Rudimentary debug server. It supports user authentication and EHLO scenarios. Outside of the given scenarios will accept everything.
// Hostname to declare in welcome message.
hostname: "",
// Interface the server will bind too (default: ::).
bind: "::",
// Port the server will listen too (default: 25).
port: 25,
// Number of connections to be allowed in the backlog (default: 25).
backlog: 25,
// Maximum number of SMTP transactions to process ofver a connection.
transactionsLimit: 200,
// Number of SMTP errors to allow before terminating connection (default: 3).
errorLimit: 3,
// Advertise AUTH support (default: true).
auth: true,
// Advertise STARTTLS support (default: true).
starttls: true,
// Advertise CHUNKING support (default: true).
chunking: true,
// Java keystore (default: /usr/local/keystore.jks).
keystore: "/usr/local/keystore",
// Keystore password.
keystorepassword: "avengers",
// Email storage configuration.
storage: {
enabled: true,
// Path to storage folder.
path: "/usr/local/store",
// Auto clean storage on service start.
clean: true,
// Auto clean delete matching filenames only.
patterns: [
// Users allowed to authorize to the server.
users: [
name: "[email protected]",
pass: "giveHerTheRing"
// Predefined server response scenarios based on EHLO value.
scenarios: {
// Default scenario to use if no others match.
"*": {
rcpt: [
// Custom response for addresses matching value regex.
value: "friday\\-[0-9]+@example\\.com",
response: "252 I think I know this user"
// How to reject mail at different commands.
"": {
// Custom response for EHLO.
ehlo: "501 Not talking to you",
// Custom response for MAIL.
mail: "451 I'm not listening to you",
// Custom response for given recipients.
rcpt: [
value: "ultron@reject\\.com",
response: "501 Heart not found"
// Custom response for DATA.
data: "554 Your data is corrupted"
// How to configure TLS for failure using a deprecated version and weak cipher.
"": {
// Custom response for STARTTLS.
// STARTTLS also supports a list of protocols and ciphers to use handshake.
starttls: {
response: "220 You will fail",
protocols: ["TLSv1.0"],
ciphers: ["TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_CBC_SHA"],