
exists v, dexpr m l ev v /\
exists a k', dexpr m l k ea a k' /\
exists v k'', dexpr m l k' ev v k'' /\
store sz m a v (fun m =>
post t m l)
post (leak_word a :: k'') t m l)
| cmd.stackalloc x n c =>
Z.modulo n (bytes_per_word width) = 0 /\
forall a mStack mCombined,
forall mStack mCombined,
let a := pick_sp k in
anybytes a n mStack -> map.split mCombined m mStack ->
dlet! l := map.put l x a in
rec c t mCombined l (fun t' mCombined' l' =>
rec c (leak_unit :: k) t mCombined l (fun k' t' mCombined' l' =>
exists m' mStack',
anybytes a n mStack' /\ map.split mCombined' m' mStack' /\
post t' m' l')
post k' t' m' l')
| cmd.cond br ct cf =>
exists v, dexpr m l br v /\
(word.unsigned v <> 0%Z -> rec ct t m l post) /\
(word.unsigned v = 0%Z -> rec cf t m l post)
exists v k', dexpr m l k br v k' /\
(word.unsigned v <> 0%Z -> rec ct (leak_bool true :: k') t m l post) /\
(word.unsigned v = 0%Z -> rec cf (leak_bool false :: k') t m l post)
| cmd.seq c1 c2 =>
rec c1 t m l (fun t m l => rec c2 t m l post)
| cmd.while _ _ => Semantics.exec e c t m l post
rec c1 k t m l (fun k t m l => rec c2 k t m l post)
| cmd.while _ _ => LeakageSemantics.exec e c k t m l post
| binds fname arges =>
exists args, dexprs m l arges args /\ e fname t m args (fun t m rets =>
exists args k', dexprs m l k arges args k' /\ e fname (leak_unit :: k') t m args (fun k'' t m rets =>
exists l', map.putmany_of_list_zip binds rets l = Some l' /\
post t m l')
post k'' t m l')
| cmd.interact binds action arges =>
exists args, dexprs m l arges args /\
exists args k', dexprs m l k arges args k' /\
exists mKeep mGive, map.split m mKeep mGive /\
ext_spec t mGive action args (fun mReceive rets =>
ext_spec t mGive action args (fun mReceive rets klist =>
exists l', map.putmany_of_list_zip binds rets l = Some l' /\
forall m', map.split m' mKeep mReceive ->
post (cons ((mGive, action, args), (mReceive, rets)) t) m' l')
post (leak_list klist :: k') (cons ((mGive, action, args), (mReceive, rets)) t) m' l')
Fixpoint cmd c := cmd_body cmd c.
End WithFunctions.

Definition func call '(innames, outnames, c) (t : trace) (m : mem) (args : list word) (post : trace -> mem -> list word -> Prop) :=
Definition func call '(innames, outnames, c) (k : leakage) (t : trace) (m : mem) (args : list word) (post : leakage -> trace -> mem -> list word -> Prop) :=
exists l, map.of_list_zip innames args = Some l /\
cmd call c t m l (fun t m l =>
cmd call c k t m l (fun k t m l =>
list_map (get l) outnames (fun rets =>
post t m rets)).
post k t m rets)).

Definition program := cmd.
End WeakestPrecondition.
Notation call := (only parsing).
Notation call := (only parsing).

Ltac unfold1_cmd e :=
lazymatch e with
@cmd ?width ?BW ?word ?mem ?locals ?ext_spec ?CA ?c ?t ?m ?l ?post =>
@cmd ?width ?BW ?word ?mem ?locals ?ext_spec ?pick_sp ?CA ?c ?k ?t ?m ?l ?post =>
let c := eval hnf in c in
constr:(@cmd_body width BW word mem locals ext_spec CA
(@cmd width BW word mem locals ext_spec CA) c t m l post)
constr:(@cmd_body width BW word mem locals ext_spec pick_sp CA
(@cmd width BW word mem locals ext_spec pick_sp CA) c k t m l post)
Ltac unfold1_cmd_goal :=
let G := lazymatch goal with |- ?G => G end in
Expand All @@ -134,9 +151,9 @@ Ltac unfold1_cmd_goal :=

Ltac unfold1_expr e :=
lazymatch e with
@expr ?width ?word ?mem ?locals ?m ?l ?arg ?post =>
@expr ?width ?BW ?word ?mem ?locals ?m ?l ?k ?arg ?post =>
let arg := eval hnf in arg in
constr:(@expr_body width word mem locals m l (@expr width word mem locals m l) arg post)
constr:(@expr_body width BW word mem locals m l k (@expr width BW word mem locals m l k) arg post)
Ltac unfold1_expr_goal :=
let G := lazymatch goal with |- ?G => G end in
Expand All @@ -154,8 +171,21 @@ Ltac unfold1_list_map_goal :=
let G := unfold1_list_map G in
change G.

Ltac unfold1_list_map' e :=
lazymatch e with
@list_map' ?A ?B ?T ?P ?t ?arg ?post =>
let arg := eval hnf in arg in
constr:(@list_map'_body A B T P (@list_map' A B T P) t arg post)
Ltac unfold1_list_map'_goal :=
let G := lazymatch goal with |- ?G => G end in
let G := unfold1_list_map' G in
change G.

Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.

(*I'll deal with these notations later. Not sure what to do with them.*)

Notation "'fnspec!' name a0 .. an '/' g0 .. gn '~>' r0 .. rn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre ';' 'ensures' tr' mem' ':=' post '}'" :=
(fun functions =>
(forall a0,
Expand All @@ -164,7 +194,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name a0 .. an '/' g0 .. gn '~>' r0 .. rn ',' '{' 'requires'
.. (forall gn,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem (cons a0 .. (cons an nil) ..)
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
(exists r0,
Expand All @@ -188,7 +218,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name a0 .. an '/' g0 .. gn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre
.. (forall gn,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem (cons a0 .. (cons an nil) ..)
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
rets = nil /\ post))) ..)) ..))
Expand All @@ -206,7 +236,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name a0 .. an '~>' r0 .. rn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre
.. (forall an,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem (cons a0 .. (cons an nil) ..)
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
(exists r0,
Expand All @@ -228,7 +258,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name '/' g0 .. gn '~>' r0 .. rn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem :=
.. (forall gn,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem nil
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
(exists r0,
Expand All @@ -249,7 +279,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name a0 .. an ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre ';' 'ensures'
.. (forall an,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem (cons a0 .. (cons an nil) ..)
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
rets = nil /\ post))) ..))
Expand All @@ -266,7 +296,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name '/' g0 .. gn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre ';' 'ensu
.. (forall gn,
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem nil
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
rets = nil /\ post))) ..))
Expand All @@ -281,7 +311,7 @@ Notation "'fnspec!' name '~>' r0 .. rn ',' '{' 'requires' tr mem := pre ';' 'ens
(fun functions =>
(forall tr mem,
pre ->
functions name tr mem nil
(fun tr' mem' rets =>
(exists r0,
Expand Down

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