diff --git a/docs/help.md b/docs/help.md
index 7e062f2f9..91b2bc243 100644
--- a/docs/help.md
+++ b/docs/help.md
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ redirect_from: /community/help-and-feedback
key: Get help
parent: Using the design system
- order: 40
+ order: 50
The MoJ Design System team supports users of the MoJ Design System. Contact us to ask for help.
diff --git a/docs/roadmap.md b/docs/roadmap.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..20a42c457
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/roadmap.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+layout: layouts/plain.njk
+title: Roadmap
+ key: Roadmap
+ parent: Using the design system
+ order: 40
+This roadmap shows what the MoJ Design System team have recently done, is working on, and is planning to do.
+Some things on the roadmap might change – the purpose is to tell you what’s been done and what's coming up.
+## What's new
+This work has recently been released. [Sign up to get emails](https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1i7rinQINSjdQ6w_SChXqxQFTttPMgfcSfPamq8YRnP8/viewform) about future releases from the MoJ Design System.
+- **18 December 2024**
+The [MoJ content style guide](/content-standards/style-guide/) is now live.
+- **10 December 2024**
+The [interruption card component](/components/interruption-card/) is now live. Use it to help users understand possible errors and avoid serious mistakes.
+- **26 November 2024**
+We’ve archived the [password reveal component](/archive/password-reveal/). We recommend that teams use the [GOV.UK Design System password input](https://design-system.service.gov.uk/components/password-input/) instead.
+## What's coming next
+This work is planned in the team's [current](https://github.com/orgs/ministryofjustice/projects/92) and [future cycles](https://github.com/orgs/ministryofjustice/projects/92/views/1) and is unlikely to change.
+- Review and improve the [Banner component](/components/banner/)
+- Add JavaScript linting to follow [GDS standards](https://gds-way.digital.cabinet-office.gov.uk/manuals/programming-languages/js.html#linting)
+- Redesign the [home page](/) of the MoJ Design System documentation website
+- Improve the user experience of Figma libraries within MoJ
+- Prototype and test a community space and contribution form
+- Define a release strategy
+## What's coming later
+This work is being considered. The team is gaining confidence in this work but there's a chance that it could change.
+- Remove dependency on jQuery across the design system
+- Release a community space to encourage early share and reuse
+- Review and improve the [Timeline component](/components/timeline/)
+- Review and improve the [Notification badge component](/components/notification-badge/)